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NukeNes XXV: The Berlin Conference

Austria-Hungary supports Portugal's Zambezi claim, as well as the German Congo proposal if the two are compatible.
Well its a bit pointless having the Berlin Conference if we are going to look at OOC what happened later on..

Also, I am off to Italy for a weeks holiday with Abaddon, so I am not sure how to handle things. I would really appreciate if things could wait til I get back. Arrivederci!
Austria-Hungary supports Portugal's Zambezi claim, as well as the German Congo proposal if the two are compatible.

Portugal thanks Austria-Hungary for their support.

Portugal would also like to make a motion for the universal recognition of an independent Abyssinia. The Ethiopians are a good Christian people and deserve to be treated as such.
Well its a bit pointless having the Berlin Conference if we are going to look at OOC what happened later on..

Also, I am off to Italy for a weeks holiday with Abaddon, so I am not sure how to handle things. I would really appreciate if things could wait til I get back. Arrivederci!

Unfortunately the show must go on :sad:

If you'd like, I can negotiate for the Ottomans if you give me general guidelines of what you want though :)

Happy holiday too :)
We feel that you two (France and Spain) need to negotiate on Morocco and not just say "All or nothing :o"
We feel that you two (France and Spain) need to negotiate on Morocco and not just say "All or nothing :o"

We are not saying "All or nothing" - we have already accepted to leave Casablanca to the French. However, those French comedians insist on getting Tánger as well. They are not willing to either cede there or give up something of equal worth in exchange.

What we are not willing to accept is an independent Morocco - France will just invade them as soon as this conference ends, thus making the whole negotiation worthless.
Denmark feels that the best solution would be a guarantee of independence for the Moroccan state by the powers of the Berlin Conference, with French occupation of Casablanca and a Spanish occupation of Tangier.
We were willing to accept the following claims. They only differ from the previous claim posted by the Spanish in that Tangier and Casablanca would become French ports.

However, recent negations with Spain have led us to change our policy. From now on, we will only support an independent Morocco, open to trade with the rest of the world. The following is the map of our proposal. Spain can have the land south of the Oued Drâa.

edit: We support Denmark's proposal.
I will be negotiating for the Ottoman Empire until Boundless returns.


The Ottoman Empire feels that the Danish proposal of an independent Morocco free to all trade is the best proposal for the nation.

We would also like to see something similar happen to The Khedivate of Egypt; we feel her occupation by the United Kingdom is illegal and unwarranted. Egypt has been an Ottoman tributary, and before that, an Ottoman province for 300 years, far longer than Britain developed interests there. We feel that the United Kingdom should withdraw her military presence from Egypt and restore its former status
I will be negotiating for the Ottoman Empire until Boundless returns.


The Ottoman Empire feels that the Danish proposal of an independent Morocco free to all trade is the best proposal for the nation.

We would also like to see something similar happen to Egypt; we feel her occupation by the United Kingdom is illegal and unwarranted. Egypt has been in the Ottoman sphere of influence far longer than Britain developed interests there. We feel that the United Kingdom should withdraw her military presence from Egypt and restore its former status

OOC Historical nitpicking: Unless there is a major change in the history, Egypt is more than just in the Ottoman sphere of influence at this time. It is technically a full blown tributary state/vassal as the Khedivate of Egypt.
OOC: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Tel_el-Kebir According to wiki, Egypt is under British occupation since the revolt that killed the Europeans in Cairo in 1884

OOC: Yeah, it is under occupation by the British but still technically an Ottoman vassal as well. It's a bit of a strange situation, no doubt, but the point was if the Ottomans really want to make a stab at freeing Egypt from the British, they could make a better argument than simply "it's in our sphere of influence".
fixed :blush:
We would also like to see something similar happen to Egypt; we feel her occupation by the United Kingdom is illegal and unwarranted. Egypt has been in the Ottoman sphere of influence far longer than Britain developed interests there. We feel that the United Kingdom should withdraw her military presence from Egypt and restore its former status

The American Empire believes that if an Independent Morroco is to remain against Spain's claims than Egypt should be returned to its former status as per the Ottoman suggestion.

This would ultimately reduce the possibility of conflict in the future.
France believes that Egypt should remain in British hands.
The United Kingdom supports France's proposal to the Moroccan issue only under the condition that all parties agree to keep Morocco as a sovereign nation. IE, we do not want to see Spain, France, or any other nation for that matter, turning Morocco into a vassal, protectorate, or the like.
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