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  1. Art Morte

    AI offering peace too easily

    I've been getting back into this game after a break and wanted to complain. Situation one: AI has declared war on me and has advanced units closing in on my ancient walls cities and a few weaker units. The AI could easily capture a few of my cities simply by attacking them head on. Instead they...
  2. Art Morte

    Amani and +4 amenities promotion

    I went into a dark age and started losing loyalty in a city. The city had either 0 or +1 amenities. I put Amani in there with the +4 amenities in this city promotion. But even after she's established there the city still has only +1 amenities. Meaning that the +4 amenities are really just added...
  3. Art Morte

    Lavra and Great Culture Folks points

    So, I've been wondering about this decision to give the Lavra one point towards writers, artists and musicians. I often see the Russia AI have lots and lots of these great people without places for their art. And if you play Russia yourself, if you build Lavras it almost automatically means...
  4. Art Morte

    Do you ever levy city-state military?

    I have never ever done it. Do you do it and what do you think of the mechanic?
  5. Art Morte

    Why is Inland Sea so big?

    Some of the maps can feel too small, especially when the AI gets extra settlers. But in comparison, an average Inland Sea map is huge for eight players. I don't know are there other map types like this, haven't tried Archipelago or TSL maps. In Civ 5 the Highlands map was also enormous - even at...
  6. Art Morte

    [R&F] AI + Loyalty + Governors

    Why does the AI move Governors away from cities where the Governor is the only thing keeping the city from flipping? I'm seeing this all the time. What is the decision tree for the AI regarding Governor placement? Surely Loyalty should be prioritized over everything else. This really, really...
  7. Art Morte

    Captured cities and settlers should increase cost

    The cost of producing new settlers does not increase when you conquer cities or capture settlers. But it should, imo. It's another big incentive for (early) warfare.
  8. Art Morte

    Were barb camp spawns changed?

    Sorry if this has been covered already, but I realised in my latest game that I haven't heard the sound for a new barbarian camp spawn in ages, like, for at least 100 turns. I'm in modern era and have discovered almost all of the map. Were changes done to barb camp spawns in RnF / the latest patch?
  9. Art Morte

    Suzerain resource bug

    I became Valletta's suzerain after a successful fabricate scandal mission, but I am not getting their coal. And no, the mine's not pillaged. Otherwise the suzerain status works.
  10. Art Morte

    Is governor Moksha OP?

    I decided to go for a religious victory in my latest game, because I wanted to try out governor Moksha. I won a very easy religious victory on Immortal - although having Island Plates as the map helped a little since water protects you from wars a bit. Anyway, basically, is Moksha's extra...
  11. Art Morte

    [R&F] Upkeep changes?

    Were there changes to upkeep costs with RnF? Is it possible to see a more detailed breakdown of your unit and city upkeep costs than just the totals? Probably I'm just imagining things, but I feel like I'm having to build more commercial hubs, harbors and trade routes than previously. I also...
  12. Art Morte

    [R&F] The worst thing about Loyalty... this "reserved parking space" feel. What I mean by that is that your well-established cities can keep the surrounding empty lands all but reserved for you. It's nigh on impossible for new cities of other civilizations to survive the loyalty pressure of somewhat grown cities. I think in...
  13. Art Morte

    Governor Pingala question

    I have Pingala assigned to a city with his +20% production for Campus buildings promotion. However, I'm building an University and I only get the 14 hammers the city naturally has, 13 from tiles and 1 from water mill. Does this governor not work or am I missing something?
  14. Art Morte

    [0.216] So, they didn't fix Alert...

    and I find this pathetic. So ****ing done with Firaxis.
  15. Art Morte

    Endless barbarians

    In two of my last three games I've encountered barb camps that spawn a new unit every single turn until the camp is destroyed. I've spent 100+ turns fighting these camps (I've encountered three so far). I haven't noticed this before, so I was wondering a) has anyone else experienced this and b)...
  16. Art Morte

    Why isn't there an economic victory?

    You have victory conditions for science, culture and faith yields, so why not for gold, i.e. economy? It could be something like having gpt higher than all others combined - or over 50% of all others combined if 101% is too much. Or it could be depositing gold throughout the game towards a...
  17. Art Morte

    Eureka system - anyone else started to dislike it?

    At first I thought it was a cool mechanic that gave you opportunities to advance faster in the tech and culture trees. But I've played the game almost 500 hours now and I've started to dislike the eureka system. The 50% boost is so powerful that you should try to get them whenever you can - but...
  18. Art Morte

    [R&F] Rise and Fall expectations polled

    How do you expect the Greatest Hits, sorry, the Randiest Homies expansion to effect the game as a whole? The point of this thread is mostly about the poll. Pls vote.
  19. Art Morte

    Naval raiders invisibility

    Naval raiders should stay visible for the turn they make an attack. It's stupid that you can park your raider two tiles from an enemy city or a ranged unit and just shoot away at it turn after turn without the AI having a clue what's going on.
  20. Art Morte

    City-state flotillas

    Why oh why oh why are city-states so keen to send their land units sailing? This is comical at best and really stupid at worst. I play a lot of Island Plates maps and it's so irritating to see a city-state attacked while most of their land units are sailing the nearby waters. I know this is a...
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