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  1. P

    New eras splashes

    So far, I agree with everything said. These are fantastic, much needed and can't be downloaded.
  2. P

    The longest continuous war I've ever seen.

    yeah, I'd have to agree with das, there. Although it does sorta depend on when this war has been staged. 1000 AD to 2000 AD is a pretty darned long war!
  3. P

    Once and for all: should there be Events in Civ3?

    Wormwood has a really good point here, I've recently taken up stopping playing civ games once I reach the late industrial age or even early industrial ages, coz I already know I'm going to win. It probably means I should move up to Emperor or Demigod, but still. Stronger natural disasters (not...
  4. P

    Goldflash's Altered Tech Tree Mod

    Having a nice little conversation with yourself, there? ;) Although I'm too busy with school and things to give it a proper test, it certainly looks great at this stage. I'm sure you will keep everyone updated, keep working! EDIT: Duh, I can't test it, it's not finished and/or posted...
  5. P

    The New AoK conversion collection

    Well that's not really surprising seeing as they all would've lived centuries ago... In fact anyone who has seen ANYONE in such armour would be pretty famous. :p
  6. P

    TERRAIN: soft mines

    This is really good work, Niessuh. I reccomend that other people get his bonus grassland graphic as well as this, they are very complementary.
  7. P

    Are "Civ" players also "Pirates!" players?

    I agree with Wolfwood, some sort of updated town attacking system would be good. Maybe not RTS style, thought. Pirates! 2 style, definetly.
  8. P

    Are "Civ" players also "Pirates!" players?

    I only first played Pirates! a little while ago, one of my many civ-addicted friends discovered it somewhere so we played at school a little. I am very much looking forward to a new and (hopefully) improved game, with the same addictive gameplay. Long live Pirates, Civ and Sid!
  9. P

    Future Tech's?

    Heck yeah! It's always seemed stupid to me researching a 'future tech'. Okay, great! FUTURISTIC! What does it DOOO??
  10. P

    The Official Civ4 Ideas Thread

    Yes, more corruption reducing imps would be good. Firaxis did a great job with the police officers in C3C. I don't think more Forbidden Palace type wonders is the answer, though. Underseer's immigration idea is fantastic though, I really like it.
  11. P

    Hexette - 16x16 World Map

    I have to say, that's an extremely good representation of earth, considering you did it in 16 x 16 squares. Congratulations, midevil warrior!
  12. P

    Post short Multiplayer Tips Here

    My tip is, don't use too many smileys in MP, although I don't know how that works... ^^
  13. P

    C3C 2vs2 PBEM

    Yeah, sure. I'll play another PBEM. I should start playing real MP's, LOL. I'll play as Hittites.
  14. P

    What was your first victory?

    I won by conquest. It seems like that's not all tha common for a first game, don't know why. I suppose I was a fairly experience player, although with civ 2. I didn't know how to win any other way, rofl.
  15. P

    New PBEM

    Ok, looks like I'm the last player. Email is I shall play as the Spanish
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