Post-1.8 patches

The link is working for me. Mediafire does have intermittent issues from time to time. I'm going to host the final release of 1.9 on ModDB so there should be less problems.
The link is working for me. Mediafire does have intermittent issues from time to time. I'm going to host the final release of 1.9 on ModDB so there should be less problems.

All the other files in your Mediafire folder are functional, but the latest version just refuses to download. Did you actually start the download of the file? Having more than one source for the modpack would be smart since online file sharing services are so unpredictable. Please, please add another source for the modpack, I'm forced to play the 1.9 beta 1 patch 5 since I can't get the latest one anywhere.
I think it would be great if we finalized all the changes and added a tiny bit of extra content to make some of the factions a bit more interesting and balanced, and then release a 2.0 final.

Sorry I haven't had time to do much testing lately, RL intervened.
hey deliverator,

i guess final 1.9 will be the last?

Deliverator said:
I think it would be great if we finalized all the changes and added a tiny bit of extra content to make some of the factions a bit more interesting and balanced, and then release a 2.0 final.

Sorry I haven't had time to do much testing lately, RL intervened.

I'm uploading the final version of Dune Wars 1.9 to ModDB now.

I've been pretty busy with RL also, and the modding time I've had I've been using to try and overcome some of the hurdles with Civ 5 unit art.

At the moment, Civ 5 is not as modable as Civ 4 - and working on Civ 4 feels much more unrestricted and enjoyable. Couple this with the fact that we still have ideas on how to further improve the mod, I should think there will be further patches and a final 2.0 version. I'm just not sure exactly when that'll be. As long there are some people downloading, playing and posting feedback then there is motivation to carry on work.
I for one hope you all continue till Civ5 becomes less of a donkey.....

Haveing played FF2 to death, ive spent a couple of weeks on this, and have found it excellent.

Couple of things, Settlers with increased movement will alow the AI and player to make a better initial placement of city, and increased beaker cost of settlers would slow down expansion, allowing Barbs to expand quicker rather tha AI civs.
Hi Hanny, welcome to Dune Wars. Glad you're enjoying the mod. Generally this thread is for development discussion and there are other threads for feedback.

Couple of things, Settlers with increased movement will alow the AI and player to make a better initial placement of city, and increased beaker cost of settlers would slow down expansion, allowing Barbs to expand quicker rather tha AI civs.

I'm not sure how giving more movement points would bring about better AI city placement. It should be much better in 1.9 than it was in 1.8 as the settling algorithm has been fixed.

With the settler unit, you can't just set the hammer cost, there is a global parameter that affects both city growth rate and settler costs. The general view has been that we don't really want to change this.
Here is Dune Wars Patch

This mostly about improving the pedia, artwork and music with a few gameplay tweaks.

Pedia Improvements

+ Every Technology now has a quote - mostly Frank Herbert originals, but one or two come from the Dune Encyclopedia.

+ Strategy text is displayed instead of the Background text for Techs.

+ Unique Civilization Features are now displayed against Civilizations:
Spoiler :

+ Various Text cleared up


+ Fremen can not build Vehicles and Thopters, but can capture Vehicles, Suspensors and Thopters.

+ Waterstealer's Water Insect promotion now only takes water from cities with 3 tiles rather than 4.

+ Sardaukar Noukker is now unique to Corrino again - was available to others with Sardaukar Coop resource.


+ The Soldier unit now uses 3 different meshes to look like more of a irregular group of survivors - using bits of units from Total Realism - I think Bakuel is responsible for some of these parts:
Spoiler :

+ Made some Infantry unit variants - complete with ginger Harkonnens:
Spoiler :

+ New Master Guardsman unit using bernie14's Portuguese Cassador as a base:
Spoiler :

+ Shield Fighter and Kindjal Soldier now have a shield effect (You need to see the animation to get the full effect):
Spoiler :

+ Thinking Machine missionary is now called Thinking Machine Propagator with art ported from the Dawn of War Ecclesiastical Servitor:
Spoiler :

+ New icons for all Civics - renamed Slavery to Oppression which seemed more flavourful.

+ New building icons: Weather Control Satellites, Guild Banks, Monastery

+ Laid groundwork for new Music Pack to follow soon.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DOWNLOAD HERE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<



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Very nice! Great job Deliverator, I love the Harkonnen guys.

However, I wonder if they look a little too "professional" for the early game, and might do a better job as Master Guardsmen than Infantry?

Is the shield effect something we can add to other units?
For example, one of the mech units (I forget which) is anti-guardsman; arguably because it would have shielding.
Is the shield effect something we can add to other units?
For example, one of the mech units (I forget which) is anti-guardsman; arguably because it would have shielding.

I can add it to any unit, if there are others that need it. I can also change the colour of the effect for different units if we want.
I tidied up a bit too much while making so the homeworld screen is missing game text. I'll upload an updated version when I get a moment.
When making the patch I accidentally cleared out the Homeworld text file leading to broken text on the Homeworld screen.

I've attached the regular 1.9 version of the file in question to this post to make it easy for those that have installed patch to repair the Homeworld text.

To install simple unzip the file DuneWars_HomeworldText.xml and overwrite the file of the same name in, for example, C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword\Mods\Dune Wars\assets\XML\Text. (If you have Windows 7, the Steam version or a different drive letter for Program Files then your path may be different.)

Overwriting the file will not break savegames - it will just fix the Homeworld screen text.

I may be mostly offline over the Christmas period. I plan during this time to attempt to rebuild Dune Wars using RevDCM 2.83 as a base. The merge doesn't look too bad, and the prize of getting the mod working multiplayer seems to be worth some effort.


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I may be mostly offline over the Christmas period. I plan during this time to attempt to rebuild Dune Wars using RevDCM 2.83 as a base. The merge doesn't look too bad, and the prize of getting the mod working multiplayer seems to be worth some effort.

This is wonderful news, Deliverator! I can't imagine Dune Wars is balanced for an all-human multiplayer game, but I love the idea of being able to play with a couple of human players thrown in with the AI.

Dune Wars Version 1.9.1

+ Built on the base of the Better BUG AI edition.

+ Removed Colonial Maintenance so there is no longer a penalty for having your cities on different islands from your capital. To counter-balance this there are three new values in GlobalDefinesAlt.xml which scale different components of maintenance:

BASE_UNIT_MAINTENANCE_MULTIPLIER = Currently set to 200 which means that Unit Maintenance is doubled - this replaces the previous doubling of INITIAL_GOLD_PER_UNIT.

NUM_CITIES_CITY_MAINTENANCE_MULTIPLIER = Set to 175 meaning that City Maintenance due to number of cities is increased by 75% over previous costs.

DISTANCE_CITY_MAINTENANCE_MULTIPLIER = Set to 175 meaning that City Maintenance due to distance from the capital is increased by 75% over previous costs.

These changes to maintenance seem to have slowed down Tech progression quite a bit they'll probably still need tuning. It's as easy as editing GlobalDefinesAlt.xml is people want to try out alternatives.

+ Made polar region more interesting in Arrakis mapscript.
- New Polar Sink Terrain added so the sink is a single landmass
- Occassional Mine Resources (Crystal, Diamond,etc) appear at the pole

Spoiler :

+ changed the routine CvPlayerAI::AI_getWaterDanger to check land tiles as well as water tiles - hopefully this will make all terrain units more aware of danger since previously they were only checking water plots.
+ tried a new implementation for transports unloading when in danger - let me know if you get any infinite loops or if it improves behaviour at all.
+ Reviewed UnitAIs - using Vanilla UnitInfos as a reference
- added UNIT_ATTACK_SEA to a lot of All Terrain units (Sandrider Units / Thopters / Suspensors) to encourage more desert battling
- Fighter aircraft (Interceptors) now use UNITAI_DEFENSE_AIR instead UNITAI_ATTACK_AIR as in vanilla

+ Deathstill no longer gives +1 water - just stores 50% water after growth
+ Fremen start with a Solider instead of two Scouts
+ Barbarians can no longer build the occasional Crysknife Fighter.
+ Scytale is now Organized instead of Philosophical
+ Forest now provides +1 hammer
+ All Improvements are now labelled with the name of the owner
+ Further tweaks to Diplomacy text (if someone wants go through Civ4DiplomacyText.xml and remove the remaining un-Dunish stuff and add more flavour that would be great - there's quite a lot of it)

+ Merged in multiplayer fixes from RevDCM 2.83. Autoplay now works in multiplayer.
+ Removed all DCM code except Airbomb Missions.
+ Thumper promo now requires EITHER Sandrider OR Stillsuit
+ Stillsuit promo is not available to Sandrider units
+ Laza Tiger now has +100% attacking Guardsmen/Melee but not defending. (I've added tags for units to have Attacking or Defensive bonuses against particular unit classes which could be useful for other things.)
+ Naib's Chosen no longer gets Marauder promo (pillage on move)

Dune Wars Patch

Patch was short-lived. This has everything from that patch, plus more fixes.

+ Replaced Era popup art with illustrations mostly taken from this fantastic Dune art blog:

Spoiler :

+ Fixed Homeworld Screen mechanic for multiplayer
+ Fixed crash when reloading a savegame
+ Add OOSLogger Python code for debugging OOS errors.
+ Dune Wars Multiplayer now seems to be fully working and stable. :cool:
+ Added new strategy text - thanks to OneHundredBears.
+ ( Further fixes to Homeworld mechanic persistent data
+ ( Added Ahriman's updated leaderhead growth flavors

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Download Dune Wars 1.9.1 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Download Dune Wars Patch <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Note: 1.9.1 is the latest full version of Dune Wars - you need to install it first before installing

Probably I've missed some bits - so feedback if you spot anything strange.

Have fun!

Let's pipe feedback back into the 1.9 thread to stop it getting spread out too much.



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Great stuff here.

+ Deathstill no longer gives +1 water - just stores 50% water after growth
I thought you preferred the other way; +1 water, but 30% storage?

+ Barbarians can no longer build the occasional Crysknife Fighter.
Ok, but I quite liked seeing a nasty barbarian, it changed the game a lot.
Is there a way we could make a barbarian UU version that tied to a different (later) tech than stillsuits?
So the AI would still get an equivalent unit, but it would come a bit later.

Maybe you can merge the Growth flavor tweaks I posted into the next version?
Also, on the diplomacy text, is there a way to detemine which faction would be responding or providing the text?
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