Celtic Fury

Oh, cool then. :)

(If it doesn't happen in February... YOU'LL KNOW WHAT IT IS TO SUFFER!!!! :mwaha:)
God, I hadn't noticed. Sometimes I go fast and don't press the keys enough strong for the stupid machine to feel it.
Sparthage, could you post a link or the file of the map you're playing? Just the standard .biq file, not a save game. Thanks!
You can never tell with Sparthage, The One-Who-Has-No-Schedules.
Well, Sparthage, I kind of wanted the 31-civ version for my upcoming story. If you could be so kind as to upload it, I'd be very grateful.

EDIT: Scratch that. I DL'ed the map, and I don't like the starting locations being in the actual civ locations. Sparthage, if you could send me or upload your edited version of the map, that'd be a great help. I plan to edit it slightly as well (all I'm going to say is Quintillus) for my story.
Well, Sparthage, I kind of wanted the 31-civ version for my upcoming story. If you could be so kind as to upload it, I'd be very grateful.

EDIT: Scratch that. I DL'ed the map, and I don't like the starting locations being in the actual civ locations. Sparthage, if you could send me or upload your edited version of the map, that'd be a great help. I plan to edit it slightly as well (all I'm going to say is Quintillus) for my story.
Okay, so I have three map files for you guys to mess around with. The three maps are:

1) Original - This is the one I started with.
2) Starting Positions - The same as the above, but I assigned the starting positions so that each civ will start in the same location that they did in the story (Celts in West Africa, Carthage in India, France in China, etc.)
3) No Corruption - The same as the first map, but edited to remove corruption (I totally should have done this for the story, but it's a bit late to change that...)

They all have my edits to the Arabian Peninsula (to allow for a Suez Canal), changes to the victory conditions, and 31 civs.

edit: My test download worked, so the files should work for you guys. Post it here if you have problems with the files.

edit 2: And my apologies to anyone who thought this was an update. :sad:


  • Celtic Fury Maps.zip
    79 KB · Views: 139
Quick question: How long did it take you to upload that .zip?
Quicker Answer-like Thing: What do mean by that? The time it took to upload to CFC from my hard drive was around 10 seconds.
No, not an update, how about another teaser for now?

Spoiler what these things are actually supposed to be used for :
Forward Outpost Gamma Four
Classified Location
June 17, 1304 AD; 9:37 AM (Himalayan Standard Time)

It was a bright, clear morning in the foothills of the Himalaya Mountains as Sergeant Ryan MacSchwartz sat in his observation post. The Sergeant, however, was not there to observe the ascent of the sun to its peak in the sky or the grass and trees surrounding his camouflaged tent, but to observe any military activity in the valley. But despite being assigned to the post nearly eight months earlier, there hadn’t been a hint of activity from anyone but some engineers that had travelled through on the railroad that snaked along the sides of the hills.

Frankly, he wasn’t happy. Sure he had an easy job pointing his camera at the roads and taking pictures of everything that moved. Sure there were worse places to be stationed, like Washington in the Siberian Highlands or the Jungles of Eboracum. But forward observation had to be among the worst, especially in the Himalayan District. It was below zero every day in the winter, and stifling in the summer.

But today already was shaping up to be a good day.

Scanning the valley floor, the young Sergeant saw a bright reflection of the sunlight near the poorly paved road that paralleled the rail tracks. As there was nothing naturally metallic in the area besides the railroad, this meant that something was moving or his eyes were deceiving him. He picked up his standard issue binoculars and stared at the bend in the road. For a minute, nothing was visible, then the rumble of what could only be a truck reached his ears.

Cautiously, he flipped his radio transmitter on with his left hand while continuing to bore into the road with his eyes. The sound grew in intensity as his eyes grew tired. He didn’t blink. Then in the road a military truck came hurtling around the bend, followed closely by dozens more. Mentally, he counted them and grew concerned, then worried as the number reached above twenty.

Thumbing the transmission button on his radio, he called into HQ to report the movement as trucks continued to roll by. No convoy was expected according to the latest reports from Celtic Military Intelligence, and no other observation posts had reported anything moving within miles of the border.

Despite the relative calm of the operator’s voice, Sergeant MacSchwartz could tell that something was amiss. The trucks were obviously carrying soldiers and since no movement at all was expected in the area, they had to be up to no good. The convoy continued to roll by until it was followed by something that couldn’t be possible: a radar truck.

Flipping open his identification book, he found no trace of the truck’s figure. In fact, the only reason that he knew by sight that it was a radar truck was that his previous job had been guarding Celtic radar equipment near Grand River. They had only military applications and none were friendly.

He leaned in closer for a better look but then heard a loud crack followed rapidly by a tear. As he fell backwards off his seat, more rapid gunfire, for that was the only possible explanation, tore through the walls of his observation post. Ramming his finger into the transmitter, he shouted a call for help into the radio as the walls were shredded with bullets.

He didn’t know if his message got through or not, but it was his duty to his country. He was under attack and if he was to survive, he would have no choice but to fight. Surrender was not an option as the assailants clearly would not accept it. Grabbing his pistol from its place at his hip, he fired off several shots at his adversaries before a round struck him in the shoulder. Pain shot through his body as his gun fell to the dirt floor. Three more bullets struck his vulnerable form as Sergeant Ryan MacSchwartz succumbed to the darkness.
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