[Religion and Revolution]: Mod Development

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A modifier in GlobalDefinesAlt.xml ?

Something like:
(Value is Percent)

100 --> Default, no changes
>100 --> Higher prices for maps
<100 --> Lower prices for maps

Then everybody (knowing a little XML) could adjust to his liking.
(But we would not change anything as default.)

I could do that, of course. :)
(No big deal.)
Yes, that's exactly what I was wanted. Thank you Ray ! :goodjob:
Doing what ?
Using "Bargaining" or when destroying their villages or ... ?
Oh yes I meant "Bargaining" gold...
And yes, you're right, we'll talk about balancing everything later on. Sorry about that !
Nope... But maybe I haven't "cleaned" them right.
What do you mean by "clean sources"?

Then it is not related to the sources themselves but to your config.

With "clean TAC 2.02d" sources I meant:

TAC 2.02d source-files without the config files.
(In order to not overwrite your own versions here.)

I use Code::Blocks. I'm able to recompile vanilla's sources, or my own (Storm and Light, based on Kailric's sources), but not TAC.
What did I do wrong?
And I still get the same error message...

I really do not know what went wrong. :dunno:
I had no problems at all with the sources from TAC 2.02d.
(But I did not overwrite my config files of course.)

Just try to setup your project like usual.

I don't know what a makefile is...

A makefile is a file telling your IDE:

* where to find tools for compilation
* how to call the compilates
* where to find libraries (Boost and Python24)

But maybe you do not need such a file for CodeBlocks. :dunno:

Just use the sources and do the same as you have always done. :)
(You should know best how your IDE and Project Environment works.)
Thank you! I'm such a fool :wallbash:
It works now, I managed to compile the CvGameCoreDLL.dll... (actually RaR, SVN version, revision 36) :)
It works perfectly ! :D
(It's size is different than yours: 5.30 Mb for mine 3.90 Mb for yours. But it works!)

I'm quite ashamed ! I forgot to delete CyGameInterface.cpp! :wallbash:
It was in my Storm and Light sources (and in Kailric's modcomp) but not in TAC (instead you have CyGameInterface1.cpp to CyGameInterface5.cpp).

I am such an idiot ! :confused:
Good new is that I can implement new things now. Tell me when I can start.
I'll have to edit the following files first:

and then probably
It works now, I managed to compile the CvGameCoreDLL.dll...

Great. :goodjob:

(actually RaR, SVN version, revision 36) :)

Please always check for latest sources and mod itself before doing a new feature and before committing something. :)
(Revision 36 is not current.)

It's size is different than yours: 5.30 Mb for mine 3.90 Mb for yours.

Generally not problematic as long as it works.

But such a big difference is a little strange. :dunno:
Ususally the DLLs of koma and myself have differed less than 1% or in size.
(We have used different makefiles.)

I'm quite ashamed ! I forgot to delete CyGameInterface.cpp! :wallbash:
It was in my Storm and Light sources (and in Kailric's modcomp) but not in TAC (instead you have CyGameInterface1.cpp to CyGameInterface5.cpp).

Please ensure that you are now working on a clean and current set of sources for Religion and Revolution. :)
(Something like other source files in the source folder for Religion and Revolution should never happen.)

I'll have to edit the following files first:

You do not need to tell me which sources you are working on. ;)
(SVN will tell me which sources you have modified.)

But before every Commit, please check if there are newer sources available and do a merge if necessary before you actually committing.

If merge was necessary, then of course also create the DLL with the merged sources and test if the mod
is still running with that DLL in the newest version of the mod itself, because XML and other things might have changed, too.

You can start of course. :goodjob:
(I will be working on features also but that should be no problem.)
New Update for Internal Version:
(DLL, Sources, XML, Python and Graphics --> Get complete current revision.)

Some minor corrections and improvements have been done.

Also a new feature has been implemented:

DLL-Diplo-Event "Revolutionary Noble".
(see Screenshots, as usual fully balancable / configurable in XML)

This DLL-Diplo-Event is very rare.

Pay the amount the "Famous Noble" is demanding (if you have it). He is worth it ! ;)
(And you will make your King happy.)

I forgot to say:

With all of the new Events with the King:
If you accept his wishes / proposal, this will have small positive effects on his attitude.


  • Civ4ScreenShot0045.JPG
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And what is this noble actually doing? Just possitive attitude effect vs the king?

Happy New Year by the way team... :)
And what is this noble actually doing?

He is a SuperSpecialist for Bells.
(As I said, the DLL-Diplo-Event is very rare.)

Sorry, thought you had read this, since it is on our list for Release 1:
New DLL-Diplo Events with King
Spoiler :

3. King wants to get rid of "revolutionary Noble"

There is a revolutionary Noble in the old world which causes a lot of trouble with his strange ideas of "All People should be equal."

The king wants to get rid of this Noble and had the idea to send him to the new world.
He discussed this with that Noble and the Noble will accept if you will give him a little wealth to start his new live in the New World.

* Accept / Pay -> Attitude of King improves and you get "Revolutionary Noble" (Superspecialist Bells, Unit itself is part of my Preview)
* Not accept

Happy New Year by the way team... :)

Happy New Year ! :)
Crap! I've finished my testing...
So I've eliminated Hernan Cortès from the game (thanks to the WorlBuider) and Peter Minuit (previously owned by Cortès) automatically changed owner to Mem de Sa (Portugal). There wasn't any message telling me he joined him... Something seems wrong.
I'll send you the saves...

And It seemed a little easy to have the highest score, even though I didn't play strategically !

Edit: I forgot! Happy New Year to everyone !
Here are the saves:


  • RR test 1, T103 sp.ColonizationSave
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  • RR test 1, T102 a sp.ColonizationSave
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  • RR test 1, T101 sp.ColonizationSave
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5) Could we put back "Random Seed on Reload option"?

Already done. :)

"Random Seed on Reload" doesn't work if you only changed "0" on "1" in CIV4GameOptionInfos.xml


I already made this change in TAC 2.02d some days ago and "Random speed" didn't work. The similar error I see now in last version of RaR mod, that I downloaded few minutes ago.

As examples:

1. I tried to buy a new unit in Europe. There are 3 variants. More 10 attempts for each of them. Result is all the time the same!

2. My unit contacts in a native village. Again many attempts. Result is the same all the time!

3. My unit found a new Goody Hut. Number attempts. Result is the same all the time!

Thus, I conclude. "Random speed" doesn't work as it should work.

The reason is somewhere inside the TAC-mod. It's strange, because I see no changes in the source codes for GAMEOPTION_NEW_RANDOM_SEED function. :confused:
Not currently. :dunno:

So why do we have it? :confused:

It seems to be there just because dragoons also have a PROMOTION_DRAGOON (as they do in vanilla)... but PROMOTION_DRAGOON actually does something, it gives dragoons +30% withdrawal chance and +50% combat modifier against cannons.

While I think giving the cuirassiers their own free promotion is interesting, it should actually do something, because as of now it serves no use. We could start by giving the promotion the same aspects as the dragoon one, and then change it to make it more unique to the cuirassier. Thoughts?
"Random Seed on Reload" doesn't work if you only changed "0" on "1" in CIV4GameOptionInfos.xml

You really did play a Custom Game and placed the according checkbox ? :confused:

I tested it and it worked perfectly. :dunno:


Just retested it. (Several times and several aspects.)
It is definitely working for me. (Combat, Goody Huts, ...)
(You have to play a Custom Game and place the checkbox, of course.)

Edit 2:

Random Seed is not configured "activated" by default, because this has caused problems (even CTDs) sometimes.
(That was the reason why it was removed by TAC.)

For me it has never caused problems.
Thus I activate it on my own risk.
(Everybody else should decide for himself.)

Edit 3:

Just checked vanilla.
It is absoultely the same there. ("Random Seed" also not default.)
So I've eliminated Hernan Cortès from the game (thanks to the WorlBuider) and Peter Minuit (previously owned by Cortès) automatically changed owner to Mem de Sa (Portugal). There wasn't any message telling me he joined him... Something seems wrong.

So ok, basically it sounds like the feature is working. :)
(Mem de Sa probably simply acquired that Founding Father.)


A) What do you mean with automatically ?
(This might happen at the end of round but not instantly.)

B) There should be a message.

I will check the saves. :)
(If they are still working.)


Sorry, your saves are not working anymore with the current version of RaR.
(There simply have been too many changes in DLL and XML.)

Currently we can probably forget savegames, because our mod is changing too fast. :)
You really did play a Custom Game and placed the according checkbox ? :confused:

I tested it and it worked perfectly. :dunno:


Just retested it. (Several times and several aspects.)
It is definitely working for me. (Combat, Goody Huts, ...)
(You have to play a Custom Game and place the checkbox, of course.)

Edit 2:

Random Seed is not configured "activated" by default, because this has caused problems (even CTDs) sometimes.
(That was the reason why it was removed by TAC.)

For me it has never caused problems.
Thus I activate it on my own risk.
(Everybody else should decide for himself.)

Edit 3:

Just checked vanilla.
It is absoultely the same there. ("Random Seed" also not default.)

I tested by such way.

1. Custom Game, "Random Seed on Reload option" is activated, as usually. (I never play without this function ON).

2. Start the game and Save my game.

3. Reach the coast and unload 1 unit, save my game again.

4. Here if I reload one of two last saves I ALWAYS have 100% CTD. It was in TAC 2.02c+Iso, the same situation I have in R&R.

5. Restart CivIVColonization.

Re-load one of my saved games and here two variants are possible:

- "Random Seed on Reload option" doesn't work at all in >90% cases,
- "Random Seed on Reload option" is working. I observed this case only 2 times.

Probably, this CTD destroy somehow "Random Seed on Reload" function. I don't know. :confused:

At least I never observed such effect before. I tested many mods and such very strange problem with "Random Seed on Reload" I observed nowhere.
At least I never observed such effect before. I tested many mods and such very strange problem with "Random Seed on Reload" I observed nowhere.

I can tell you only the following:

1. Many many users of TAC complained about massive problems and even CTDs
when they had Random Seed activated.

koma had tried to find out the problem but could never solve it.
(He is an extremely good DLL-modder.)

Thus it was removed from TAC.

2. For me personally:

I also always play with Random Seed activated.
Random Seed does not cause CTDs or other problems.
Random Seed is working 100%.


I simply cannot fix a problem that I myself never observe. :dunno:
(Although I must say that I currently do play / test very little. Mostly very selectively new features only.)
You could repeat 5 steps that I described above. It requires few minutes... and you will observe the problem.

Sorry KJ, but no problems for me.
I tried what you say but I do not get a CTD.
(Step 4 does not cause any problems.)

Random Seed is working perfect for me.
(It always did.)
Sorry KJ, but no problems for me.
I tried what you say but I do not get a CTD.
(Step 4 does not cause any problems.)

Random Seed is working perfect for me.
(It always did.)

Thank you, Ray, for the testing. Maybe the problem is in my PC or game configuration... :confused:
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