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  1. Gjaster


    Bring back the health and sickness mechanic from Civ IV.
  2. Gjaster


    While I was initially shocked and disappointed with the art style, I came to like it the more I looked at it, and after the gameplay footage was released, I came around and began to love the more cartoony aspect of it. I would honestly sacrifice hyper-realistic graphics for a more readable...
  3. Gjaster

    Which decade has the most Civfanatics?

    Born in 1999, and I got into Civ around 2009, since we were modding it for a beginners programming class, which then consisted of Civ4 and Torchlight. It was the game that got me into PC gaming.
  4. Gjaster

    abbreviation for Civilization VI on the forum

    I'm not the biggest fan of Roman numerals, so I just do Civ5, Civ6, CivBE, etc... Makes it a lot easier to identify, because CiV can get a little confusing if I'm not closely paying attention.
  5. Gjaster

    Should units cost population/food?

    I can see tall empires having larger militaries, and prevent smaller empires from having an uneedingly large army, but I feel as if it makes smaller empires unable to win.
  6. Gjaster


    I personally prefer the more cartoony art style over the more realistic one from Civ5. While I like Civ5, I personally think that certain games, specifically strategy, just seem to look better with a less-than-realistic look to it, versus other FPS games that benefit from more realistic ones.
  7. Gjaster

    Civ 6 with 25% at Green man gaming

    I would personally just wait until perhaps a week or two after it's released. By then the major bugs will (hopefully) be fixed. That, or just wait for the Steam winter sale.
  8. Gjaster

    New City State Info

    I'm glad they're changing it. Civ5 had an okay system with the expansions, but it was still shallow. I hope that now they expand further to make them more useful rather than just cities that you can buy.
  9. Gjaster

    Victory Condition Speculation

    I would want them to remove Time Victory, as I see it as a completely useless victory to win. Sometimes I'll forget to uncheck the Time slot at the beginning of the game and lose right before I would get a Culture victory for example.
  10. Gjaster

    Coastal cliffs vs beach - your thoughts?

    This would make naval warfare a lot more complex, which I prefer to what was in Civ5.
  11. Gjaster

    The district system

    I honestly feel like this is what Civilization needed. I feel like this could diversify gameplay significantly compared to other Civilziation games. I haven't seen much of the districts in action, so I'm holding some judgement until I really get to see what they can do.
  12. Gjaster

    What do you think about graphics of the game? (poll)

    Pre-video I would've given it a 7. The screenshots weren't really that good, but when I saw the sample gameplay, I quickly gave it a 9. This is why I avoided giving too much of an opinion until I saw it in action.
  13. Gjaster

    500 hours... and counting

    I've been playing since 2011 and have 3417 hours. I took a long hiatus after my computer broke, but now that it's fixed I've started to play again.
  14. Gjaster

    Civ 4 vs. Civ 5?

    They're both amazing games, but I personally think that Civ4 holds a special place in my heart. But it really depends on what you're into. The two games have different aspects to them. Some are more of a personal thing while others are more of an acquired taste.
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