Robert Surcouf
Civ4Col Modder
Yes, that's exactly what I was wanted. Thank you Ray !A modifier in GlobalDefinesAlt.xml ?
Something like:
(Value is Percent)
Code:<Define> <DefineName>RaR_MAP_PRICE_MODIFIER</DefineName> <iDefineIntVal>100</iDefineIntVal> </Define>
100 --> Default, no changes
>100 --> Higher prices for maps
<100 --> Lower prices for maps
Then everybody (knowing a little XML) could adjust to his liking.
(But we would not change anything as default.)
I could do that, of course.
(No big deal.)
Oh yes I meant "Bargaining" gold...Doing what ?
Using "Bargaining" or when destroying their villages or ... ?
And yes, you're right, we'll talk about balancing everything later on. Sorry about that !