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  1. Thunder_Gr

    On Life and Death. Facts and Myths

    Many things have been written about Life and Death in human history. Most religions have emerged at some point, in an attempt to explain why there is Life and Death. Many theories have been expressed about the Soul and the Afterlife. After so many years of human history, we are still at square...
  2. Thunder_Gr

    Spell reworking for FF

    I believe that the spell system has been left out of development for a long time, especially concerning the Arcane units. What I intend to do is provide 2 lines for each spell sphere, one Normal and one Offensive. The choice of lines will be made on the first level of the sphere. In case of...
  3. Thunder_Gr

    Civilipedia Errors and Missing Entries

    Great. Here is a list of Heros And here are the buidings
  4. Thunder_Gr

    SDK Code Debugging

    I have noticed the bug thread to have start containing lots of SDK code that most people don't understand and are confused. I thought that it would be nice if there was another thread that we could post SDK code fixes and test code, without cluttering the bug thread with this info.
  5. Thunder_Gr

    An Interesting(?) report for debuging

    OK, I do not know what you are going to make out of it, but I hope it will help. So, I was playing an FF game using Malakim+ Rerelease modmod, with the Malakim. Everything well, until, near turn 185 the game starts CTDing. After I test it 5 times, and see the CtD is unrecoverable,(last...
  6. Thunder_Gr

    Order vs Ashen Veil

    I think this is an interesting chance to see what most people think about these exact opposites. I tend to think that Order is more powerful than AV. But, of course, it also matters which civ uses the one or the other. Valin and Sphener complement eachother, supported by...
  7. Thunder_Gr

    Do you want MagisterCultuum to release his mod to the community?

    So, people, vote freely!
  8. Thunder_Gr

    Magic Usage & Magic Resistance, an idea

    As it is now, magic resistance comes after Combat III and Combat promotions give +5 to spell damage and empower promotions to summons. I think that it would be a good idea to have magic resistance available from the beginning, and tie the spell damage and empower promotions to the magic...
  9. Thunder_Gr

    Please STOP nerfing magic!!

    As the patches are released, magic is being constantly nerfed... Crown of Brilliance from 80% to 60%, Maelstorm from 50% to 30%!!! So what's next? Fireballs from 4 to 3? In a while there will be no reason to play focusing on magic... It is already an issue that there are too few offensive...
  10. Thunder_Gr

    Open Borders Agreements

    I do not know if this has been asked before, but I find it strange to have a -(minus) modification for "Our Closed borders spark tensions" when having open borders agreement with a civilization... Does anyone know why this is happening?
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