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  1. BvBPL

    [RD] Biden v. Biden

    In 1994, Sen. Joe Biden, then chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee and the most powerful legislator in the realm of law enforcement, authored, with heavy input from police union lobbyists, the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act, often called the Biden Crime Law or the Clinton Crime...
  2. BvBPL

    [RD] Will Joe Biden Undo Errors of Past Governments?

    President-elect Biden has committed to undoing the errors of past administrations early in his presidency. Let's take a look at some of those past mistakes and see what Biden might do to correct them. This is a forward-looking examination at how a Biden administration may review the sins of...
  3. BvBPL

    Did Raistlin Cast “Summon Jerks”?

    I logged onto a social medium site today, and someone posted in a D&D group about Weis & Hickman suing Hasbro over the cancelation of a Dragonlance book deal. A band of dweebs correlated the cancelation and lawsuit with recent representation issues, perceived or otherwise, in Dungeons and...
  4. BvBPL

    [RD] Should anabolic steroids be illegal for the general population?

    Anabolic steroids are generally illegal for use by the general population for the purposes of improving physique and performance. Should they be illegal? Why or why not? Some caveats to the topic at hand: Steroids also have therapeutic uses, for example steroids are highly effective at...
  5. BvBPL

    [RD] The Amazing Spider-Man in the House of Mouse

    Sony and Disney are in negotiations for a deal to keep Sony’s Spider-Man movie franchise (the one with Holland, not the Oscar-winning “Enter the Spiderverse”) in Disney’s Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). Basically, Spider-Man is a Marvel property, meaning it’s now owned by Disney, but Sony has...
  6. BvBPL

    [RD] August 16, 2018: A Pressing Exercise in Futility

    Tomorrow, hundreds of press outlets will join with the Boston Globe in condemning Pres. Trump’s attacks on the press. This will be a pointless, nonsensical exercise. It’s repetitive. The press has been rightly offended by Pres. Trump’s attacks on the fourth estate for years, and has...
  7. BvBPL

    [RD] Safe Travels

    New Yorker cover for August 20, 2018. “Safe Travels” by R. Kikou Johnson. What does it mean? What does it mean to you? An explanation that you shouldn’t read follows below. Seriously, don’t read the spoiler. Just tell us what you think. In fact, tell us what you think before you read...
  8. BvBPL

    [RD] One Step Forward, Two Steps Back at the DNC

    In June, the DNC announced it would refuse to accept donations from fossil fuel companies, taking a step towards embracing the new energy economy. Huzzah! This month, the DNC reversed that policy. Okay, Xochitl Hinojosa says it wasn’t a reversal, but Hinojosa is basically Sarah Saunders for...
  9. BvBPL

    [RD] Europe Pushes for Extra-Territorial Taxation of Digital Economy

    This year, the European Union has been pushing for “Fair Taxation of the Digital Economy.” The proposals would expand the understanding of what digital companies are subject to taxation in what countries. As it presently stands, an entity can’t be taxed by a country unless it has some presence...
  10. BvBPL

    Democrat Lobs Accusations of Bigfoot Love Against Opponent…

    …As if that is something to be ashamed of. People around the world love large, hairy, naked men. So what if GOP candidate for Virginia’s Fifth Denver Riggleman is one of them? It seems astonishing that Leslie Cockburn, who is running on the so-called inclusive Democratic party, would attack a...
  11. BvBPL

    Flyover-Country Dems Release Loopy List of Demands

    So it’s come to this: Gem State Democrats have released a list of nutty “demands” as their party platform. This platform demonstrates how so-called “progressives” seek to upend American politics by pushing through populist policies at odds with traditional values. For example, take a look at...
  12. BvBPL

    [RD] Europe to Dictate US Citizenship Laws

    The European Parliament recently passes resolution 2018/2646(RSP), a measure that, in part, paves the way to redefining who is and who is not a citizen of the United States. The resolution calls upon the European Union to open negotiations with the United States with the goal of permitting US...
  13. BvBPL

    [RD] Schumer Refuses to Endorse Legislative End to Family Separation

    In April, Attorney General Sessions announced a zero-tolerance policy towards illegal immigration, a policy that mandated the separation of illegal immigrant families, children from their parents. In the past few weeks, there has been a public uproar over the application of the policy to the...
  14. BvBPL

    [RD] Court Says “First Come, First Served” Violates Constitution, Landlords can say to Whom They Rent

    Seattle passed a law in 2016 staying that a landlord cannot refuse a renter who means the qualifications for the apartment to be rented. Called “first come, first served,” or "first-in-time," the first in the nation law required a landlord to rent to the first party that comes along who passes...
  15. BvBPL

    Guns and Bunny

    In what I think people refer to by the euphemism “poor optics,” President Trump gave a curious address on Monday before the 140th White House Easter Egg Roll. To open a playtime event intended for the enjoyment of children, Mr. Trump announced that the US military “will soon be at a level that...
  16. BvBPL

    Ready Player One

    I saw the movie Ready Player One this weekend. I didn’t like it. The primary antagonist in the movie is a guy named Sorrento, played by Ben Mendelsohn who goes through much of the movie doing his best Paul Gleason impression. Sorrento runs a generic evil corporation that wants to take over...
  17. BvBPL

    Braving the Blue Jungles in Search of the Lesser American Donkey Voter

    Over the past two years or so, we’ve been treated to plethora of stories about expeditions deep into red states to determine why people in flyover country voted for Trump. These have occasionally smacked of the same tone used by early anthropologists in writing out about meeting tribes divorced...
  18. BvBPL

    [RD] No More Democrats Who Focus Excessively on Complaints About Donald Trump

    For much of the last two years, Democrat leadership has been sorely lacking any premise other than opposing now-President Trump. Democrats have been matching the puerile with the childishness of sticking their thumbs to Trump. The effort expended to condemn Trump hasn’t gotten the Democrats...
  19. BvBPL

    CitiBank to Dictate to Merchants the Age at Which Customers Can Buy Guns

    Citibank has stated it will require its merchant-clients to restrict gun sales in the United States to purchasers of 21 years or older. Citibank joins Dick’s Sporting Goods and Wal*Mart and other retailers who have sworn off selling firearms to individuals less than 21 years of age. 18 years...
  20. BvBPL

    [RD] Europe Dictates Caribbean Tax Policy

    The Organization of Economic Cooperation and Economic Development (OECD), a Euro-centric international body, is committed to advocating for tax transparency and asset-information sharing systems across the world. It has deployed a Common Reporting Standard (CRS) whereby banks must share the...
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