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  1. T

    Graphical error-please help. The terrain has turned odd and I have don't know what has happened. Does anyone know what to do? I've reinstalled the game as well and nothing has changed. (How it used to be...
  2. T

    Two Problems Found In BTW: Invisible paradroping and too big art

    So first problem, paratroopers and X-Com soldiers that paradrop can many times turn invisible. This only seems to be the case with enemy units, but does anyone else have this problem? Secondly, many paintings are too big for the actual screen, for example "Washington Crossing the Delaware" is...
  3. T

    DELUXE conquest of the new world?

    I don't know if this has already been discussed, but on the screenshot from the Spanish video, while they are selecting ACW scenario, there is a "Conquest of the New World Deluxe" scenario below the original. Discuss
  4. T

    Does anyone notice...

    On the "Enter a Brave New World" video ( when the new cultural victory comes up, there are Polish cities behind the victory notice that have a religion symbol unlike the previous ones. I am...
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