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  1. K

    Better City Sites AI

    My new task for dune wars will be helping the ai in deciding where to found a new city. If done right, this could not only boost ai competition in general, but also give better starting locations. I can't do this on my own. It will need a lot of balancing and testing before we will have any...
  2. K

    AI initial native city placement help

    When I start a new game in C4C, there are already native cities placed all over the map. Anyone knows where this placement is controlled? Thx! :)
  3. K

    No sendApplyEvent in 3.19?

    Hi, I'm currently working on a mercenary sytem for Dune wars mod. I created a screen: Now when I click on a button in that screen I want to apply an event in Normally I would do that with CyMessageControl().sendApplyEvent, but there is no more sendApplyEvent in 3.19...
  4. K

    [ModComp] Home Cities on Map - playable beta

    Home Cities on Map Beta 002b - A modcomp for Mare Nostrum After releasing two tech demos I further improved the concept of placing home cities on map and reached a state, where you can risk a game. :) Concept: I made a special version of the inland sea map script with similar...
  5. K

    About Soundtrack

    I made a first attempt for a soundtrack for Mare Nostrum. It's included in the Mare Nostrum Beta 002 download. Most of the music is taken from Europa Barbarorum (a mod for Rome: Total War: Many thanks for this go out to cybrxkhan. He also provided...
  6. K

    1.08 issues

    Dale, nice work. :) But I have some problems: - Diplomacy isn't working for me. :( Always got that Python Exception: File "CvDiplomacyInterface", line 15, in beginDiplomacy Attribute Error: 'CyGame' object has no attribute 'inDiplomacy' - Pirates showed up in Turn 0 - not a...
  7. K

    [MODCOMP] New advisor screens (Col1-like)

    Hi! I'm working on a re-design of the advisor screens. I want to change them back how they were in Colonization 1. I began with Europe screen and the Continental Congress some month ago. New update (Europe screen 4.1): Changelog: - replaced the old Col1 background with a...
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