Capto Iugulum: Empires and Nations

OOC: I actually don't see what the problem with this is. Think of it like a surprise attack. Its kind of realistic.

The problem is it's not at all consistent with the decorum of the time, in addition to being a bad gameplay mechanic. Nations back then didn't just blitzkrieg each other in barely-declared wars. There was a lot of pomp and grandeur concerning just who was warring against whom. It would have been considered presumptuous, arrogant, dishonorable, uncivilized, etc. to surprise attack another nation like that. 19th century really didn't conceive of war like we do in the modern era, but of course that's because industrialism hadn't yet made possible the concept of total war. In the 19th century, victory in war is getting an island and some cash so you can buy another palace or whatever; in the 20th century, victory in war is the complete and utter annihilation of your opponent. It makes sense, in the latter case, that you'd want every little advantage that you can get.
^ This it depends on the era/culture you are playing in/as imo.
Well in the case of this period in time, technically crezth is correct. Declarations of war became more underhanded with the American Civil War, and shortly thereafter in Europe as well. A perfect example would be Bismarck's manipulation of Napoleon III before the Franco-Prussian War. For this period of the NES, at the very least a declaration of war should be issued, among western nations. It's the only proper way to conduct war.

Similarly however, releasing someone's confidential correspondence between heads of state to the public would be equally uncouth.
Not when said correspondence proves their aggression is against their word.

Especially then. Correspondence is a very official business and if you can't keep it confidential, no polity in their right mind will correspond with you. The IC response on the part of many of the Euros should be to scale back their dealings with the U.S. because the they can't be trusted not to tell people how untrustworthy those Euros are. :crazyeye:
Especially then. Correspondence is a very official business and if you can't keep it confidential, no polity in their right mind will correspond with you. The IC response on the part of many of the Euros should be to scale back their dealings with the U.S. because the they can't be trusted not to tell people how untrustworthy those Euros are. :crazyeye:

If they're dishonest in their dealings, why would we want to correspond with them anyway? Nothing they say can be trusted. An honest government would have nothing to fear. It's not publishing something scandalous that is unrelated to the issue at hand for the soul purpose of defamation, like some tabloid. Nor is it publishing documents that later they attempted to formally and privately recant on. It's publishing of documents that are directly related to the issue at hand, after which they never attempted to communicate a change of opinion, establish legitimacy to our cause, and make it clear that any conflict resulting was baited, a very undiplomatic way to do business.
Well typically, in the 19th century, if you were made a sucker out of a deal, you'd politely withdraw and prepare a similar vengeance. After all, in theory, if you displayed the correspondence which showed how easily you were fooled, you may attract similar predators who also wish to fool you.

It should be noted that at this point no more orders will be accepted.
Well typically, in the 19th century, if you were made a sucker out of a deal, you'd politely withdraw and prepare a similar vengeance. After all, in theory, if you displayed the correspondence which showed how easily you were fooled, you may attract similar predators who also wish to fool you.

It should be noted that at this point no more orders will be accepted.

Noted for future reference.
News from Europe​

ENGINEER INVENTS NEW STEAM HAMMER. Manchester, United Kingdom of Great Britain. The industrial revolution took another leap forward this year as an inventor in the United Kingdom pioneered a new technology to increase production. The new "steam hammer" has been created as a powerful way to hammer metals and shape them into new forms. The steam hammer has proven effective in being used for railroad work, as well as creating other valuable machines for industry. The technology has proven incredibly successful at what it does, and seems to be one of the first ways to use machines to build new machines. The British have clearly surged ahead in technical innovation with this advance, and Spanish industries are spending whatever it takes to catch up in this vital new industrial technology.

DANES ESTABLISH NEW CONSTITUTION. Copenhagen, Denmark. The republican revolution of 1842 in Denmark has led to dramatic reform of the government's policies and new speculation upon the future. With the assistance of a number of advisors from the Republic of the Netherlands, the Danes have been doing their best to reorganize their state and establish a lasting constitution for the management of their nation. After careful consideration it was suggested that the monarchy be restored with no actual power of state. While Christian VIII remains deposed in Sweden, the Danes have invited his son Frederick to return and assume the now vacant throne of Denmark. The new King Frederick VII has been given no legitimate political power, which primarily now rests in the hands of the Chancellor of the Danish nation. The legislature continues to possess the lion's share of power in Denmark, ruling all important aspects of the nation. The first elections were held this year as the conservative Guards Party won the majority of seats, thanks to extensive financing from the wealth and elite of Danish society. (+1 Stability)

RIOTING IN BRITTANY. Nantes, Brittany. Liberal unrest has once again raised its ugly head in Brittany, as protestors once more went to the barricades, demanding reform and change for the Breton state. The Breton government has continued to refuse any calls for the establishment of an elected legislature or the turning over of political passes to any appointed body either. The aristocracy continues to support the monarchy against the protestors, and the army was soon called out to restore order in the streets of Nantes. The situation has only worsened as portions of the army have refused to fire upon the rioters and barricades, and desertions have been growing at an alarming rate. Eventually, as more troops arrived, the barricades eventually were either brought down or the rioters tired, and evacuated. Regardless, a large number of armed individuals have joined the liberal cause, and the overall situation in Brittany has taken a turn for the worse. (-1 Stability, -2 Infantry Brigades)

COSSACKS ATTACKED BY KIEVAN PATROL. Poltava, Kiev. An incident has occurred this year, greatly straining the relationship between Kiev and Moscowy, as a group of Cossacks began infiltrating once more into Kiev's territory. Thanks to the treaty ending the Cossack rebellion, the Cossacks remain heavily armed and view themselves simply regaining lost territory in Kiev. The Kievans have done their best to corral the migration, and this year tensions came to a head with a Kievan attack upon a Cossack settlement. The settlement was targeted as the west-most point of Cossack settlement in Kiev, and the soldiers razed the encampment, allegedly slaughtering all within, including women and children. The result has been growing outrage against the Kievans among the Cossacks, as they continue to petition for war in Moscow. (-1 Stability in Kiev and Moscowy)

RIOTING IN SERBIA. Belgrade, Serbia. The Hungarian satellite state of Serbia has come under siege this year as liberal dissent begins manifesting into unrest. A nation which has so far remained immune to liberal dissent, Serbia has only recently begun stabilizing in terms of military and economy since their independence from the Roman Empire. The Serbian people have demanded that King Stephan II turn over power to an elected legislature and give up his iron hold upon the government. With backing from Hungary, King Stephan continues to refuse all such demands and the result has been the outbreak of a series of riots in Belgrade. The army has been forced to declare martial law in the Serbian capital, and there have been a growing number of deaths as force is used to preserve order. Regardless these attempts have proven somewhat successful, as the most radical and outspoken of the liberals managed to get themselves shot or arrested throughout the year. (-2 Manpower, +1 Stability)

DEATH OF THE KING OF BRANDENBURG. Berlin, Brandenburg. King Charles II of Brandenburg passed away this year, ending his rule over the Germanic nation. This has also marked the tactful withdrawal of Brandenburg from the ongoing hostilities of the Third Venetian War, ending their fight against Austria. The government of Brandenburg has attributed this cease fire as a period of mourning for the death of the king, and have focused their efforts on minimizing the view that the war was lost. The king's son, Wilhelm has assumed the mantle of the monarchy and has focused his efforts upon restoring the political connections in the region, particularly in building new ties with Hanover and Bavaria. As tensions rise to the west with the Kingdoms of Paris-Burgundy mobilizing unheard of numbers of soldiers, many are uncertain about what kind of king Wilhelm is going to be.

DEATH OF THE KING OF NOVGOROD. Novgorod, Novgorod. After several years of poor health brought on by an unknown disease, King Mikhail IV passed away this year in Novgorod. The king was known for being king over a divided nation, created by the crises of earthquakes, war, and famine. The result was the loss of substantial powers to feudal lords, who have been less than diligent about their own duties, some more loyal to Sweden or Moscowy than any local monarch. Most had previously been deposed during the reign of Andrei III and his disreputable marshal who nearly led the nation to ruin. The new King Mikhail V has proven to be cut of a different cloth than his father. Many report that he seems to be interested in restoring a centralized state, which many lords are not entirely enthusiastic about. (-1 Stability)

DUTCH ELECTIONS BRING UPSET. Amsterdam, Republic of the Netherlands. To the shock and surprise of many both inside and outside of the Republic of the Netherlands, Stadtholder Mappa has been ousted from office. The aging Dutch Stadtholder has been ruling the Netherlands for over twenty years, since the republic was first established during the Dutch Revolution. Recent dramatic changes in European politics and the worsening situation in Burgundy have caused great fear to emerge over the future of the Republic. The conservative Exercitiegenootschappen has faced extensive criticism for a number of economic as well as political policies, and many feel that it is time for a change in management. Furthermore, Mappa is no longer as vigorous as he once was, losing advocates and supporters. The liberal Patriots' Party has for the first time managed to win the elections and assume control of the republic. (+1 Stability)

THIRD VENETIAN WAR CONTINUES. Milan, Kingdom of Savoy-Milan. The third war over the fate of Venice, spurred by the drive to unite Italy, has continued to drive ever forward between Austria and Savoy-Milan. The war has escalated a bit further with the entry of the Hungarian army into the fighting in Tuscany and the invasion of Sicily by Naples. Hungary has continued its vow to preserve the independence of Tuscany from Savoy-Milan, and thus has sent a sizeable army to fight, and its navy to protect the coastline. Naples, having refused to recognize the loss of Sicily after the Second Venetian War, has refused to accept that Sicily is no longer their territory. Covertly welcomed by the Sicilian aristocracy and approved of by Pope Leo XIII, the Neapolitans have at last made their move to restore their territory to King Ferdinand. After a year's worth of heavy fighting, it seems that the tide has begun tilting toward the allies, with the fall of Sicily an Austrian victories in the north. See our special section below this one for the full details on the war.

NAPLES AND HUNGARY SIGN NAVAL AGREEMENT. Naples, Naples. As the Third Venetian War continues to rage, and the allies seek out more support for the war against Savoy-Milan, the kingdoms of Naples and Hungary have reached a new agreement. In exchange for the recognition of Sicily as Neapolitan territory and support at sea for the invasion, the Neapolitans have granted the use of their naval facilities for Hungarian warships. The agreement has also allowed the Hungarians to set up limited facilities at any Neapolitan naval base, in order to administer their ships. This has all been billed as a reward for Hungary's support in the ongoing war, though some people believe this could establish unwelcome Hungarian influence in the local government.

MAJOR REFORMS AMID UNREST IN SWEDEN. Stockholm, Sweden. The Swedes, seemingly on the brink of revolution and chaos, have passed a number of emergency reforms this year, attempting to hold back the tide. First of all, Stockholm was wracked by the largest rebellion yet, as tens of thousands took to the streets, erecting barricades, and nearly overrunning the central royal palace. The army was unable to take back any of the territory by force, and desertions continues to grow at a fevered pitch. At last, in order to at least appease some of the liberal rebels, Queen Christina II agreed to call together an elected Rikstag. Swedes have been allowed the vote for the Rikstag, and this has done much to calm the masses, as the barricades were willingly taken down. New elections have been prepared for next year, as the government appeals for calm in the meantime. It has been clearly stated that a significant amount of power continues to rest in the hands of the monarchy, which possesses sole control over the army. Furthermore, the new Statliga Polisen has been established, swearing allegiance only to the monarchy. The new force has been stated its goals to hunt down and eliminate or arrest any threat to the monarch or the Rikstag, rooting out internal dissent. The hope is with these new changes in Swedish politics, and the upcoming initial elections in 1844, the situation in Sweden will stabilize. (+1 Stability, -5 Manpower, -3 Infantry Brigades)

PARIS TERRIFIES WESTERN EUROPE WITH RECRUITMENT DRIVE. Paris, Kingdoms of Paris-Burgundy. In a massive military buildup of unprecedented proportions, the Kingdoms of Paris-Burgundy have enlarged their standing army by over a hundred and forty thousand men. This has shaken the courts of Western Europe, as many kings issue protests and warnings against King Louis' buildup, claiming that it threatens the stability of the region. The buildup has sparked a similar amount of fevered military training and construction across the region, as many fear that they may be the target of Paris-Burgundian aggression. Reservists and armies have been called up, as they move to Burgundy's borders, hoping to hold off whatever attack may come. (-1 Army Quality)

PORTUGAL BEGINS ELECTION CYCLES. Lisbon, Portugal. As a new call for change in the reform of Portugal to a more democratic society, the final constitutional foundations have been laid for the General Assembly. The General Assembly will hold elections every two years, in order to expedite the change and confusion that comes with the election process. Other European nations are observing at how the rapidly changing political map of Portugal will affect its stability, but the liberals in the Portuguese nation feel fairly optimistic about their choice. The first elections were held this year, as King Pedro V opened the elections to the literate masses of Portugal. King Pedro V endorsed the Party of Order for the elections, hoping to maintain a fairly conservative government and national agenda. His endorsement proved successful as the conservative Party of Order has gained full control of the General Assembly, promising to maintain a centralized and cohesive government. (+1 Stability)

DENMARK COMPLETES FISHING DEVELOPMENT, BEGINS PAVING. Copenhagen, Denmark. A several year program designed to incentivize and develop the Danish fishing industry came to a conclusion this year, and has proven to be a considerable success. Providing funds and supplies to fishermen in Denmark, Iceland, and Greenland has been the cornerstone of the plan, hoping to finance that part of Danish industry. The efforts have proven successful, as fishermen are providing with modern equipment, including a few experimental steam-powered fishing craft. Upon the success of this program, the Danish government has begun a limited effort in paving roads in both Denmark and Iceland. The hope is to create jobs, as well as to bring up Danish infrastructure to the standard of other modern European nations. The effort has been begun with cooperation from Hanover, pledging to use their abilities to improve and expand trade between the two nations.

KIEV BEGINS NAVAL CONSTRUCTION. Sevastopol, Kiev. The King of Kiev, after sending out emissaries to report upon the successes of other European nations, has come to the conclusion that a modern and powerful state requires a navy to be successful. The Kievan government has therefore begun sponsoring the construction of new infrastructure in the town of Sevastopol to lay the foundations for the building of a navy. The military has commended this effort, but hopes that the will and resources of any new navy would be subservient to the whims of the army. Concerns have emerged as tensions mount with Moscowy, facing the threat of a new war in the east against a Moscovite or greater Cossack invasion.

SARDINIA COMPLETES PAVING PROGRAM. Cagliari, Sardinia. The island nation of Sardinia continues to showcase its growing wealth thanks to the wars ravaging the Italian Peninsula. The Third Venetian War has only furthered the growing prosperity of Sardinia, as neutral trade of all kinds makes its way through the port of Cagliari. The Sardinians have used these funds to complete a long awaited modernization of the local roads, paving old paths and building bridges over streams and rivers. The economy continues to swell locally as the war continues to worsen. This has sparked some concerns of the security, or lack thereof of Sardinia against invasion, but the king has pledged that future growth will be focused towards limited naval expansion and improved relations with both Spain and Hungary.

SPECIAL: Third Venetian War​

THE WAR AT SEA. Genoa, Kingdom of Savoy-Milan. The war at sea continued to be dominated by the naval conflict between Hungary and Savoy-Milan, as the Hungarians attempted to eliminate the remnants of Savoy-Milan's fleet. The Italians, fairly optimistic about the performance of their new Dutch steamships, found them unpleasantly incomparable to the Hungarian British ones. The Hungarians easily located, and destroyed the Italian navy early in the year, establishing a blockade over Savoy-Milan's ports, raiding their naval facilities, and blinding them to enemy naval movements. This put a serious crimp in the plans of Savoy-Milan in the defense of Sicily, as well as preventing the arrival of Hungarian reinforcements in Tuscany.
Casualty Lists
Hungary: 5 Third Rate Warships
Kingdom of Savoy-Milan: 4 Virjheid-class Warships

INVASION OF SICILY. Taranto, Naples. The kingdom of Naples made their move to restore their situation from the loss of the Second Venetian War this year with the invasion of Sicily, to take it from Savoy-Milan. Refusing to recognize the right of King Charles Albert to rule Sicily, Naples declared war, and began an invasion of the island. The army landed at Messina in overwhelming numbers, supported by a small Hungarian expeditionary force as well. They possessed more than twice the numbers and firepower of the local army deployed by Savoy-Milan, which rushed to defend Messina against attack. The result, to no one's surprise, was a major victory for Naples and Hungary. However, the army of Savoy-Milan fought to the last, with the support of local volunteers, and they exacted a heavy toll upon the invading force. Regardless, the fall of the army in Messina left the rest of the island open to rapid conquest, facing only limited local resistance as the island was captured.
Casualty Lists
Hungary: 1 Infantry Brigade, 2 Cavalry Brigades
Naples: 6 Infantry Brigades, 1 Cavalry Brigade, 3 Artillery Brigades
Kingdom of Savoy-Milan: 6 Infantry Brigades, 2 Cavalry Brigades, 2 Artillery Brigades

FIGHTING IN TUSCANY. Florence, Tuscany. The heaviest fighting and largest battles of the war took place in the allied nation of Tuscany, which faced a continuing invasion from Savoy-Milan. A fresh army invaded along the coast early in the year, constantly being harassed by Hungarian naval raids and attacks from the sea. The papal army was the first to confront them, hoping to prevent Tuscany's main ports from being captured by the enemy. The papal armies had superior numbers and positioning, but were able to lure the Savoy-Milan army into a battle regardless. The Pope's army won a substantial victory, forcing the new invasion to retreat out of Tuscany, and preserving allied control of the Tuscan coast. Things took a turn for the worse for an allied cause earlier as the army of Savoy-Milan began its true offensive towards Florence. The Tuscan army, woefully outnumbered, did its best to stop them with a delaying action, but then retreated into Florence to prepare for a siege. With their reinforcements beaten in the west by the pope's army, the army of Savoy-Milan was forced to besiege the city the best they could, until at last a new battle was forced. The army of Hungary arrived, after landing at Ancona and marching across the mountains. The forces of Savoy-Milan were forced to respond with a slightly smaller army, as a good number had to be kept in the siege lines outside of Florence. They managed to force a stalemate upon the Hungarians, without their lines breaking, but without routing the Hungarian army. The Hungarians suffered heavy casualties, demonstrating that the superior firepower of the Italians was more than enough to win the battle. The stalemate at Vicchio was enough to stall the allies for a time, until papal reinforcements arrived from their victorious campaign along the coast. The united allied army attacked to relieve the siege of Florence and drive back Savoy-Milan's army. To the shock of the allies, Savoy-Milan's army managed to anticipate this move, and in a stunning series of mountain battles, the army managed to first rout the Hungarians, then capture Florence from the Tuscans, and lastly, block the Pope's attempt to retake the city in a pitched battle, leaving all armies involved exhausted and battered.
Casualty Lists
Hungary: 12 Infantry Brigades, 7 Cavalry Brigades, 9 Artillery Brigades
Papal States: 7 Infantry Brigades, 1 Cavalry Brigade, 2 Artillery Brigades
Tuscany: 4 Infantry Brigades, 1 Cavalry Brigade, 1 Artillery Brigade
Kingdom of Savoy-Milan: 19 Infantry Brigades, 4 Cavalry Brigades, 7 Artillery Brigades

FIGHTING NEAR VENICE. Trento, Austria. As the war raged onward in Tuscany, the Austrians made a new bid to regain control of Venice and the surrounding area. The first battles were fought near the town of Trento, as the allied army pushed south into Savoy-Milan, attempting to bring the fight to the enemy's home. The army of Savoy-Milan, after wrecking havoc upon the allied supply lines with cavalry and guerilla raids, finally engaged in battle with the invading force north of Verona. Through a miracle of combat, the allied army won the battle, but were so badly mauled in the process they began retreating north. At this point, the Savoy-Milanese were dismayed to discover that the army they were fighting was predominantly Bavarian, with only a few token Austrian units. The Bavarians withdrew back to Trento, just as the main battles in the east began. The main Austrian invasion came in the east near Udine, as the main Austrian army crossed, and the Italians marched to meet them. The Italians were woefully outmatched and numbered, and were utterly surprised and defeated by the much better trained and larger Austrian army. The Italians were utterly routed and forced to flee west, and Trieste was recaptured from the invaders. Some good news was at last had though, when the Austrians attempted to retaken Venice, and the local garrison and volunteers held them back with the remnants of the larger Italian army late in the year.
Casualty Lists
Austria: 6 Infantry Brigades, 1 Cavalry Brigade, 1 Artillery Brigade
Bavaria: 5 Infantry Brigades, 1 Cavalry Brigade, 2 Artillery Brigades
Kingdom of Savoy-Milan: 12 Infantry Brigades, 3 Cavalry Brigades, 3 Artillery Brigades
News from the Americas​

VOLCANO SHAKES FOUNDATIONS OF AZTEC EMPIRE. Tenochtitlan, Aztec Empire. As two foreign armies enter the lands of the Aztec Empire, a horrible omen has cast a literal shadow upon the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan. The nearby volcano of Popochowa has erupted, casting ash and dirt into the air, blacking out the sun in the Aztec capital. As American and Spanish armies approached, the volcano's eruption has been seen as the heralding of the end of the empire, and of impending disaster. This has done much to further destroy the credibility of the ruling religious caste. The Aztecs have struggled to preserve order as the plumes of ash grow ever higher. (-1 Stability)

FIRE ON CUBAN DOCKS BLAMED ON SABOTAGE. Havana, Empire of Holy Spain. The Spanish navy suffered a severe setback in Havana this year, while preparing for the invasion of the Aztec Empire. Seven ships were burned while at dock in the harbor, with the fires quickly spreading across their wooden hulls. The fire is believed to have started on a local steamship, which suffered an explosion in the boiler room, quickly spreading the flames across the water to other vessels. Due to the fires taking place at night, a good portion of the crews were killed in the process of fighting the flames, though thankfully the fires were eventually controlled before they could spread to the rest of the fleet. The governor of Havana has undertaken a thorough investigation of the affair, and has officially blamed the various members of the Cuban independence movement for the affair. (-2 Toledo-class Warships, -5 Second Rate Warships)

CONTROVERSIAL ARREST MADE IN NEW GRANADA. Bogota, Republic of New Granada. The Republic of New Granada came into further political turmoil this year, particularly considering the recent failure in the Panama Crisis. The lack of any type of success from involvement in the Panama Crisis has sparked a growing amount of dissent among the New Granadan army. A general has made numerous statements criticizing ruling general Felipe Argos for his incompetent management of the government and the war. He has proven incredibly popular among the people for his actions during the Panama Crisis, as well as his record during the earlier wars with Ecuador and Venezuela. He has called for substantial reform to government and a new era for the people of New Granada. Due to his popularity, General Argos has simply imprisoned, rather than executed him, which has encouraged fears that such a dramatic act could spark a general uprising. Regardless, the arrest has enflamed passions in New Granada, and some workers in government fear that a new revolution is on the horizon. (-1 Stability)

COLORADOS ATTEMPT COUP IN URUGUAY. Montevideo, Uruguay. In the troubled nation of Uruguay, some people feel that the reigning Blancos bought and schemed their way to power in 1842. Others claim that the Empire of Brazil forced the election results and otherwise sabotaged inherent Uruguayan political processes. The result has been growing dissatisfaction with the government, as the people protest and search for ways to restore new power. Events came to a head when the Blanco government declared martial law to forestall further unrest and insurrection against the head of state. President Marquez Argosto has pledged to maintain order at any cost, and the army has been brought into Montevideo to keep the masses in line. Elements loyal to the Colorados in the army viewed this as the last straw and made a bid to remove Argosto and restore democracy to Uruguay. Unfortunately, the coup attempt was anticipated, and the result was a vicious street battle between military units loyal towards both political parties. The result has been the Blanco president gaining even greater control over the nation, and the execution of dozens of his political opponents. (+1 Stability, -2 Infantry Brigades, -4 Manpower)

PANAMA ELECTIONS. Panama City, Panama. The elections this year were heavily defined by the devastating Panama Crisis, which briefly caused over half of the nation to be occupied by invading forces from both borders. Many have accused the current president and reigning Conservative Party to be inherently responsible for the failure to secure the nation's borders politically from both New Spain and New Granada. They have called for growing ties with the United States of America and Empire of Brazil to help further safeguard Panama from future invasion and war. The Conservatives have claimed that they were responsible for securing peace after the crisis, but the liberals have managed to even take credit for that achievement, claiming that they negotiated the peace which brought about the plebiscite that ended the crisis. This has proven an effective approach and the Liberal Party have swept into office, establishing their own government.

WAR LOOMS IN NORTH AMERICA OVER INVASIONS OF AZTECS. Belize, Empire of Holy Spain. A crisis has been quickly escalating between the Empire of Holy Spain and the United States of America after both nations declared war upon the Aztec Empire. The Spanish have often quoted the Aztec Empire as part of their sphere of influence, which had nearly led to war with the British only a few years ago. The Spanish, after countless provocations by the Aztecs against their own Catholic population, have at last invaded to eliminate the theocratic regime. Meanwhile, outrage has been growing in the United States against the treatment of Baptist missionaries by the Aztecs, and also declared war in order to accomplish the same goal as the Spanish. The result has been outrage against each other between the American and Spanish governments, as the Americans claim that Spanish invasion violates the Harrison-Branco Pact between the United States and Brazil, threatening war. This proved meaningless to the Spanish, who went forward with the invasion regardless. The war began with an American invasion across the Grand River into the northern Aztec Empire. The region was only lightly defended by Aztec garrisons, being considered as some of the more worthless provinces. The garrison were swept aside, though they did manage to inflict some damage upon the American cavalry. The American army then followed these attacks up with a landing near Totonacs on the eastern coast of the empire. The Aztecs rallied a substantial army to meet the Americans in battle near the city, in order to regain authority. Thanks to far superior American firepower, the Aztec army was shattered and routed, fleeing back to Tenochtitlan to avoid utter destruction. The Americans advanced towards Tenochtitlan, encircling the city and besieging it with artillery fire. At this point, the Americans' fortunes began to take a turn for the worse as the Spanish began their invasion. Across both Aztec and American territory, Catholic Aztecs began to rise up against the occupiers. Americans found themselves under attack by the guerillas, the very people they meant to liberate. The main Spanish army soon crossed over the southern border, easily smashing the southern Aztec army and advancing north. The true crisis emerged near the American temporary fort and supply depot at Totonacs. The Spanish navy and army arrived, and the commanding general demanded the surrender of the depot and the withdrawal of the American army from the Aztec Empire. The garrison commander refused, firing upon the Spanish, and the result was a lopsided battle, which escalated into a naval battle between the American and Spanish fleets. The American navy was substantially larger, but was using far inferior vessels to the Spanish. The result was a bare American victory at sea, which still left most of the American fleet in shambles, but the Spanish were forced to withdraw, leaving their forces which had landed in a temporary lurch. Taking the opportunity, the American army withdrew from its siege of Tenochtitlan to engage and hopefully force the surrender of the small Spanish force. The result was a battle at Totonacs, as the Americans attempted to retake their depot and defeat the Spanish landing before the arrival of Spanish reinforcements from the south. The American general, a veteran of the Florida War, managed to outwit and outflank the Spanish, winning an astonishing victory, but at a heavy cost. The Spanish were forced to retreat south, meeting with their main army, which has continued an advance upon the American army in the north. The American victories were short lived, however, as the main Spanish navy from the Yucatan arrived, annihilating the remaining American navy entirely, and none were able to escape the Spanish ships. Then at last, the main Spanish army reached Tenochtitlan in early December, meeting the main American army as well as the Aztec one. Weary from fighting a constant war against the Aztecs and their earlier battles against Spain, the American army was utterly routed and destroyed, and forced to retreat over hundreds of miles of hostile territory to the Grand River. Out of the American force of nearly fifty-five thousand men which landed at Totonacs, less than three thousand would make it back to American territory. The Spanish have secured the former American positions around Tenochtitlan, resuming the siege the earlier invaders had begun. The results at home in the United States have been one of outrage, as the press blames Spain for the eruption of the crisis, and many Congressmen and Senators have been clamoring for a second war to remove Spain from the Aztec territory. (+1 Stability for the United States)
Casualty Lists
Aztec Empire: 17 Infantry Brigades, 3 Cavalry Brigades
Empire of Holy Spain: 10 Infantry Brigades, 5 Cavalry Brigades, 3 Artillery Brigades, 2 Third Rate Warships, 15 Second Rate Warships, 6 First Rate Warships, 1 Santiago-class Armed Transport, 1 Granada-class Warship, 3 Neptuno-class Warships, 1 Toledo-class Warship
United States of America: 12 Infantry Brigades, 4 Cavalry Brigades, 4 Artillery Brigades, 20 Third Rate Warships, 13 Second Rate Warships, 3 First Rate Warships, 2 Norwich-class Warship, 7 Washington-class Warships (+3 Second Rate Warships, +2 First Rate Warships from captured prizes in first battle)

RIVERA SCHEME INTRODUCED IN NEW SPAIN. Managua, New Spain. President Rivera of New Spain has introduced a new project to help reform and develop the nation, as well as spur on economic development. The plan is to create a transportation system from the east coast to the west coast to aid in the movement of trade across the Central American isthmus. The effort has been hindered by negotiations with Spanish transport businesses, who own the rights to any trans-national infrastructure system along the route. Regardless, the effort has begun, facing enormous legal expenses, as well as the difficulties of building a modern transportation route and the infrastructure that implies. Spanish businesses have lobbied the emperor to uphold their rights and force the New Spanish to shut down the program to reduce competition for Spanish transportation agencies.

BRAZILIAN WAR GAMES RESULT IN SINKING OF VESSELS. Buenos Aires, Argentina. The Brazilian government inaugurated a new series of naval war games, deliberately off the coast of the Argentine capital of Buenos Aires. The games were seen as direct threats of intimidation against Argentina and Uruguay, and the result was the mobilization of the Argentine navy to shadow the war games. Unlike last time, two Brazilian sailing vessels drifted closer to port, and the Argentines immediately and without warning fired upon them. Both vessels were sunk, and the Argentines picked up and returned the crews to the Brazilian fleet. The Argentine government has offered a warning to Brazil, threatening war if methods of intimidation continued. (-2 Fourth Rate Warships for Empire of Brazil)

BRAZIL BEGINS NAVAL SHIPYARD DEVELOPMENT. Rio de Janeiro, Empire of Brazil. As war games commenced to the south, the Brazilians made another effort in improving the overall quality of their ships and sailors. This has been symbolized by the beginning of construction of several major naval shipyards, hoping to improve the designs and quality of Brazilian warships. Three major shipyards have been surveyed and prepared for modernization; Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paula, and Joao Pessoa. The hope has also been to spur local industries, as well as create new jobs and employment for the location populations. In order to spur development, a number of private foreign contractors, particularly from the United States, have been hired to oversee and aid in the construction of the new facilities.

VINLAND INCIDENT THREATENS WAR BETWEEN SWEDEN AND UNITED STATES. New Stockholm, Sweden. Tensions and outrage has flared up from an abhorrent incident near the Vinland-United States border. A Swedish town in the westernmost reaches of the Vinland colony came under attack by an American cavalry patrol, and the town was brutally razed and slaughtered. Reports claim that American soldiers and Indian allies were responsible for unspeakable atrocities and attacks upon the local population. Only a few survivors escaped from the initial massacre to tell their tale to the civilized world, and the result has been a massive outrage in Sweden against the United States. Vinland militias and army brigades were sent west, and successfully managed to locate and wipe out several native tribes, discovering significant amounts of American arms and surplus supplies. Swedish newspapers have begun preaching against the barbarism of the Americans, and their alliances with heathens to attack the Swedes. A number of individuals, both liberals and conservatives have united in calls for war against the United States, to punish them for their actions against the Swedish empire. (+1 Stability in Sweden and Vinland)

ARGENTINA COMPLETES INTEGRATION EFFORTS. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Under the guidance of President Rosas, and with extensive financial support from the Republic of the Netherlands, Argentina has completed its program of integration of the rural areas. Buenos Aires has been firmly established as the center of the new Argentine nation, and all other provinces have been thoroughly bound to it. The army and navy also pledge total allegiance to the office of the presidency and have had plenty of chances to prove it during the process of integration. Of course, the centralization of government has led to plentiful new expenses and the need for further bureaucracy, especially as tensions continue to mount with the Empire of Brazil. Plans have been laid for massive naval expansion, as the Argentines focus on matching the threat of a Brazilian invasion or blockade. (+1 Stability)

BRAZIL SELLS SHIPS ACROSS SOUTH AMERICA. Santiago, Chile. As it seems Brazil drifts closer to war with various other powers, they have still worked hard to build friendly ties with other South American nations. Primarily this has included two naval construction deals made with Chile and Ecuador. Both nations have been looking to expand their defenses at sea, in order to secure their coastline against local and international threats. The Brazilians have offered Libertador-class warships at fairly reasonable rates, and both the Chilean and Ecuadorian governments have taken them up upon this offer. This has spurred a fair share of limited other trade and commerce between the nations and Brazil, but seem to remain on a somewhat low level overall.

PANAMA BEGINS BUILDING NEW BORDER FORTS. Panama City, Panama. The recent Panama Crisis and the abortive wars with New Granada and New Spain have left an extremely bad taste in the mouth of Panama's government. In order to further safeguard their nation against future invasion, the government in Panama has begun financing the construction of a series of forts on both borders. While not intended to stop any invasion, they are viewed as ideal for slowing attacks, or launching raids upon an invading force's supply line. Both the New Spanish and Granadan governments are less than enthusiastic about this new program, and have issued limited protests at what is being called a militaristic move, only increasing tensions in the region.
News from Africa and the Middle East​

RAIDERS HIT SPANISH FORTS IN ALGERIA. Algiers, Empire of Holy Spain. The Spanish colonial authority in Algeria was forced to admit to a substantial military disaster this year, as tribal raiders have been confirmed to have won a major victory. A series of forts manned by a garrison brigade were struck by a large number of raiders by surprise, with each fort being caught mostly unaware. The garrisons were devastated and destroyed by the raiders, and their weapons and goods stolen. The colonial governor has blamed nomadic tribes as the responsible parties for the attacks, but it is said that retaliatory patrols have so far failed to find those responsible. Emperor Carlos VI is said to be furious at the governor, who has been relieved of duty and replaced by a more competent subordinate. (-1 Infantry Brigade)

MAMLUKES FORCE TRIBUTE FROM PERSIA. Baghdad, Mamluk Caliphate. Various raids from Shia Muslims against the Caliph's authority in the eastern caliphate raised tensions to a new level between the Mamlukes and Persians. Though no real evidence existed of Persian involvement in the rebel attacks, leaders of the caliphate nonetheless blamed the Persian government. The result was a demand for compensation for the losses inflicted by the rebels, which has also firmly established the Caliphate as the political leader of the majority of the Muslims world. The Persians agreed to the request for compensation, paying off the Mamlukes, and forestalling the start of any possible war between the two strongest Islamic powers.

PERSIANS BEGIN FIGHT AGAINST BANDITRY AND RELOCATIONS. Tehran, Persia. The Persian government has begun a new war of sorts to contain the growing problem of banditry which has emerged over the past few years. Thanks to a high desertion rate, and unrelenting tribal warfare, the Persian army has been providing a growing number of well armed bandits to the country side. The efforts have so far been for naught as the bandits have had years to develop and conceal hideouts throughout the regions, and have proven to be more than capable at preventing their location by the army. The situation was made even worse as attempts were made to relocate uncooperative tribes from the north to Luristan. The result was increased hatred and tension from the local Arabs, as well as increased unrest among the tribes. Many have slipped away to join the bandits in the hills, and the Persians have been finding it difficult to locate and destroy any more than a handful of bandits. The bandits have been constantly raiding caravans and traders, as well as smaller army patrols, leaving behind little trace of their efforts. So far it seems that no progress is being made as the Persians now struggle to maintain control in the west. (-1 Stability, -1 Infantry Brigade)

POLES ESTABLISH COLONY IN AFRICA. Fort Krakow, Poland. The Poles have entered into the colonial spirit this year, joining a number of other nations in their efforts to establish European rule globally. The Polish monarchy has financed the establishment of a new fort and coaling station south of Spanish Guinea, hoping to create their own claims over a portion of the African continent. The colony centers around the newly created Fort Krakow, and has become known as Stanislavia, named for the current reigning monarch of Poland. The colony hopes to gain some financing and make a profit from coaling fees for ships travelling to the Pacific Ocean, but without any possessions there and no feasible local income, the Poles are struggling to even just sustain themselves, much less make up for the increased costs of administration.

SWEDEN ESTABLISHES NEW AFRICAN COLONY. Fort New Visby, Sweden. The Swedish government has begun to further expand its holdings in Africa, hoping to compete with the growing British power on the continent. The new colony, called Kongo, after what the local residents apparently refer to it has, has been based upon the river of the same name's location where it drains into the Atlantic Ocean. The Swedes have established a token fort and coaling station along the river, encouraging excursions upriver and around the region, surveying for minerals and farming land. The Swedes have been fairly successful in this endeavor, and have managed to eke out a very modest profit from their new colony. The Swedish hope that this will improve their standing in terms of African imperialism, giving them a greater stake in the continent's future.

BRITISH COMPLETE CAPE TOWN DEVELOPMENT. Cape Town, United Kingdom of Great Britain. The British have announced the successful completion of a port modernization program in the African city of Cape Town this year, introducing a number of modern marvels. Though the program was briefly delayed after the loss of power by the Tories, it has clearly been restarted with a vigor. The port facilities are as modern and sleek as the ones created in Plymouth, featuring a steam engine and modern coaling station facilities. The town also features a number of new innovations, including the use of tools to dredge new channels for larger warships and trading vessels. The hope is that with Cape Town in its new state, that the British trading and industrial economy will continue to soar.

BRITISH EXPAND TERRITORIAL CONTROL IN WEST AFRICA. Dakar, United Kingdom of Great Britain. The British have made a major financial investment in expanding control in western Africa, developing new ports for coaling and control in the region. Two new colonies have been established, while existing ones in West Africa have been dramatically expanded. The first of these is the new colony of Gabon, shadowing the nearby Polish settlement at Fort Krakow to the north. The second is the new colony of Luana, settled between the new Dutch and Swedish colonies in the region. The colonial expansion has had enormous costs, and have dramatically increased the cost of maintenance for the British Empire. Similarly, they have had a draining effect upon other British colonies on the African coast which also rely on profits from coaling and resupply for sailing vessels. A number of ministers in Parliament have viewed these expansions has having little to no benefit for the British empire, and have greatly criticized the prime minister for sponsoring these follies.

MADAGASCAR FORCES BATTLE IN INTEGRATION STRUGGLE. Antananarivo, Madagascar. Queen Ranavalona has made another impressive victory in her ongoing struggle to unify and unite the island of Madagascar. A particularly large and recalcitrant tribe has been targeted and attacked to eliminate them as a threat to unification. The result has been a raging war throughout much of the year as the tribe assembled local allies to fight against the central government. The efforts have not been in vain, as Antananarivo's armies have managed to crush the resistance with some difficulty. With this tribe eliminated yet another road block to the nation's centralization and development has been neutralized. (+30 EP into integration project, -3 Infantry Brigades)

News from the Far East​

WESTERNIZERS CRUSHED IN KOREA. Seoul, Korea. A bid for power was made by those favoring westernization and modernization in Korea this year, as they sought to force King Sunjo to abdicate and turn over power to his more progressive son. The recent debacles with Sweden have forced elements within the government and army to realize that refusal to budge will only result in ultimate enslavement of the Korean nation. The result was a growing faction hoping to gain strength among the Korean people with new industry and advancement modeled upon the West. Unfortunately the king soon caught onto their scheme, and all involved were arrested in a quick purge. Many were then executed or imprisoned for treason, and King Sunjo's hold appears to be more absolute than ever before. (+2 Stability)

JAPAN DESIGNS NEW STEAM WARSHIP. Tokyo, Japan. To the amusement of the Western world, the Japanese have designed a new steam-powered warship, with hired assistance from various European nations. The new warship is designed using paddle wheels to power the vessel, rather than the screw systems recently adopted by the European nations. Regardless, they are the first warships designed outside of the Western world, by an independent Asian nation. The Japanese shogun has lauded this achievement throughout Japan, showing off the prototype vessel in Tokyo harbor. The capabilities of this vessel have further reinforced the viability of steamships and ability of the vessels for warfare at sea. Most European observers have noted the lack of any real firepower on these new vessels, though they do seem to be as fast as a number of even screw-powered vessels.

SHADOW WAR INTENSIFIES IN JAPAN. Kyoto, Japan. Despite attempts by the shogun to rein in the growing number of assassinations and limited warfare among the daimyos, the shadow war continues to persist. The war has even escalated, with over a dozen more assassination attempts upon the shogun and his guard. So far, the westernizers have clearly been coming out ahead in the shadow war, as far more opponents to westernization have been assassinated or murdered than proponents. The effect has been far reaching as the shogun extends control and focuses upon building alliances in order to continue the modernization of Japan. As more are killed, it seems that a new centralized government may well have to be established if the continuation of modernization is to endure. (+1 Stability)

DISPUTE RISING OVER NEW ZEALAND. Wellington, United Kingdom of Great Britain. In a long awaited showdown, the British and Portuguese have begun a heated dispute on the southern island of New Zealand. The British settlers have been aggressively pushing south into Maori land, claiming it with utter disregard to local traditions and ownership. The Portuguese have been slowly but surely building alliances and friendship with the Maori, expanding their hold over the southern portion of the island. The local British settlers have continued their appeals to the throne, calling for the forced withdrawal of the Portuguese from clearly British territory. The Portuguese have continued to ignore this, and have been suspected of arming Maoris in British territory against the settlers.

BRITISH CLAIM MORE ISLANDS IN THE PACIFIC OCEAN. Sydney, United Kingdom of Great Britain. In a year of major colonial growth and development, the British have turned their attention towards expansion in the Pacific Rim, particularly along the Solomon Sea. The so-called Solomon Islands have been claimed by the British, as they expand their holdings around Dutch territory, frequently coming in tense conflict with Dutch merchants and settlers. The islands have been found to be mostly barren and useless to the British, and the prime minister has once again come under new criticism for failing to provide any possessions of benefit to the empire. The expense of maintaining these far flung colonies is great, and no tangible reward has emerged from controlling them.

WAR OF THE THREE EMPERORS. Peking, Imperial China. The war in China has taken an unexpected turn this year, as the emperors of Peking and Fujian signed an unexpected truce to deal with other threats. The rise of the Guangzhou Empire and the Ascendant's Kingdom of Holy China have been worrisome developments to both of the more traditional empires. The truce of course was only temporary, as both factions attempt to fight the present dangers on both of their doorsteps. The Ascendant's Kingdom started the campaigning year with the long awaited march upon Peking. In an attempt to remove the emperor who provoked the wars and uprising, the Ascendants assembled the bulk of their army to take the historic capital of the empire. At the epic battle of Baoding, the Imperial army was crushed and defeated, though they managed to retreat in fairly good order while inflicting heavy casualties upon the Ascendants. At long last, Peking itself came under siege, as the Ascendants moved to capture it and gain further legitimacy among the populace. With the Imperial army shattered, the Ascendants managed to take Peking, and with it, establish control over Manchuria not long after. The remnants of the imperial army have fled south, and have since been absorbed into the army of Fuzhou or simply deserted. The Daoguang Emperor has fled from China to a humiliating exile in Korea. In the south, the Muslims of Yunnan have continued to invade Guangzhou, and continue to repulsed in several major battles throughout the border region. The main fighting continues to be around Fujian as the armies of Guangzhou attempt to take the city from their bitter rival of the Fuzhou Empire. The fighting has remained inconclusive throughout most of the year, as the forces of Fuzhou preserve their control on the supply lines to the city. Heavy casualties have mounted on both sides, but with no clear victor in sight.
Casualty Lists
Ascendant's Kingdom of Holy China: 16 Infantry Brigades, 6 Cavalry Brigades, 4 Artillery Brigades, 102 Manpower (+1 Stability)
Fuzhou Empire: 19 Infantry Brigades, 1 Cavalry Brigade, 6 Artillery Brigades, 33 Manpower
Guangzhou: 24 Infantry Brigades, 4 Cavalry Brigades, 5 Artillery Brigades, 70 Manpower
Imperial China: 20 Infantry Brigades, 10 Cavalry Brigades, 5 Artillery Brigades
Tibet: 1 Infantry Brigade, 7 Manpower
Yunnan: 6 Infantry Brigades, 2 Cavalry Brigades, 2 Artillery Brigades, 12 Manpower

BURMA COMPLETES NAVAL FORTIFICATIONS. Rangoon, Burma. The Burmese have at last completed a series of fortifications inspired by the British invasion during their late civil war. The British taught the Burmese of the value of naval firepower and what must be done to prevent it from being used against them. To this end, a series of powerful coastal fortifications have been constructed featuring the largest cannon that the Burmese metalworkers have been able to craft. The objective is to devastate any European ships which attempt to cut or sabotage local trade through the use of naval blockades or raiding. The Burmese have accompanied the completion of this program with a group of new surveys and developments to establish the foundations of a navy base and vessels. The hope is that in the future Burma's forts will only be the second line of defense after an impenetrable wall of ships.

Financial Section​

HEAVY INVESTMENT IN SAVOY-MILAN'S CAUSE. Zurich, Switzerland. The Swiss government, in cooperation with the Republic of the Netherlands, has begun substantial financing of Savoy-Milan's war against Austria. A number of anonymous other financiers have been suspected of participating in the effort, as the new loans surpass even the massive financing provided to Austria by Poland last year. The amounts of money and material have gone a long way to keeping Savoy-Milan fighting, providing them with the capacity to continue to fight on two fronts. Austria has warned Switzerland against any further aid to Savoy-Milan, threatening retaliation if such efforts continue.

Spoiler :

Argentina: +4 EP
Austria: +3 EP
Aztec Empire: -11 EP
Bavaria: +1 EP
Brandenburg: +2 EP
Chile: +1 EP
Corsica: +1 EP
Dauphine: +1 EP
Denmark: +3 EP
-Iceland and Greenland: +1 EP
Ecuador: +1 EP
Empire of Brazil: +4 EP
Empire of Holy Spain: -2 EP
-Algeria: -1 EP
-Cuba: -1 EP
-Guinea: -1 EP
-Malta: +1 EP
-Peru: -2 EP
-Philippines: +2 EP
-Spanish India: +2 EP
-Yucatan: +1 EP
Flanders: +1 EP
Hungary: -2 EP
Kiev: +2 EP
Kingdom of Savoy-Milan: -11 EP
Kingdoms of Paris-Burgundy: -5 EP
Moscowy: +3 EP
Naples: +4 EP
New Spain: +2 EP
Normandy: +2 EP
Novgorod: +2 EP
Oman: +1 EP
Persia: -3 EP
Portugal: +1 EP
Republic of New Granada: +1 EP
Republic of the Netherlands: +3 EP
Roman Empire: +3 EP
Sardinia: +2 EP
Serbia: -2 EP
Sweden: -4 EP
-Swedish India: +1 EP
-Tadjoura: +1 EP
-Vinland: +2 EP
-Zanzibar: +1 EP
Switzerland: +3 EP
Tuscany: -4 EP
United Kingdom of Great Britain: +27 EP
-British China: -2 EP
-British India: +3 EP
-Falkland Islands: -1 EP
-New Zealand: +1 EP
-Prince Edward Island: +1 EP
-South Africa: +2 EP
United States of America: -3 EP
Venezuela: +2 EP

Random Stat Changes and Fluctuations

Spoiler :

Empire of Brazil
Kingdom of Savoy-Milan
New Spain
Papal States
Republic of New Granada
United States of America

Random Army Deterioration in Empire of Holy Spain: -1 Army Quality

Manpower Boom in Japan: +25 Manpower

Random Naval Quality Increase in Sardinia: +1 Navy Quality

Diplomatic Pouch

To: United Kingdom of Great Britain
From: Jamaica

In order to continue the amicable trading relationship between our nations, we hope that you will continue to send army advisors to help us bring our armed forces up to your current high standards.

To: Empire of Brazil
From: Argentina

Any further naval or army exercises within fifty miles of our coast line or border will be met with a declaration of war, we will no longer tolerate your abuses of power in South America.


@Quisani: It's 20 EP to design a new ship, not 10. This has been reflect in your final stats from the turn.

@Grandkhan: Stability cannot be increased by EP spending in the manner that your orders indicate. Stability is increased by actions in the game, not by simple spending.

I'd just like to remind some of you that not every turn needs to be action-packed. Quiet times for restructuring and growth are, in fact, ok. Don't feel bad if you can't send two PMs worth of orders for every update.

@spryllino: After domestic expenses, you could only afford 47 brigades out of your total planned recruitment. I have taken the excess out of the infantry you intended to purchase.

World Map


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OOC: I guess I'll hop back into this as Languedoc. I'll get a better idea of how far I am in over my head tomorrow.
From: Swedish Empire
To: United States

We are shocked and appalled by the massacre of innocents referred to as the "Vinland Incident". We refuse to believe that the American government, after various negotiations cementing friendship and mutual interest between the Swedish and American peoples, would violate our trust and good faith so profoundly. We can only demand restitution for this grievous assault on our sovereignty.
To: UK
From: Poland

The positioning of one of your new colonies is awkward to say the least. While we may seem hypocritical with regards to Spain's colony to the north, we wouldn't dream of blocking off their expansion any further than we have already. Regardless, would you be interested in transferring your new colony to Poland? You will obviously be compensated.
OCC: Alright. I was planning on spreading it out over two turns, but that's no big deal. I should have specified. Good update all in all.
OOC: Dammit, EQ, you really liked to pile things on Spain in this turn, hey? The only good thing I could see was the fact that I am holding half of the Aztec Empire, apart from that everything has been bad news...

To: United States of America
From: Empire of Holy Spain

In spite of your unwarranted attacks upon our soldiers and ships, we are willing to let bygones be bygones, given that both of us have lost roughly the same forces in our fights. The return of the five ships you took in the first fight would be, naturally, welcome. We are also willing to send envoys to a meeting in which a decision can be made in regards to the division of the Aztec Empire between the Empire of Holy Spain and the United States of America. However, let us tell you this clearly from the start, we will not leave the Aztec Empire to you under no concept, since the Aztec Empire has been in the Spanish sphere of influence from the time Spain reached the Americas, when the idea of the United States was not even among the British men and women who had started to settle in North America's east coast.

To: Empire of Brazil
From: Empire of Holy Spain

We hope that the current crisis between the Empire of Holy Spain and the United States of America does not prompt you to attack in spite of the agreement of alliance that was signed several years ago, before the Harrison-Branco Treaty was signed between you and the United States of America. We would be happy for you to state your neutrality or accept a position as a mediator in the meeting to decide the new borders in Central America.
OOC: @EQandcivfanatic
Ah, I must have been confused by another NES where you could do that. Sorry, my mistake. Also, a minor correction. In my orders, I wrote;
Projected EP; 33EP
-1EP for Education
-9EP for increasing Stability to 9
-12 EP for 2 Infantry Brigades
-11EP into Rivera Transport Scheme
The two infantry divisions haven't been updated in my stats. Is this a mistake, or have I lost two divisions somewhere in an update that I missed? :p Excellent update, as per usual :)

IC: To: The Nations of the World
From: The Estados Unidos de Nueva España
As you may be aware, we are currently in the process of expanding and modernising the route from one side of the Central American isthmus to the other, in order to better facilitate Atlantic-Pacific trade. This is a herculean undertaking, but we believe it will be well worth the effort if we can greatly speed up transportation from the Caribbean to Asia, and beyond.
As such, we are offering the other nations of the world, especially those with Pacific and Carribean colonies, a limited time offer; Contribute 50EP or more to this project, spread over at least three turns (as in, 17, 17, 16 for a total of 50 EP, not 50, 50, 50 for a total of 150 EP - you can if you want though :) ), and we will give businesses and travellers from your nation a greatly discounted price of almost 50% to use the new route!
To: Empire of Brazil
From: Empire of Holy Spain

We hope that the current crisis between the Empire of Holy Spain and the United States of America does not prompt you to attack in spite of the agreement of alliance that was signed several years ago, before the Harrison-Branco Treaty was signed between you and the United States of America. We would be happy for you to state your neutrality or accept a position as a mediator in the meeting to decide the new borders in Central America.

TO: Empire of Holy Spain
FROM: Empire of Brazil

Brazil wished nothing more than immediate end to this conflict and a peaceful arrangement that brings equality, not anger, to the nations involved. We are open to diplomacy, but should the conflict not be resolved this year we will have no other choice than to aid our American allies, especially considering the deceit handed to us by the Spanish government. Please consider peace - we are not heathens like the Aztecs.

TO: Argentina
FROM: Empire of Brazil

How dare you, Rosas? Assaulting our warships at sea during peaceful naval exercises will not stand in the Brazilian government, nor to the people. We will not be dictated by a tyrant. You will repay us for those sailing ships.

@EQ: Are you purposefully trying to make Argentina wealthier than me? They are gaining EP at the same rate AND have far less national upkeep. Argentine was nothing but a backwater for most of this century, Brazil was one of the richest empires in the world...
To Estados Unidos de Nueva Espana
From the Kingdom of Normandy

This deal piques our interest, but as we don't have colonies, I have a counteroffer.

Lower tariffs for Norman businessmen and merchants among your ports, including the Rivera. We are willing to invest more in that case in exchange for such a deal.
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