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    Enjoying CIV 6

    Enjoying CIV 6

    seeking opinions: buy now or wait?

    I find it strange that people come up here and tell the forum about your buying or not buying the game, it is entirely non-productive and really, no one cares about your decisions. There are supporters in the community and I trust the number is huge. While the troll polluted the forum by...

    Graphics problem -- Win 8/Intel 4000

    I have found the culprit to the problem. It is in the Graphics.Txt file. Go down near the end of the file, and find the code: [Video] ;Submit draws via the DX11 immediate context DX11_ForceImmediate 1 Change the value of the parameter to 0, i.e. [Video] ;Submit draws via the DX11...

    How does Espionage work?

    Thanks folks, at long last, I have reached the stage where I was given Spy to create.:trophy: The new Spy feature is great, more varied tasks and is well simulated closer to reality. As to Envoy, still a bit off... Anyway, I need more time to spend on the game in order to get more familiarized...

    Graphics problem -- Win 8/Intel 4000

    I installed CIV 6 on my Samsung Ultrabook which is running Windows 8 and the graphics chip is Intel 4000. This is what I have got after starting as Japan Can anyone help?

    How does Espionage work?

    Slightly off topics, the envoy mechanism is a bit abstract. Actually, what are the definitions of "envoy" and "delegation" in the game? So back to my question above, there are no unit such as spy as in CIV 5, do I get that correct? My latest achievements, look spectacular, a chain of units...

    How does Espionage work?

    Hi, I always enjoy early game, possibly because I get exhausted by late game and the screen gets all very messy. As a new comer to CIV 6, look at what I have achieved::beer: There was a great War before my empire takes shape. It was the Sumerian, who declared a surprised war against mine...

    Quick Questions and Answers

    Any logical reason, why would AI CIVs condemn me when I declare and invade a neighbor CS?

    AI: Why is it so hard to improve?

    So the only logical explainations are quite clear now. Most obviously, if an improved AI takes lots of processing power from an old fan playing it on a dated CPU, then one will most probably reduce the overhaul to a minimum, such that it can be sustained. There is an fairly old game called...

    AI: Why is it so hard to improve?

    Well, if you look at the entirely changed graphics in the art department, the addition of card approach in the policies feature and the new CS engine which is impressively, different even from the community patch in CIV 5, you can immediately observe that Firaxis is positioning the product to...

    AI: Why is it so hard to improve?

    Very much like my argument. Just like a teacher can create the most difficult questions in examination papers, but what's the point for that if 90% of students will be failed. Besides, the publisher has to retain or maintain her reputations ever built-up for so long, she has to make decisions...

    AI: Why is it so hard to improve?

    Good point. I think you are right. The AI has to do other tasks apart from invading human players. And that raises a balance issue. Had it been an easy task so much so like molding the AI of barbarans into all the CIVs, 2K would have done so earlier. It msut be a sophisticated process and...

    [BNW] A great start by pure luck

    Thanks for all of your replies and recommendations. I've learnt from them. I want to gather some further opinions. Given the number of hours I've spent on CIV 5, I consider myself being indulged into the game. And I know there is a community patch available. I've also watched a few videos on...

    AI: Why is it so hard to improve?

    I play CIV much less than you have had. But I've observed the difference between CIV 5 and CIV 6. Recently, I have played a couple of online games on KING and EMPEROR settings. The Barbarians perform exceptionally well, even on KING difficulty. They attack sensibly and "without mercy" as...

    [BNW] A great start by pure luck

    Thanks mate. I may disappoint you. Actually I have deserted the game and started a new one. This one is much better. I razed and is burning down one of Napoleon's cities, taking the opportunity that Carthage has just declared war against him! I just have another quick question here: About...

    [vanilla] Any completed games for display so far

    So, now is almost 7:00pm Pacific Time, any friends from the Pacific Region have completed a game or two already for display?

    [BNW] A great start by pure luck

    The development is not that good though. Possibly I will have to restart the game and play it from Turn 0 again.

    [BNW] A great start by pure luck

    For the last 3 months since I started playing CIV5, this is the best land ever drawn by the game engine.

    [BNW] Open Border with AI

    What I hope is that the AI sees my territory as we see theirs, so the game plays fair. But if the AI cheats, then it's a totally different story.

    [BNW] Open Border with AI

    I once got Napoleon invaded me and on another game, Alexander invaded me and beaten me back to stone age.
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