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  1. MamboJoel

    The Reaction

    Democrats have their activists, Republicans have their reactionists. Supporters of both sides can be harmful to their own party. It's pretty common to feel ashamed when listening to some ridiculous words from people actually voting like us. This video is biased in the way that it has chosen...
  2. MamboJoel

    Pentagon Report on Saddam's Iraq Censored?

    Let's just forget about all the 2003 folks on this forum, in the press, in the White House claiming there were : 1. links between Saddam and Al Qaeda and 2. WMD in Irak ...they naturally tend to be less aggressive on these matters nowadays... Human nature. If IMHO 2003 conservatives or pro-war...
  3. MamboJoel

    London Journey

    Hello, I'm preparing a small weekend in June for a friend that is getting maried in August this year. He is, well, "kindly" anti-english so we're going to make this surprise : he's never been accross the Channel. The idea is to make him visit as much anti-french spots. Of course arriving at...
  4. MamboJoel

    2008 Elections : Real debates in America ?

    Yesterday, the two French candidates for the Presidence had the traditional debate on TV : a real debate, face to face with direct verbal confrontation. You can see a vigourous intervention of Ségolène Royal here, even if you don't understand the language of Voltaire ...
  5. MamboJoel

    Americans, do you regret not having your own language ?

    Of course this question could apply to a lot of other nationalities, but let's focus the thread on the American one. Countries build their identity on a lot of various things, but we can all agree language is one of the biggest element. Japan, Italy, England (etc...) identities have a lot to do...
  6. MamboJoel

    Hanging of Saddam's aides filmed It's pretty strange they had to film this and broadcast it. Didn't the first execution demonstrate broadcasting wasn't a good idea ? I don't think it's nice for children to know that hanging is a very precise matter and what happens when the...
  7. MamboJoel

    Tax Leads Americans Abroad to Renounce U.S.

    Well, I never heard about this before : In short : Above a certain revenue (~$90000/year) Americans living abroad get taxed by the US (despite the fact...
  8. MamboJoel

    Favorite Christmas Melody

    Yes ! I opened a thread on religion ! ;) Souvenirs from when I was a kid, some melodies stick in your brain for ever. My favorite : Little town of Bethlehem Nicely chromatic.
  9. MamboJoel

    Religion Forum ?

    I don't care at all about religion. And I guess like 97% of agnostic or atheist CFC posters I accept everybody's faith. And I wouldn't doubt that a majority almost as big of religious posters would vote the same. But more and more, when I log on CFC OT and look at the thread list I leave...
  10. MamboJoel

    Flame Warriors

  11. MamboJoel

    Do Quebecers celebrate Thanksgiving ?

    In Canada, Thanksgiving is in october IIRC, so the question is not very pertinent today, but it comes to my mind today ;) With an american mother, In my family we do, but clearly, it's completly inexistent in France and a lot of other countries. So,you guys in Quebec do you celebrate it ?
  12. MamboJoel

    An internet forum dedicated to a computer game

    In this thread a member argued that this forum wasn't the place to talk about a particular subject because it was a "gamey" forum, about a game. What makes a subject unsuitable in terms of "gamey" ? What Off Topic question doesn't fall in the "this is an internet computer game forum" gap ...
  13. MamboJoel

    Saddam Hussein's Execution on TV

    I read a lot of emotive posts about users wanting the former rais to be executed 180 000 times, etc... Some irakians want the tribunal to let the people kill Hussein. There is some kind of tasty barbarism going on in a lot of minds from Middle East to the USA (via the United Kingdom)...
  14. MamboJoel

    FBI Agents Still Lacking Arabic Skills

    Yet again another nationalist antiamerican :crazyeye: thread ;) Do you think it's crucial for these agents to have arabic skills ?
  15. MamboJoel

    New England Foliage Season

    I was thinking about a small trip in New England in late october. Some of you guys might live in the region. Can you give me info about how the Fall looks like this year, I'm having a hard time finding updated data on the web. Thanks !
  16. MamboJoel

    Left Right Country Relativity

    We're often surprised how much left or right some are. Thanks to the November elections and debates some dem/rep oppositions occure on this board. A poster stated recently (and it's a thing we often say) that Americans Democrates were equivalents to modeterate European right and that...
  17. MamboJoel

    Gangs, MS13 and co...

    There was a documentary on the French television about gangs in the US (MS13, latin kings etc...). How do you guys in the US feel about these ? Also, I found a small wikipedia article pretty strange (well, these sources of info deserves to be taken for what they are) ...
  18. MamboJoel

    The Boolean Gap

    This OT forum often surprises me, but what I find the most impressive is the manichean semantic I read in a lot of posts. It mostly appears in the form of the bipolar love hate system : Bush haters, Freedom lovers... I can't figure out if this phenomenon is due to the young average age of the...
  19. MamboJoel

    WC 2006 Final - The Return of the Revenge

    No butthead this time, since both the aggressor and the victim wont be in Paris on the pitch on Sep 6th for France - Italy qualification match for Euro 2008. Since July 9 Final (Italy 1 - 1 France and Italian PK victory) both teams played two matches : Italy 0 - 2 Croatia Italy 1 - 1...
  20. MamboJoel

    Are you reading OT in your native language ?

    Question is in the title. Besides, would your posts be different if they were in your native language ?
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