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  1. J

    Where did my troops go?

    My nation is in a war (the battle begins in 18 hours!), so I click over to the troop deployment page. There are slots for two ranged stacks on our battlefield. Both of them are already filled, but that doesn't stop me from clicking on my own stack of artillery ... which promptly disappears...
  2. J

    Wonder questions

    Two questions. First, is there any way to see what wonders have already been built and where they've been built? Second, do you get the benefits of a wonder if it's in a puppet city?
  3. J

    Stupid Religion Question

    It's been a while since I played, but I picked up BtS and am currently working the rust out of my Civ muscles. I can't tell, though -- have I forgotten the way religion works, or did they change something in BtS? Here's the deal. Hinduism is my state religion and I just built the Kashi...
  4. J

    You have displayed the leadership abilities of ...

    ... Augustus Caesar. At least, that's what I was told after my latest game. Which was something of an insult, to be honest, since part of the way I displayed my leadership in this particular game was by utterly crushing Augustus. :p Now that Augustus, Shaka, and Winston are playable...
  5. J

    Mysterious General

    Mansa Musa gets a Great General ... ... even though he's not at war! So how did that happen?
  6. J

    Observations on Science and Diplomacy

    I'm still getting the hang of the game, but one thing I've noticed is that it's a lot harder to get science from other civs than it used to be. Between not being able to trade science for per-turns and not being able to steal science, you're left with straight-up trades. In my last game, I...
  7. J

    Is there a COTM approved utility that ...

    Is there a COTM-approved utility that will tell me whether a declaration of war will break any of my trade deals? In COTM 11, I have deals with Civ X and Civ Y, and I'm thinking of declaring war on Civ Z. I want to figure out whether my trade routes with X and Y go through Z's territory...
  8. J

    Now that's what I call a good start!

    Now that's what I call a nice starting position! Let's see if I can make something of this ...
  9. J

    COTM-06 endgame questions

    A few quick questions that don't really fit into any of the spoiler threads. 1) Real life got in the way of Civ this month, and it looks like I won't be finished until some time on Wednesday morning (December 1). I'm in Chicago (USA Central Time Zone) -- is that going to allow me to submit...
  10. J

    Conquest victories vs. Domination victories

    Whenever I go the warlike route, I always wind up with a domination victory (assuming I win, of course). This is because my play style is to keep the towns I conquer, so I always run into the domination limit long before I've wiped my opponents out. This time, I decided to go for a conquest...
  11. J

    Is the prebuild an exploit?

    The thread title says it all. For those who aren't aware, a pre-build is when you don't have the technology to build a certain building (often a wonder), but you know you soon will. So you start building something else (often a palace), then switch to the new building when it becomes...
  12. J

    Post your Middle Ages map

    I haven't seen one of these threads in a while, so let's start one: Here's my first attempt at this conquest. I was playing as England on Regent level. I started by conquering the Celts. Then I decided that if I was going to take my relic back to Jerusalem, I would need a Mediteranean...
  13. J


    Is there anything a non-religious civ can do to minimize the anarchy period when you switch governments? What determines the length of time you're in anarchy? Anarchy reducing city improvements/wonders/technologies are my number two most desired addition to the game, right behind more...
  14. J

    I have no iron and I must scream

    With apologies to Harlan Ellison. I'm playing as the Koreans on what appears to be a single crescent-moon shaped continent (standard size -- the one with 8 civs, whatever that is). I'm right at the curve of the moon. To my north, the Incas also have no iron, but do have the statue of Zeus...
  15. J

    Conquests for Dummies

    Can anyone point me to a thread or a link that: 1) Ranks the Conquests in terms of which are the easiest and which are the hardest, and 2) For each Conquest, ranks the playable Civs in terms of which are the easiest and which are the hardest? If there's no such thread, maybe experienced...
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