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  1. P

    Umbrella term for luxuries in XML code?

    I'm trying to make a civilization where it has a unique trait that each luxury tile has an additional yield of 1 science. However I'm having issues finding what luxuries as a whole are referred to as. I can find their IDs and such just fine, but I can't find the term that refers to all luxury tiles.
  2. P

    Community Patch - How To Install

    Hey, when ever I use the mod it only generates all types resources around the capital cities. Is this intentional or a possible bug/mod conflict?
  3. P

    Finding a good tutorial.

    I'm new to civ 5 modding and I'm having issues finding a good tutorial, many that I find are outdated, have links that 404, or are generally not well put together and are missing information. Even the ones from the mod wiki and from searching on this forum are having these issues. I tried diving...
  4. P

    Ally trolling

    I wouldn't say that, if you have another huge warmonger in the game, I would try to ally them, since they won't care about everyone you're killing off, until they're the last one left, or one of the two remaining AI's. At which point you should just kill them off anyways.
  5. P

    Please advise with minor changes

    Workshops coming a little early is fine, but, now it really punishes you if you don't have iron in any city, as workshops are so valuable for getting city production to a manageable rate. Having them a bit earlier is okay, but I feel they're fairly ballanced the way they are.
  6. P

    Help on winning?

    Well your friends are evil, Venice is the hardest civ for multiplayer, and is a hard civ in single player too. Though yes you can buy your way to victory, buy science buildings, food buildings, and workers, build farms on flat lands, mines on hills, and lumber mills in forest. Focus military...
  7. P

    Please advise with minor changes

    Maybe reduce Republic building down from 15% to 10%. Also the pyramids do not need a buff, trust me, you develop the lands around your territory quite quickly, and even when you expand you'll have improvements on all the tiles with in 20 turns. Buffing the honor tree to make it more viable early...
  8. P

    Civ 6?

    Why does everyone think that civ 6 is going to come out so soon, they just released the first major DLC for BE, and it was a success. I just seems unlikely that they're release civ 6 before releasing another DLC for BE, like what they did with 5. Maybe a year or two after the next DLC for BE...
  9. P

    How to conquer Civ with 8 allies?

    Wow maybe don't just lob them at city states, I've never tried to coup a cs while at war so I didn't know the chance was that low.
  10. P

    How to conquer Civ with 8 allies?

    If you're the science leader though, later in the game it may not be a bad idea to throws spies to try to coup. I mean you get them back 1-3 turns later.
  11. P

    I'm done with war in this game.

    oh yeah forgot that Oligarchy gave that perk, I mostly focused on the no unit mantinence.
  12. P

    I'm done with war in this game.

    It's possible Arabia had the religion with the pantheon that gives +30%(?) extra damage to city defenses.
  13. P

    Dom V Civ Suggestions

    I'd have to say Korea, simply due to the science, you'll get so far ahead, plus you get the first ideology, so with enough culture you can easily increase happiness with Ideology policies. (Plus this also means first to lightning warfare on autocracy, land ship OP.) Also you should rush...
  14. P

    How to conquer Civ with 8 allies?

    Along side allying that city state between you and the ottomans, you should try and ally other city states around the ottomans, the AI just freaks out about the city state and doesn't really get how to defend against them, since their primary target is you. City states can be very useful if used...
  15. P

    What to do at turn 270ish with 18k gold?

    Oxford radio, then go autocracy, purchase labs for great scientist, get landships, then get lightning warfare and bankroll a landship army.
  16. P

    Civ5 v1.0.3.279 - frustrating things

    That's odd that your towns have to attack barbarians, most of the time you can just click next turn.
  17. P

    Civilization VI?

    Since Rising Tide was a success in Civ BE, they'll probably make another expansion to BE, as it's still a profitable game.
  18. P

    Large games at high levels

    It depends on what victory type your going for, on culture, that's nearly impossible unless you wipe out, or cripple to 1 bad city in the arctic, most civs. On domination, you'll just need to follow the standard domination formula of, denounce, DOW, liberate city states, it'll take a while...
  19. P

    Will other cultures declare war on Warlord difficulty?

    I'd assume it's possible, though you'd have to really provoke them, you'd probably have to get all the negatives just for them to declare war. You could always try just randomly declaring war on them, or try declaring war right from the get go when you meet them, that would make the game more...
  20. P

    Is it just me or are the Celts underrated?

    They're definitely underrated, but that's probably due to them not always being consistent, as others pointed out sometimes you don't get a start with forest so you can't always rely on the UA being good. Though other than that, I kind of see them as a lower risk Spain in that aspect, with Spain...
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