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  1. G

    Quo's Combined Tweaks

    Got to the 'Version History' Tab and select the version you want to download. Just extract the folder into the civ 6 mod folder in your windows user 'Documents' folder
  2. G

    Remove buildings from District

    This is mostly aimed at the Encampment, but is there any way to change from the barracks to the stable without destroying the encampment itself?
  3. G

    Sukritact's Civ Selection Screen

    Small but wonderful looking change. Thanks Sukritact.
  4. G

    Highlighted Miasma Clouds

    This made me laugh, remind me of the pimples in the dx9 version of Civ V ... but larger!
  5. G

    Hint: How to disable Depth of Field

    I disabled the UI Blur, DOF and both Blooms. Game looks Beautiful now, so longer ugly and depressing.
  6. G

    Livestream #4, September 4th

    Hopefully they will have fixed the audio, though I won't hold my breath.
  7. G

    3.3.4 Jungle removal bug

    Just went to build a farm on a Jungle tile that is beside a river. When I clicked on the build farm button, the Jungle immediately disappeared rather then needing to be cut down.
  8. G

    3.2.1 Dutch Sea Beggar not showing up in the research tree

    ok, I didn;t know that. Hopefully they will get something useful if there losing the Sea Beggar.
  9. G

    3.2.1 Dutch Sea Beggar not showing up in the research tree

    I just started a random game and got the Dutch. Unfortunately the Sea Beggar doesn't seem to be in the research tree. Not sure if it's just a small visual bug or it's actually none existant. I'll report back when i get to Navigation.
  10. G

    OP and UP units

    I just remembered that the Assyrians also have their Royal Library that gives training XP equivalent to the having a barracks. Though you need one piece of Great Writing, but thats not hard to get.
  11. G

    OP and UP units

    Does anyone else feel like the Siege Tower for Assyria is a bit OP? They get a 200% versus cities, which is just ridiculous and brings there 12 damage up to 24, and they have a sapper ability that give +50% to all units withing 2 tiles. Couple this with a GG and a few units and you're a giant...
  12. G

    any news about new multi-player features?

    Just loked up some more info on it. So it's for asynchronous play?
  13. G

    any news about new multi-player features?

    As far as I know they have Spectator mode and I think they Pitboss was coming with BNW, though not sure. The questions I have are: Who want to spectate a game? and what exactly is pitboss compared to regular MP? The only thing i know that allows you to play MP with mods is Giant Multiplayer...
  14. G

    I must have pleased the wonder gods

    In all my 650 hours with Civ V I've never seen it that close. Usually it's off by itself in the middle of the ocean. What are the yields for krakatoa?
  15. G

    New terrain graphics

    wow! The new forest and jungle look more lush and less samey now. What other graphics were updated?
  16. G

    will BNW work with Windows 8.1

    Civ V and Gods and Kings worked out of the box for me at Windows 8 launch, so my guess would be yes. It's not a fake start button. The start button is for all those people who refuse to use the keyboard to get back to the start screen. It's been that way for XP, Vista and 7. Also how is the...
  17. G

    Pre-Order Brave New World

    $20.25? That's not cheap. I just got it off GMG for $9. I feel like a child who just got away with stealing a cookie! :D I used the 25% off code, then used my $10 of GMG credit, and then i traded in three small games that GMG gave me for free a while ago. :D
  18. G

    Civ V crashes on mod saves unless steam verified

    Everytime I play mods the games runs and play perfectly fine, but then when i try to reload the game it crashes. After doing various tests it seems that in order to get the game to load the mod saves I need to verify the game, which then proceeds to download 2 files. The problem is that I need...
  19. G

    Civ IV Diplomacy Features Mod

    Excellent, I was just about to post here about crashing.
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