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Current (SVN) development discussion thread

When it comes to the religion bonuses, I personally don't think it should be that complex or powerful, just a small bonus that makes sense. Heck, I don't even really know why Catholics get an extra few hammers, but I never complain about it :lol:. Though I do think that needs to be balanced, every religion gets something or none at all, but I agree with iOnlySignIn, larger, percentage based buffs can really really snowball. Extra Hammers here, a bonus Happy there, toss a free beaker at something. Just don't go too far methinks. Though with Protestantism (no idea if that is correct terminology there) maybe having the Reformation gold be it's bonus wouldn't be bad, I know Leoreth was wanting to make that choice a bit harder.
Yeah, Indonesia works really well with city states... or at least it would, if the bonus food didn't disappear when loading a save. Do we know why that's happening?
I think I messed up somewhere in the save/load implementation.

I've tried the new Italy and I'm quite confused as what is exactly considered "75% of the Mediterranean" since i currently control this:

and according to the counter it's only 47.53% of Mediterranean territory.:confused:
There seems to be something wrong. Will look into it.
I think I messed up somewhere in the save/load implementation.

There seems to be something wrong. Will look into it.

Leoreth, it's the same thing with France, although both goals are perfectly doable.
It's not accurate of course. It's more like 75-90% of Europe + North America and not 50% as advertised.
I just noticed this in my Prussian game : Prussia doesn't start with the new tech, patronage. It's no big deal though since it's so outdated by 1700.

Also with the new civics you will eventually have to update the DoC civic stability guide.

Edit : Also Quin Wuyang is a great spy for them, and looks like a ninja. Probably some problem with the great people names.
Yeah, Indonesia works really well with city states... or at least it would, if the bonus food didn't disappear when loading a save. Do we know why that's happening?

I might be totally wrong and know little to nothing about programming at all, but it seems there is a mechanic which resets the 'Base food to specialist' value to 0 after each save.
Great Spies don't have civ-specific names currently.

The extra specialist food is not reset per se, it was never saved in the first place. I'll commit a fix soon.
just played with russia on empreror on 600 ad/marathon. everything was going great till I got a "not achieved" for the 5 commi allies mission. the goal triggered a failure like in 1890's. could be due to me saving/loading alot...
and the trans siberian railroad again didnt check even though I completed it.
and not with one civ did I get any food bonus from city states
and berlin should have a river...

edit: patch 319 seemed to have fixed the specialist food for city states
Can you upload a save where the goals don't trigger?
here you go the save. year 1905
note my vassal turkey whose like more powerful than me tech wise and military wise (according to the census)


  • Stalin AD-1905-July Turn 1195.CivBeyondSwordSave
    1.9 MB · Views: 64
here you go the save. year 1905
note my vassal turkey whose like more powerful than me tech wise and military wise (according to the census)
Thanks, the Railway goal fails because you don't have a Siberian port (the tooltip shows which cities are considered to be in Siberia).

I'll search for the reason for the premature failure of the third goal.

Edit: found some relics of the old third goal, sorry about that. Fix committed.
So I've continued my attempts at Indonesia (and I would've succeeded too, if I had thought ahead enough to acquire my 9th luxury) and I've noticed a few odd things. I don't think they're specific to the SVN but I'll share them here anyway since I broached the topic here.

Anyway, the first thing relates to the map, specifically, western New Guinea:

Now, I haven't gotten around to colonizing that bit yet, but as you can see, those resources are totally inaccessible without getting them within your borders, building a plantation, then putting down a city on top of one or the other. Is this intentional? I could understand that sort of a challenge if the resources were really worth it, but I've got tons of spices and I've never had an issue getting the Mughals to part with some dye. Plus, even if I went to the trouble, the city would still be awful. Maybe there's something I'm not really getting, but as it stands it's just frustrating. If nobody is ever going to get any use out of the resources, may as well just leave them out, IMO.

The second thing regards whipping and game speed. Maybe I'm just imagining things, but it seems as though the whip is less powerful on slower game settings. Considering that cities need 50% more food to grow, and everything costs 50% more hammers to build, I'm not sure that whipping has been adjusted accordingly. For a whip-centric civ like Indonesia, this is really game-changing. I just felt like I was getting a lot less by following more or less the same strategy on Epic than I did on Normal. Obviously not everything will play exactly the same on different speeds, but something just felt off.
Thanks, the Railway goal fails because you don't have a Siberian port (the tooltip shows which cities are considered to be in Siberia).

I'll search for the reason for the premature failure of the third goal.

Edit: found some relics of the old third goal, sorry about that. Fix committed.

which tooltip? when i hover my mouse over tiles, every city east of moscow is considered to be siberia. 3/4ths of russia is considered siberia when doing the "colonize siberia" UHV. so is there like 2 different siberia's, one for one UHV and the other for another UHV?
so iam really not sure which siberia your talking about.
Hi everyone,

I'm not getting any text for the historical victories goals. Is this a problem for anyone else, or have I messed up my svn update?
Hey leoreth I was making my changes for religions. (all of which are MUCH less OP then my building changes) and it crashed every time I tried to change the Protestant missionary to a spy. More to the point I only changed bSpy_0 to bSpy_1 and afew other minor things. I don't knoow why this would prompt an error?
which tooltip? when i hover my mouse over tiles, every city east of moscow is considered to be siberia. 3/4ths of russia is considered siberia when doing the "colonize siberia" UHV. so is there like 2 different siberia's, one for one UHV and the other for another UHV?
so iam really not sure which siberia your talking about.
If you're on at least revision 319 (I think) the tile mouseover text shows "Siberia" when the tile is in Siberia. Only port cities that are on tiles that show "Siberia" on mouseover count.
So I've continued my attempts at Indonesia (and I would've succeeded too, if I had thought ahead enough to acquire my 9th luxury) and I've noticed a few odd things. I don't think they're specific to the SVN but I'll share them here anyway since I broached the topic here.

Anyway, the first thing relates to the map, specifically, western New Guinea:

Now, I haven't gotten around to colonizing that bit yet, but as you can see, those resources are totally inaccessible without getting them within your borders, building a plantation, then putting down a city on top of one or the other. Is this intentional? I could understand that sort of a challenge if the resources were really worth it, but I've got tons of spices and I've never had an issue getting the Mughals to part with some dye. Plus, even if I went to the trouble, the city would still be awful. Maybe there's something I'm not really getting, but as it stands it's just frustrating. If nobody is ever going to get any use out of the resources, may as well just leave them out, IMO

You can also tech to Biology and chop the jungle then settle, or expand your culture to encompass a resource and build a fort and a road on it, the second resource can even be a plantation connected to the fort via a road. For example, should you want to settle Adelaide and mine the copper in Tasmania, you can build a fort 2E and connect the mine to the fort with a road. At this point all you need to do is expand your culture to encompass both the mine and the fort. This can also be used effectively on Cyprus, Crete, and various Caribbean islands (though it is frustrating to have to choose between the productive value of the the resource specific improvement versus actually getting access to the resource with a fort).
You can also tech to Biology and chop the jungle then settle, or expand your culture to encompass a resource and build a fort and a road on it, the second resource can even be a plantation connected to the fort via a road. For example, should you want to settle Adelaide and mine the copper in Tasmania, you can build a fort 2E and connect the mine to the fort with a road. At this point all you need to do is expand your culture to encompass both the mine and the fort. This can also be used effectively on Cyprus, Crete, and various Caribbean islands (though it is frustrating to have to choose between the productive value of the the resource specific improvement versus actually getting access to the resource with a fort).

I guess I was right that there was something I was missing :) It's easy enough to get them into my culture and since the northernmost one is outside any reasonable city's range there's no reason not to fort it. Thanks for the tip!
Okay so I am busy working on making the changes and I found that there was no way to give Protestantism the Mass Media bonus. So I added <TechCommerceModifiers>....

TO EVERY FREAKING BUILDING. I even added it in the BuildingSchema file. Thankfully it worked. Well atleast it loaded, not sure if it works. Now here's my issue. It doesn't show up in game, you would have no idea that the benefit even exists. How do I get it to show up in the civilopedia and building description?

Rechecking: Nope. The changes don't even happen in game. Granted that's no surprise but how DO I make it so the changes work? If I can then this would be really helpful for future modifications.
The schema just helps the program to tell if an XML file is valid, it doesn't make it actually read the new tag.

You have to do that in the DLL, as well as the effect and the display.
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