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  1. O

    Monarch Madness

    I've been following some of the shadow games, and decided to play above my level of incompetence and try monarch. My goal was just to survive to 1AD. Actually made it past 1000AD, but the game is not in the best of shape. I've learned the diplomacy is critical and that I whip far too seldom...
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    Good start for experimenting

    Those who play at my level of incompetence (or maybe higher levels) may find this start of interest. It's one of the more player friendly maps I've ever rolled, and I found it good for experimenting. It's on Noble at Epic speed. I tried several different approaches with the objective of...
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    Game needs improvement

    I've never posted a shadow game before and thought I'd give a whirl. I can usually win at Noble, occasionally on Prince. I play at epic speed with the BAT mod. I'd like to improve my early game research - best I can usually manage is around 100 BPT by 1AD. I can always get six cities by...
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    Expansion vs. Warfare

    Returning to Civ4 after getting lost in Morrowind and Oblivion for a while. I've been playing random shuffle maps at Noble, standard speed. Recently, I' found myself on several maps with lots of room and a couple of neighbors. In those cases, expansion seems to be the best option, but I...
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    Economic Question

    I just finished a game with a Big and Small map where the Big was absolutely huge. In fact, I don't think I've ever seen so much land on a map. When I finished the game, I was ranked first in everything except Imports/Exports where I was dead last (by a considerable margin). I stayed in State...
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    One Big Happy Family

    Currently playing a fractal map, Prince level, as Hammy. I share a landmass with Qin, Augustus, and Lizzie. No other civs in sight yet. Liz found Hinduism and everybody converted. Now, we're all happy with each other. Unclaimed land for further expansion is about gone, I have the biggest...
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    Random vs Unpredictable

    On several of the map choices, Medium and Small for example, you have to choose your continent type. One of the choices is "Random" and another is "Unpredictable." Just curious as to the distinction. To me, unpredictable isn't much different from random.
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    How does he do it?

    I know Mansa Musa is a notorious tech whore, but this is ridiculous! I'm playing as Darius, epic speed, noble difficulty. I'm sharing a smallish continent with Mansa, and I have seven cities to his three. I have three cities with libraries and two scientists in each of the three...
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    Oil distribution

    Has this happened to anyone else? Twice now, I have gained control of a large portion of my landmass only to find that Scientific Method reveals no oil in sight. It's either on the edges within an empire I've already vassalized or on an adjacent landmass occupied by a hostile civ. I'm...
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    University Question

    Just finished a game on Prince. Not an impressive win (Conquest in 1970), but personally significant because this is almost the first time I've ever won without using a Fin or Org leader. Drew Sitting Bull on a random start and managed to muddle through:D. My question on Universities...
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    Another request for advice

    I've recently moved up to Prince and gotten two wins (one with some much appreciated advice from the community). Since my second win, I've been doing OK but usually bow to the inevitable around 1750 AD or so and admit defeat. This game is personally significant because this is the first time...
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    Finally made the jump to Prince, and...

    won one of my first game using JC and the Praets. (I now, it's almost cheating, but good intro I think). Since then, have had difficulty getting traction, and usually wind up in a lost situation by about 1200AD. Read the guide to first win on Prince by Jonezee, which was a big help. Doing...
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    Where do I go from here?

    This is where my games usually lose focus. I think my economy, military, and technology are in fairly good shape, but I have too many unhappy cities. I think HC and/or Cathy are about to invade. I'm worried about striking first because I suspect Toku will backstab. But, if I go after Toku...
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