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  1. S

    May 2008 GOTM: World War Two Europe

    EDIT: just updated the SAVE files to correct some problems and increase the difficulty a little. Something odd happens with POLLUTION but it doesn't develop into the Pollution Bug, you just get a warning that global warming is about to occur (but it doesn't). Hopefully that's all the problems...
  2. S

    Dec07 GOTM: Winter Wonderland

    Merry Christmas all. Here's my thematic 'Winter Wonderland' scenario, played at KING difficulty (so fairly easy for non-experts). Your name is Santa Claus. And you are the King of the Elves. Your objective is: To win the Space Race for the benefit of man-and-elf-kind, and to bring...
  3. S

    Enemy Diplomats In Action

    I was always under the impression that enemy civs could only use diplomats 'through' their units on the front. However, in this game, both the Chinese and Romans approached me directly with diplomats - acting alone - and I decided to save the game when the Aztecs did exactly the same...
  4. S

    Enemy Civs NUKE Each Other?

    Only once, in all my years of gameplay, have I ever seen a nuclear war erupt between two rival enemy civilisations - on an earth scenario between Zulus and Egyptians several years ago. The war lasted 3-4 turns and during that time they must have launched about 15 warheads between them, which...
  5. S

    Suez Canal; End of Empire

    I read this news item on the British BBC website today, which I thought gave quite an interesting view of the crisis: What do you think? Is it a good explanation as to why the Brits and the French cast off their empires? And what...
  6. S

    Your first computer?

    I dont suppose this question applies much to the younger members on here as their world is almost exclusively one of PC/Microsoft/Intel clones. However, for the slightly older among us who were around in the days of all those weird and wonderful home computers, what was your first and when...
  7. S

    Do you like Australia?

    Since this theme seems to be popular at the moment, I thought I'd ask ;) You don't have to have actually visited to have an opinion. This could be from what you've seen on TV, at the movies, in the papers, people you know who've been there etc etc. Im not an Aussie, but I have been. I...
  8. S

    Tactics and Objectives...

    Does anyone else find they spend a lot of their time trying to preserve or boost their AI civ competitors (usually against you) and play balance of power politics? What are your usual gameplay tactics and objectives? I find these days its so easy to defeat the AIs, even simultaneously and...
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