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  1. D

    AND2 and SVN Bug Reports - A New Dawn 2 ONLY

    How do you remove the extremely annoying "Press ALT + CTRL + O to Customize Rise of Mankind"? It's annoying and won't go away, even when I disable the shortcut reminder in the BUG control panel. There's simply no need to show this alert all the time.
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    Culture Race State Quest Reward

    It gives a WHOPPING 4 permanent global happiness. As I write this I'm in the Industrial Era and have +20 happiness from completing these quests alone. The quest reward is for having the most culture in 30 turns or something similar. With Authority, I just bully some city states, found or...
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    New Beta Version - March 6th (3/6)

    You know, it would make sense to give the Tercio the same "extra attack" as the Impi. After all, it's a hybrid ranged/melee unit (Muskets and Pikes/Halberds) Muskets fire, then pikes/halberds get into it. Let me know if this makes sense. Uncertain if the unit animation would work, but it's a...
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    You better hurry, my friend...

    Nowadays most games stink on release. I have a policy now of waiting at least 6 months, or until one expansion/a couple DLC come out before I'll even touch a major release to avoid that terrible feeling of disappointment that comes with playing what is effectively a public beta, and expecting a...
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    Instant army when you declare war ?

    Plenty of catalysts can trigger an "instant army" The Conscription policy is the most likely candidate The AI could have changed strategies and bought units with gold they just acquired somehow. Friendly military CS's could have given them units. Or maybe they ordered an instant army...
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    Beta Version - November 30th (11/30)

    I noticed the same issue with war score decay. It created strange complications for me as well, similar to that described above.
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    New Beta Version - Nov. 28th (11/28)

    I also really like the idea of a stable release and a running beta. I've been silently wishing for such a release branch approach since earlier this year, but wasn't about to start complaining, since CBP is just awesome.
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    Beta Version - November 26th (11/26)

    Agree with Funak, +10 influence per conversion scaled by era is crazy town. Imagine the possibilities on a larger map with over a dozen cities converted over the course of an era. That's hundreds of influence with EVERYONE, easily enough to lock in alliances everywhere with no other effort.
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    Win Rate Data - Please post your games' results here!

    By the way G, I know exactly what you mean by the "challenge hill" metaphor for Civ, it's totally apt and probably the #1 issue with the game (makes lategame a bit tedious once you've reached your key goals). But having climbed mountains myself (not Everest), I can tell you the descent from the...
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    Win Rate Data - Please post your games' results here!

    Civilization: Japan (my favorite) Difficulty: Emperor, at my rank. But Emperor is quite a bit TOUGHER in CBP than it used to be. Victory Type: Domination (85% of my games end up being domination) Played on Emperor. Was TOUGHER than usual because of a CRAPPY starting location and very little...
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    This is why I hate diplomatic victory

    I think CSD is fantastic and would never dream of playing CBP without it. And regarding buying diplomatic units: You're still limited by the number of Paper resources you have. That restriction prevents you from spamming the map with diplomatic units. It's a good system in my opinion.
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    AND SVN Build Thread

    Installer is not updating to the latest version. Are the mod creators on vacation or abandoning the project?
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    New Version - July 15th (7-15)

    I started a game on Immortal and someone completed the Great Lighthouse on turn 39, on epic speed. Instant ragequit. I know the difficulties have been ramped up, but this much? If I have to play on Prince, the blow to my self-esteem will be more than I can bear. I imagine new players would...
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    What religious choices does everyone pick?

    If I'm spreading my religion aggressively, then Scripture for enhancer, and The One True Faith for reformation.
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    AI never builds citadels

    I have certainly seen them using the Citadel, and to steal territory too, the bastards. However they don't usually use it as cleverly as a human would, as expected. They mostly use it defensively or to grab a couple resource tiles.
  16. D

    Medieval era policy analysis and feedback.

    You're probably right that the nerf was a big jump from crazy oceans of happiness to "meh" amounts. If the finisher could add some sort of secondary power to religious national wonders in addition to the happiness, then I think that would sort it out.
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    Great Admiral improvement

    The aquatic fortress basically makes the Great Admiral into a Great General that can swim. Kind of boring... I like the trade route or trade hub as an ocean tile improvement idea.
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    Medieval era policy analysis and feedback.

    The Piety finisher was changed (fixed) in the latest update. It's now +4 happiness from religious wonders. Grand Temple and the Founder Belief wonder. Faith buy buildings aren't as powerful anymore as a result (probably good).
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    Jungle Resources

    Bananas are delicious. Nuff said.
  20. D

    Jungle Resources

    I think plantations have enough gold as it is now.
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