Capto Iugulum: Empires and Nations

To: Everyone
From: Poland
CC: Normandy

We confirm this agreement. Others are encouraged to join. Let trade flow freely and we all shall prosper.
Global News Report​

WAR OF THE AMERICAN PRESIDENCY. Norfolk, United States of America. At last shooting has begun between General Scott and the forces of the governors of the northeast. After a year of minor skirmishes and unrest, the battle lines have solidified and the war is at hand. The fighting has taken place throughout the whole of the former United States, though Florida and the Cherokee remain apparently neutral for the time being. There has been major battles all the way from Tennessee to the Appalachian Mountains as both sides struggle for supremacy. Unfortunately, the War of the American Presidency has not just been simply contained to the western hemisphere. Blockades instituted by Spain and the United Kingdom of Great Britain have led to a naval confrontation between those two great powers. The result has been the eruption of a much larger conflict, with new theaters in India and the West Indies. The die have been cast, and it seems that a truly major conflict is now beginning to erupt around the world. For the full story, a special section has been provided at the bottom of the update, providing complete details on all the theaters of war.

News from Europe​

ADVANCES MADE IN RAILROAD TECHNOLOGY. Cagliari, Sardinia. American, British, and Spanish engineers have begun returning home thoughtfully from advances made during the effort to build an island railway network on Sardinia. Due to the nature of the program put in place, the effort has been towards increasing hauling capacity and speed. The result of experimentation by a local hired American inventor has seen a new land speed record get set by the Sardinian Royal Railroad trains. Furthermore, significant advances have been made in hauling combined with speed, including new elements of engine production. This has led to various other railroad companies in the United States and Europe working towards developing their own new capacity.

BRITON MAKES ADVANCE IN HYDRAULICS. Liverpool, United Kingdom of Great Britain. A British inventor has experiment and succeeded with a project that promises to revolutionize power and hauling in ports. The development of the new hydraulic accumulator allows for massive power to be used for cranes and other elements, which have been put into test in Liverpool Harbor. To the surprise of many doubters, the new crane using this device can pick up and haul far more goods in a more stable manner than any previous device. The devices which are likely capable to be powered by this invention are giving inventors in the British Isles chills as they contemplate the future. Needless to say, this bodes extremely well for British industry as they adopt the new technology and the resulting devices.

BROTHERS OF ITALY ATTEMPT ASSASSINATION IN CORSICA. Ajaccio, Corsica. The Brothers of Italy continue to remain active in Corsica, this time, have begun to be exceedingly violent against the ruling families and monarchy. Still calling for unification with the Kingdom of Savoy-Milan, the Brothers of Italy in Corsica have taken responsibility for an assassination attempt upon King Sampiero. This has caused continuously rising tensions between Corsica and Savoy-Milan, as the Brothers of Italy have been constantly connected with the revolutionaries in Milan. King Sampiero has severed ties with the Kingdom of Savoy-Milan, recalling their ambassador. Sardinia and Naples have warned against further worsening of the situation, which some fear could result in an extremely futile war.

COLLEGE CONFERENCE ON SCANDINAVIA INDECISIVE. Copenhagen, Denmark. Danish scholars, as well as invited guests met in Copenhagen today to discuss the implications of a united Scandinavia and Denmark's place within or without it. Some have argued in favor of a totally united monarchy, disregarding previous Danish positions, while others favor the continued growth of status and wealth for Denmark alone. The result was a nearly month long conference among the greatest intellectuals of Northern Europe, about the true definition of Scandinavia and its kingdoms. The result was no official position created, simply further polarizing of the various sides and factions. It does seem that the Danish nationalists came out ahead, viewing the new kingdom in Scandinavia as less than legitimately representing the people of the geographical area it is named for. Swedish intellectuals have argued that Denmark isn't truly part of Scandinavia anyways, making it irrelevant to the establishment of a single nation.

RUSSIANISM EMERGING. Kiev, Kiev. After Kiev's defeat in the late war against Moscow, there has been a rising sentiment among the intellectuals and aristocrats of the Russian states that there should perhaps be an unified Russian nation. As news and ideas slowly make their ways from Britain, France, and Italy, the Russian upper classes have become increasingly enthusiastic about this idea. The upper classes are eager to gain more lands and influence, while the emerging middle class look forward to the possibilities of greater wealth and prosperity. Though these ideas have spread throughout the cities of the kingdoms of Kiev, Moscow, and Novgorod, only in Kiev have they begun to form a problem. The loss of the Cossack influence in the eastern provinces have led many of Kiev to challenge King Mikhail II, blaming him for the failure to negotiate with Moscow and the Cossacks to begin with. He has been accused of bailing out on the alliance with Moscowy during the rebellion and resulting war, thus sabotaging the Russian cause. This has led to increasing instability in Kiev, as the middle class builds newer ties to Moscowy. (-1 Stability)

RIOTS IN WARSAW. Warsaw, Poland. The liberals of Poland have continued to seethe under the rule of the monarchy, and the intervention of the Poles into the Hungarian Civil War has proven to be the final straw. The Polish liberal element has risen against the government in Warsaw, and to a less degree, Krakow, establishing new barricades and rioting against the monarch. They have continued to call for the reduction of the monarch's powers and the establishment of a elected government and regime. In order to respond to this unrest, martial law was declared in Warsaw, and the army has been sent in to contain the rioting. The result has been significant local damage, but the situation has been more or less contained as the worst of the riots are dispersed. Few prisoners were taken, and it is unknown how many liberals remain to infiltrate the population. (-5 Manpower, -1 Infantry Brigade)

LIBERALS RIOT IN SERBIA. Belgrade, Serbia. The outbreak of the Hungarian Civil War and the resulting influence among the Hungarian minorities has given some strength to the liberal movement in Serbia. King Stephan II's insistence upon supporting the Hungarian monarch has not gone unnoticed as the liberals of Serbia strive against it. The result was a major protest which turned into rioting in Belgrade, as the locals attempted to storm the Royal Palace to catch the attention of the king. The Royal Guard was more than capable of repulsing this attack, and the main army was called in from the outskirts. Martial law was declared and order has been restored through brutal force, as required by the needs of the enlarging war to the north. (-6 Manpower, -1 Infantry Brigade, +1 Stability)

BROTHERS OF ITALY LEAD UNREST IN TUSCANY. Florence, Tuscany. The Brothers of Italy have gained growing support and influence throughout Tuscany, as the withdrawal of the Hungarian army throws weight in their favor. The Brothers of Italy have taken credit for the Hungarian withdrawal, claiming that the pressure of their organization forced the retreat and the revolution in Hungary. This has won over a number of people within Tuscany, as the authority of the king continues to diminish. Entire villages in the northern outskirts now recognize their Brothers of Italy as more legitimate law and order than the supports and appointees of the monarchy. This has resulted in a growingly dangerous situation in the countryside, as it appears the king's rule over Tuscany is slipping. (-1 Stability)

COUP INSTALLS NEW KING IN BRITTANY UPON DEATH OF OLD. Nantes, Brittany. The kingdom of Brittany, long a bastion of conservative resistance against the rise of liberalism and French nationalism, has gone through a change of regime. The old King Henry III died this year after falling into ill health n 1845 after an accident upon his horse in the stables. His eldest son was selected as his heir, who was considered to be the obvious candidate to carry on his legacy. He was a noted conservative and was briefly crowned as King Francis VI. His rule was short-lived however as elements of the military conspired against him. A new, more liberal king, has been installed by the elements of the army, and middle class. King Francis' younger brother has been installed as King Henry IV, while the old king has been exiled to Britain. The new monarch has promised to overview the possibility for change within the government, establishing a new regime for the Breton people. He has also promised to ease tensions with the French states and to relax laws against the French minority in Brittany.

DUTCH ELECTIONS. Amsterdam, Republic of the Netherlands. The Dutch have once more made it through another brutal electoral cycle, as the world at large erupts into war between the two greatest powers. The Dutch have watched the escalating cycle of violence beginning on the American coast with some concern, which has made it a issue of debate among the leading politicians. The Patriots have stood by a policy of focusing more on the protection of the Dutch, rather than risking in a gamble of a major war. This has led to them being the more popular choice, as they gain in influence within the government. Unfortunately, a lot of their political capital was lost as the situation in China continued to worsen and the European coalition in the Far East quickly collapsed in the wake of the new war.

VENICE RECONSTRUCTION COMPLETE. Venice, Kingdom of Savoy-Milan. The major project to restore Venice after its destruction by Austrian forces during the Third Venetian War has at last been completed. King Charles Albert of Savoy-Milan has stood in Venice, proclaiming the start of a new era for the people of the famed city, and Italy as a whole. With the world seemingly engulfed by war and conflict, the monarch has stated that the new Venice will ultimately be the start of a new Italy, unified by the threats and common cause around it. The Brothers of Italy have applauded the effort, and Austria continues to be demonized both by the official and unofficial publishing of the Kingdom of Savoy-Milan. Regardless this has been seen as a progressive step forward for the kingdom, and has done much to build local support. (+1 Stability)

SAVOY-MILAN ELECTIONS TO BE HELD NEXT YEAR. Turin, Kingdom of Savoy-Milan. At long last, with the recovery from the Third Venetian War well underway, the Kingdom of Savoy-Milan has announced the first true elections to be held next year, in 1848. Though there had been discussion of elections to be held after the King of Savoy became the head of state, no elections were held due to the start of the Third Venetian War. Therefore while the old Triumvirate continues to lead in the legislative sense, there is no full elected body of government. The elections are slated to possibly replace General Gallo as the head of government, but they are primarily to be held to determine the creation of an actual national legislature.

MOSCOW UNDERGOES SIGNIFICANT ARMY REFORM. Moscow, Moscowy. The lessons of the Cossack War with Kiev were learned hard by the Moscovite forces, and they have put their knowledge to good use. The comparatively immense firepower of Kiev's army has proven a valuable lesson, as they seek to find a way to at least counter a portion of typical European firepower. The Moscovites have thus finished their process of reform and development, modernizing their forces with new weapons and tactics, adjusted for the practicalities of warfare on the steppes. The Cossacks have encouraged this effort, leading the way in most of the advances, teaching new methods of riding and advanced melee combat from horseback. The Moscovite army is increasingly feared in Eastern Europe, having added more power to its already immense size.

HUNGARIAN CIVIL WAR FACES FOREIGN INTERVENTION. Budapest, Hungary. The greatest victory for the republicans in the Hungarian Civil War has not been on the battlefield, but rather in diplomacy. After extensive negotiations and promises, the republicans have managed to secure the support of several minority groups throughout the region. This has resulted in mass defections to the republican cause and the effective liberation of the eastern part of the empire from the monarchists. Unfortunately, thanks to the support of various foreign powers, the monarchists continue to retain significant influence along the Adriatic Coast, as the war continues. Serbia has been joined in its support of the Hungarian monarchy by Austria and Poland. All three powers have sent expeditionary forces to secure the monarchy and its position in the east. The success of a republican revolution is viewed as too great of a risk to their own security. The greatest battles of the war would be fought as the Austrian and Polish armies marched upon Budapest, to strike at the heart of the revolution. The majority of the Hungarian army was returned, as they sought to defend their capital sector from the foreign invasion. The Hungarians, while possessing superior numbers of infantry, found themselves woefully outgunned and outmaneuvered by the overall larger invading force. The main republican army was utterly crushed by the superior Austrian and Polish troops, and Budapest was taken as the Austrians secured the city for the monarchy. With this success, the foreign intervention halted for a time, and the monarchist and Serbian armies took up the offensive into the east. The monarchists managed to win a major battle with Serbian support, securing yet more territory, and forcing the rebels across the Carpathians.
Casualty Lists
Austria: 2 Infantry Brigades, 1 Cavalry Brigade, 1 Artillery Brigade
Hungary (Monarchist): 4 Infantry Brigades, 2 Cavalry Brigades, 2 Artillery Brigades
Poland: 5 Infantry Brigades, 1 Cavalry Brigade, 1 Artillery Brigade
Serbia: 2 Infantry Brigades, 1 Artillery Brigade
Hungary (Republican): 17 Infantry Brigades, 6 Cavalry Brigades, 6 Artillery Brigades

LIBERALS INSTITUTE NEW PROGRAMS IN PARIS-BURGUNDY. Paris, Kingdoms of Paris-Burgundy. After last year's victory in the elections, the Liberal Party of Paris-Burgundy has begun instituting a number of new programs. The first of these, and the substantially smaller scale, has been the reduction of the power and funding for the nation's secret police force. The hated secret police have long been the bane of the core of the liberal movement and the new government has taken significant pleasure in reducing their power. Only the influence of the conservatives in government has been able to stop the immediate disbanding of the organization as a whole. Meanwhile, substantial funding has been dedicated to a program to pave the roads of the cities and country of Paris-Burgundy, easing transportation and developing the economy. The effort has already been halfway completed thanks to the massive wealth poured into it, and the only criticisms to date have been the expense. (+1 Stability)

NAVAL REFORM IN DENMARK. Aarhus, Denmark. The Danish Royal Navy has fallen into disrepair and disuse over the past two decades, and this year dramatic steps were taken to revitalize it. A number of old and decrepit ships were scrapped, particularly the majority of the older sailing ships, though a few high quality such vessels remain in service. The efforts have been geared towards making the Danish navy one solely of steam vessels and warships, taking the utmost advantage of new technology and the quality of modern ship building. A number of old servicemen have been let go from their duties, and the fleet has been expanded in terms of newer steam warships. The hopes remain that the Danes, while having difficult in competing in size, will be able to retain one of Europe's most modern fleets. (+1 Navy Quality)

STATLIGA POLISEN DISBANDED IN SCANDINAVIA. Stockholm, Scandinavia. As a pledge of goodwill to the integration of Norway and Sweden into a single Scandinavian empire, the feared Statliga Polisen has been disbanded by order of the emperor. This secret police force, dedicated to containing unruly Norwegian dissent and unrest, was hated by most of the nationalist groups in the region. They also had begun rooting out dissent in other regions of the European empire, but had not gained the same amount of influence. Furthermore, they had even been turned upon Swedish liberals, gaining a reputation in all corners of the empire. With the new reforms, this organization has had to be disbanded, but ill will remains. In Livonia and Pomerania they have sown the seeds of dissent and unrest, particularly as the local populations become uneasy about their place in the newly reorganized empire. (-1 Stability)

ROMANS COMPLETE FORTS, BEGIN ARMY EXPANSION. Constantinople, Roman Empire. At long last, after a process which spanned throughout the civil war and the resulting chaos, the Romans have completed a series of fortifications along the borders of the Mamluk Caliphate. Though the Mamlukes no longer retain direct control of these lands, the threat of Islamic invasion remains ever present, particularly as the threat of war with the Turkish Sultanate grows. The Roman nation has been made significantly more secure with this development protecting their southern frontiers. Unfortunately, the ongoing Cizre Bohtan rebellion, the threat of war with Turkey, the civil war in Hungary, and of course the major war between Spain and Britain have shown that more will be needed to protect the empire than solid walls. Therefore a program of massive army expansion has begun, as the Romans seek to build one of the strongest and largest armies in Europe.
News from the Americas​

CHEROKEE ELECTIONS HELD. New Echolta, Cherokee Nation. Even as the war to the east continues to escalate, the Cherokee have been doing their best to reestablish their government and independence. The governor continues to remain the head of the former state, but the new establishment of the post of President has been recalled as the old constitution is put back into place. After a decade within the American system, a number of American parties have clearly taken hold in the Cherokee Nation. The Whigs, who were stalwartly backed by the Cherokee people, are against the encroaching white settlers, who have been primarily backed by the Democratic Party. Thanks to the bulk of support for the Whig Party from native Cherokees, they have won the election, but continue to face significant resistance from those white settlers who support the Democrats or the Scott government. (-1 Stability)

FLORIDA ELECTIONS. San Antonio, Florida. As the war continues consume the east, the government of the states of Florida have reassembled under the old constitution of the Republic of West Florida. The result has been the reelection of former President and governor of West Florida, Samuel Houston. His conservative followers have branded themselves the Florida Patriots Party, decimating the former Democratic Party. The remaining democrats have ironically become a bastion for the liberals. The Patriots Party are less eager than the liberals to engage with Scott's government, instead acting as proponents of an independent or autonomous Floridian nation. While some calls have been made for war with the illegal government in Washington D.C., most are less than eager to actually sacrifice their lives for the cause.

JACKSONIA ESTABLISHES CONGRESS, BILL OF RIGHTS. Jefferson, Jacksonia. While the governments of the Cherokee and Florida have had at least some tradition to draw upon for the establishment of an independent nation, the Jacksonians have not. With a pitiful military and the withdrawal of the United States Army, they have struggled to put together a functioning national administration. The result so far has been a declaration of a bill of rights, assuring the various personal rights which had been promised in the United States Constitution's first few amendments. A coalition Congress has also been assembled, consisting of the most influential men in Jacksonia. At the moment, the Jacksonian government has appointed former colonel Lee Evans to lead the fledgling military as a form of government for now. The military continues to be the center of the government, temporarily until a constitution and new regime can be established.

GUERILLA ACTIVITY IN NUEVA LEON. Tenochtitlan, Empire of Holy Spain. Within the former Aztec Empire, now Nueva Leon, the Spanish authorities have had to deal with a growing surge in unrest and attacks from the local population. Though a substantial part of the Aztec population were sympathetic to the Spanish, and even continue to support their rule, the remnants of the old guard are still less than enthusiastic. Combined with still fairly active Aztec military units in the countryside, there has been considerable increase in attacks upon Spanish military units, as the attackers fade back into the countryside. This has resulted in mostly defeats for the guerillas, but they still have managed to win a few remote victories across the country. (-1 Infantry Brigade)

GUERILLA ACTIVITY IN YUCATAN. Belize, Empire of Holy Spain. While guerilla warfare escalates throughout Nueva Leon in the north, there has been fighting erupting throughout Yucatan as well. The beginning of a war with the United Kingdom has given some strength and motivation to the rebels in Yucatan, and they have thus escalated their efforts against the Spanish. The Mayan rebels have constantly struck at the various Spanish military units throughout the region, with unbridled ferocity. Spanish attempts to local the guerillas have been less than successful, finding only a few abandoned camps in the mountains and jungles. The Mayans have won several key victories, inflicting damage upon what they view as the occupying Spanish army. (-2 Infantry Brigades, -1 Stability)

PRESIDENT IN URUGUAY ASSASSINATED. Montevideo, Uruguay. In an event suspiciously similar to the assassination of President Rosas only a few years ago in Argentina, President Marquez Argosto was assassinated in Uruguay. With no clear presidential successor and the military unwilling to trust the Blancos to assemble a coalition government, the result has been a general declaring a state of emergency and stepping in. The military has established an emergency dictatorship, declaring martial law, and vowing to avenge the death of the lost president. General Carlos Franco has stepped in, pledging to maintain order, and that new elections will be held constitutionally on schedule in 1850. After investigation, the general has blamed the Empire of Brazil for the assassination, claiming that they were responsible for the attack. He has further expanded authority in the countryside, pledging to defend the nation against Brazilian aggression. (-1 Stability)

PROTESTS MAR BRAZILIAN ELECTIONS. Rio de Janeiro, Empire of Brazil. The outbreak of war in North America, and the rising threat of Brazil itself to be under the guns in a conflict with the Empire of Holy Spain have been the dominant issues in this year's election campaigns. The disaster of the Brazilian expeditionary force sent to the United States of America has only escalated the situation, as the public demands for the Prime Minister to step down. The enormous catastrophe of Brazil's involvement to date has spurred multiple protests and even small scale riots as it became clear that most of the Brazilians sent to the north will never be coming home. The result has been a massive shift in what should have been a surefire victory for the Liberal Party. The Party of Order has emerged triumphant, pledging to win the war against tyranny, and supplant the useless military minds of the liberals. Regardless, there stand many who are less than eager to see the war proceed at all, and fear the effect that the loss of Spanish trade will have upon Brazil.

MAJOR UPSET IN PANAMA ELECTIONS. Panama City, Panama. To the surprise of many observers, the elections in Panama went in the opposite direction many expected. The Liberal Party, the betting favorites in the race, were considered the ideal candidates after their successes against both the Republic of New Granada and New Spain. Unfortunately, there has been growing support against them by foreign business and industry, which have become increasingly interested in the futuristic possibility of constructing a canal across the nation. The primary corporate supporters have been from Spain, but surprisingly there has also been focused investment into the party by other European business. The promise of the Conservatives has been to use the growing wealth to make better lives for the people of Panama, and to eclipse the threat of poverty.

MILITARY RECRUITMENT DEBATES IN FLORIDA. San Antonio, Florida. The Floridian army and government have reach a point of stalemate this year as great arguments arise over two major issues of recruitment to fill the ranks. Some make the argument that dramatic measures are not needed, as the war is clearly focused to the east and will be decided by the fighting there. Others have argued that major expansion of the army is needed and that more men will have to fill the ranks. To this end, conscription has begun to fill out the new brigades, which has proven very unpopular among those who wish not to serve. Furthermore, the various states have felt that the central government is far overstepping its authority, and have refused to enforce conscription in Mississippi, Alabama, and East Florida. To make matters worse, some have proposed allowing negroes to temporarily serve, which has outraged slave holders, and has been shot down in Congress. The result has been worsening instability as some states threaten secession from Florida should their interests in slavery not be supported. (-1 Stability)

PRESIDENT TAYLOR RESIGNS IN THE UNITED STATES. Washington D.C., United States of America. Under pressure from the Scott government, and with the threat of civil war rising across the country, President Arthur Taylor has officially resigned from office. Before then, Scott was appointed as the new Vice President and thus has now been sworn in as the new President of the United States. Other nations and factions have refused to recognize this, even as other Congressmen are released from arrest, giving their support to the Scott government. The governors in the northeast have convened, accepting Taylor's resignation, but not his choice of successor. The result has been the appointment of John Crowley, former governor of Massachusetts, as the Acting President of the United States. The governors continue to retain de facto control, as the war begins to pick up and escalate between the two main factions. (+1 Stability to Scott Faction)

PARTY OF THE REPUBLIC FORMED BY PRESIDENT SCOTT. Washington D.C., United States of America. The newly sworn in President Alfred Scott of the United States has pledged a new day for the American people, promising to hold true elections in 1848 as constitutionally mandated. He has, however, denounced the Democratic Party and even the Whig Party, forming his own "Party of the Republic," otherwise known to most as the Republican Party. The Republicans form the base of his support, and a number of Democratic supporters have backed away from their party, throwing their support for Scott. To this end, a number of Congressmen have been released from imprisonment in Washington D.C., and have agreed to return to represent their nations. This has even included a minor opposition group, to establish the legitimacy of the new government. (+1 Stability)

JACKSONIA RECEIVES FOREIGN RECOGNITION. Jefferson, Jacksonia. Most of the world continues to watch as the United States of America falls apart in internal turmoil and civil war. This has turned out beneficial for the territory of Jacksonia which appears to be paving the longest-term route to self-sufficiency. They have secured diplomatic recognition from a number of major European powers, signing new trading agreements and gaining support. This has continued to build the legitimacy of the government, even as they struggle to put a new constitution and regime into place. Fortunately, it seems that Jacksonia may be spared the rigors of war, and many hope that the fighting in the east will end quickly regardless, so that the Americans of Jacksonia can rejoin their families as citizens of the United States of America.

SPAIN DEVELOPS NEW ADMINISTRATION FOR THE AZTEC EMPIRE. Tenochtitlan, Empire of Holy Spain. The end of the war in the Aztec Empire last year left an essential power vacuum within the region that the Spanish have worked to reform. To that end, a number of changes have been made to the management of the region, which is now being called Nueva Leon by the Spanish government. The change to a Spanish name has been not very popular with the local Aztecs and has given marginally more support to the rebels in the mountains and hills. The other major step has been the official construction and opening of a cathedral in Tenochtitlan, the first legal Catholic place of worship in the region. The Pope has further supported this, allowing the recruitment and promotion of local priests to be bishops for the Aztec people. The growth has been significant, but continues to foster resistance among the more determined members of the old faith in the Aztec Empire. (-1 Stability)

SCANDINAVIA REORGANIZED WESTERN NORTH AMERICAN COLONY. Fort Adolphus, Scandinavia. The western coast of North America has seen a surprisingly growth in local expansion and development, as the Scandinavians surge into the region. The former remote outpost of Fort Adolphus has been expanded into the much larger colony of Haroldstad, named for the new Emperor of Scandinavia. The wealth and farming capabilities of the region has proven to have massive appeal for the people of Scandinavia who have moved into the newly reformed colony in great numbers. This has seen the rapid expansion of the territory. Unfortunately, this has come into conflict with American settlers as the area was recognized to be territory of the United States of America in past treaties with Sweden. The civil unrest in the United States has rendered the old treaties moot in the eyes of the Scandinavian government, thus legitimizing their push to the south.

ARGENTINA COMPLETES BORDER FORTS. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Though the governments of Argentina and the Empire of Brazil are on more friendly terms than they were during the Rosas presidency, some tensions do still remain. Ever aware of the threat of war with Brazil, the Argentines have chosen not to neglect the security of their northern border. To this end, a series of strong border forts have been built to monitor and guard the main travel routes across the Argentine-Brazilian border. The growing tensions in Uruguay, and the ludicrous claims of Brazilian involvement in Rosas' assassination have focused even more attention upon these forts. Furthermore, many believe that the eruption of the war between Britain and Spain could well force Argentina to choose a side in the growing conflict.

VENEZUELA COMPLETES INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT. Caracas, Venezuela. After years of hard work in the aftermath of the war with New Granada, the Venezuelan people have at last achieved the completion of the development of the nation's infrastructure. This has included in the introduction of a number of new roads and even the sponsoring of a small railroad along the coast. This effort has furthermore sought to survey and determine the inherent natural resources of the interior of Venezuela, which has proven to be a difficult task. Fortunately, the effort was made significantly easier upon last year's completion of the efforts towards integration, and this infrastructure development has done even more to tie the nation together. It has included the development of a national postal service among other civil institutions, creating a true nation at last. (+1 Stability)

News from Africa and the Middle East​

FAMINE IN PERSIA. Tehran, Persia. The Persian people have been blighted with a year of shortfalls in food production and farming, threatening the stability and health of the nation. Tens of thousands have died as the Persian government attempts to make up the shortage with mass grain purchases from the Roman Empire and Moscowy. Those nations have graciously sold their surpluses to the Persians, picking up trade in the region, and improving general relationships. Regardless, this has proven devastating to the Persian economy and the stability of the nation. The result has been an increase in banditry, and the army has responded by further crackdowns and attacks upon dissident tribes and groups throughout the empire. This has resulted in some small-scale fighting, and the situation has further destabilized the empire as a whole. (-11 Manpower, -1 Infantry Brigade, -1 Stability)

WARFARE IN MADAGASCAR. Ambilobe, Madagascar. The government of Madagascar has once more faced a challenge to the centralized rule of Queen Ranavalona. An uprising has taken place on the northern side of the island, attempting to raise popular dissent among the tribes against the newly formed central government. Unfortunately for the rebels they were unable to assemble any force of significance against the monarchy and have since faced massive retaliation from the queen. The resulted was an one-sided battle which left the rebels devastated and defeated. The rebel leader was imprisoned and executed in the capital, and this has done much to further cement the queen's control on the island. (-1 Infantry Brigade, +1 Stability)

SULTAN FACES MUTINY IN OMAN. Muscat, Oman. The decision to appoint the new sultan of Oman was less than popular with elements of the military and government, who would have preferred a monarch to lead them away from the Caliphate's dominance. The result has been a mutiny within the armed forces, which nearly became an armed coup against the sultan. The problem was the lack of support among the officer corps and the failure of the plotters to move against Muscat. Loyalist forces were soon called in to restore order, and thanks to superiority in artillery and firepower, were able to crush the mutineers in a series of brutal fights. The sultan's government has done much to compensate the lost individuals and to restore order. This has largely broken the back of the anti-Caliphate faction in Oman, as the sultan restores order, and continues his pledge to remain a protectorate of the Caliph. (-1 Infantry Brigade, +1 Stability)

GREEKS CONTINUE UNREST IN TURKISH SULTANATE. Konya, Turkish Sultanate. The border communities between the Roman Empire and the Turkish Sultanate continue to be the scenes of violence and unrest as the Turks struggle to maintain control. The Greeks in the area were fairly content under the rule of the Caliphate, but the Turkish sultan is less than tolerant of the Christian minority. The result has been growing acts of banditry and guerilla warfare against the sultan's army and government. The various Greek communities have largely refused to pay taxes and have thus refused to recognize the legitimacy of the Turk government. The sultan has threatened to send in the military should they continue their intransigence, but has in turn been warned by the Roman Imperator against any such action. (-1 Infantry Brigade)

SPAIN MOVES AGAINST ALGERIAN NOMADS. Algiers, Empire of Holy Spain. After several years of nearly constant attacks upon Spanish interests in Algeria, the Spanish have at last deployed more soldiers to their North African colony. The result has been some limited success against the nomads, particularly in tracking them down and eliminating them. There have been several small battles, which have managed to amount to a significant reduction of the tribal warfare and attacks among the nomadic tribes. There also was conducted a number of urban investigations of rumors of support for the nomads among the rest of the populace, but these have proven fruitless, and it seems that most of these rumors are likely unfounded. The Spanish forces have done well securing at least the temporary stability of the colony, as well as securing themselves in case the growing war against Britain should come to North Africa. (+1 Stability)

CIZRE BOHTAN REBELLION. Cizre, Cizre Bohtan. The Caliphate has continued to struggle to regain control of Cizre and the surrounding area from the rebellious emir. Rather than focusing on retaking Mosul as they did at the beginning of last year, the Caliphate's army pushed instead through rougher terrain towards Cizre itself. The result was a major victory for the rebels, defeating the Caliph's forces and sending them retreating from their advance. The rebels, sensing weakness once more, made an attempt at secure more territory for their rebellion, pushing southwest. The Caliphate did manage to rally, but the rebels still managed to carve out more defensible territory, establishing a larger buffer around Cizre. The efforts to corral the rebellion have been reaching futility as supplies continue to roll in for the rebellion and it seems that the Caliph's attempts are in vain.
Casualty Lists
Cizre Bohtan: 7 Infantry Brigades, 2 Artillery Brigades
Mamluk Caliphate: 8 Infantry Brigades, 1 Cavalry Brigade, 3 Artillery Brigades, -1 Stability

ARABIAN PUSH BEGINS IN CALIPHATE. Cairo, Mamluk Caliphate. The new Caliph has had several interesting ideas involving the development of the Caliphate as an empire. This has been mostly focused upon the recreation of an Arabian based empire throughout the region. This has generated less than enthusiastic opinions among the upper classes, especially in the military, which is dominated by the reigning aristocracy of the empire. The Caliph has begun financing the advancement of Arabian culture, arts, and ideas throughout the caliphate, supporting artists and writers who agree with his viewpoint. This has further been seen as new attempts to negotiate with the Wahabi rebels has been expanded, but the religious sect remains less than willing as long as the caliphate retains its Sunni overtones. There has been growing unrest among the Jewish and Christian segments of the population, as the calls of Islam continue to expand among the Arabs.

MADAGASCAR MONARCH OPENS NEW SCHOOLS. Antananarivo, Madagascar. After years of expense and work, Queen Ranavalona has announced the opening of a new school for the children of the upper class of the tribes, establishing a new class for the nation. The effort continues to be made to forge a true nation out of the disparate tribes of the island, securing an educational system. The students are taught by a number of teachers from Abyssinia, bringing new education, though with a slightly clerical bias. The result has been increasing instability in Madagascar, particularly with the introduction of new ideas and thoughts that education creates. The hopes are regardless that the new schools will further centralize and develop the island nation. (-1 Stability)

PERSIA COMPLETES ROAD CONSTRUCTION. Ahvaz, Persia. The Cizre rebellion seems to continue in the west, and tensions still exist between the caliphate and the Persians. The growth of the Arabian movement among the leadership of the caliphate has further strained relations, and the Persian government still seeks to be prepared for war. To this end, they have at last completed the construction of new roads and updating of old roads in western Persia. They continue to seek the ability to respond quickly to the threat of a Mamluk invasion, and perhaps be able to invade the region more efficiently on their own. The risk of war with Spain in the east has distracted some resources from this effort, but he Persians continue to strive for more protected and prosperous nation.
News from the Far East​

PORTUGUESE INDIA DISCONTENT. Goa, Portugal. The Portuguese have faced rising dissent and unrest in their Indian possessions as the apparent wealth of the British and Spanish princes continues to far outpace their own. The Indians in Portugal's colony have been less than enthusiastic about supporting the European regime, and the situation has only deteriorated. The result has been a growing resentment at all levels of Portugal's Indian society, and while no riots or open unrest has yet taken place, it is clearly on the horizon. Some are lobbying for either a new independent state, but most of the princes seem to be far more interested in the potential of trade or annexation with the Empire of Holy Spain or the United Kingdom of Great Britain. (-1 Stability)

GUERILLA WARFARE IN VIETNAM. Hanoi, United Kingdom of Great Britain. The outbreak of a global war with the Spanish Empire has given a number of discontent groups throughout the British Empire hope of success. This has resulted in increased guerilla activity in the British colony of Vietnam, which has been resisting the British rule fervently. To the disturbance of the British colonial government, there have even been reports of Ascendant agents and sympathizers throughout the northern part of the country. The claims that Europeans are demons and not truly human have been gaining some popularity among the more oppressed peoples of Vietnam, and there is definitely some evidence that the Ascendant cult has arrived here. Regardless, there has been an increase in attacks upon British patrols, as the interior destabilizes with the growth of British business exploitation. (-1 Infantry Brigade)

GUANGZHOU FACES MAJOR DEFECTIONS AND DESERTION. Guangzhou, Guangzhou. As the Ascendants push south and the European coalition collapses before it even became properly started, the hopes of Guangzhou's armies are greatly diminishing. Most of the forces of Guangzhou are less than loyal to begin with and have only assembled thanks to the massive funds provided by the British and other European governments. The tales of the Razing of Shanghai and the devastation of other cities by the Ascendants has become notorious, invoking much fear among the men of Guangzhou's armies. Furthermore, the no prisoner policies of the Ascendants and the torturous deaths they provide to any captured, have further sparked terror. On the other hand, the Ascendants offer lucrative options to those who join their cause, especially to veteran soldiers. This has led to even whole brigades simply disappearing in the night to join the Ascendant cause. In particular, one Guangzhou general has brought his whole army to the side of the Ascendants, converting to their bizarre pseudo-religious dogma.

DEATH OF THE KING OF VIETNAM. Saigon, United Kingdom of Great Britain. The British have ruled over Vietnam through the use of the local monarch who surrendered his armies to them in the first place. To this end, the king has been a fairly ineffectual leader for his people, spurring on further resistance to British rule and rebellions. This year, the old king has passed away, leaving a bit of a power vacuum in Vietnam which the British have been obligated to fill. With no living heirs, the old monarch has been replaced by a popular local aristocrat who has gained the support of the growing merchant classes in the cities. The result has been a stabilizing effect among those with money in Vietnam, as the British continue to consolidate their hold over the country. (+1 Stability)

WAR ESCALATES IN CHINA WITH EUROPEAN INTERVENTION. Taipei, United Kingdom of Great Britain. The war between the Ascendants and effectively the rest of China has at last escalated to include European powers after the disasters and atrocities committed by the Ascendants last year. On paper an impressive coalition was immediately assembled as Scandinavia, the United Kingdom, the Republic of the Netherlands, the Empire of Holy Spain, and even Poland all declared war upon the rising Chinese threat. The reality has proven a bit more hollow for the Europeans however, as the war continues to tilt in the favor of the Ascendants and the conflict between Spain and Britain shatters any hope of local European cooperation. The war has taken on a new degree of complexity and a special portion of the update has been dedicated to it, below this section.

JAPAN COMPLETES MILITARY MODERNIZATION. Kyoto, Japan. The Japanese emperor has overseen dramatic new reform in the training and equipment of its army, expanding the central control and creating a centralized apparatus for the government. While this has seen a loss of influence for the proponents of the older systems, most have agreed to follow the emperor on the new course of military development. The Japanese have adopted new European methods of warfare and continue to expand their knowledge and training in regards to the use of modern firearms. The new weapons and talent is of course being put to the test in Korea, as the Japanese seek to expand their empire and holdings beyond the Japanese islands.

JAPANESE-KOREAN WAR ERUPTS. Kagoshima, Japan. After several years of trade disputes and bickering, as well as Korean attacks upon Japanese merchants, war has at last erupted between the two nations. The Japanese have launched an invasion of Korea, seeking to force them to submit to the Japanese terms and possibly even Japan's direct rule. This is the first true war of Japanese imperialism beyond their islands, and they have sought to make sure that it goes successfully. The first experiment was the test of their new steamships in battle against the Koreans, which proved a major success, opening the waves to the invasion, and securing the island of Jeju. The Japanese succeeded in their initial invasion of the Korean Peninsula, defeating the local garrison and establishing their own foothold. The Japanese would face their greatest challenge as they went head to head with the Korean army, which outnumbered them nearly two to one. Regardless of the numbers, the Japanese used their superior firepower to decimate the Korean artillery and secure control of the field. They then shattered the Korean army and sent it routing to Seoul. This has given Japan effective control of southern Korea as the war moves onward
Casualty Lists
Japan: 5 Infantry Brigades, 1 Artillery Brigade 1 First Rate Warship (+2 Second Rate Warships as prizes)
Korea: 10 Infantry Brigades, 1 Cavalry Brigade, 4 Artillery Brigades, 4 Fifth Rate Warships, 3 Second Rate Warships

BURMA COMPLETES NAVAL DEVELOPMENT. Rangoon, Burma. The Burmese have made great strides to protect themselves from foreign invasion or influence this year as a program to develop their naval capacity yields results. Under guidance from British engineers and working around the clock to build their naval bases and shipyards, the Burmese Imperial Navy has at last been formed. As tensions mount with Siam and the threat of war rises, the government is pleased to see this program underway, as new, stronger warships are built. The hopes remain that the new Burmese navy will be able to repel any Siamese raids or attacks, particularly in conjunction with the new coastal fortifications that have been build over the past few years. Furthermore, the presence of a strong navy could do much to deter any would-be imperialist European nations, securing their shores from that threat as well.

TENSIONS MOUNT BETWEEN SIAM AND BURMA. Bangkok, Siam. The border between Siam and Burma, tenuous at the best of times, has once more become the scene of growing skirmishes and disputes. With the threat of European imperialism at least temporarily waylaid by the growing war and unrest across the world, the Siamese have begun pressuring Burma to cede various villages and towns along the border. The result has been an escalation of the skirmishes to near battles as both sides begin mustering their armies for war. Burma has continued to reject Siam's claims to their provinces, assembling their army and newly created navy in preparation for any invasion.

SPECIAL: War of the Ascendancy​

THE ASCENDANTS' ADVANCE. Fujian, Ascendant's Kingdom of Holy China. The greatest battles of the war to date have occurred along the coast early in the year, as the Ascendant army sought to end the reign of the last emperor of China. Thanks to the defection of Guangzhou's army in the north, the main armies were concentrated on the Ascendant's campaign to take Guangzhou itself. For the first time in the war, some hope was had for the opponents of the Ascendants, as the first major battle in the year turned out as a victory for Guangzhou. For a time this kept them at bay, but as relentless as they've demonstrated themselves to be, the Ascendants attacked once more. This time, Guangzhou's line broke, and the Ascendants went on the march once more. At last the final European trade city, Hong Kong, was in sight of the Ascendants. With no local British garrison, the Guangzhou Emperor was pressured to defend the city himself. The Ascendants won yet again, forcing the Guangzhou forces to retreat to their capital, and submitting Hong Kong to the same treatment of all the other trade cities. Guangzhou itself at last came under siege as the ascendants made a push to end the false emperor once and for all. The city held, barely, against the advance, and at last the Ascendants were forced to halt, the last major battle before the arrival of the first European intervention. As before, the Ascendants have brutally slaughtered those deemed impure, seizing their wealth, and carving out rivers of blood through the countryside.
Casualty Lists
Ascendant's Kingdom of Holy China: 76 Infantry Brigades, 8 Cavalry Brigades, 18 Artillery Brigades, 430 Manpower
Guangzhou: 77 Infantry Brigades, 9 Cavalry Brigades, 18 Artillery Brigades

THE SIDESHOW BATTLES. Nanning, Guangzhou. The faction of Yunnan at last received much unwelcome attention from both the Ascendant's Kingdom and Guangzhou this year. Both factions have moved desperately to seize the wealth and resources of the territory to increase their effectiveness in the war against the other. Guangzhou was the first to do so, entering into battle with a larger Yunnan force. To many people's surprise Guangzhou won a major victory, shattering Yunnan's army and sending them running to the west. They managed to seize a substantial amount of territory, threatening Kunming itself. In the north the Ascendants fought a significantly smaller Islamic army, also winning a devastating army and shattering the Islamic force completely. Kunming soon found itself under threat of hosting a massive three way battle. The result was an Ascendant victory, as the forces of Guangzhou were driven off and the Islamic city was captured. In punishment for their heresy, the city was declared to be cleansed by the Ascendants and burned to the ground with its inhabitants. The Ascendants have secured the remnants of the area, and even gained a few forced converts from Yunnan's armies. As before, the region has been purified by the Ascendants, leading to hundreds of thousands of deaths in the conflict.
Casualty Lists
Ascendant's Kingdom of Holy China: 14 Infantry Brigades, 3 Cavalry Brigades, 2 Artillery Brigades, 210 Manpower
Guangzhou: 27 Infantry Brigades, 7 Cavalry Brigades, 7 Artillery Brigades
Tibet: 1 Infantry Brigade
Yunnan: 31 Infantry Brigades, 10 Cavalry Brigades, 14 Artillery Brigades

THE RAZING OF NEW BRITAIN. Harbin, Ascendant's Kingdom of Holy China. As they found greater and greater successes in the south against Yunnan and Guangzhou, the Ascendants sought to purify their borders in other ways. After careful surveying of the north, the British settlement in New Britain was found to be too much of a risk of tainting the northern Chinese. Therefore, a small force was put together to extinguish the British presence in the region. With only a miniscule local militia to protect the colony, the area was smashed and burned by the Chinese, eliminating the British influence. There were no survivors of the colony, which has been purged from the map by the vengeful and brutal Chinese forces.

THE EUROPEAN INTERVENTION. Guangzhou, Guangzhou. Though the eruption of war between Spain and the United Kingdom has eliminated the two largest members of any European coalition against China from relevance in the theater, a army has still been deployed to the region. A major expedition of Poles and Scandinavians arrived in Guangzhou late in the year to assist the emperor in lifting the siege of the capital. Though over a third of the Polish soldiers would die in transit to the Far East from disease, the army that arrived in China was still largely intact. The army quickly organized itself under Polish leadership and pushed on to relieve the Guangzhou capital from the Ascendant siege. The Europeans and Guangzhou had approximately equal numbers to the Ascendants and battle was soon engaged. The Ascendants fought with the ferocity and mania of fanatics, flinging themselves against the Polish and Scandinavian lines. The Europeans did what they could and inflicted heavy damage, but soon ran out of ammunition and were forced to retreat from the battlefield. The battle itself was a stalemate, badly mauling the Ascendants, but resulting in major loss for the Europeans as well.
Casualty Lists
Ascendant's Kingdom of Holy China: 20 Infantry Brigades, 1 Cavalry Brigade, 7 Artillery Brigades
Guangzhou: 9 Infantry Brigades, 2 Artillery Brigades
Poland: 6 Infantry Brigades, 2 Cavalry Brigades, 1 Artillery Brigade
Scandinavia: 3 Infantry Brigades

SPECIAL: War of the American Presidency​

FIGHTING IN THE WEST. Louisville, United States of America. While the largest battles have been in the eastern part of the United States, this does not mean that the western states and territories have been neglected. Eager to gain more support throughout the territories and consolidate their control for a long war, the Scott government launched an offensive against Kentucky and Tennessee. The local state militias were less than cooperative for the defense, divided in their support for the various governments. The governors' cavalry forces were easily driven out of the state or destroyed, giving Scott full control south of the Ohio River. The fighting occurred later in the year, and some of the forces dedicated to the campaign had to be sent east, but those remaining were more than capable of taking and patrolling the new territories.
Casualty Lists
United States of America (Gubernatorial Faction): 1 Cavalry Brigade
United States of America (Scott Faction): 1 Cavalry Brigade

BATTLE OF CHINCOTEAGUE BAY. Dover, United States of America. The true War of the American Presidency began with the Battle of Chincoteague Bay, as the tensions which have been mounting for years erupted between the British and Spanish. With the approach of a Brazilian transport fleet towards New York City, the main Spanish navy moved to halt these troops and ships from arriving. To counter this move, the main British fleet assembled with the Brazilians and met the Spanish in a standoff. The result was a British attempt to force the Spanish blockade, bringing the combined fleets into battle. American ships from Norfolk also participated, striking the British and Brazilians from behind, and sinking or capturing a number of Brazilian transports. The result was a major battle of 307 warships, not including various transports and smaller support vessels, easily the largest naval battle in history since the ancient Battle of Salamis. After vicious fighting and naval combat, and with the skies themselves darkened by the haze of gunfire, the Spanish emerged victorious, smashing the new modern ships of the British and Brazilian navies. Some were even captured, bolstering Spain's fleet. The Brazilian transports were scattered or sunk, and a large number of Brazilian prisoners were taken, though some did manage to haphazardly return to Brazil. The overall result has been the full withdrawal of the British Royal Navy from the American coast, though no Spanish blockade has been fully instituted against the northeast, except a few raiding and scouting vessels.
Casualty Lists
Empire of Brazil: 4 Infantry Brigades, 2 Cavalry Brigades, 5 Norwich-class Warships, 4 Libertador-class Warships, 3 First Rate Warships
United Kingdom of Great Britain: 35 Second Rate Warships, 32 Monarch-class Warships, 11 Norwich-class Warships, 2 First Rate Warships
Empire of Holy Spain: 11 Neptuno-class Warships, 12 Toledo-class Warships, 34 Third Rate Warships, 15 Second Rate Warships, 2 First Rate Warships (+8 Second Rate Warships, +3 Norwich-class Warships from Captured Prizes)
United States of America (Scott Faction): 3 Washington-class Warships, 2 Libertador-class Warships (+2 First Rate Warships, +4 Second Rate Warships, +1 Norwich-class Warship from captured Prizes)

THE APPALACHIAN CAMPAIGN. Charleston, United States of America. The largest North American clashes of the War of the American Presidency took place in western Virginia, as the governors attempted to secure the "back door" to the Virginian heartlands. Scott's main army soon caught wind of the advance after the capture of Morgantown, as the invaders headed southwest towards the region's largest city and economic center. The main battle would be fought around Charleston, as Scott's army sought to prevent the governors from securing the region. The result was a very slim victory by the governors' army which forced Scott's armies to retreat across the Appalachians. However, the nature of the victory has managed to put some pressure on the armies of Scott, but they've been unable to do push much more forward due to losses sustained in the campaign so far.
Casualty Lists
United States of America (Gubernatorial Faction): 6 Infantry Brigades, 1 Cavalry Brigade, 1 Artillery Brigade
United States of America (Scott Faction): 5 Infantry Brigades, 1 Cavalry Brigade, 1 Artillery Brigade

THE EASTERN AMERICAN CAMPAIGN. Baltimore, United States of America. Despite the failure of the arrival of reinforcements from Brazil and the British defeat at the Battle of Chincoteague bay, the success of the Appalachian Campaign encouraged the governors' generals to push south along the Atlantic Coast. They hoped to secure Maryland from General Scott's influence and have met with some limited success. Moving slowly south, they were screened by superior cavalry forces, and the smaller army gave battle to the governors' force at the battle of Towson. The advance into Maryland was routed and badly mauled by the smaller army thanks to superiority in cavalry and artillery capacity, managing to secure a sound victory over the enemy. For now Maryland remains thoroughly under the control of President Scott and his most determined supporters.
Casualty Lists
United States of America (Gubernatorial Faction): 7 Infantry Brigades, 1 Artillery Brigade
United States of America (Scott Faction): 2 Infantry Brigades, 1 Cavalry Brigade

WAR ARRIVES IN INDIA. Devrukh, United Kingdom of Great Britain. Prior to the battles in the Indian Ocean and on the Indian subcontinent most of the war was restricted to the Western Hemisphere. This all changed when a British expedition to China was rerouted to take the war to Spain in India. The Spanish were well informed about the expedition, though they had been unaware of the size of the escorting British fleet. Assuming a smaller or equal force to their own Indian fleet, the Spanish moved to engage, hoping to stop the British from bringing their massive force to bear upon their possessions in India. The British met with disaster upon disaster, featuring incredibly bad luck, as the fleet was devastated by an unexpected typhoon before they met the Spanish in battle. A large number of escorting vessels were scattered, sunk or irreparably damaged in the resulting chaos. Many steam engines simply failed to function or broke in the confusion and the British fleet was ill-prepared for the fight to come. The Spanish, outnumbered and outgunned, still managed to force a stalemate upon the British, tearing them to pieces through highly skilled concentration of force and firepower. Regardless, the British took a heavy toll against the Spanish in the process, and still managed to get most of the army ashore, though a large number of brigades were lost in transit by disease or forced to return to Britain. The battles or battle themselves at sea were actually a stalemate, though the Spanish clearly overall came out ahead. Regardless of the problems at sea, the year turned out fairly well for the British on land, with the massive arrival of reinforcements. They heavily outnumber the local Spanish army and have quickly begun conquering swathes of India, hindered only by the lack of time remaining in the year.
Casualty Lists
Empire of Holy Spain: 1 Cavalry Brigade, 21 Second Rate Warships, 3 First Rate Warships, 1 Granada-class Warship, 2 Neptuno-class Warships (+1 Monarch-class Warship, +3 Norwich-class Warship from captured prizes)
United Kingdom of Great Britain: 10 Infantry Brigades, 3 Artillery Brigades, 12 Monarch-class Warships, 7 Norwich-class Warships, 4 Hermes-class Armed Transports

SPAIN ASSAULTS BRITISH AMERICAN POSSESSIONS. Havana, Empire of Holy Spain. As the War of the American Presidency enlarges, the Spanish have launched an offensive against British possessions in the Western Hemisphere. Most of the strongest British possessions were lost in the War of the Catholic League and the resulting aftermath, but they still continue to possess a sizeable presence in the West Indies and upon Newfoundland. With substantial and massive military assets throughout the Caribbean, and with no British forces of matter to oppose them, the Spanish have quickly forced the surrender of these islands and landed occupation forces in the north. The local garrisons, faced with overwhelming odds, have been forced to surrender, securing these islands for the Spanish. This move has effectively eliminated any British support or presence in the Western Hemisphere outside of the Falkland Islands, giving Spain a major strategic advantage for little cost.
Casualty Lists
United Kingdom of Great Britain: 2 Infantry Brigades

THE COMMERCE WAR. Plymouth, United Kingdom of Great Britain. While there have been two great naval battles in the course of the War of the American Presidency so far, the majority of naval fighting has been much smaller scale. With the outbreak of general war between the Empire of Holy Spain and the United Kingdom of Great Britain, the two sides' navies typically fight whenever they come in contact. This has included a number of smaller ship actions across the world, mostly along the major shipping and transportation lanes. This has been further escalated as both of the main American factions have begun commerce raiding of merchants shipping to their opponents. Very few ports of call are truly safe as the world's commerce faces immense challenge from the outbreak of this conflict.
Casualty Lists
Empire of Brazil: 2 Fourth Rate Warshps
United Kingdom of Great Britain: 6 Second Rate Warships
United States of America (Gubernatorial Faction): 1 Libertador-class Warship
Empire of Holy Spain: 3 Second Rate Warships, 1 Toledo-class Warship
United States of America (Scott Faction): 2 Libertador-class Warships

Financial Section​

SPAIN MAKES MAJOR FINANCIAL STAKE IN JAPAN. Tokyo, Japan. New economic ties continue to be built between Europe and the Far East as Japan receives a massive loan and support from the Empire of Holy Spain. This has spurred further Spanish investment and influence into the islands of Japan, promising great reward and wealth in that growing industrial market. Spanish goods continue to be highly popular in the Asian country, though recently trade has begun surging with Sweden and the Republic of the Netherlands. The hopes are this new major loan from Spain will cement the Spanish economic position in the islands, regardless of the fate of the ongoing war with Britain.

POLAND AND NORMANDY SIGN ECONOMIC AGREEMENT. Danzig, Poland. The Normans have once more demonstrated their desire for Eastern European business by opening new trading relations with Poland. Despite past tensions created by Norman financial and economic support with Prussia, the Poles have looked past this history in the hopes of creating a profit. The Normans have also looked into this market, once more flooding their ports with grains and goods from the east. As before, this has had an overall negligible effect on both regions' economic strength, but the move is seen as further progress for the often jumpy Norman economy.

ECONOMIC FLUCTUATION REPORT. Madrid, Empire of Holy Spain.
Spoiler :

Argentina: -3 EP
Austria: -2 EP
Bavaria: -2 EP
Brandenburg: -1 EP
Dauphine: -1 EP
Denmark: -2 EP
Empire of Brazil: -5 EP
Empire of Holy Spain: -3 EP
-Algeria: +1 EP
-Bahamas and Bermuda: +1 EP
-Cuba: -1 EP
-Malta: -2 EP
-Peru: -3 EP
-Philippines: -3 EP
-Puerto Rico: +1 EP
Flanders: -1 EP
Hanover: -1 EP
Jamaica: -2 EP
Japan: +1 EP
Kiev: +1 EP
Kingdoms of Paris Burgundy: -3 EP
Languedoc: -3 EP
Moscowy: +2 EP
Naples: -1 EP
New Spain: -1 EP
Novgorod: -1 EP
Papal States: -1 EP
Persia: -2 EP
Poitou: -1 EP
Poland: -4 EP
Portugal: -2 EP
-Portuguese India: -3 EP
-Portuguese West Indies: -2 EP
Republic of the Netherlands: -4 EP
-Ceylon: -3 EP
-Dutch East Indies: -4 EP
-Dutch West Indies: -3 EP
-Indian Ocean Islands: -1 EP
Roman Empire: +2 EP
Sardinia: +3 EP
Scandinavia: -1 EP
-Mogadishu: -1 EP
-Swedish India: -5 EP
-Vinland: -5 EP
-Zanzibar: -1 EP
Serbia: +1 EP
United Kingdom of Great Britain: +12 EP
-British India: -8 EP
-Vietnam: -4 EP
Uruguay: -2 EP
Venezuela: -1 EP

Random Stat Changes and Fluctuations

Manpower Boom in Burma: +18 Manpower

Diplomatic Pouch

To: Empire of Brazil
From: Argentina

The new government in Uruguay has been making outlandish claims that you may be responsible for the assassination of President Rosas as well as the recent atrocity in their nation. While we doubt their claims, we would like your assurance and government spending records to lay these serious claims to rest. We hope that our new policies of friendship will allow you do just that, allowing us to put this behind us and focus on the rising instability in Uruguay.

To: United Kingdom of Great Britain
From: Portugal

We seek to reduce our colonial expenses and offer to sell you Timor and our holdings in New Zealand for 50 EP. What say you?


@Eltain: The amount of manpower you have is ALL eligible people, instituting conscription is solely in the form of the large amount of brigades you actually make. Allowing the conscription of blacks into the army would increase the manpower base, but it should be clear from the update of the potential consequences of such an action. Also a minor thing should be said: there's no Texas, only Florida. All of that territory was part of the former Spanish colony of Florida, which also refers to all the possessions, real or otherwise of Spanish North America.

@Terrence888: I don't usually thoroughly read orders until the time to construct an update's outline. To that end, expect answers to your questions to come at some point after the update is posted.

Das has been dropped from the NES due to inactivity. Persia is now open for play.

World Map


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OOC: Great update. Things definately starting to get interesting now.

IC: To: The World
CC: Cizre Bohtan
From: The Mamluk Caliphate

The Mamluk Caliphate wishes to announce that we hereby recognize the independence of Cizre Bohtan. An agreement has been made between our nations to solidify our borders and ensure peace for all time.
TO: Holy Empire of Spain
FROM: Brazilian Empire

For the atrocious assault on our transport fleet and the raiding of commercial shipping in the Atlantic, we hereby declare war upon you. May God have more mercy on you than he did on Judas.

TO: Argentine Republic
FROM: Brazilian Empire

Such claims are beyond comedic in times as perilous as these. We have had no intervention in the Uruguayan nation and are focusing our full might on bringing justice to the heinous acts committed by the Scott administration and the Spanish emperor. As soon as this war is over we will, without a doubt, aid you in your investigation.
TO: Holy Empire of Spain
FROM: Brazilian Empire

For the atrocious assault on our transport fleet and the raiding of commercial shipping in the Atlantic, we hereby declare war upon you. May God have more mercy on you than he did on Judas.

To: Brazilian Empire
From: Empire of Holy Spain

We fear that you are mistaken. At no moment did our ships assault yours. Our ships were under orders to attack only when attacked. What happened was that the British ships that accompanied you attacked ours, and our ships were obligated to defend themselves. That your ships were caught in the middle of the battle was nothing but a bad casuality. If you wish to pin the guilt of the battle on someone, do so on the United Kingdom, who was the one that initiated the battle.
To: UK, Spain
From: Poland

Have some sense, you two. You're fighting over something that didn't happen! Do you want China to be ruled by a madman? All of India and Indochina will be at risk if he wins.


Moscowy Standard 1847
Cost per Brigade: 1 EP, 1 Manpower

I think you made a typo here.
From: The Hungarian Republican Movement
To: Poland and Austria

The conflict in Hungary is purely a Hungarian issue. Leave our borders and abandon your petty land grab attempts. The Hungarian people have a right to self rule and your support for the corrupt and heinous monarchy is making this a bloodier ordeal than it should have been.
To: Hungarian rebels
From: Poland

You're only complaining because Poland entered the war on the opposing side.

Hungary is Poland's neighbor. That makes it our business. Stop trying to usurp the power of divinely-chosen monarchs and you will live.
To the Netherlands, Languedoc, Normandy, Brandenburg, Denmark
Less emphatically to Savoy-Milan, Austria, Brittany, Poitou
Cc Poland and Scandinavia
From Paris and Burgundy

We heartily agree with Poland and feel that, even if Britain and Spain are too busy fighting to do the right thing, it is necessary for everyone else to stand on the right side against barbarism. We therefore propose that all the above-mentioned nations should send a joint force to help in China, and we will send a large one out of our army, to join the Polish and Scandinavian forces. We know that tensions have been running high between us and our neighbours for some time now, but we feel that this issue should surmount all others, and, while we see that neither we nor our neighbours would feel secure sending away forces unilaterally, together we can and should feel comfortable in doing so.

We might suggest quotas along the following lines, although, of course, such things should be decided by agreement;

Paris-Burgundy, 30 brigades
Languedoc, 16 brigades
Normandy, 7 brigades
Netherlands, 20 brigades
Denmark, 8 brigades
Brandenburg, 12 brigades
Savoy-Milan, 6 brigades
Austria, 6 brigades
Poitou, 2 brigades
Brittany, 7 brigades

If something along those lines happened, we could save China from the lunatics even without Spain and Britain. Remember that everyone loses if Europe is entirely cut off from Chinese trade, and no-one is threatened by lack of troops if we all send them.
To: The Empire of Holy Spain
From: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland

In retaliation for your unprecedented attack on the good peoples of the United States in the form of your support for the traitorous coward Scott, and in return for your continued mongering of fear and dissemination of lies, and in vengeance for British lives lost defending the United Kingdom and her allies from your heinous aggression, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland has no choice but to declare war upon the Empire of Spain.

Henceforth, let no man look upon this year, this month, nor this day and say that we did not do our finest; that when the skies were blackened with the hellish gunfire of the merciless Nuevo Tercio, we did not stand and fight; that when hope was swiftly being devoured by the maw of cruel aggression, we did not do what was right.

Emperor of Spain! The time has come to answer for your crimes!
From: The Hungarian Republican Movement
To: Poland

We wouldn't want your support if you offered it. The Hungarian people wish to fight their own fight.

If you remain inside our borders you soldiers will die and your populous will become more and more discontent. If you do not leave our borders, you will be dealing with a situation much like our monarch's.
From: Empire of Scandinavia
To: Great Britain, Spain

We ask on behalf of all colonial powers not currently involved in your war that you issue guarantees for the free traffic of neutral commerce, without harassment or assault by either of your navies, on the high seas. We trust that such a request is both reasonable and expected.
To the Netherlands, Languedoc, Normandy, Brandenburg, Denmark
Less emphatically to Savoy-Milan, Austria, Brittany, Poitou
Cc Poland and Scandinavia
From Paris and Burgundy

We heartily agree with Poland and feel that, even if Britain and Spain are too busy fighting to do the right thing, it is necessary for everyone else to stand on the right side against barbarism. We therefore propose that all the above-mentioned nations should send a joint force to help in China, and we will send a large one out of our army, to join the Polish and Scandinavian forces. We know that tensions have been running high between us and our neighbours for some time now, but we feel that this issue should surmount all others, and, while we see that neither we nor our neighbours would feel secure sending away forces unilaterally, together we can and should feel comfortable in doing so.

We might suggest quotas along the following lines, although, of course, such things should be decided by agreement;

Paris-Burgundy, 30 brigades
Languedoc, 16 brigades
Normandy, 7 brigades
Netherlands, 20 brigades
Denmark, 8 brigades
Brandenburg, 12 brigades
Savoy-Milan, 6 brigades
Austria, 6 brigades
Poitou, 2 brigades
Brittany, 7 brigades

If something along those lines happened, we could save China from the lunatics even without Spain and Britain. Remember that everyone loses if Europe is entirely cut off from Chinese trade, and no-one is threatened by lack of troops if we all send them.

Dutch troops have already been sent to the East, but we are willing to cooperate with you all on the Chinese issue, we cannot let China fall to these Anti-Europeans. .
To: Hungarian rebels
From: Poland

Your argument would carry a lot more weight if it weren't for the fact that my side is winning. Four countries losing to a group of ragtag rebels? Don't make me laugh.
To: The Empire of Holy Spain
From: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland

In retaliation for your unprecedented attack on the good peoples of the United States in the form of your support for the traitorous coward Scott, and in return for your continued mongering of fear and dissemination of lies, and in vengeance for British lives lost defending the United Kingdom and her allies from your heinous aggression, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland has no choice but to declare war upon the Empire of Spain.

Henceforth, let no man look upon this year, this month, nor this day and say that we did not do our finest; that when the skies were blackened with the hellish gunfire of the merciless Nuevo Tercio, we did not stand and fight; that when hope was swiftly being devoured by the maw of cruel aggression, we did not do what was right.

Emperor of Spain! The time has come to answer for your crimes!
To: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
From: Empire of Holy Spain

That's rich, coming from you, especially given that it was YOU who started this war by attacking our ships when they had yet to act in an aggressive way against yours. It was you who started this war, without any warning nor reason to do so, and especially after the Empire of Holy Spain had showed itself perfectly willing to negotiate to prevent war not only once, but many times. Any lifes lost by the United Kingdom, they were in their attacks against the people of the Empire of Holy Spain, not in any kind of defence. Any crimes committed, they were by Emperor John, by its Government or by its soldiers and sailors. So, please, do not come to us with empty words when you know where the guilt of this lays on, and it is not with the Empire of Holy Spain.

From: Empire of Scandinavia
To: Great Britain, Spain

We ask on behalf of all colonial powers not currently involved in your war that you issue guarantees for the free traffic of neutral commerce, without harassment or assault by either of your navies, on the high seas. We trust that such a request is both reasonable and expected.

To: Empire of Scandinavia
From: Empire of Holy Spain

We are willing to guarantee free traffic of neutral commerce without any harassment or assault. We cannot guarantee that the backstabbing British will be willing to do the same, given their past.
OOC: Achievement unlocked: global villain
Achievement unlocked: start a world war

To: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Empire of Brazil
From: United States of America

Your support of the American rebels, refusal to recognize the Scott administration as the legitimate government of the United States, and the recent acts of aggression towards the United States of America gives us no choice but to declare war upon you, which is quite unfortunate considering the friendly history between our nations.

To: Empire of Scandinavia
From: United States of America

The so-called colony of Haroldstadt is a clear, and we fear intentional, infringement upon the Treaty of Swedish-American Friendship and thus illegal. We do not recognize the legitimacy of the settlements there, which have dropped below the agreed-upon border, and demand that they be abandoned by the Swedish or otherwise turned over to the United States, if not now, at an agreed-upon future date. If this is not done, then the United States will respond to this clear infringement on American sovereignty.
To: General Scott
From: Poland

Obviously the Swedes don't recognize your legitimacy or else they wouldn't have colonized that land. You're wasting your ink.
To: General Scott
From: Poland

Obviously the Swedes don't recognize your legitimacy or else they wouldn't have colonized that land. You're wasting your ink.

To: Poland
From: United States of America

It doesn't matter who's in charge: the treaty was made with the American people, for the protection of both Swedish (now Scandinavian) and American settlers. Breaking the treaty is an infringement of the rights of American settlers and the sovereignty of the American people by blatant Scandinavian opportunism, and is therefore unacceptable.

Speaking of wasting ink... we see no reason why Poland should be getting involved in the issues of Western North America.

To: Empire of Holy Spain
From: United States of America

We thank the Spanish for preventing the British and Brazilians from causing harm to the United States and the rightful American government, and support you in your endeavors. The Spanish fleet will be supported by American ports.
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