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  1. Brewster

    Two settlers at 4000BC!?!

    I was starting a game at my friends house the other night (he has Civ 4 while I do not) and managed to end the first turn with a city AND a settler. I built my first city on the starting spot and popped a goodie hut with my warrior and lo and behold I get a settler. I was just wondering if...
  2. Brewster

    to keep or destroy?

    When taking on an AI civ, do you prefer to keep their cities even though they may not be in the best location or do you raze them and settle in a better spot?
  3. Brewster

    What graphic mods are you using?

    I am curious to see what you have done to customize the graphics for your games. I am using: - Warpstorm's Watercolour terrain for C3C - Civrules' new thin roads - Soufie77's tidier railroads - T-hawk's unobtrusive resource icons C3C - CornMaster's new borders - Buckets' C3C...
  4. Brewster

    What do you drive?

    I'm thinking about selling my '71 MGB and was wondering what my fellow CFCers drive.
  5. Brewster

    How far will you go to play civ 3?

    The reason I ask this is because I am about to drop $2500 on a laptop just so I can play civ 3 at work. I know this game is addictive, but I wasn't expecting this. Anyone else out there in the same boat?
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