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  1. Heart of Lords

    Carabim Advice

    That would be wonderful! Perhaps a lore option could be enabled as well? (Purely a fan/geek suggestion, and I don't mean to be rude) The Calabim are aristocratic lords over mortal populations, what if the Manor House spawns them over time as well? Simply a suggestion, anything to make...
  2. Heart of Lords

    Carabim Advice

    Thanks for the info, great stuff! Which court do you recommend? I've been maining Elena because her stats tend to buy time, and makes other civs friendly long enough to avoid war. I also use adepts and attempt to make hordes of skeletons as I fight, that usually works when facing those...
  3. Heart of Lords

    Carabim Advice

    I notice that my Calabim runs usually only last a few turns before I'm overtaken by other civs. Also, due to the quite lacking military system, I'm always at odds with those goblin forts and such, as they absolutely decimate through entire stacks of my soldiers, which barely amount to barbarian...
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