Brightness / Gamma control needed


Apr 10, 2005
What the title says...
I think it does not exist ? Or did i miss it somewhere ?

The game is just to dark for my taste.
The map without fog of war is a bit too dark but bearable.

However the parts covered by the fog are completely black, so i have trouble to see where i explored already and where not. (Not to mention trouble finding settlement locations...)

A option would be to make the fog of war lighter (not remove it, just make the visual less dark).
Is it possible ?
I solved it for my purposes by chaning the Fog of War density. (XML\Art\GlobalArtDefines.xml::FOW_WAS_VISIBLE_COLOR).

It's still a wee bit too dark, but i can clearly see the explored terrain now.
There should/might be similar controls for the overall lightning in the XML files.
FOW values help with explored terrain a lot, but the game is still way too dark, and I couldn't find any xml option for overall brightness. Is there a solution for overall brightness?
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