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[Map Script] PerfectWorld2.py

If you ever revisit this, here's a couple comments:

He already made PerfectWorld 3, which uses completely different landmass and climate generators (which I think you'll find address your comments). It just happened to be for Civ5, so I ported it back to Civ4 and made some improvements. Please see the other thread.
Is there any way with the modifiers to make more continents and small archipelagos appear rather than a couple of larger island? to me the current one makes a couple of large islands that look roundish, no bays, seas, or peninsulas on or going into the continents like the red sea divides Africa from Arabian peninsula, , also the map doesn’t make to many archipelagos like the Caribbean or Philippines.

So is there in variables I can adjust in the map script to get these effects of am I just stuck with it?
Is there any way with the modifiers to make more continents and small archipelagos appear rather than a couple of larger island? to me the current one makes a couple of large islands that look roundish, no bays, seas, or peninsulas on or going into the continents like the red sea divides Africa from Arabian peninsula, , also the map doesn’t make to many archipelagos like the Caribbean or Philippines.

So is there in variables I can adjust in the map script to get these effects of am I just stuck with it?

It's been a few years since I looked at it, but there are lots of variables at the beginning of the script to adjust. There should be comments to describe what does what. You should be able to get what you want with tuning a couple of variables.
I've looked i cant find any variables that would do this, or even say they do that.
I've looked i cant find any variables that would do this, or even say they do that.

Ok, try setting hmMaxGrain to 8 or 4. You can also play around with hmNoiseLevel, and also the plate tectonic variables to add more plates etc.

You have mentioned that you do not mind other people making metamods of your Perfect World map script. However, the copyright statement at the beginning does not state this; it merely states your copyright on the map script without giving any permission for other modders to make or distribute modified (or even unmodified) versions of Perfect World.

Are you willing to release this script under an open source license? I don't think the GPL will work because it arguably "links" to Civilization IV, but a BSD license would be fine. Keep in mind that open source licenses will allow, say, Firaxis (or anyone else) to use your script without paying you. You may also, if you prefer, release it with conditions like "no commercial use" if you prefer. It's your code and your baby so do with it as you wish.

However, since you have moved on to Civ 5 and having a baby, and haven't updated Perfect World for three years, it would do the community who continue to mod Perfect World (PerfectMongoose, Map script tools, etc.) a big favor to not have their mods be in legal limbo.

Everyone else:

I am starting work on yet another fork of Perfect World. This one is very close to Cephalo's script, down to making the exact same maps when given the exact same parameters (as long as the map is not toric). However, I have added a few menu choices so people can choose things frequently mentioned on this thread, such as being able to control the land level without editing the script or having maps with more islands and stringy continents.

Before making any bug reports, feature requests, etc. in this thread, please do the following:

  • Make sure logging is enabled. In CivilizationIV.ini, make sure LoggingEnabled = 1, RandLog = 1, and MessageLog = 1
  • If you try and load the script and it gives you nothing but grassland, this means the script failed for some reason. Make sure to post the relevant lines of PythonDbg.log and PythonErr.log so we can try and figure out what's broken with your Civ IV install
  • I can not look at any reports of issues with strange looking maps, strange player placements, etc. unless I know the exact parameters that made the map in question. To get this information, look in PythonDbg.log for the map seed as well as the map parameters; post these parameters along with your bug report.

Anyway, I do not feel comfortable giving people a download link until Cephalo gives me legal permission to do so (there is, after all, a "no pirated content" rule for this forum and any Perfect World mods are pirated until Cephalo says otherwise). I sent him an email Saturday about it and hopefully he will pop in here again in order to make my Perfect World mods legal.
Well if there is anyone still here, I have an interesting problem.

I am running OSX Lion, I have PW installed in my Applications/CivilizationIV/PublicMaps folder. But when I run the script I get endless grassland with cows horses sheep and vast rivers that go from one end of the map to the other N/S, except around civ spawns which have some forest and hills. No matter where I put the script or what I do my computer can't seem to run the script.

EDIT: PerfectMongoose fails too.


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Well if there is anyone still here, I have an interesting problem.

I am running OSX Lion, I have PW installed in my Applications/CivilizationIV/PublicMaps folder. But when I run the script I get endless grassland with cows horses sheep and vast rivers that go from one end of the map to the other N/S, except around civ spawns which have some forest and hills. No matter where I put the script or what I do my computer can't seem to run the script.

EDIT: PerfectMongoose fails too.
That means a Python error. Unfortunately the Mac version of Civ4 uses a different Python version than the Windows version. So probably some of the Python in the scripts relies on a feature that the newer version has and the older not.
Anyway, I do not feel comfortable giving people a download link until Cephalo gives me legal permission to do so (there is, after all, a "no pirated content" rule for this forum and any Perfect World mods are pirated until Cephalo says otherwise). I sent him an email Saturday about it and hopefully he will pop in here again in order to make my Perfect World mods legal.

I must admit I'm a complete ignoramous when it comes to legal mumbo jumbo. If somebody used my code without permission and even without credit I would have no way of knowing or caring. If I found out I might make an attempt to verbally correct their manners, but its not a big deal.

So here it is, "I hereby grant you vktj permission to copy my code." Is that enough? I'm not hiring a lawyer. ;)
Well if there is anyone still here, I have an interesting problem.

I am running OSX Lion, I have PW installed in my Applications/CivilizationIV/PublicMaps folder. But when I run the script I get endless grassland with cows horses sheep and vast rivers that go from one end of the map to the other N/S, except around civ spawns which have some forest and hills. No matter where I put the script or what I do my computer can't seem to run the script.

EDIT: PerfectMongoose fails too.

If you enable python error popups you should get a more detailed explanation for the map's failure.

That means a Python error. Unfortunately the Mac version of Civ4 uses a different Python version than the Windows version. So probably some of the Python in the scripts relies on a feature that the newer version has and the older not.

A long time ago I made some fixes for python version compatability. That shouldn't be an issue anymore.
So here it is, "I hereby grant you vktj permission to copy my code." Is that enough? I'm not hiring a lawyer. ;)

That's perfect!

I know I'm being really pedantic about it, but that comes from nearly two decades of open source under my belt. In the open source culture, we take software licenses very very seriously and message boards are frequently filled with long pseudo-legal discussions about quite frankly dumb things (like whether someone can put their work in the public domain).

Anyway, now that that's done, here's a link for people who still play Civ4:


The file Totestra.py is my fork of PerfectWorld2.

Some points:

  • This is a direct derivative of Cephalo's last version (2.06) of the script. I haven't incorporated any other third part changes like avoiding resource clutering.
  • The code to draw lower-quality maps more quickly is probably really buggy. Please post bug reports here
  • I have done no multiplayer testing
  • Do not PM or email me with bug reports. I will open up a thread
  • "I see only grassland" bug reports will be ignored unless you post the relevant lines from PythonErr.txt showing where the script failed
  • Bug reports about unusual things in maps will be ignored unless you post the map's seed and parameters. This is in PythonDbg.txt.
  • Be sure to enable logging in your .ini file so you can make a meaningful bug report.

OK, time to start a new thread. Thanks again Cephalo, for your permission and most of all for your great map script!
Hmm... I'll try looking at the python errors.

My current theory is that Lion broke it.
Before questioning I would like to thank this great work. Perfect World is my favorite when playing single and multiplayer games.

My question is about its dimensions. I play LoR (0.9.9) for so many years, that I don't even remember how is original BtS anymore, and I always choose Perfect World 2g to make my maps (it comes with the mod, and thank god it did :goodjob:)

But I would love to have a Perfect World game bigger then Huge. Huge is already fascinating, but with a 64 civs dll and barbarian organizing as full civs in the course of the game, a bigger map would be a lot better to really enjoy those 64 civs (or at least closer to this number). Planet Generator 068 seems so artificial, and Smartmap so unrealistic, but they are the only option that can override Huge. A Perfect World is the most close to an Earth and that's why we like to play it. The experience feels more realistic, and LoR is no doubt a lot more realistic then original BtS (except for the common issue of the Date being a lot faster then the development of nations with a good range of options activated).

Is there a way to do it?
But I would love to have a Perfect World game bigger then Huge.

Time to make this a FAQ; this is the third time I have answered this question in the last week.

I can think of three ways to make extra-huge maps with PerfectWorld:

- Sam

Update FAQ done: http://samiam.org/Civ4/HugeMap.html
is this compatible with smart map? I'm guessing it is, but I want to be sure it is compatible.
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