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  1. Refar

    Beach Resort WiP

    Here is the new beach resort building as requested by the Realism Invictus mod. I call it done for now, but will postpone officially releasing it to the database a bit, to see if some issues come up. For now the file is attached a few posts below. It is made to work on harbor LSysem...
  2. Refar

    Looking for Translators for Religious Diversity Mod (JARM)

    JARM is a Religious Diversity Mod by JustATourist and - in the past - myself. It is adding several new religions to the game - focusing on civilizations and leaders that previously had no apropriate "Favorite Religion". The mod currently adds 10 new religions to choose from and includes a full...
  3. Refar

    Converted Units from EE2

    Units converted from Empire Eart 2 by Walter Hawkwood and me. Just one package for now, but more are planed. Early Sailing Ships <<< Database Link PapyrusBoat, Barque, Caravel, Carrack, Holk, Cogge, 3 more Merchant or Cargo Ship variants. Walter Hawkwood made some national texture variants...
  4. Refar

    Notes on Combat Experience

    A deeper look into the Combat Experience system, just gave me somewhat unpelasant surprise, as - while the basics are largely the same as in Civ4 - the end results - i.e. with Regard to Veteran Soldiers - were quite disappointing. I believe some part of it be due to a oversight, but there is no...
  5. Refar

    Quality Decay at the Docks ?

    Is it just me, or do the Units you can get from the Docks get worse over time ? Every game i play, there seem to be better/more specialist at the Docks in the beginning, while after 100 turns or such all i get are petty criminals/servants, while specialist become very rare... So is it my...
  6. Refar

    Leadership Broken on Veterans

    It seems as the Leadership promo does not work properly on Veteran Soldiers. I have a Veteran 4/5 XP. Attack @ 73%. He's 6/5 XP after. A 73% attack is a 2 XP fight on its own, isn't it ? So with Leadership he should get 4 ?
  7. Refar

    [Idea] Selling Cigars to Europe reduce REF size.

    ... Because they die of cancer before they can attack you :p Yea i know, it's silly... Anyway... Just had sold 2 Galleons of Cigars in Europe... which is like 600 Tons of them... @100g per Cigar its 6.000.000 Cigars... (And not for the first time in this game... The price make me :cry: by...
  8. Refar

    The "other Europeans" respawn exploit.

    I just stumbled over a interesting bug/exploit Once completely eliminated from the map the other European Colonies will respawn with a new Caravell. I assume this is by design, the :crazyeye:-part is: The Ship will allways spawn at exactly the same location on the map (I presume the...
  9. Refar

    Monthy's new personality :D

    Beeing a somewhat experienced BTS player my reaction seeing Monthy's face pop up in Diplo is allways: "Oh my god!! No!!! I don't have a army yet... :cry:" But instead of DoW'ing and crashing me like a bug he will say stuff like: "Smoke a pipe with me, and i will tell you about the land" :lol...
  10. Refar

    [?] City Flipping

    Will European Settlements "Culture" flip ? I seen Natives Flip (Kind of, i did not actually got the Settlement, they just went away...). Habe a Spanish city under quite heavy pressure - 99% my influence for quite a few turns already... But it just not want flip... So i wonder if it is...
  11. Refar

    [?] On FF points

    Does someone know what exact amounts of FF Points we get from various actions ? The Padia is somewhat vague on it. I am particulary interested in how many Political FF Points we get from Libert Bells. To decide if i need ramp up the LB production to get certain FF in time, thus increasing...
  12. Refar

    Giving in to Kings Demands ?

    I mean the "Lump Sum of Gold" ones. Is there any point to it ? I gave in every time he asked. Even the ridiculous demand on Turn 5 asking for 60 of my 100 Starting money. He remained at "Cautious" for the entire game (I think the stance is just a Artifact from Civ anyway ?! I never seen it...
  13. Refar

    Brightness / Gamma control needed

    What the title says... I think it does not exist ? Or did i miss it somewhere ? The game is just to dark for my taste. The map without fog of war is a bit too dark but bearable. However the parts covered by the fog are completely black, so i have trouble to see where i explored already...
  14. Refar

    Make sure ALL European nations are in on Random Maps.

    I started a game using the Stock New_World map script and Random Civs... Got Dutch myself. Found out later that England was not in the Game (spent like 15 minutes looking at the map in WB, because i couldn't believe it first...) Made a few Random maps to try, and most of the time only 3...
  15. Refar

    How to make the AI settle on a certain "Feature" ?

    Like the title says - i want to add a "feature" to the map, which would be valuable if settled on it, rather than working it. Once settled it would give the city certain advantages (probably python coded). "Feature" is just a working title - it can be terrain, pre-existing improvements...
  16. Refar

    Supply Caravans (Fury Road)

    Postapocalyptic Supply Caravans <<< Link With different cargo types (medical, food, etc) - overall 5 types of cargo (+ 1 empty cart). See them in the Fury Road Mod, where they represent valuable assets you can scavenge form the ruines - if you are lucky. The driver is by Chuggi.
  17. Refar

    Disabling Tree Sway ?

    Is there a way to [globally] disable [all] trees swaying in the wind ? XML, Pathon, SDK, whatever, as long as it works... Disabling it for a specific set of trees would be of course even cooler, but we can live with disabling them all.
  18. Refar

    SDK Questions "Where is..."

    Sorry for the generic topic... I do not have alot of experience on the SDK, so have great trouble finding stuff... It allways turns out to be not where i was thinking... 1) Where is the code on National Unit limitations ? I would like to change it so the limit does depend on the Map Size (or...
  19. Refar

    [SDK] How to add a new UnitAI ?

    I know C++ but i am comletely unfamiliar with the games SDK structure, so any pointers to where to start (or to mods already having this) will be appreciated. 1) I would like to add a new Unit_AI type. (Actaully a few, but let's see how 1 will work out.) I want to clone/modify a...
  20. Refar


    Cruiser Avrora <<< Link The most devastating warship ever ;) This one i started long ago, mothbaling her half-done. Now finally came back to it. The textures could be better (i.e. the wood and the damage map) nut i will call it done now. Animated with damage textures. FX and...
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