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The great DoC 1.8 UHV challenge

Yes but your first archer should be in time. I learned to finish the archer instead of starting a worker right at 2 pop.

Byzantium :confused:
I have been editing a Byzantium flag :p
After I succeed in 24000 culture and colonized North America, I had a pretty straight forward game, Porcelain Tower is the most overpowered wonder - with free market and open border with none, I can get 12-21 per trade route......
... 10% might be better then.

Finished the tech tree in 1930 (with spaceship nearly done - could have it earlier if all focus on research), but the UHV didn't trigger. Also, I can get 9000 research point per turn, 12000 points with golden age.....

I think that's because I still lack of that TXT_KEY_FOUND_BUDDHISM. Please fix that.
Oh, right. Thanks for noting.

About the notorious Great East Asia UHV, I think vassalize is better option for players, otherwise you'll get too many crammed cities.
Except China, yes.
Japan's tech goal didn't fail because of the Buddhism tech (but thanks for reminding me that it's still there, it serves no purpose anymore), I just messed up the code there. Fix is in the SVN soon.
Attached is a save before Mongol spawn.
Thanks, this allowed me to fix the problem. Now on to your actual suggestion, how do you think less Mongol techs would make China harder? Is trading with them too beneficial? Making Genghis trade less is another solution then.
I decided to play Germany after Spain and England.
It was a lot harder than those two, as conquering large amounts of Europe really hurted stability. Having enormous GNP, hammer and espionage output was fun though :)

Settings: Monarch, Normal, 600 AD. Score: 4269 :)( Are there any plans to boost the score for UHVs?)

I settled Wien, Frankfurt, Konigsberg (Great commerce spot. Made 600 beakers a turn in the twentieth century. It's one east of the river which leads to the Östsea in Northern Poland.) and Schlüsselburg (two south of Sankt Petersbourg). The latter one probably earned me the two war declarations of Russia, but the Russians are a backwards non-factor anyway before communism.

UHV goals : 1. Conquer Rom, Greece and France by 1870 AD.

The problem with the first city is that France likes Rome very much. For capturing, that is. They, however, did not bring enough siege and suicided their stack against Rome's defenders right after I finished bombarding down the defences, ensuring me an easy win with no losses.

The second problem is the nicely backstabbing Europeans. In my game, Russia decided to attack me. Their armies were pathetic, however, and a Woody 3 Landsknecht mercenary dealt with them. Then, just after I made peace with Russia, France decided to attack me and steal Rome with Knights before I could set up an adequate defence. :mad: My army was, of course, on the border of Russia. I, however, was already plotting against them and preparing my stack, and I got Cuirs a few turns later. I easily captured France.

Then Spain decided to attack me.

With C3 Conquis and CR3 cannons, they sweeped my Cuirs away. I, however, reached Rifling in time to teach them a lesson and took back 'Burdeos' - Weird name. I like Bordeaux better - and Marseille.

Occupying France will hit your stability. You should of course have switched to occupation before conquering it, otherwise it will completely destabilize you. Build courthouses and wage no wars.

There will be a Greek respawn in about 1850 AD. They spawn with about 6 riflemen, which should be no match for your troops. I had Assembly Line and thus Infantries by then, but even plain old rifles and cannons should do.

2. Conquer England, Russia and Scandinavia by 1940 AD.
It is enough to have three cities in those regions (the native civilization can even be alive). Russia should be a piece of cake because of this if you founded three cities there soon enough, and relatively easy if you didn't. Russia is fairly backwards technologically for much of the game, and their UU is not much of a problem if you use Cavalries/Panzers to take a few cities. A strong Turkey attacked and collapsed Russia in my game, making it easy to conquer some independents, but it should be doable even if the civ Russia is alive.

The Vikings will usually have collapsed a few centuries before. More troublesome is preventing their respawns as Sweden. You can, of course, still kill them after respawn, but do so as soon as possible, before they can train any extra units.

England might be the most problematic of the three. After conquering France, tech economic and Industrial technologies. Being the first to Combustion means you can cripple England (and Spain, if you wish to knock them down a notch) by blockading with destroyers. Use Panzers (which are surprisingly enough better than Marines for Amphibious assaults) on transports and fighters/bombers to take out the English SoD, then take all their cities in quick succession. Do so as close to 1940 as possible, to minimize the chance of a respawn.

3. Be the first to complete the tech tree.
By building research, you should be able to finish the tech tree before 2020 AD (I did so in 1963 AD), so the only problem remaining is the AIs outteching you. England, the Netherlands and Japan usually are good techers. England you should have taken out, the Netherlands are fairly easy to conquer, with only one continental city, but Japan is more troublesome. Still, by beelining Computers - both for computer industry and the Internet - you should be able to win the tech race. Otherwise, you could use dubious tactics such as founding useless cities near Japanese territory, and then 'liberating' them, to slow their tech rate.

Tech path : beeline Liberalism, as you can win that race with ease by bulbing with great scientists. Then go for Printing press and it's 500 gold + 20 gold shrine. After that, go MT, Nationalism and rifling, for Occupation and Cavalries. Assembly Line and Industrialism (for your UP) are priorities, and Computers is useful too for technology.

Civics: Representation will really help in food-plenty Europe. I was running about 150 specialists near the end of the game, to give you an idea. Free market and SP are both viable options, but I've heard that SP gives stability boosts for large empires. The other civics you can choose to suit your play-style, but it is possible you will run into happiness problems early on, so maybe you could adopt one to counter that.

Post-game screenshots:

Spoiler :

Never had this much research in one city (excluding OCC) before :D

Spoiler :

Federal Republic of Germany right before victory.
Thanks, this allowed me to fix the problem. Now on to your actual suggestion, how do you think less Mongol techs would make China harder? Is trading with them too beneficial? Making Genghis trade less is another solution then.

What I meant by that was that during all the games that I played where Mongolia still conquers half the world; they didn't snowball like they normally do because they were too busy keeping up in tech. After seeing that, what I'm saying is that if you tried removing 2-3 techs from them (now that you've fixed them), they'd spend more time catching up, which would reduce uber-Mongolia from being such a prevalent issue.

I only advocate this for the AI by the way.
I decided to play Germany after Spain and England.
It was a lot harder than those two, as conquering large amounts of Europe really hurted stability. Having enormous GNP, hammer and espionage output was fun though :)
You probably would have been better of not keeping so many of the cities! You only need more than everyone else to "Control" and area So 1 will normally suffice.
Germany really is overpowered at the moment. Good UHV though, will add it to the list.

What I meant by that was that during all the games that I played where Mongolia still conquers half the world; they didn't snowball like they normally do because they were too busy keeping up in tech. After seeing that, what I'm saying is that if you tried removing 2-3 techs from them (now that you've fixed them), they'd spend more time catching up, which would reduce uber-Mongolia from being such a prevalent issue.

I only advocate this for the AI by the way.
Oh, and I thought you were talking about China snowballing.
How can one maximize profit from a Great Merchant? I don't see how the profit is related to distance or size of city.

Never mind. I think it's not related to the size of the city but the total population of that civilization.
Difficulty: Monarch
Speed: Normal
Score: 2630

Dan Quayle...can it get any worse?

I have few comments about this one.

I think Maya is perfect the way it is.

I did experience a crash right before achieving Historical Victory though,
which happened on my Babylonia and one of my other China games too.
My computer isn't that bad either; so I think there's something in the mod itself that's affecting this.
Crashes? Right down to desktop? Did you have Python exceptions or logging enabled?
Uh, I'm playing 1.81 with the latest patch.
In other words, I'm not entirely sure.
When I reloaded the save before UHV, it worked properly of course,
but it tends to crash every first time.

Also, I was just wondering, what cities I would have to build
(and more specifically the exact location of Cairo for the Ottoman UHV)
for the Black Sea & the Eastern Med requirements.

I only know for Black Sea you would need to control in your cultural border every tile adjacent to the Black Sea, the diagonal ones included.
Indonesian UHV

Monarch, Normal, 3000 BC start, finished at 1940 AD.

3000 BC start is the easier choice, you have India to trade techs and happiness resources with.

The UHV goals:

1) Have the largest population in the world in 1300 AD

India won't be a problem by then, but China is a potential menace. However it didn't seem to matter in my game. I'm pretty sure China had the larger population but the goal was still achieved. :confused: This happened with my India game too. Might be a bug.

Spoiler :
See the largest population bug.

India was once powerful.

2) Acquire 9 different happiness resources by 1500 AD

In 3000 BC start, this is the easiest goal. Let's count the 9 happiness resources you need: sugar, spice, gems, gold, silk, dye, incense, cotton, ivory. You can get the first 5 just by yourself and trade for the last 4. Settle the Philippines early, you can use the copper and silk and some additional cash to trade with India for ivory and cotton and incense. Import another silk from Japan and import dye from Khmer. This goal should be finished before 1200 AD to avoid uncertainty.

3) Control 9% of the world's population in 1940 AD

You'll probably need 9+ full grown (around 20 population) cities, so you'll have to expand out of your historical area. And you should do so because the Indonesian archipelago is just production poor. North America is the ideal choice, and you'll need to be advanced enough in tech to colonize in time.

In my game, I acquired Calendar, Alphabet, Currency through trade at the very beginning (which is impossible in 600 AD scenario). I settled Sukadana as capital, and also settled Palembang and Yogyakarta. The Buddhism missionary is used on Yogyakarta. Improve tiles and build infrastructures as fast as possible, trade techs whenever possible. Build market and library in Yogyakarta and work specialists, the Great Merchants will help out very much (I had 3 GMs), just be careful of Thai spawn, don't walk your GM into its core when that happens.

Then it's a tech race, and you also need to build up defense to prepare for the Dutch and Spanish. 4-5 musketmen in each city should suffice. In my game the Dutch was eliminated early on so I just transported all my army to North America. But then there was a Dutch respawn and immediately my cities were under siege. :mad: I had to load a save a few turns back. Spain never attacked Manila (Zubu), they got Economics pretty late but maybe that's not the reason.

Settle North America! From my experience, one should definitely do that as soon as possible, sacrifice economy if needed.

In my game, Greece was the biggest power in Europe until 18th century. And China was the tech leader, but its pace slowed down after entering Industrial Age. Russia was huge but techwise not a menace. I'm glad the Germans were crippled by Greece, otherwise they would grow too fast and too big.

Spoiler :

My cities before victory:

Had ~12% of world population at this point.

Score is 3305. :sad: And I lost almost all wonders to other civs.
Leoreth, how about the Indonesian UHV you used to write in the now-gone v1.8 concept?
I think that one is perfect.. Rather than tediously waiting till 1940..
I think the modern Indonesian Republic can be represented by the respawn mechanic (that is playable now :p)
I only know for Black Sea you would need to control in your cultural border every tile adjacent to the Black Sea, the diagonal ones included.
Same for the Eastern Med. The West/East border is Sicily, the Adriatic Sea is not included, and you don't need to control the Italian tiles.

Leoreth, how about the Indonesian UHV you used to write in the now-gone v1.8 concept?
I think that one is perfect.. Rather than tediously waiting till 1940..
I don't remember what it was anymore ...

I think the modern Indonesian Republic can be represented by the respawn mechanic (that is playable now :p)
Resurrections aren't playable anymore, it didn't work out.
Is El-Uqsur = Cairo? If yes, then why the doesn't the victory screen update itself, if not, should I've raised El-Uqsur and build cairo instead?
El-Uqsur isn't Cairo iirc. The goal should work if you control a city on the usual Cairo tile (where it is in the 600 AD scenario) or on one of the surrounding tiles. If that's not the case, I made a mistake somewhere.
Ah I see, EL-Uqsur is two tiles under Cairo, I built a new city there and it now checks.
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