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  1. N

    Anyone know the system requirements?

    Does anyone have an idea/ informed speculation about what kind of system requirements it will take to run Civ4? I sure hope my cranky computer can run it without having to buy a fancy graphics/video card...
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    What was your greatest moment?

    Well, what was it? Mine were building the pentagon by 700 AD and controlling every resource tile in the world by 1500 (same game).
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    Rip-offs, Scams, and Cons:Screwing over your Rivals

    Hi There. Here, I've compiled some techniques that are, to say the least, a part of an unscrupulous foreign/diplomatic policy. Some of these you may already know - and most of them will not sit well with other world leaders. Get stuff for nothing: This one sounds complicated, but its really...
  4. N

    Statue of Zeus/Templars too Powerful?

    I've been playing conquests like mad since it came out, and I believe I've come to the conclusion that the Knights Templar and the Statue of zues are too powerful. To avoid a long rambling paragraph, I'll list some of my problems with the wonders: Statue of Zeus: 1) It is...
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    Vote on the best Civ4 Ideas I've gone a little Poll Crazy today, but people have suggested that the most frequent ideas from the "Official Civ4 Ideas Thread" be voted on. For anyone who's ideas I don't have room to post, I apologize, but this is for the most frequent or outstanding ideas that have been...
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    What Civs Would You Like Added for Civ 4?

    My first time posting a poll, so I hope it comes out okay...
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    Philosophy: Worth Researching

    I just started up a game as Theodora, and decided to try out researching philosophy. For everyone who dosen't know, the first person to discover philosophy in C3C gets a free advance upon discovery. I was reaching for Mathmatics (14 turns) to get the Statue of Zeus, but instead researched...
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    What Civs Do you Fear Most?

    What civs do you most fear in the game (the ones you don't want as your neighbors)? Mine are: 1) Babylon: Great builders, incredible culture; these guys are impossible to conquer without a big commitment 2) Vikings: Pure aggression with powerful units and moderate infrastructure. Not...
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    A "Jesus" Leader

    Here's a funny story, and I wonder if it's happened to anyone else. I had a caravel of three Viking beserkers. I had all three doing an amphibious attack on an Indian city, and the third one spawned a great leader. However, I did not take the city, so the caravel was still full of the three...
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    A Great Way to Rip-Off Folks

    Playing a game against the computer as the Greeks, I had two resources of iron, one of which was being used by me and the other being traded to the Zulus. Suddenly, One of my iron resources was exhausted, leaving me only one iron that I could not use because it was being sent over to Zululand...
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    How do you "Pirate" with Privateers...?

    Hello everybody. A few days ago I was playing a hotseat game with my girlfriend. During my turn I moved one of my privateers near a caravel of hers. When her turn came around, my privateer had contacted her (without revealing it's nationality, as if she didn't know) and she was in the...
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    The Eternal War

    Once, before time was recorded, a gentle race of men settled in the lush valleys of the West. These men, fair skinned, compassionate, and sculpted from the stuff of the gods were called the Celts, and their king was Brennus. Brennus was a wise and strong king, who ruled through countless...
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