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Guess the New Civs

So technically Maria Theresa is a peaceful warmonger o.O? She can't go for a Diplomatic Victory because of her ability.

Unless she gets the votes from her married city states. That'd seem overpowered, so if not, sounds like she can stop others (Greece, Siam) from winning diplomatically, which is equally important.
I think Haile Selassie or Menelik II could be good leader choices for Ethiopia, unless they decide to give Ethiopia a female leader as well.
Hopefully its Portugal and not Sumer. Sumer would be dreadfully boring to me. They would be even worse than say Australia or even Canada. At least Australia and Canada would be something new and interesting. Both of these had their parts to play in WWI and WWII. Canada would also be an interesting contrast to America. Then again so would Mexico.

Another idea would be to add Israel into the game. King David as the leader, again something interesting. At least Israel would fit in with the religion concept. How can you have a religion based expansion without Jerusalem? And Portugal for sure should be a part of the "Into the Renaisscance" scenario. Then again if it starts in the Middle Ages, so should Venice.
Hopefully its Portugal and not Sumer. Sumer would be dreadfully boring to me. They would be even worse than say Australia or even Canada. At least Australia and Canada would be something new and interesting. Both of these had their parts to play in WWI and WWII. Canada would also be an interesting contrast to America. Then again so would Mexico.

Another idea would be to add Israel into the game. King David as the leader, again something interesting. At least Israel would fit in with the religion concept. How can you have a religion based expansion without Jerusalem? And Portugal for sure should be a part of the "Into the Renaisscance" scenario. Then again if it starts in the Middle Ages, so should Venice.

Both Portugal and Israel won't be the 9th civ because Lisbon and Jerusalem are one of the new city-states . The problem with Australia and Canada are the fact that their culture doesn't differ so much from their mother Civs . And the problem with Mexico is the geographic overlapping with Aztecs .
Hopefully its Portugal and not Sumer. Sumer would be dreadfully boring to me. They would be even worse than say Australia or even Canada. At least Australia and Canada would be something new and interesting. Both of these had their parts to play in WWI and WWII. Canada would also be an interesting contrast to America. Then again so would Mexico.

Another idea would be to add Israel into the game. King David as the leader, again something interesting. At least Israel would fit in with the religion concept. How can you have a religion based expansion without Jerusalem? And Portugal for sure should be a part of the "Into the Renaisscance" scenario. Then again if it starts in the Middle Ages, so should Venice.

I believe Lisbon is a confirmed city state in this game (maybe?) and Jerusalem is also a confirmed city-state of the religious type. But I agree on the Canada and Mexico, they aren't great but the game does need a new civ not seen before.
Hopefully its Portugal and not Sumer.
Lisban is a city state, so Portugal isn't in.
Sumer would be dreadfully boring to me.
Why? There's a lack of ancient civs in Civ 5. I'd actually like something like Sumeria. They weren't bad in the WOTAW-scenario. I believe they had early cataphracts and some sort of pseudo-amphibious UA, if I'm correct.
How can you have a religion based expansion without Jerusalem?
I believe Jerusalem is in the game.
I think Haile Selassie or Menelik II could be good leader choices for Ethiopia, unless they decide to give Ethiopia a female leader as well.

While I could see the Queen of Sheba, that would probably be worse than Dido. At least Dido has a name (technically, two names ;) ). I suspect they'll cap the number of female leaders at four.
I'd actually like something like Sumeria.

Another ancient civ like the Assyrians, Akkadians, or Hittites for instance, would be much more interesting to me than Sumer. The Akkadians would not be much different either, but they have not been used before. Its just that playing Sumer in civ 3 and 4 to me was boring. Anyway, we already have Babylon we don't really need Sumer. I hope they suprise us with something new and interesting.
Israel is never going to happen. I'm not saying it doesn't deserve to be there - an ancient Judea-based incarnation would be great fun - but there's too much political baggage. Having Jerusalem in as a CS is a masterstroke on the part of the devs - finally, one of the most historically and culturally significant cities in the world gets to have a role in the game rather than being an insignificant Roman city, without them having to give it to a Hebrew, Christian or Islamic Civ. Everybody wins. Genius.
Hopefully its Portugal and not Sumer. Sumer would be dreadfully boring to me. They would be even worse than say Australia or even Canada. At least Australia and Canada would be something new and interesting. Both of these had their parts to play in WWI and WWII. Canada would also be an interesting contrast to America. Then again so would Mexico.

Sorry to say, but your world view seems to be a little bit Anglo-American-centered. I also fail to understand what interesting Mexico, Canada or Australia could bring to the came. We have Spain, Aztecs and Mayans in the game so having Mexico as a Civ would be just plain weird to me. Mexico is a young country that is pretty much just mix between Spanish culture and native cultures.

So lets take Assyrians for example. They had an Empire that lasted almost 2000 years, they had unique mythology, religious practices, art, literature, ways of waging war, own language and they still exist as a distinct people.
Another ancient civ like the Assyrians for instance, would be much more interesting. We alsready have Babylon we don't really need Sumer. I hope they suprise us with something new and interesting.
Sumeria, Hittites, Assyria, etc. any of them would be nice :) One ancient civ just isn't enough for me.

Although the Babylon in the game is New Babylon, which is more like Assyria than like Sumer, if i remember correctly.
About Ancient Middle Eastern Civs,I wonder why they didn't released any one of them as a dlc with the WOTAW .
Israel is never going to happen. I'm not saying it doesn't deserve to be there - an ancient Judea-based incarnation would be great fun - but there's too much political baggage. Having Jerusalem in as a CS is a masterstroke on the part of the devs - finally, one of the most historically and culturally significant cities in the world gets to have a role in the game rather than being an insignificant Roman city, without them having to give it to a Hebrew, Christian or Islamic Civ. Everybody wins. Genius.

Jerusalem did change hands quite often in history. The obvious choice for a religious CS. Then they should add Venice as a civ if Portugal is out, anything but Sumer. I like Sumer as much as most people on here like the Zulus, which is not very much. I would not mind the Zulus added. :D

Sorry to say, but your world view seems to be a little bit Anglo-American-centered.

I am American, what do you expect? :lol: Actually, I was just throwing things out there. Brainstorming!:)
Maria will probably go for cultural and scientific victory. Although warmongering could suite the Austrians as well.

Austria only went to war when it suited them. They where usally allies with the country where they had a marriage with.
Austria only went to war when it suited them. They where usally allies with the country where they had a marriage with.

And as far as I remeber world war 1 started because a austrian prince was shot?

That's why I suggested that Austria will prefer culture and science rather than be completely focused on warmongering.
About Ancient Middle Eastern Civs,I wonder why they didn't released any one of them as a dlc with the WOTAW .

Probably because it requires money and effort and they used that time to design Korea and the wonder art instead. Plus, it requires finding someone who can speak Sumerian and Hittite and an independent person to write a script in those languages. Then it requires composing and recording music that would be relevant to these cultures. I think they decided they were already working on Korea and it wasn't worth their time to do both.
Jerusalem did change hands quite often in history. The obvious choice for a religious CS. Then they should add Venice as a civ if Portugal is out, anything but Sumer. I like Sumer as much as most people on here like the Zulus, which is not very much. I would not mind the Zulus added. :D

Yeah, I'm sure the Zulus will appear as a DLC after the expansion. Possibly even Sumer. I just wonder whether they've already added so many Ancient/Classical era Civs in the expansion the last one might be something totally different...
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