Search results

  1. Puppeteer

    What I'm Up To (with occasional relevance to Civ3 or C7)

    I like to babble online, and a few people even seem to like to read it. So here is a new thread for that. I have contributed and will contribute code to C7, and I may sometimes make a short attempt to make something useful out of the bits and pieces I've coded over the years regarding Civ3 save...
  2. Puppeteer

    Questions about Undiscovered Worlds terrain generation

    Hi @Plotinus or anyone with domain knowledge, I'm playing around on game jams and want to try generating terrain–with an eye towards a future generation algorithm for C7–and I decided to start with Undiscovered Worlds - Basic Continents . And immediately ran into a brick wall. The...
  3. Puppeteer

    C# Code Testing

    There seem to be three popular-ish unit testing frameworks: xUnit, NUnit, and MSTest. I've only poked at xUnit and not touched the others so far. And really I was using xUnit as my own shortcut to compile and run libraries and not as proper unit tests. `dotnet test` is pretty easy to compile a...
  4. Puppeteer

    Animated Terrain Discussion

    Creating this thread to post a link, will return shortly to start the conversation. In my mind there are two approaches to the discussion: the modder approach and the dev approach.
  5. Puppeteer

    Mods / Plugins / User-Extensibility

    I'm breaking this out as a separate topic: Embedded Script Interpreters Lua and Python are interpreted script languages. Lua (including its C# implementation MoonSharp) and IronPython in a particular Python are embedded (optionally so for IronPython), meaning the interpreter is compiled into...
  6. Puppeteer

    Settler at size 3 for REX vs....

    I've long approached the game by ensuring that first settler gets out as soon as possible, and usually I repeat the process until corruption or land prevents a 20-turn settler, with at some point transitioning the capital and select core cities to "real" production instead of...
  7. Puppeteer

    Civ3 players and other games

    This is a pretty self-serving question, but it may interest @SuedecivIII and any other video creators or streamers, too. Civ3 has a surprising amount of sustained interest after 20 years, and it may even be increasing lately. A few are even getting views on videos playing Civ3, with Suede being...
  8. Puppeteer

    Jungle Start Strategy?

    I usually restart if I have lots of jungle and/or marsh nearby. But yesterday I thought I'd see what I could do with it. I had a roughly 3-city-sized area of grassland with TONS of jungle around. I mean it's the most ridiculous jungle I think I've seen. I also randomly got Hittites and have no...
  9. Puppeteer

    What I'm Up To

    Hey, looks like we have the board! So I've clearly been running off in a particular direction. It was wholly inspired by WildWeazel's proposal but clearly a pretty lone-wolf, uncoordinated effort. My aim is to largely recreate my previous SAV/BIQ/map tools in C#, a language much more...
  10. Puppeteer

    C# SAV/BIQ/media library - A collection of cross-platform C# (.NET Standard 2.0) libraries to read Civ3 SAV & BIQ files (at a very low level so far) and to convert Civ3 PCX and FLC I'm not sure what yet, but maybe Godot or Unity assets. TL;DR: What's this for...
  11. Puppeteer

    GoG Sale $1.75

    I have the SMAC CD, but I haven't tried to install it in years, maybe 10 or more. I'm assuming it was copy protected and won't work on Win10. I had thought about it a couple of times lately, and so I went looking for it today, and lucky me it's on sale for $1.75. (I'm in TX, US.) It's the...
  12. Puppeteer

    YouTube CivIII Superstars

    The title is semi-tongue-in-cheek. But at the end of this rambling post is a question related to the title. CivIII is nearly a 20-year-old game and seemed to be trending downward in interest for years. But now with Steam, GoG, interest in retro games, new Civ titles reminding people of old (and...
  13. Puppeteer

    Conquer, Resistance, Disorder Automation Fix?

    I did a rare thing and actually played an entire Civ III game to completion this past week. Monarch, standard continents, 5 billion years, won by domination in about 1285 AD. I have almost universally eschewed the Civ III automation options as much poorer than micromanaging, but I found a good...
  14. Puppeteer

    7 Cows

    So when I founded in-place on turn 0 I was disappointed to see that the cow was outside my future fat-x. But by turn 10 I quit complaining. Edit: I'm curious how joining a worker to the second city would pan out. I'd immediately be collecting more food. I tried a join-the-worker to the first...
  15. Puppeteer

    CIA3: Civ Intelligence Agency III

    Civ Intelligence Agency III (CIA3) is intended to be a non-spoiling, non-cheating game assistant for single-human-player games of Sid Meier's Civilization III Complete and/or Conquests. Multiplayer non-spoiling support may be possible in the future. CIA3 watches save game folder locations for...
  16. Puppeteer

    PCX Conversion

    The hardest part of editing files seems to be converting to and from the indexed PCX file. I'm not a modder in the way most of the others here are; I dabble in programming not graphics, so I've done very little graphics modding: just some smiley popHeads retreads. But I do understand (mostly)...
  17. Puppeteer

    One Turn Deserves Another III

    The Civ3 Clone thread got me to thinking about how that might work. History tells us I'm highly unlikely to have enough follow-through to get nearly complete, but I might try a few ideas. For the game logic, Civ3 is a fairly basic loop: Calculate harvests, builds, research, maintenance...
  18. Puppeteer

    Civ IV Complete on sale $7.49 at gog

    For another 6-7 days. I have the original on DVD and never play it, but this includes the expansions, so now I can not-play those, too. And DRM-free.
  19. Puppeteer

    CivIII Complete on sale $1.49 at gog

    For 6-7 more days. Also Civ IV Complete for $7.49. I already have vanilla, PTW and C3C on DVD--or are they old enough to be CD?--and CivIII Complete on Steam, but DRM-free and cd-patch-free for $1.49...ok. Of course I bought several...
  20. Puppeteer

    civ3sat - Reads world seed and more

    Civ3 Show-And-Tell Civ3 Show-And-Tell reads `sav` and `biq` files from Civilization III Conquests and Civilization III Complete v1.22. It can: - Show world seed and map settings needed to regenerate the same map - Decompress a `sav` or `biq` file - Hex dump the file data, automatically...
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