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  1. M

    WoT Modern Warfare Mod

    War on Terror Modern Warfare Mod Description: This Mod was designed to simulate a political world where nations do not have sufficient capacities to be superpowers and have formed real world alliances to rule the world. 4 New Civilizations include The Northern Alliance, The European Union...
  2. M

    World Builder / Mod Problem

    I just created a mod which adds some new civilizations, units and leaders. These work fine after spending a long time on the forums getting stuck being clueless on things like import to VFS and adding a world builder map to my existing mod. I managed to do all these so far but I'm stuck on the...
  3. M

    Unit: Satellite

    From the collection comes the satellite. It has unmatched radar coverage and reconaissance capabilities(the maximum in the game) and can be re based unto carriers for even better sea coverage. It has no attack or defense parameters. Is there a way to make multiple recons within a single...
  4. M

    Units: Aegis Destroyer & Seahawk Patch

    Hey guys, MazterJo is back. And the latest addition is this Aegis Destroyer. Similar to the Aegis Cruiser, the Aegis Destroyer is the big brother of the Cruiser. It has the ability to carry small aircraft and helicopters on its helipad. Can you spot the tiny helicopter on it? Hee Hee. Well, I'm...
  5. M

    Unit: Prophet

    Another unit from my Ultimod Pack is the Prophet. This unit can be used as a leader or a unit. It adds a great deal of diversity to the game. He attacks by casting spells. So one can use him to plant trees as one of his spells well thats just one use for him. :king: Create a Prophet folder...
  6. M

    Unit: Spec Ops Team

    Here is the Spec Ops Team I used in my Ultimod Pack. They contain their Civilopedia graphic and you can choose not to use them. All you have to do is: Create a SpecOps Team Folder in your art/units folder. Unzip the into the folder. Move the .pcx files to...
  7. M

    Ultimod - The Ultimate Mod

    Hey People, The Ultimod is here. Ive been working on it for 2 weeks now so it should be ok. New countries have been added to balance out the entire world on the map, like there is an Australia now as well as Spain n Arabia. It is more of a modern mod wit new units like the terrorists n spec ops...
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