COTM-06 endgame questions

Jason Fliegel

Mar 15, 2003
A few quick questions that don't really fit into any of the spoiler threads.

1) Real life got in the way of Civ this month, and it looks like I won't be finished until some time on Wednesday morning (December 1). I'm in Chicago (USA Central Time Zone) -- is that going to allow me to submit, or will I be too late.

2) If another country has the UN, under what conditions will that country call for a vote? Right now, I *think* I'd be the second candidate and I *think* the other three countries would vote for me. Will the UN-owning country ever call for a vote, or am I out of luck?
1.) Unless its been changed in the last month, submissions close at noon on the 1st, GMT. That would be 6 AM for USA Central time. Check to see that noon GMT is still correct. (And I'm not sure about Savings Time vs Standard Time, so 5 AM might be a safer assumption.)

2.) I wouldn't bet on that. Gratuitious advice: capture the UN! (General advice for anybody where the AI has built the UN and you are thinking about a Diplo victory.)
a space oddity said:
1) You can calculate it from the submission page. It states exactly how much time is left for submissions.
For the record,the deadlines are set to 04:00 am relative to the server clock, which seems to equate to around 12:00 noon GMT the day after the final date defined by ainwood. The server clock isn't network sync'd and it's probably less accurate than Thunderfall's kitchen clock (or maybe it *is* his kitchen clock :hmm: ).

I've given up trying to ensure that the deadline was unambiguous as an actual date/time statement. As CivSteve says, daylight savings, hemisphere complications, and some people's inability to relate to GMT or other arbitrary time zones make it too risky. So the submissions pages publish the whole number of days and hours to the deadlines from the time you load the page, assuming Thunderfall doesn't change the system clock in the meantime. And it seems to me that time-remaining is the parameter you are interested in anyway.
The AI has never ever called for a vote in any of my games. I may have built it myself 2 times out of 3, but still...
Good news! I got my game submitted before the deadline. Although Korea never called a vote, the lousy jerks. For more details, see the COTM 06 spoiler thread.
Well done Jason. That must have been a close run thing :)
Megalou said:
The AI has never ever called for a vote in any of my games. I may have built it myself 2 times out of 3, but still...

I've only seen it once, when I lost the race to build the UN by one turn, but they won the vote. I think they only call for a vote if they're certain to win.
AlanH said:
Well done Jason. That must have been a close run thing :)

It was. I still don't know why Korea never got their spaceship completed, nor do I know why they were content to let me sue for peace when their Modern Armor and Mechanized Infantry were making hash of my TOW Infantry. Still, all's well that ends well! :goodjob:
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