Absolution 4: Tabula Rasa

The Cinnamon Tree

(Commercial Story: Paupa (Trade Good: Cinnamon)


Her name was Kapapa and she grew small groves not far from Prinz, although the trees were thick and it was often hard to find a well lit spot to grow herbs and spices.

Her boys hunted deer, with their bows and knives, and with the rest of the food that was grown the family ate. Their father, her husband was lost to the fever seven moons ago, but the family got on.

Even when he had been in the deepest throes of the disease she had not left his side and the boys had only returned when they had food or poultices, Aloe did nothing for the fever the atmosphere of the room grew ever more balmy and anxious.

And since their father had died the boys had thrown themselves into the work, catching chickens and deer, keeping the groves in order.

One day when she went out to the groves she found her sons squabbling, "No, you have to eat it. That's the bet."

They stood next to a tree with the bark scraped off, "It's the big new thing in the city. You gotta eat that big chunk of bark in a minute and no water."

"It really seems like a bad idea. I mean, it's bark from a tree."

"So what? You're chicken? Can't take the challenge?"

Her smaller son, Kubu, grinds up his bark and shoves it in his mouth as if to get it all over with quickly before spitting it back up in a reddish mist. His older brother laughs at him.

"Boys, what are you doing?"

They are suddenly alarmed to see her arrive, "Nothing! Hunting! I swear!"

She laughs, just satisfied to see them in good spirits for once.


OOC: I believe that I have a story from each of my 5 players this turn. That's real cool. :D
Manly Scents

(Commercial Story: Kush (Trade Good: Fragrances)


In the city of Indus all of the travelers and sailors, caravans and explorers come to rest. It is a well built city and home to a respectable breed of women who, when confronted by a mangy scoundrel traveler who hasn't bathed since the last moon, react with total revulsion.

Which is why Eddus invented Eddus's Manly Fragrances.

And so he set up shop near the harbor, selling the Fragrances to sailors from distant Punt as they came ashore, after a scent of his Manly Fragrances they exclaimed, "Why, this smells like old spices, the ladies will love it!"

And after a season the sale of fragrances on the docks had also funded a stand out front of the city and a couple of guards to keep it safe, Eddus rarely went out to the stand though, leaving it in the semicompetent hands of a nephew who laughed at the barbaric wanderers who claimed that the Manly Fragrances smelled like "A fresh Axe, the wenches will be delighted."

But, when alone at his shop where he mixed ever more fragrances each day, Eddus thinks to himself that it all smells the same and is a fairly bland smell (especially considering his levels of exposure) but it does do wonders to cover up the body odor of the unwashed wanderer.

Personally, he would compare it to Tag.


OOC: So how about them orders? I have 1 set of orders and well, a solid start on the update.

Spoiler :
Did you really expect pre-update spoilers here?
Can't wait to see this update... I believe I am the last one into the Iron Age at this point, yes?
It's funny that you think that, because you're actually one of the first.

I mean, you're essentially the second (third if you count that one NPC who figured it out early, but I don't).

It should be a fun update, I've got Asia just about under wraps.

But Europe and Africa are holding me up.
At first all they could see was a scarlet spec on the horizion.

It was slow going, their route must needs take them against the wind, the oars were out as the drum beat a steady boom and the men poured out sweat below. Slower still because the holds were full, furs and ivory, iron ore and weapons, she was a trading galley of no particular allegiance. The captain of this particular ship was Illierias Mo’ohor, he sat in his comfortable cabin counting golden coins and never saw the distant sail.

On deck men shielded their eyes with their hands to try and catch a better glimpse of the distant sail with growing unease. All too soon there was no need, the brilliant scarlet sail grew larger and larger, the distant ship was running before the strong winds and approaching them far too quickly.

- -

The wind whipped her long hair around her face as she stood in the prow of the ship, her calloused hand gripping one of the long curved shining silver fangs as she leaned out over the sea. She could taste the salt sprayed on her lips from the water as the ship ran before a gay wind. The bright red sails were full of the wind, there was no need for the oars on a day like this, she said a silent prayer to the gods of sea and sky.

She ducked back through the tiny door in the back of the carved dragon’s throat and called out to her men to prepare for battle. Clasping each on the shoulder in turn and at last raising her axe above her head she cried “Pain Heals, Wenches Dig Scars, Glory Lasts Forever!”

- -

She released the rope and let out a roar as her boots hit the deck of the ship, a score of Seasworn swarmed over the railing behind her and began dealing death to the weak traders. With no king or navy to defend them traders must needs protect their own well-being. Half a dozen swordsmen came bursting up from the door to the hold, they held long curved swords in their hands and their skin and eyes were black as night.

“I had hoped this ship would bring me someone who would try my axe” Anne said grimly. In her hands she held the axe, a long black handle inlaid with bright silver topped by a wicked looking head, sharp as a razor. The defenders looked strangely at her, perhaps they could not understand her, it mattered not.

She charged, the Seasworn moved as one with her, charging forward to meet battle and glory.

Her foe was thrown off guard by the fury and speed and ferocity of her attack, her first savage cut was aimed for his neck and his blade barely leapt up in time to parry the blow. She hammered at him legs, arms, neck, groin each powerful cut faster than the one before, each parried by her foes deft sword skill. He gave ground, edging back, his skill could not match her. He parried another swing at his neck and bulled forward throwing her off blance, for half a heart beat the mans eyes showed elation. Then she roared and began to swing her axe with even more fury and speed, aiming a vicious cut at the mans neck. His blade was too slow, he stood for a moment silent in the middle of the raging battle, then he fell. His head struck the deck and rolled away oozing blood.

She turned and saw other dismembered and despoiled bodies, and two still locked in furious battle. Red Ralph’s blade was raining blood as his foe limped from a dozen wounds but fought on. She leapt, swinging her axe over her head with all her might, the blade split helm and the skull beneath it and Ralph’s foe fell dead on the deck. The last defender held his guts in his hands as his wide, terror filled, eyes begged for mercy, she gave it to him swiftly.

The sharks would eat well tonight, the decks shone with drying blood as the bodies slipped beneath the waves.
The Weaving of Parsgadae

(Commercial Story: Persia (Trade Good: Baskets))


Hesh was a man of Paranaaa and a descendant of the ancient line of Hep, but past that he was also a follower of Xerxes.

And so he felt compelled to visit Persia, the progeny of Dor continued to serve as high level aristocrats under the Empire, but things had never been so easy for the line of Hep.

Still, they had their basket weaving and they had their ancient prophecies to vindicate them, few converted to Eastern Zorroism, most were amply satisfied with the worship of the Heavenly Dragon.

But Hap was a fifth son of a third son, and so he took up the new faith and when his family grew hostile towards him for it then he set out for a pilgrimage to Parsgadae. No such Hajj was required for the faith, but as a man moved by Persian ideas much as Xerxes was moved by the faith of the Dragon, Hesh felt a need to embark on the journey and see the lands of Persia.

When he arrived in the city though, he was surprised by the massive number of Zorrkanists. At first he would confuse them for Eastern Zorroists, but after a little talk about faith and theology his mistake quickly became apparent. Hesh was, however, even more surprised when he finally found the Eastern Zorroist "ghetto."

The Eastern Zorroists, isolated and quantified as separate, worked tirelessly to renovate and perfect their part of the city.

"Who are you?" one of them asked, much more alert to intruders than the Zorrkanists had been.

"My name is Hesh, is this the Eastern Zorroist district?"

"It is, but we don't take kindly to idlers."

"I promise I mean no harm. I am just a man of Paranaa here to see the birthplace of Xerxes. And I do have a craft."

"Paranaa? What sort of craft?"

"When Xerxes travelled to Soo he went through Paranaa. He stayed in my Family's home. I am a weaver of baskets."

the Eastern Zorroist nods, "Basket weaver? Doesn't sound very useful."

"Well," Hesh says, "I make a damn fine basket."


OOC: We're all just waiting on Terrance.
She lay naked, wrapped in the soft fur, in her cabin looking over the lists of the plunder. In the holds of the defeated galley they had found many tools and supplies but none that interested her so much as the one she now examined. In her hands she held the wooden frame, such a simple design, she could tell how effective it would be in battle on the seas. From the deck of her Revenge men trained to use this weapon could lay waste to her prey’s defenses before swarming over their railings and putting the survivors to the sword.

With her thumb she twanged the string and it made a soft ‘thrum’ the sound excited her and filled her head with visions of endless plunder taken from helpless foes.

She drew a shaft from the pile lying beside her and notched it, then she slowly pulled the bow-string back to her ear…

OOC: Enter the boarding party
OOC: And I am waiting for either Eltain or Freemanuncg, or both (I can figure it out, promise me and my archives) to accept my offer of trade.

That said, you guys might have been X-offered.

To Persia

We would like to trade our Potterscraft for your fine baskets. We have imported them once to Paranaa, but the importation stopped when they were under the protection of the Dragon Lands, of which we hear many tales, but no facts.
Shadow of a Robe

The man shuddered as he walked from the slowly reviving Urian markets to his Tavern room. Ever since he arrived from Kurdia three days ago, he felt as if someone was looking at him, at all times. "The sun itself is their everseeing eye, and the moon is their everhearing ear" the Consul had warned to all Kurds who wished to trade in Ur. Ever quietly, he said, "no matter what, do not do anything to cause suspicions... of any kind"

The Kurd entered his room and retrieved his journal. The chalk dust he spread over it was not disturbed, and he felt savor as he recorded his data in the book. The espionage network from Iberios is widespread, and even while official Agents left, men like him remained. When he turned in the journal at the Iberion Embassy back at Cyria, he will have enough money to buy the cures necessary to save his wife's life.

Of course, some members of the network tried to contact him already, but he is reminded of the need to remain above suspicion. Except for that one word to a man Orion, to whom he simply said, "Heart of Stone" in response to a question, the code word for such meetings.


The Kurd woke up with a joke in a darkened room. Suddenly, a hatch is opened and he saw Orion pushed into the cell. "They've got you too!" he cried in dismay.

"They got me a long time ago" spoke the man, now in robes. "I will ask you nicely now, and I will not do so every again. Are you a spy?"

"N...n... no!" he cried.

"Wrong Answer" laughed Orion. "Send him to Cell 101! He will learn soon enough."
Wat. What offer of trade? We already discussed renewal of the Potterscraft.
Important Characters in Satura
Octavian, Prime Citizen of Satura, Inquisitor-General of Zorrkanism-Actual leader who must complete several of Aureas' projects to gain the respect of the people. In his mid 20's.

Hadrian Gideon, King of Satura-Figurehead who wishes to regain the power of the Saturan Monarchy. In his late 30's.

Kausta, owner of the Market of Merchants-An influential merchant and a favorite of Aureas who has been defused by being sent to map out the Land of Dragons. Old.

Malach-One of the Shepards who know the routes to the best kough kough fields in Sudan, he is Kausta's mapper. Late teens.

Orion, Inquisitor-Captain of Ur-A young but eager Inquisitor in Ur who looks up to Octavian. He is a member of the "Heart of Stone" sect of Zorrkanism. Late teens

Logar, Lord of Lotalogas-A local Junglite noble who was conciliatory to their Saturan conquerors and wished both to serve them, and to increase his own power. Early 30's.
Orders Sentified.

Octavian writes in his journal. As the Inquisitor-General, he must overlook the many scrolls of reports, heretical writings, and such every night, when his duties as Prime Citizen abated.

"Akten is my God, and Zorro is his Prophet.

As the agents of the Aset-Cultists move faster, and the lies of Zulep infect ever more people, we must remain ever vigilant for deviancy from the True Doctrine.

However, we must also remain open minded about interpretation of the True Doctrine. The people of the Khan, wild they may be, color the True Doctrine with their local lives. Yet in all ways, the ideas which will liberate the man from his body from the contamination of Aset are there.

While at the same vein, we have people who can recite the True Doctrine in an instant, but prove by their actions to have lost their way. It is in this line we find such people such as Kausta, who believed that Aureas was to be the next Prophet of Zorro, or some idiocy pertaining to his leadership skills and mine. To isolate this heresy, while looking upon his great influence, I have seen the vision and sent him on a foolhardy quest. A Land of Dragons! When reports come of a Dragon man(from Punt, maybe? Do dragons like water?), then I will believe such tales."

He finished the entry with a post script.

"A new age is arising, one forged of Iron, one forged of exploration.

One forged by their arms.

While Akten battles Aset.
And Zorro battles Zulep.
I shall battle Heresy.
Whereever it may be found. Whenever it may be found. Whoever it may point to..."


He tries on the Naked Shoes, and admired them. Indeed the simple nature of the Faith of the Stones can produce simple yet elegant items such as this.

As he walk, he felt something different. He no longer felt cured leather beneath his feet, but the bending of reeds, and the flowing of a river much more lively than the nule.

He looked left, and instead of his Palace, he saw a hut. In there was a robed man next to a screaming man. It turned to look at him and hissed. he tried to run run run...


He woke up, having fallen asleep all over his records. Thankful that none of the servants found him (and breed further gossip about his natures) he walked to his bed of nails, laid down, and fell to a fitful sleep.

EDIT: A quote for my orders.

"How do I spend this much money?"

Answer: Extravagantly. :D
Enjoy it while it lasts ;)


But thanks guys, all the orders in and I have a fresh page now, so I probably ought to do something about that.

After Russian, this afternoon we'll see what I can get accomplished.
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