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  1. ImperialChaos

    In Game Editor.

    Hey, The IGE was my favorite mod for CIV V. Is such a mod possible for CIV VI? Is it being worked on? Maybe its already out but I haven't found it? Please let me know guys. If it is not out yet, but is possible, I think someone should work on it. That and Infoaddict were the best two mods for...
  2. ImperialChaos

    What is causing these graphical glitches? (different mods active)

    I've been playing with mods for the past couple of days. 15 minutes into the game the art of buildings, civs, units, etc. start to become blank, have weird patterns, and the art completely disappears. Here's one picture: Mods: AMC Greek Epic Ancient Mediterranean civs Amer-Asian resources...
  3. ImperialChaos

    Opinions you had about BNW that changed after actually playing it.

    I think we all had opinions about certain things in BNW as we were fed info about it. However, after playing it, some of them might have changed. For me: Venice. Right when I heard about it I thought it was a joke. A city-state that can't annex. After playing it, though, it is rather...
  4. ImperialChaos

    Cool Civilization V Screenshots.

    I had this idea for a thread awhile now and saw it discussed in the funny screenshots thread as well. Since it hasn't been pursued thus far (I hope because there is not another thread already like it) I have decided to create it. Basically, unlike the funny screenshots thread which contains...
  5. ImperialChaos

    Do you change the name of the leader or civilization when you play?

    I know some people might choose their own name or a fictional character, but when you play, do you change the name of the leader and civilization to suit your own style? For instance I usually change Harun al- Rashid of Arabia to Saladin, or change Wu Zetian to Qin Shi Huang. I also sometimes...
  6. ImperialChaos

    Questions about Brave New World that don't deserve their own thread.

    So instead of making new threads asking simple questions about the new expansion. Any questions that are simple in nature and can be answered with no discussion needed should be asked in this thread and save the board from being overwhelmed with countless threads asking simple questions...
  7. ImperialChaos

    Is anyone else excited for the new scenarios?

    I'm a serious American Civil War buff so the inclusion of this scenario in a Civ game is making my hype for the expansion tenfold. But for the sake of discussion: is anyone else interested in the scenarios? Or if not, which would you have liked to see instead?
  8. ImperialChaos

    Your Favorite Leader Theme Music.

    The music composed for Civilization V, except perhaps Baba Yetu, has come along way. Some leaders now have fully orchestrated music blasting as your troops invade their territory. So whether peace or war; which is your favorite leader theme music? My personal favorites: Carthage's War Theme...
  9. ImperialChaos

    What Native American tribe do you expect/want?

    I think there is a good chance that BNW will have a new native American tribe. The Iroquois were done and I expect one more before Civ V wraps up. What I expect: Sitting Bull of the Sioux Map of Native American tribes across the United States:
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