BT 2: 2140-2170
North American Events
The Missouri River Confederacy Implodes!
St. Louis, The Atlantic States
Some people said they could see coming. But it largely seems that the collapse of one of the strongest nations on the North American continent too a lot of people, and nations by surprise. For the better part of the last 50 years, the Missouri River Confederacy maintained control of one of the richest, most fertile lands in the world, along the Missouri River. Yet economic issues, and political rivalries ultimately led to a dissolution of the already fairly loose Confederacy.
Small scale locale wars broke out in several parts of the Confederacy, and the central government found itself unable to keep the peace among it's member towns and and regions. The government of the Atlantic States, a growing power in the region, quickly moved into St. Louis to 'maintain order', and protect it's commercial interests along the river.
Kentucky Whistles Dixie
Frankfurt, The Dixie Confederacy
The land that was once the state of Kentucky, has become fully annexed by the growing Dixie Confederacy. A large number of Dixie settlers, without too much encouragement from the Dixie government, has made way into the region. Similarly, a large number of Virginians did the same. What was found, not surprisingly enough, was that Dixie and Virginian were identical at best. This joint exodus has fostered closer relations between the two nations, that have some in the Virginian congress crying out for unification.
New Confederate Constitution
Tallahasee, Dixie Confederacy
Individual rights to life, liberty and property were on the mind of the Confederate Congress, as they wrote up a new Constitution for their nation. A new nation, needs a new set of principles, after all, and among those already mentioned, a free economy is promised, and the importance of a religious and morale society has been highlighted. Thus far, this new Constitution has been very well received, by both the people in the Dixie Confederacy, and those Virginians thinking about joining.
Alaskan Independence
Anchorage, The Republic of Alaska
Long standing disagreements over several political matters, and of course, classic regional tension has led to the northern parts of Cascadia to secede from the nation, and form the Republic of Alaska. The current government has deemed Anchorage to be the capital of the new Republic, and has already set about expanding Alaskan borders into warmer lands.
Mormon Church Reinvigorated
Salt Lake City, Deseret
The new Republic of Deseret, based around the Great Salt Lake, has been sending many 'peace-keeping' and missionary expeditions in a reverse of the old Mormon Trail, towards Salt Lake City. These members of the New Church of the Latter Day Saints have been bringing the word of the Lord to the people of the Plains, along with food, medicine and other provisions. What seems to be the ending area, for a lot of these trips, is the lands previously occupied by the Missouri River Confederacy.
The Caribbean League Extends
San Juan, Caribbean League
In a move not too surprising to many foreign observers, the Leeward Antilles, themselves previously recognized as territories of Gran Colombia, have declared themselves to be a part of the newly established Caribbean League, a growing Confederacy of the Caribbean's many small islands, centered in Puerto Rico.
The Sonoran Question
Hermosillo, The Republic of Sonora
The Republic of Sonora was formed out of necessity. But now that, that time is over, the future of the young Republic is questionable. Many people in California, view it as a possible future annexation. Though their isn't much of a shared cultural history, economically, Californian interests could expand greatly into the area. Several Sonorans feel the same way. On the other side of the coin, the growing Mexican nation, is looking for a re-unification with what it considers to be a rogue state. Yet, memories of the poor conditions the United States of Mexico had brought in the past, has led to many Sonorans dreading the very idea of a re-unification. Yet a growing number of Sonorans instead, are looking at continued independence as a very real, and viable solution to the issue. The debate remains a touchy subject, with no clear side at an advantage.
European Events
European Industrial and Economic Revitalization
Amsterdam, The Lowland's Union
Europe seems to be finally pulling itself out of the ditch that the collapse of Society caused. Trans-continental trade began to boom, as ship building grew massively, air flight became common once more, and various levels of mass transit became operational again. Green Technology research, has been occurring in Spain, England and the Hellenistic Empire, while an increased industrial focus could be seen across the continent. Europe has proven itself well recovered from the collapse, and it seems if things continue in the way they have, Europe may soon lead the world in standards of living, industry and economics.
The United Irish Republic
Dublin, The United Irish Republic
Finally, the Emerald Island is unified under one government. After several years of intense political debate, and governmental reforms, the Irish nation shifted itself from a Parliamentary Democracy, to a Federal Republic, in the style of the United States. Of course, several differences have been noted, with 3-4 major parties being active, rather then 2, and the entire idea of an electoral college has been done away with. This change, fit with the requests of the Connaught government, seeking for a unification with their fellow Irishmen. Under these reforms, several of the otherwise uninterested groups resisting Dublin's rule in the North, have decided to throw their lot in with the new Republic as well.
The Treaty of Canterbury
Newcastle, Northumbrian Free State
In a stunning decision, the governments of the Republic of England, and the Norse Imperium have decided to give the Norse Northumbrian Colony independence. This Northumbrian Free State, have large English, Norse and Scottish minorities in it, with a growing Norweigian one. The situation between these groups are volatile at best, with outright hostility being displayed more often than not, between these groups. The government based in Newcastle, has had quite the time getting use to the switch, and hopes that in the future these tensions will subside.
Norse Homesteading Continues
Reykjavík, The Norse Imperium
The Norse government, and by extension, the Norse Church, have managed to encourage settlement of some of the more outlying regions of what is classically considered to be Nordic domains. The entirety of Iceland declared its loyalty to the King, along with large portions of northern Scandinavia. Despite the unification of the Sapmi Republic, Norse interests in the northern region of Scandinavia became clear, when the Norse navy claimed large portions of the Baltic coast for the Imperium. The coast of Greenland soon 'suffered' the same fate, though the few people who continue to live there welcomed His Majesty's navy rather gleefully.
As Norse settlers began filling out these regions, it became abundantly clear that the Norse Church's reach grows largely with that of the Imperium. Large followings began to develop in the Lowlands Union, Northumbria and Riga.
New Imperialism?
Jamestown, The Republic of England
With the world finally coming too, several nations have wasted little time in going back to the days of Empires, setting their sites on lands far away from their home region. The Norse Imperium, has stretched itself from Riga to Greenland, though, in various regards, those lands could be considered classically Norse. Siam has attempted to cut itself a bigger slice of South East Asian trade, by occupying several key islands throughout Indonesia, and of course Hainan island in it's entirety.
The nations of England, Spain, Portugal and the Hellenistic Empire, however, have begun looking to Africa for additional trade, and resources. Portuguese and Spanish possessions in Northern Morocco have expanded considerably in the last year, with even more Spanish expansion taking place in what was the West Saharan territory. The Hellenistic Empire, has long claimed Cyrene in it's sphere of influence, and has finally managed to carve more official borders for its possession. England has in turn, started looking to Southern Africa and its rather untapped economic potential. After re-occupying the islands of Ascension and St. Helena, British ships, coupled with soldiers, a few traders managed to make land fall in several parts of Africa. The new nations of Africa are thus far, as a whole, generally not in too strong of a position to really counter these European moves. The Tripolitan States, meanwhile continue their 'reverse Colonialism', taking a large part of Sardinia, and the Balearic Islands as new territories.
New Rights in the Fourth Reich
Berlin, the Franco-German Empire
Following decades of Emergency Military Rule, Franco-Germanic citizens are finally being given some form of rights, by the Council of Governors. A 'Table of Rights' has been drawn up, highlighting certain rights that each citizen is to be given, among those rights, being the freedom of religion, freedom of speech and press (to an extent), and the freedom to run your own business, with a government permit. While some of the changes made to the Reich's government aren't as liberal as many citizens had hoped, it is progress after all. For the most part, the Franco-Germanic Empire has managed to maintain it's borders, save for the small rebellion in Bohemia. The Military Government still retains power over many of the nation's affairs, however.
The Free-City of Riga
Riga, The Free-City of Riga
In an attempt to help foster better relations with the Baltic Union, the Norse Imperium has worked out an agreement with the Union to give Riga, a major Baltic Trade hub, independence. The Baltic Union has ceded a small portion of it's land to the new Free-City, while the Imperium has ceded the city itself. Thus far, with it's independence, Riga has become one of the richest cities in Europe, with a lot of Baltic trade being centered around it, with it's lower tariffs, and growing shipping industry.
The Toledo Conference
Toledo, The Kingdom of Spain
For the first time since 2017, diplomats from across the world have met in one location, to discuss the planets future. Representatives from places as close as the Franco-Germanic Empire, to as far removed as Korea have been sent. The talks have ranged from maintaining world peace, to concerns over the planets biological state. Nothing much has managed to get done here, though of course, with clearer goals, something might be achieved, should their be another conference such as this in the future. Spain's international prestige, however, has recieved quite a notable *bump*.
Polish National Serivce
Warsaw, Poland
Poland has passed a series of laws mandating National Service, and Public Education. These acts have greatly helped the Polish industry and economy get back on track. A smarter work force, generally means a better one, and Poland in this case is no exception. Along with that, thanks to some deals-gone-right with the Norse Imperium, Poland now has access to the growing trade hub on the Baltic Sea, creating many jobs, and many more economic opportunities.
The New Russian Federation Looks Forward
St. Petersburg, The New Russian Federation
Riding on economic successes experienced in the past two decades, the NRF has begun to use knowledge and materials gained from other European powers, to thrust itself further towards the 'glory' that it once was. New farming techniques, and improved healthcare, have helped the population of Russia to exponentially grow, and further fueld its expansion west-ward.
African Events
Dakar, Grand Senegambia
In a rather surprising move, the government of Grand Senegambia began encouraging it's women to focus more on learning math's and sciences, giving them grants to pursue careers in those fields, while shifting men away towards more menial labor jobs. In some ways, this has worked. In other ways, a growing tension between men and women, and both sex's with the government have made many question the benefits of this goal.
Women in positions of power have thus far included captains in Senegambia's growing shipping industry, managers of Senegambia's growing mining industry, and officers in Senegambia's growing military.
Asian Events
Kyushu Plebiscite
Saga, The Greater Japanese Empire
After Korean attempts at annexation, the Japanese south islands of Kyushu has been given the ability to chose its future, as a free and independent nation, or as a member of the Greater Japanese Empire. After some relatively fair voting, the results have been tallied, and the region voted overwhelmingly to join the Greater Japanese Empire, causing massive celebrations across Honshu.
Honshu Reconstruction
Tokyo, The Greater Japanese Empire
Taking a page from Europe's book, the Greater Japanese Empire has began to focus it's reconstruction efforts on the Taiheiyō Belt, and several industrial areas in Japan. Benefits from efforts made by the Emperor 20 years ago are finally being felt, as the Japanese industry continues to build into the giant that it once was.
Seoul, The Korean Empire
Korean efforts at maintaining peace and stability in East Asia have been well received by virtually all of its neighbors. Several possible conflicts have been averted, thanks in large part of Korean diplomacy, and level-headedness. The Kyushu Plebiscite was one notable example, with another example being the plebiscite that took place along Korean's border with Mongolia and China. The area in question, had all 3 nations, along with Manchuria, vying for control. Yet, thanks to Korean diplomacy, the region instead voted for what ways it was to be split up, with a surprisingly large portion wanting to join the Korean Empire.
The Rising Mesopotamian Star
Baghdad, The Empire of Mesopotamia
The most liberal nation in the Middle East, is also arguably the most well off. Sweeping government reforms took place again this year, this time taking some power from the Monarchy, and successfully turning the government into a Constitutional Monarchy, keeping in theme with the growing liberalization of Mesopotamian life. Many in the more Conservative crowd are still upset over the last wave of liberal reforms, though this move was approved by a much broader group. Mesopotamia continued to focus on internal growth and trade, while allocating resources to the build up of a space-program. Nothing much has come of the program yet, but it has become a bit of a national pride.
The Khanates Are Xenophobic
Bokhara, The Khanate of Bokhara
Since their foundation, the new Khanates of Khiva and Bokhara have been relatively closed societies, beckoning the image of the Khanates of old, during the Great Game. After some sort of situation developed, in regards to a foreigner and a Khivan military outpost, the entirety of the two nations have all but shut themselves off to the rest of the world, save for the occasional trading with their Muslim neighbors.
The Project in Siberia
Tomsk, The Siber Confederacy
The Project has dedicated itself to the reconstruction of it's western neighbor's transit and power systems. The Project began restoring water and power plants to the Confederacy, along with other major infra structural improvements. Despite the Confederacy's initial wishes that the Project is in, then out, Project scientists and engineers remained in the nation, to run the very constructs they helped to restore. This of course, was met with a mixed reaction from the Siber government, but it was eventually agreed that this was but a necessary evil. Several plans were put forth by the Siber government in regards to the eventually phase out of said engineers, which the Project has thus far, ever so reluctantly agreed to. Several rising stars in the Siber Confederacy have been looking to keep said scientists around, and even began attempting to propose closer relations with the Project, while others began looking towards the NRF and their promise of protection as the route to go, something that has divided the already fragile Confederacy.
Union of Unfederated Pacific States Co-Prosperity Agreement
Bangkok, Siam
A new power bloc has arisen, involving a majority of East, and Southeast Asia. Centered around Bangkok, the Union of Unfederated Pacific States Mutual Support Agreement is a military and economic alliance brought about to hopefully usher in a new era of peace and economic success in East and Southeast Asia. Another 'alliance', of sorts, the Union of Unfederated Pacific States Co-Prosperity Agreement brought even more nations into the fold, only without the Mutual Defense obligation. The Unfederated Pacific States Stock Market and Unfederated Pacific States Central Bank has had a field day in the rehashing of the collective nations economies. Thus far, economically there hasn't been too much of a difference, though things are getting better, if only ever so slightly, and ever so slowly.
The Siamese Economic Empire
Kuala Lampor, Siam
The Siamese weren't only concerned with the Union of Unfederated Pacific States Co-Prosperity Agreement. Siamese ships, settlers and traders, began branching out, in a similar manner as they did in the past. This time, colonization efforts were shifted towards the Philipines, Borneo, Sulawesi, Taiwan and Hawaii. The focus was at first, on Sulawesi and Borneo. Siamese ships and settlers qucikly converged on the lands, competing with the Papuan and Sarawaki governments who were attempting to do the very same. Siamese attempts at taking over Taiwan were likewise met largely by angry Japanese soldiers and settlers, though the bottom part of the island managed to fall into Siamese position, causing a fairly large exodus of the islands natives to the northern, Japanese held areas. Siamese attempts at taking over Hawaii were met with some notable failures, as many of the natives weren't receptive towards the Siamese overtures, instead, wishing for a return to a more Anglo-based culture.
These colonial gains, coupled with the Union of Unfederated Pacific States Co-Prosperity Agreement and some agriculture moves taken in the north of Siam, has led to a gradual increase in the Siamese economy.
Oceanic Events
Australian Re-unification Talks
Perth, Westralia
It seems like the possibility of Australian re-unification is off the table, at least for now. Several fierce debates took place in Perth over the subject matter, with few gains actually being made. In fact, the debates seemed to make it more evident that the growing differences between the two Australian republics would make any re-unification tense at best.
Cultural Events
Iberian films and books, highlighting the greatness of the Kingdom have been sent around the world, and read by many, especially in the wake of the Toledo Conference. Among the most well received of these works of 'art' was a novel about a utopian future Kingdom of Iberia, in which all of the Spanish people's wildest dreams have come true. Everyone is content, and happy under the King. The propaganda behind it is obvious, though it is hard to deny that it's a good read.
The Project has been showing a lot of propaganda films in the Siber Confederacy, about how horrible the NRF is. While some of these films are obviously edited, past NRF actions have made some of the footage highly believable.
To: Siam
From: The Grand Papua
We asked you to back off. Yet you do not relent. And so, we will ask again, this time, without the pleasantries. Stay out of our area.
To: The Dixie Confederacy
From: The Republic of Texas
Before you ask, no, we don't want to join you. But that sure as hell doesn't mean we can't be friends? What do you say?
To: The Dixie Confederacy
From: The Republic of Virginia
We have more in common than we thought before. We would be happy to join you on a few conditions, namely that your nation's capital be moved properly back to Richmond.
To: Mesopotamia
From: Arabia
You keep your disgusting, joke of a nation's affairs in your border. We don't want any of your hippy rift-raft mistaking beautiful Arabia for home. In other words, make sure your affairs stay your affairs.
To: Poland, NRF, The Norse Imperium
From: Lithuania
We hope we can all be friends?
To: The Franco-Germanic Empire
From: Little Austria
Please annex us. We only exist because of your policies of late. Make an exception, perhaps?
To: The Franco-Germanic Empire
From: Bohemia
We hope that you treat us in the same manner you've treated Silesia and Poland.
To: Ireland
From: Northumbrian Free-State
Wanna trade?
To: Spain
From: Portugal
If you wish to reclaim lands in Africa, and stake out new ones, that's perhaps something we can both agree on. If you have any joint ventures in mind, let us know. But keep in mind, we too want our place in the sun.
To: Korea
From: Tibet
You've done well as peace keeper so far. We would appreciate a promise from you that we maintain our independence.
To: The New Russian Federation
From: Ossetia
Want to trade? We hope you treat us in the same manner you've treated Daghestan..
To: Grand Senegambia
From: The Mali Confederacy
We'd be happy to have an NAP for that long.
To: World
From: Panama
With some economic help, we're sure we can get this Canal up and running again..
To: Mesopotamia
From: Qatar
Want to trade, and possibly sign a MPP?
@All; The question has been brought up, about the possible recovery of nuclear weapons and the like. I hate to be the bringer of bad news, but I'd prefer we keep nuclear weapons as something you aim to get, not something you find. In this 'perfect world', I'd like to imagine that prior to the collapse, or rather, during it, most nuclear weapons were disarmed, and rendered useless. That, and the ones that weren't were broken down, from lack of use/control. Some of you who were interested in gaining these, or have actively attempted to get them will probably be upset with this, so I am willing to hear other opinions on the matter. I'm not opposed to them in the game, though, I do feel that to an extent they could be abused, so could any other WMD. I feel like perhaps it's something you'd have to work towards. But blah, I digress, and leave it to you guys to discuss/yell at me about.
@All; Do you all
really need me to make new stats for all these new nations?
Honestly, I could use that time to start developing stats for the actual NES.
@Kozmos; I'm not going to pretend to understand some of the science related stuff you're attempting. Just so you know.
Since this NES isn't tech based, I can't promise you even a tenth of the stuff you did in INES is going to happen. But I will try to work with you to find a middle ground.
More '@' later.