Dune Wars Version 1.9.1
+ Built on the base of the
Better BUG AI edition.
+ Removed Colonial Maintenance so there is no longer a penalty for having your cities on different islands from your capital. To counter-balance this there are three new values in GlobalDefinesAlt.xml which scale different components of maintenance:
BASE_UNIT_MAINTENANCE_MULTIPLIER = Currently set to 200 which means that Unit Maintenance is doubled - this replaces the previous doubling of INITIAL_GOLD_PER_UNIT.
NUM_CITIES_CITY_MAINTENANCE_MULTIPLIER = Set to 175 meaning that City Maintenance due to number of cities is increased by 75% over previous costs.
DISTANCE_CITY_MAINTENANCE_MULTIPLIER = Set to 175 meaning that City Maintenance due to distance from the capital is increased by 75% over previous costs.
These changes to maintenance seem to have slowed down Tech progression quite a bit they'll probably still need tuning. It's as easy as editing GlobalDefinesAlt.xml is people want to try out alternatives.
+ Made polar region more interesting in Arrakis mapscript.
- New Polar Sink Terrain added so the sink is a single landmass
- Occassional Mine Resources (Crystal, Diamond,etc) appear at the pole
+ changed the routine CvPlayerAI::AI_getWaterDanger to check land tiles as well as water tiles - hopefully this will make all terrain units more aware of danger since previously they were only checking water plots.
+ tried a new implementation for transports unloading when in danger - let me know if you get any infinite loops or if it improves behaviour at all.
+ Reviewed UnitAIs - using Vanilla UnitInfos as a reference
- added UNIT_ATTACK_SEA to a lot of All Terrain units (Sandrider Units / Thopters / Suspensors) to encourage more desert battling
- Fighter aircraft (Interceptors) now use UNITAI_DEFENSE_AIR instead UNITAI_ATTACK_AIR as in vanilla
+ Deathstill no longer gives +1 water - just stores 50% water after growth
+ Fremen start with a Solider instead of two Scouts
+ Barbarians can no longer build the occasional Crysknife Fighter.
+ Scytale is now Organized instead of Philosophical
+ Forest now provides +1 hammer
+ All Improvements are now labelled with the name of the owner
+ Further tweaks to Diplomacy text (if someone wants go through Civ4DiplomacyText.xml and remove the remaining un-Dunish stuff and add more flavour that would be great - there's quite a lot of it)
+ Merged in multiplayer fixes from RevDCM 2.83. Autoplay now works in multiplayer.
+ Removed all DCM code except Airbomb Missions.
+ Thumper promo now requires EITHER Sandrider OR Stillsuit
+ Stillsuit promo is not available to Sandrider units
+ Laza Tiger now has +100% attacking Guardsmen/Melee but not defending. (I've added tags for units to have Attacking or Defensive bonuses against particular unit classes which could be useful for other things.)
+ Naib's Chosen no longer gets Marauder promo (pillage on move)
Dune Wars Patch
Patch was short-lived. This has everything from that patch, plus more fixes.
+ Replaced Era popup art with illustrations mostly taken from this
fantastic Dune art blog:
+ Fixed Homeworld Screen mechanic for multiplayer
+ Fixed crash when reloading a savegame
+ Add OOSLogger Python code for debugging OOS errors.
+ Dune Wars Multiplayer now seems to be fully working and stable.
+ Added new strategy text - thanks to OneHundredBears.
+ ( Further fixes to Homeworld mechanic persistent data
+ ( Added Ahriman's updated leaderhead growth flavors
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Download Dune Wars 1.9.1 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Download Dune Wars Patch <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Note: 1.9.1 is the latest full version of Dune Wars - you need to install it first before installing
Probably I've missed some bits - so feedback if you spot anything strange.
Have fun!
Let's pipe feedback back into the
1.9 thread to stop it getting spread out too much.