Enemy Civs NUKE Each Other?


Nov 29, 2005
Only once, in all my years of gameplay, have I ever seen a nuclear war erupt between two rival enemy civilisations - on an earth scenario between Zulus and Egyptians several years ago.

The war lasted 3-4 turns and during that time they must have launched about 15 warheads between them, which not only decimated most of their biggest cities and armies, it caused pollution which went on to cause global warming.

I'm not sure if this was a bug or a possibility in the gameplay, as it has never happened any other time at all. Has anyone else ever seen anything remotely similar?
i guess there would be no reason to call this a bug or so. why could not they nuke each other?

i unfortunately have never ever seen such great nuclear war. 15 rockets. sweet.:)
Well, I agree that it shouldn't be a 'bug'. Yet aside from this instance, I have never seen a nuclear war, and never heard anyone talk about one happening (except against human players).
I have never seen 2 enemy CIVs nuke each other...they have sometimes nuked me in retaliation, but never seen it between 2 AIs

I would like to ask a question, have you occupied an enemy city and found 4 or 5 nuclears inside, waiting to be launched?

Why our AI enemies build the costly rockets and then not use them?

Best regards to all CIV 1 Users!!
I would like to ask a question, have you occupied an enemy city and found 4 or 5 nuclears inside, waiting to be launched?

Why our AI enemies build the costly rockets and then not use them?

I think its just as a threat - mutually assured destruction. If you actually attack them with a nuke, then they will strike you too. Sometimes repeatedly.
ai usually waits for an oportunity. they didn't throw just one nuke, but at least five in one turn - well that's just my sad experience vs hammurabi :D
It happens. Just not enough.
ai usually waits for an oportunity. they didn't throw just one nuke, but at least five in one turn - well that's just my sad experience vs hammurabi :D

Yeah I remember years ago watching my brother play an isolated game, building up a beautiful island - then a Babylonian carrier appears and nukes all of his cities! I remember his jaw hitting the floor. First and last time I've seen it happen.
Maybe because we rarely establish embassies and play games until the end
There need to be the right conditions. You need at least two civilizations that are developed enough to produce nuclear units. They need to be close enough to be at odds to each other. Neither must have the United Nations wonder. One must slightly be larger than the other and want to dominate the other.

My theory is when one group is strongly overpowered they launch their nuclear arsenal just like they do at you when they feel it is the last resort or you have a Cold War scenario.

I have seen it on most of my strange world scenarios I do. I know during my South American Isolationist Empire game I witnessed a three way fight for Africa.

Russians had Asia, Europe, and Egypt. Zulus had central and southern Africa. Americans had a city in Morocco and another in west Africa.

Imagine this scenario...

The Russians are dominating the world. Their last enemy in the connected continents of Europe, Asia, and Africa are the Zulus. If they took Africa I would have them crossing from Africa to South America instead of perpetually fighting the Zulus. The Americans with only a footprint in Africa brought 20+ bombers over from the Americas and laid everyone in the Sahara to waste.

I stopped the flood of Russians into Africa by blocking the Suez with diplomats, leaving only two cities in Egypt under Russian control. They still attacked the Zulus with remaining forces. And, out of nowhere, the Russians nuked the Zulus.

I moved my precious Settler NONE units I keep across the ocean and landed them near the bombed out city to clean up the pollution.

As I just started the cleaning Russians nuked that city again and two others. Zulus shot them back! Zulus even hit the Americans with one in Africa.

I literally bought every transport I could and in one turn had 40 units in 5 transports across the sea. I needed to eradicate the Zulus and use my United Nations Wonder to force peace.

Two nuclear winter turns hit. I had a handful of Zulus cities, but I was down to a little over 15 Armors out of my 40. Russians were hit with a nuke by the Americans! I tried to cross the desert to destroy their ports, but those bombers ended my army in the Sahara before I managed to hit their cities only a couple times.

That scenario ended in the Nuclear Winter.
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