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  1. M

    Deity Challenge #28 - Sweden

    Hello, weekend's coming and it's time for a new Deity Challenge! This time, you'll be playing with good buddy Gustavus Adolphus. But why Sweden, you might ask, considering it's not even a new civ? At least in theory, Sweden seems to be one of the old civs that benefits the most from BnW. The...
  2. M

    Deity Challenge #26 - Brazil

    So, been waiting for a while until someone posted a DC with Brave New World, and since it's been a week and nobody did it I'll go ahead and post one. In this game, you'll be playing with Pedro II, my namesake! In my opinion, Brazil is a very hard to play civ at Deity level, simply because...
  3. M

    Diplo wins - still stupid

    I just lost a game where I went Diplo and had 14 allied City-States one turn before the vote. Why? An AI bought off every CS right before the vote and I lost (even though I bought them back before I voted on my turn). Of course, I loaded, declared war on EVERY AI civ the turn before the vote...
  4. M

    Changing a civ's starting bias

    Since The Netherlands' bias suck (I've rerolled 30 maps already and couldn't get a SINGLE ocean + marsh/floodplains start, even one or two tiles), I've tried to "fix" it by directly writing new lines on the XML file. Obviously, it didn't work. Is there any "easy" way to do it, or would I...
  5. M

    Stupid Great Prophets

    So, one of the biggest difficulties I'm having at Deity right now is how the AI loves to throw Prophets over and over at your capital and force you to spend your faith with Inquisitors... Isn't there any way to stop a Prophet, besides DoWing and stealing it? (I tend to play peaceful games, so...
  6. M

    When to research Optics (Archipelago maps)?

    Title says it all: Where do you fit in Optics on a regular opening where you still want to build HS/PT (Deity difficulty)? Of course, the question assumes you NEED to find land to settle. I usually do it after Theology, but on some games you start on a tiny island with room for like 1-2 cities...
  7. M

    Wonders (and whiffing on them) playing Deity

    What kind of timetable you follow when deciding to go for an early Wonder (considering you're alone on the map and don't need to build a lot of troops early, as this usually precludes any Ancient or Classical stuff)? I usually go GL when I can complete it around turn 35-40, and Oracle straight...
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