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  1. Terran Empress

    Happy Birthday Omega

    A very happy birthday to our resident spymistress, pokemon trainer, and Tactician. I hope you had a wonderful one <3 Have some Lucina pics.
  2. Terran Empress


    The happiest of birthday wishes to everyone's favorite Lucina lover and all around wonderful gal, have the bestest of birthdays and I hope that the celebration never ends. Love ya Megmeg <3
  3. Terran Empress

    Happy Birthday Megan! <3

    Heppi burfdei to our favorite New Yorker and best girl :3
  4. Terran Empress

    Happy Birthday Crezth

    Happy Birthday Crezth :D Thanks for putting up with our crap and being one of the best mods we've had :) here is to another year :)
  5. Terran Empress

    Terra IOT: Roll to Rule

    Hello, this is a very very simple IOT, since we were discussing it on chat something I want is a very simple IOT that takes just a few minutes to do orders, so here is Terra IOT: Roll to Rule. Based very loosely on Roll to Dodge, in this IOT RNGesus reigns supreme, and your actions are all...
  6. Terran Empress


    /glomps I hope my BF has an amazing 23rd birthday ^-^ :love: (ps everyone go searching for "Katia Managan Happy Birthday" on image search, like a good chunk the hits are for another IOTer birthday :p )
  7. Terran Empress

    IOT MMO Guild

    So if you weren't on chat when I was talking about it with mosher, Me and him would really like to start up a guild in an MMO for us. So if you are interested please say so, and give a few suggestions for an MMO you would enjoy to play, at which point we can either make a straw poll or a...
  8. Terran Empress

    Happy birthday civ g

    WHY AM I MAKING ALL THE BIRTHDAY THREADS?! :D Anyways, Happy Birthday CivG! I know other people have said it before in Argentina, but i'm here to make a thread :D Hope you had/are having a wonderful birthday :D /hugs all around :3
  9. Terran Empress

    Happy Birthday Ogane!

    Hey Ogane, I know you don't get on often, but its always nice when you are. Happy Birthday lil bro. :)
  10. Terran Empress

    Happy birthday jk

    Yay Happy Birthday, Johanna :p um, I'm bad at this stuff, I don't know why I am the one making the thread. :p sooo, Happy Birthday my friend.
  11. Terran Empress

    Happy Birthday AA!

    ash--9kuiO8 AA, I'm not as sentimental or as good as writing as Tani, but Happy Birthday! May your antics and silliness last a Thousand Years!
  12. Terran Empress

    Fallout IOT: Back in the USSR

    It begins. :p Welcome to the (will not number) attempt for me to run an IOT, This time I actually intend to get it running. SPECIAL Like in Fallout and the previous Fallout IOT games every state has 7 stats that, in addition to role play, affect every action your state takes, instead of some...
  13. Terran Empress


    Screw it Im running a game This is simple, and easy. Pick 20 25 provinces. Give you country A: Name Flag color Government basic history/general culture of your country anything else you want Powergaming will be tolerated to a certain extent. Ponies welcomed and encouraged :p No other...
  14. Terran Empress

    IOT Civ V Play by Email

    For all of you interested, I am going to start a Civ V Play by Email, so this thread is here for those of you who would like to join, we will also talk about settings and civilizations to play as. I will also be inviting one my IRL friends to join in with us so I will probably be posting for...
  15. Terran Empress

    Fallout IOT Third Times the Charm

    Fallout IOT This will be an Role play heavy game those who role play will be given bonuses Pick 3 territories, name your nation, and provide a short description and history. Map: Keep nations realistic in a post nuclear-apocalyptic world, but please include nations other than humans...
  16. Terran Empress

    Terran IOT

    Terran IOT Welcome great leader, your have united your people by what ever means possible, and they have recently left your home planet and have started to colonize the galaxy. However as you will soon find out, you are not alone in the galaxy. And you are in fact just a new comer to an already...
  17. Terran Empress

    Fallout IOT Redux

    Fallout IOT Hey guys its back, sorry the first one never got started, but I have streamlined things now, the SPECIAL is still there but it affects things directly now. This will be an Role play heavy game those who role play will be given bonuses Pick 3 territories, name your nation, and...
  18. Terran Empress

    Fallout IOT

    Fallout IOT Ok this is my first time as an IOT Host so I'm going to shake things up a bit. Since Fallout is a Post Apocalyptic Role Playing Game this IOT will be more like an RPG each nation will have a set of stats, and a set of “skills” to help define their nation. This will be an...
  19. Terran Empress

    Corporations for Civ V

    You know I would love to see more stuff for Civ V, be it DLC civs, Expansions, or even other DLC that adds one little new concept or thing. Yes I would love to see diplomacy improved and I personally like this idea, with at lest one tweak where you can get a false claim Casus Belli addition. But...
  20. Terran Empress

    Minecraft mod for Civ V, need help

    Ok so i want to make a mod that adds a minecraft civ into the game, i have done basic Civ IV moding and i know how to add a civ to that game, but i want to know how much different modding Civ V compared to Civ IV, also i would like some one to go over the basic idea for the Minecraft Civ that i...
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