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  1. M

    [BTS] How do missiles work?

    I've found a lot of great info about the mechanics behind air combat, but I can't find anything that does a deep dive on missiles. Do Guided Missiles just use the same damage formula as Air Strikes, aside from not having a max damage? Or is it something different? Do modifiers for the target...
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    Cultural Conquest Challenge

    I posted a thread about this years ago (man like almost a decade ago, ouch) but it's one of my favourite challenges so I figured it's definitely worth sharing again. Settings: Players: 18 Map Size: Duel Map Type: Pangaea Always Peace enabled All victory conditions except Conquest disabled You...
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    [BNW] Crash at Loading Screen

    For some reason, recently my game has begun crashing to desktop at the loading screen (the pre-game loading screen, where it has your civ overview, not the loading screen for the entire game). This came out of nowhere, and happens no matter what settings I apply. I have not installed any new...
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    Making Great Prophets "Great"

    To me, this is another part of the game that's always bugged me a bit: In spite of Priest specialists being pretty solid (especially if buffed), I don't like running them because IMHO Great Prophets are the worst GP. I mean, Great Scientists are powerful early game, Great Merchants are...
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    Balancing Economy Civics

    So after over a decade of playing this game religiously, I've just now gotten into modding it, heh. The first thing I'm looking at doing is making a minimalist "balance changes" patch that irons out some of the issues the game's had that's always bugged me, but I need some input on that. To...
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    Lategame Slowdown

    Hey everyone, seems this forum is pretty dead these days, but no worries. I just started playing FFH (I know, I know), and so far I'm loving it. Really well-done mod, and so far every new unit and civ I encounter has been an exciting experience. The one thing really holding me back from...
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    Changing Music Set In-game

    Is it possible to tell the game to switch a civ's music set partway through? So, for example, to reflect Byzantium's shifting culture, would I be able to have them use the Europe music, and then when they hit the Renaissance era, have them switch and start using the Middle East music? I mean...
  8. M

    Is It Possible To Balance SPs Without Nerfing Rationalism?

    I'm leaning towards "no." In fact, if it were up to me, I'd axe Rationalism altogether. Maybe replace it with an SP tree devoted to espionage, or something like that - but this is probably beyond the scope of a community patch. To me, the big issue with Rationalism is that it's...
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    Getting Some Weird Errors

    So I've decided to get my feet wet with the whole modding thing. It always bothered me a bit that Germany was so military focused despite historically producing the lion's share of influential composers, scientists, philosophers, theologians, engineers, etc. So I decided to make a new...
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    Mod Questions - What Is Possible?

    Two questions for two separate mods I'm interested in doing, wondering if they're possible. First, I would love to have era-specific music a la Civ 4. How possible is this to achieve? Second, I'd like to beef the AI up a bit by editing leader personalities to make them more competitive and...
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    The Golden Rule Of CivBE

    It is not SMAC 2. It's a spiritual successor in the sense that just as SMAC was Civ 2 in space, Civ BE is Civ 5 in space. However, it is not a remake of SMAC, it is not a sequel to SMAC, and even at this stage it looks as though it will be quite different from SMAC. In other words...
  12. M

    Bring Back The United Nations!

    The World Congress has made the UN completely obsolete, but I do hate to see a wonder disappear. I think it would be cool to see the UN reappear, updated for BNW. Perhaps it could give you a diplomat with every other civ, or bonus delegates. Any thoughts?
  13. M

    What Is The Optimal Great Library Tech?

    When you get a free tech from TGL, in your opinion which is the best one to grab? Ever pull off any crazy slingshots to get medieval techs? As far as I can tell, IW is usually your best bet.
  14. M

    Louis XIV Is A Cunning Jerk

    I trounced him in a war, and he offers to surrender, giving me one of his cities in return. This is it. Does the AI do stuff like this intentionally?
  15. M

    Rate The Buildings!

    So I saw this idea mentioned in another thread. We generally tend to see a ton of "Best UU and/or UB" threads, but I haven't seen one in quite a while dealing with buildings in general. This is a problem. Why? Well because buildings are a huge and potentially dangerous part of the game...
  16. M

    So, How Much Do You Use Espionage? Take 2

    This is something I've been wondering recently - how much do people, on average, use espionage? Is it commonly overlooked? Or an integral part of the game?
  17. M

    Civ = SimCity?

    Okay. Check this out. With everything going on with SimCity V, I feel like the Civ series and the SimCity series are totally analogous for one another. Civilization and SimCity were both pioneers in their respective genres. Civilization 2 and SimCity 2000 both became kind of the "staple"...
  18. M

    MilesBeyond's Big List of Balance Tweaks

    So this is just a list I came up with of things in the game that could stand to be rebalanced a bit. I'm not addressing UBs/UUs at all, as that would be a massive undertaking (changes to base buildings and units would also apply to their respective UBs/UUs though). I'm not nerfing anything, my...
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    Best Traits For REXing?

    I've always been a tall empire kind of guy, but I want to try a game where I do the whole wide empire thing instead, and I was wondering what the best traits are for REXing. I'm thinking that ORG, EXP and IMP are the top three (lower maintenance, higher health + faster workers and granaries...
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    Explain Why the Landcrap (Landsknecht) Is Terrible

    This is one thing that's always confused me. Usually when there's a post on Best/Worst UU (which is, what, once a week? :lol:) Landsknecht almost always manages to snag a place as one of the absolute worst UUs. My question is: Why? I've never played as HRE, so I've never used them, but I...
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