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  1. cherrysnowdrop

    A few cultural victory questions

    Hello, I've been trying to improve my cultural victories recently, and I've read a lot of the threads and strategies about cultural victories and they've been a great help. I have a general idea about my tech path, how many cities to have, how to handle diplomacy, ect. However I have a few...
  2. cherrysnowdrop

    I'm in a bit of a rut :)

    Hi everyone, Being a very mediocre civ player, every game I play seem to be the same, since I always make a mistake somewhere, but can't figure out when :p. I have no idea how to get a domination, conquer or diplomatic victory, so each game is basically the same: pathetically get 3-4...
  3. cherrysnowdrop

    Leaders mixed!

    Okay, this is no big problem but it annoys me a little so I'd appreciate a little help. :) For quite some time, Qin Shi Huang and Kublai Khan images got mixed! When I get leader Kublai Khan I get Huang's image, and vice versa. Although it's funny to watch Khan have a tantrum with the Chinese...
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