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  1. M

    Civ5 Wishlist

    1) Make longer games more involved, not just the same as shorter games but with everything taking five times longer. 2) Less useless units. Good units should have specific functions, not be contemporary with better units, and able to last for pretty much an entire age before I have to replace...
  2. M

    Birth of England (410-1000AD) Development Thread

    Right, after a few days of messing about with the map, I've given up temporarily and decided to read up some history. Particularly, I've found this website, which has some nice accessable timelines for various regions, and some decent maps. As to the timeline, I thought I would re-create a...
  3. M

    Birth of England (410-1000AD) Development Thread

    MikeJep, I'll accept all and any help I can get with this. :) And if you're well read about the period, then ideas and historical knowledge would be really helpful too. Ninja2, a complete scenario isn't entirely beyond what I'm willing to do. Truth be told though, I haven't played a whole lot...
  4. M

    Birth of England (410-1000AD) Development Thread

    Hmmm. I dunno, The_J. I'd rather have the special improvement than a special technology. Although if I recall, buildings CAN improve the yeild of terrain types, like the harbour and so forth... Maybe the same can be done with tundra, so it's effectively the same as grassland to Pictish cities...
  5. M

    Birth of England (410-1000AD) Development Thread

    Adjica, you're certainly right that the start date will define the tone of the mod, especially if we're heading into the territory of Authorian history. If I recall, all the leaders I checked were from well after 540. I think they generally range from the 8th century to the 11th. I'm happy to...
  6. M

    Birth of England (410-1000AD) Development Thread

    Ajidica, I certainly appreciate any historical aid I can get. To be fair, I'd entirely forgotten the actual history of post-Roman Britain in my eagerness to outline the mod. Do you think a later start-date would be more appropriate then? In what year would you consider the Romano-British...
  7. M

    Birth of England (410-1000AD) Development Thread

    I'm finally at the stage where I feel confident attempting my own scenario! In this case, one featuring the history of England and the nations that influenced her throughout the early middle ages. The aim of this project is not so much to provide an accurate depiction of the period, as to...
  8. M

    Great Wall as terrain feature

    Good idea. I'll give that a shot. Thanks a lot.
  9. M

    Great Wall as terrain feature

    Hi all. I'm making a map for northern Europe, about 400-1000AD, and I've decided the Great Wall would be perfect in place of Hadrian's Wall, but I don't want to give it to any civilization. Is there any way to include it purely as a terrain feature?
  10. M

    Accurate Earth Map in development

    Is it actually necessary to cripple Africa? It should surely be possible for a powerful African nation to survive into the modern day if the conditions are available due to in-game deviations from history. Besides, I'd be pretty miffed if I played this as the Malinese and got hit with a -20%...
  11. M

    evil leaders

    A thought for America: are there any well known leaders of the original Puritan settlers? They were evil to the very man. I seriously don't think America (or indeed, any true modern democracy) has had an evil leader (except Germany, alas). Just lots of incompetent or amoral ones. And to the...
  12. M

    World History Mod development thread

    Kevin, I have played EU3, so if it gives you ideas, I'll explain how the Papal system works in that for you. Basically, the Pope doesn't actually exist in game, but rather there are 10 (I think) cardinals which are effectively the power behind the Pope. These can be controlled by various...
  13. M

    World History Mod development thread

    That's all very good and well, except that if you annoy the pope enough, he can make life extraordinarily difficult for you. Suddenly being kicked out of the Catholics-only club would give you a huge diplomatic penalty with the rest of Catholic Europe, for example. Refusing to pay, say, the King...
  14. M

    World History Mod development thread

    The issue with the Papal States is, who gets to play Pope? It's a hella lotta power for any one civ. Would an alternative perhaps be to somehow have a leader unattatched to a Civ? So you could still converse with "The Pope" and make deals with him, but he'd be seperate from a less influential...
  15. M

    Accurate Earth Map in development

    *hides* Sorry. I had no idea Catalans hated being called Spanish. I just assumed that people from Spain are Spanish. The same logic works with the French, after all. But on the note of Spain, I fear it may be starting to get really overloaded with resources. And I don't think it's so much...
  16. M

    Accurate Earth Map in development

    Really? The Germans have no interest in Switzerland at all? I also note that while you've suggested they have an interest in Finland and Norway, they have no interest in Sweden? Are you basing their European interests on the conquests (both successful and not) of Nazi Germany? Because with...
  17. M

    World History Mod development thread

    I'm not quite sure I understand the inherant difference betwen Paganism and Indiginous Spirituality then. As far as I can tell, they're both blanket terms for the many hundred native belief systems throughout the world which all have only two things in common: 1) they have at no point become...
  18. M

    [LH] Barack Obama

    Hey, just a thought, if someone does make a Hillary or McCain leaderhead too: has anyone considered doing an election mod? A big ole map of the USA, a choice of noteworthy candidates from throughout American history, various campaign units, maybe news networks as religions or something... Could...
  19. M

    [LH] Barack Obama

    Whoa. :| Okay, backtracking a bit. Even as a foreigner, I would agree that Americans are the only people who have a place developing American policies, and the same is true with any free country. Hell, here in the UK a lot of people, myself included, are intensely skeptical about EU...
  20. M

    World History Mod development thread

    Same here. Technically it's not actually a religion, but regardless its impact on world history is absolutely minimal, and it's not practiced by very many people, unless you live in Hollywood. I think there are probably more deserving modern faiths which could take its place.
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