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  1. D

    Quick space ship question

    I seem to remember when I played years ago that capturing an opponents cap would destroy his ship in flight. Does capturing the cap destroy the ship prior to launch or do you have to capture the city he built the Apollo Program in?
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    Can I beat the AP?

    I'll begin by apologizing for not doing better to this point. My only excuse is that its been a while and I didn't do a good job of making use of 6 deer in the cap and no happiness resources in my territory. So on to my question. I depended on Justinian to build the AP since he founded...
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    Because I'm lazy

    Just started playing IV again after 8 years with V and VI. Does anyone have a link to a good thread on diplomacy? Or how about leader parameters that determine what they are going to concentrate on? I've spent 15 minutes trying to find something and while I've read some good stuff, none on what...
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    I've seen a walkthrough where the combination of Pledging to Protect and the Consulates policy leads to friendship with all CS's. In my games the Pledge to Protect only gives 5 influence so the combo gives 25 instead of 30. Was there a patch put in that turfed the Protect influence to 5?
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    Predicting AI stack movement

    I wondered whether people had some general ideas regarding how the AI chooses to move its stack in response to a players attack. In my last game I was more careful to locate the AI stack prior to invasion and track its response to my troops. On two occasions I found that when I moved next to...
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    Is the choice to war ...

    or not, more personality dependent or map dependent? Or alternately, what triggers do you use to decide when to go to war? When I started playing Civ 4 at Prince level, I loved to rush. I could war in every age if I chose to and win handily. As I made my way to Emperor level I figured out...
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    editing domination limits

    Is there a way to increase the population and area limits for the domination vic?
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    Speeding up wars

    I'm pretty conservative, and in general I would expect that my wars take longer than necessary. So I just wanted to get some feedback on some questions/ideas that could speed up conquests. Initial consideration in war is the SOD, theirs and mine. It seems that after the AI SOD is gone it...
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    Foreign corporations

    I'm pretty comfortable with the dynamics of corporations that I found and spread to myself to gain the various benefits. However, I haven't thought much about foreign corporation spread. The following are the ideas that I've held concerning foreign corps. 1. It costs more to spread them 2...
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    how does the ai handle nukes?

    After playing civ 4 for a year, I've got my first game where an ai has built the MP. I've got a few questions about how the ai handles nukes. 1. If it builds MP does it automatically start building nukes if it has uranium? 2. Is there a way to predict what it's targets will be if it uses...
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    Quick AP question

    In a current game I've had expand by taking on the civs that are in the AP faith (Conf). Of course I've had to 'defy' a lot to keep campaigns going and to keep captured cities. I just recently captured the AP city. Questions: As the owner of the AP, will I automatically be on the ballot...
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    Guide to Decision Making Based on Commerce, Hammers and Food

    Civ 4 is a very complicated game. Much more so than its predecessors. In Civ 3 population was king. There was never a question whether to found a new city and there was a very simplistic terrain improvement scheme. Not so in Civ 4. With the help of the forums I've been able to advance my...
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    Whipping exercise

    In my current game I'm working on become more efficient in whipping. I typically whip a fair amount, but with little attention to details (overflow, queue swapping, etc.). So at this point in my game I'm preparing for a war and want to see if anyone has a suggestion for how to most efficiently...
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    Questions about favorite religions

    To make it simple Cathy founded confuscionism I recently captured the Holy city for Christianity (interestingly enough, also the founding city of Judaism) and want to spread it for economic benefits. I note that Cathy's favorite religion is Christianity. Hence the question, if I spread...
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    vassal economy?

    ....not forever, but at least for a while The game is emperor, fractal continents, epic, large and I'm JC. Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity all founded on other continent. On my continent there are Lincoln (conf.) Pericles, Darius (jewish). I've got plenty of room to set up 10 cities...
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    simple waypoint question

    Can someone tell me how to remove a city's waypoint?
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    Industrial Age military buildup; draft/slave/build/buy?

    I'm getting my first experience with a food/hammer based economy in the industrial age and I'm looking for help figuring out the most efficient way to build troops during a military phase. Since I'm looking at a hammer based economy I'm assuming 'buying' is out since it requires building...
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    What can I get for Biology?

    I'm running a hammer economy and the tech situation is pretty much even at ScM. Remaining opponents of consequence are Hanni, Willie on my continent and DeGaule, Sury overseas. Everyone has Constitution on me (no problem right now since I have Mids) and Willie has Communism. My mid range...
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    Cataphracts, are they worth it?

    It my first game as Justinian. I'm wondering whether its worth it to emphasize my tech path for early cataphracts. Maybe forgo the Aesthetics line, Philosophy and the Liberalism race for early stable, vassalage, theocracy fed cataphracts. Anyone had any good/bad experiences with...
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    GLH and Corporation

    A question that I got from my most recent game. Got Willie randomly with a 3 seafood start. Rushed Pacal and Mutual was also a 3 seafood city with some islands visible, so I elected to go for the GLH. It was a fractal map but 7 of my 10 initial cities were coastal. I took out Ragnar with...
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