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  1. cosmicmangobear

    NFP Game Modes

    I'm not sure if there's a specific thread already dedicated to the upcoming game modes (may the mods strike me down if so) but I'm really curious to know what everyone thinks they could be. Two things I never thought I'd see in a civ game are Armageddon and the Illuminati, but as 2020 has...
  2. cosmicmangobear

    Contemporary World Leaders

    Civ has a longstanding tradition of avoiding the inclusion of world leaders who are still alive or passed away within the last 50 years. That being said, there have been some enormously consequential leaders of major civilizations over the past few decades. So, my question is, which recent or...
  3. cosmicmangobear

    More Civilian Units?

    Would the game benefit from having more civilian units in the game that enhance specific aspects of gameplay? With the addition of Naturalists and Rock Bands in the game, what other real life civilian units (that don’t fall under the generic “worker” category) are missing from the game? What...
  4. cosmicmangobear

    ERIN GO BRAGH: Designing Ireland

    With the addition of Scotland, I can only pray this means moving away from blob “Celts” in favor of individual representation of insular Celtic cultures in the vein of “Norway” and “Sweden” instead of the earlier “Vikings”. That said what would you like to see from a specific Irish civilization...
  5. cosmicmangobear

    Post GS Elimination Threads?

    Is it too early for the next round of elimination threads following the release of GS? Do y’all even want more elimination threads? If so, which ones?
  6. cosmicmangobear

    [GS] Gathering Storm OST

    Anyone know when the soundtrack will be released? Or am I just gonna have to wait for the game itself to come out?
  7. cosmicmangobear

    Mods: Changing Leader Backgrounds

    Are there any mods that would change the leader’s background based on the era they are in? Just wondering!
  8. cosmicmangobear

    Great Governors

    So, hear me out, it’s not a bad concept, and the promotion trees are interesting. But I would much rather that governers have been great people as real politicians from history with their own unique abilities. There would be a passive ability from installing them in one of your cities or...
  9. cosmicmangobear

    POLL: Non-Leader Leaders

    In light of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, I got to thinking of all the people that looked up to him and considered him a leader. And then more broadly to what constitutes leadership in general? Naturally, that got me thinking about civ. Should one of the criteria of inclusion in the franchise be...
  10. cosmicmangobear

    Civilization: Mythologies

    So, this idea has been bounced around on some of the other threads and I thought it deserved its own. If there were to be another spinoff focused on the folklore of ancient civilizations - what would such a game look like? Which factions would you want to see? Personally, there are a few civs...
  11. cosmicmangobear

    What constitutes a stereotype?

    Over on the Canada thread, many are unhappy with the uniques the civ was given (i.e. hockey rink, mounties, diplomatic bonuses) because they believe it represents a cliché version of the country. However, is this really much different from America being given a film studio, or Japan being given...
  12. cosmicmangobear

    Much Better Leader Design!

    I’ve noticed so far that the leaders in GS all look fantastic, especially considering how far we’ve come from Walrus Teddy and E.T. Gandhi in the base game. In general, the cartoonish look everyone freaked out over in 2016 seems to have evolved into a more streamlined aesthetic. Kudos to the art...
  13. cosmicmangobear

    3rd Expansion Civs and Features

    Given that the leaked Gathering Storm roster has been accurate so far, it’s safe to say that we know the lineup already. (RECAP: Hungary, Maori, Canada, Inca, Carthage, Mali, Ottomans, Sweden, and alternate leader Eleanor of Aquitaine.) However, cryptic allusions to more content down the line...
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