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Fallout IOT Redux

Mar 30, 2011
Hallow Nest
Fallout IOT

War never changes

Since the dawn of human kind, when our ancestors first discovered the killing power of rock and bone, blood has been spilled in the name of everything: from God to justice to simple, psychotic rage.

The Romans waged war to gather slaves and wealth. Spain built an empire from its lust for gold and territory. Hitler shaped a battered Germany into an economic superpower.

But War never changes

In the 21st century, war was still waged over the resources that could be acquired. Only this time, the spoils of war were also its weapons: Petroleum and Uranium. For these resources, China would invade Alaska, the US would annex Canada, and the European Commonwealth would dissolve into quarreling, bickering nation-states, bent on controlling the last remaining resources on Earth.

In the year 2077, after millennia of armed conflict, the destructive nature of man could sustain itself no longer. The world was plunged into an abyss of nuclear fire and radiation.

But it was not, as some had predicted, the end of the world. Instead, the apocalypse was simply the prologue to another bloody chapter of human history. For man had succeeded in destroying the world - but war, war never changes.

In the early days, thousands were spared the horrors of the holocaust by taking refuge in enormous underground shelters, known as vaults. But when they emerged, they had only the hell of the wastes to greet them, and their inhabitants set out across ruins of the old world to build new societies, establish new villages, form new tribes on whatever usable land there was.

The year is 2277 Two Hundred years after the apocalypse Humanity has struggled to rebuild, and by now nation states have begun to reform and grow, you are the leader of one of these nation states. It is time to bring humanity back from near destruction or end it for good.

Because War Never Changes.

Hey guys its back, sorry the first one never got started, but I have streamlined things now, the SPECIAL is still there but it affects things directly now.

This will be an Role play heavy game those who role play will be given bonuses

Pick 3 territories, name your nation, and provide a short description and history.

Spoiler :

Keep nations realistic in a post nuclear-apocalyptic world, but please include nations other than humans, have mutants, sentient bugs, robots, and ghoul nations.

The stats are a modified version of the “SPECIAL” system used in the fallout games the higher it is the better Everyone gets 5 pts in each (you can remove) and an additional 5 pts to allocate wherever you wish. These cannot go above 10 or below 1 Just fyi. These do directly affect your nations RP and interaction in the game.

Science - Modifies technology advancement
Politics - Modifies your ability to keep your nation together and diplomacy with all NPCs
Economics - Modifies your ability to make money
Combat - Modifies your ability to win in combat situations
Intelligence - Modifies your ability when spying
Arts - Modifies your ability to impress others
Luck - How lucky your nation is (note when ever luck is used in calculations it is always divided in half, and rounded up so a 5 is pretty much a 6)

Caps the spending money for each nation, you make a certain amount per turn depending on, your Economics, Provinces, and Stability.

Research will be all role play based, give me a description of what you want to research, from new tech to a single weapon

Also RP based give me a description of your Militia/light, Medium, and Heavy units. what armor, weapons and vehicles are in them, and based off of your production level i will say how many of your troops you can build, i will also assign weapon stats to your units, everyone gets one of each at the beginning.

Example of the RP for the Military, stolen from Deusselkerr's signup on the orginal FIOT
Spoiler :
Light/Irregular Troops: Redstocking- Though proficient with a bat, a regular Redstocking is only average with his mismatched weaponry which ranges from machine guns and sniper rifles to bolt-action winchesters and pistols. Armor is virtually nonexistent, as a baseball uniform does not provide much protection. They serve best as raiders and peacekeepers.

Regular Troops: Railroaders- Though not part of the history of the Institute, the Railroad was one of the first opposition forces faced by the Institute's Androids, and ever since have been trusted soldiers. They are based out of South Carolina, and although most of their organization is still outside Institute control their outposts in Connecticut have gladly given up executive powers to the Institute; the Railroaders are first and foremost a fighting force that only formed to keep contact along the seaboard and protect its refugees. Railroad soldiers are fierce and dedicated, and are trained with dagger, pistol and rifle. Some units are better-equipped with heavy machine guns and explosives, these units being evenly distributed throughout platoons.

Heavy Troops: Android forces- Expensive and resource-intensive, these units are the perfect soldier. They are fearless, invincible to small-arms fire, and are masters of plasma and laser weaponry.

Air Force
Due to The Great War, both heavier than air and lighter than air travel has been lost to humanity, and it will be difficult to gain back, however if you can spend your time researching it and spend the time detailing your new air force like the rest of your military you will be able to use and build them like the rest of your military, they will usually give bonuses.

blitzing, is ok, but don't go overboard the more you blitz the less likely you get those provinces, unless your army RP has vehicles, but keep in mind they will be dreadfully expensive, 1 army can capture 1 province, this is due to the fact that there are many raiders, tribes, and slavers out in the wastes and your military will be fighting against them to secure control of the lands resources.

Factories are used to supply your armies, however they can also be used to make caps, but not at the same time. Factories cost 5 Caps (liable to change) and produce 1 cap a turn

Stability ranges from -3 to 3, with 0 being average. Stability affects everything, I highly suggest you make sure that it stays at zero or above or it will be harder to do stuff. Everyone Starts at zero, representing average stability where a nation has control over its land and its people are are mostly content.

ok i think that is everything don't post yet.
Directory of the Wasteland

Former United States

Spoiler :
Nation Name: The Indiana Clans
Player: Sonereal
Government: Warlord Feudalism
Capital: None
Light: Northern Indiana light infantry
  • Cost: 1 Cap
  • Strength: 1
  • Bonus: None
  • Negatives: None
Medium: Southern Indiana Calvary
  • Cost: 4 Caps
  • Strength: 3
  • Bonus: Cavalry: +1 to Combat when Blitzing
  • Negatives: None
Heavy: Jamison Clan infantry
  • Cost: 6 Caps
  • Strength: 5
  • Bonus: Powered-Armor Focus: +1 against Light Units
  • Negatives: Powered-Armor Focus: -1 to Combat when Bltizing
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Spoiler :
Nation Name: The Mercenary States of Arizona
Player: Ogane
Government: None
Capital: Unspecified Republic
Light: None
  • Cost: 1 Cap
  • Strength: 1
  • Bonus: None
  • Negatives: None
Medium: None
  • Cost: 3 Caps
  • Strength: 3
  • Bonus: None
  • Negatives: None
Heavy: None
  • Cost: 5 Caps
  • Strength: 5
  • Bonus: None
  • Negatives: None
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Spoiler :

Nation Name: The Alasijia People's Republic
Player: Civ'ed
Government: Single-party socialist state
Capital: Anchorage
Light: None specified
  • Cost: 1 Cap
  • Strength: 1
  • Bonus: None
  • Negatives: None
Medium: Flamethrower Troops
  • Cost: 3 Caps
  • Strength: 4
  • Bonus: none
  • Negatives: -1 to Initiative (flamethrowers have an enormous range :p)
Heavy: Chimera Squadron
  • Cost: 10 Caps (tanks are expensive)
  • Strength: 7
  • Bonus: Armor: +2 to combat when Blitzing
  • Negatives: none
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Spoiler :

Nation Name: The Merchant Republic of Texas
Player: Patchy
Government: Merchant Republic
Capital: None Specified
Light: Texan Ranger
  • Cost: 1 Caps
  • Strength: 1
  • Bonus: Sniper Scout: supports Lone Star Soldiers
  • Negatives: cannot attack another province unless supported by another Unit
Medium: Lone Star Soldiers
  • Cost: 3 Caps
  • Strength: 3
  • Bonus: +1 Initiative when fighting with a Ranger
  • Negatives: None
Heavy: Wasteland Riders
  • Cost: 7 Caps
  • Strength: 6
  • Bonus: Mechanized: +1 strength when blitzing
  • Negatives: none
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Spoiler :

Nation Name: The Nortonian Empire
Player: MartinLuther
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Capital: Lazarus (formerly known as San Fransisco)
Light: Imperial Militia
  • Cost: 1 Cap
  • Strength: 1
  • Bonus: Weapon Versatility: +1 strength against light
  • Negatives: crazy: -1 initiative on a roll of 3 or less
Medium: Mobile Firing Squad
  • Cost: 3 Caps
  • Strength: 3
  • Bonus: Psychological Warfare: enemy units gain -1 initiative when fighting due to fear
  • Negatives: Insane: - 1 strength on a roll of 1 or 2, +0 on a roll of 3 or 4, +1 on a roll of 5 or 6
Heavy: Imperial Guard
  • Cost: 5 Caps
  • Strength: 5
  • Bonus: Heavy weapon versatility: + 1 strength against medium units
  • Negatives: Bat S**t Insane: - 1 strength and - 1 initiative on a roll of 1 or 2, + 0 on a roll of 3 or 4, +1 s and i on a roll of 5 or 6
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Spoiler :

Nation Name: The League of Oreeda
Player: Red_Spy
Government: Trade League
Capital: None Specified
Light: Caravan Guards
  • Cost: 1 cap
  • Strength: 1
  • Bonus:
  • Negatives:
Medium: City Guards
  • Cost: 3 cap
  • Strength: 3
  • Bonus: Defensive: + 1 strength when defending
  • Negatives: Defensive: - 1 Strength when attacking
Heavy: The Green Palm Caravan
  • Cost: 4 cap
  • Strength: 6
  • Bonus: Mechanized: +1 when blitzing
  • Negatives: Mercenary: Costs 1 Cap a turn for each unit raised, may attack the turn they are "built"
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New England
Spoiler :

Nation Name: Hanza
Player: Mosher
Government: Republican Oligarchy
Capital: None Specified
Light: Merchant
  • Cost: 2 caps
  • Strength: 1
  • Bonus: Weapon Versatility: +1 strength against light, Bullets for Currency: may spend 1 Cap to gain +1 Strength
  • Negatives: Short range weapons: -1 initiative
Medium: Hanza Infantry
  • Cost: 4 caps
  • Strength: 3
  • Bonus: Weapon Versatility: +1 Strength against light, Bullets for Currency: may spend 1 Cap to gain +1 Strength
  • Negatives:
Heavy: Vanguard
  • Cost: 7 caps
  • Strength: 6
  • Bonus: Trolleys: +1 when blitzing, may apply to Hanza Infantry when fighting together, Weapons Versatility: +1 Strength against light, Bullets for Currency: may spend 1 Cap to gain +1 Strength
  • Negatives:
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Great Plains
Spoiler :

Nation Name: The Confederacy
Player: Krzowwh
Government: Confederal Republic
Capital: Shining Rock
Light: Irondog
  • Cost: 1 cap
  • Strength: 1
  • Bonus: medic: may re-roll a failed combat action
  • Negatives: short range: -1 initiative
Medium: Ironhorse
  • Cost: 4 cap
  • Strength: 3
  • Bonus: fast: +1 when blitzing
  • Negatives:
Heavy: Ironbuffalo
  • Cost: 8 caps
  • Strength: 7
  • Bonus:
  • Negatives:
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Spoiler :

Nation Name: The West Mountain Collective
Player: Celticfury
Government: Coalition of Sentinet Animals
Capital: West Mountain
Light: Cyberdog MK III military model
  • Cost: 2 Caps
  • Strength: 1
  • Bonus: Sonic Bark: -1 Initiative for enemy forces
  • Negatives:
Medium: Fire Ants
  • Cost: 3 caps
  • Strength: 3 caps
  • Bonus: Stealthy: +1 initiative
  • Negatives: Fire attack: -1 strength against non organic units
Heavy: Battle Brahmin
  • Cost: 7 caps
  • Strength: 6
  • Bonus: two heads: when killed has a 50% chance to retreat
  • Negatives:
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Central America

Spoiler :

Nation Name: Order of the Ka'an
Player: Ailedhoo
Government: Theocracy
Capital: The Temple to the Kuna (Panama City)
Light: Zealot:
  • Cost: 1 Cap
  • Strength: 1
  • Bonus: Zealous: +1 in combat against Light units/Raiders(unclaimed territory)
  • Negatives: Conspicuous: -1 to Initiative
Medium: Paladin:
  • Cost: 3 Caps
  • Strength: 3 Caps
  • Bonus: None
  • Negatives: None
Heavy: Battle Priest
  • Cost: 6 caps
  • Strength: 4
  • Bonus: Chants of Battle +2 to own forces Initiative when fighting together
  • Negatives: none
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Spoiler :

Nation Name: The Empire of Mexica
Player: Farsight
Government: Theocratic Monarchy
Capital: None Specified
Light: Tlaltopilli
  • Cost: 1
  • Strength: 1
  • Bonus: Can be sacrificed: kill the unit to give +1 initiative and +1 strength to the unit sacrificing it
  • Negatives:
Medium: Regulars
  • Cost: 3
  • Strength: 3
  • Bonus: Slaver: has a 50% chance of capturing an enemy unit (captured units are made into Tlaltopilli)
  • Negatives:
Heavy: Eagle and Jaguar Warriors
  • Cost: 6
  • Strength: 5
  • Bonus: Psychological Warfare: enemy units gain -1 initiative when fighting due to fear, Sacrificial knifes: can sacrifice Tlaltopilli to gain +1 Initiative and +1 Strength for one turn
  • Negatives:
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South America

North Brazil
Spoiler :

Nation Name: The Undying of the Brightlands
Player: Ravus_Sol
Government: Theocratic Dictatorship
Capital: The Glow
Light: Protectrons
  • Cost: 2 caps
  • Strength: 1
  • Bonus: Robot: +1 strength vs medium units
  • Negatives:
Medium: Sentrybot
  • Cost: 4 caps
  • Strength: 4
  • Bonus: Police: Can increase stability by one if doing nothing
  • Negatives:
Heavy: Warbot
  • Cost: 8 caps
  • Strength: 7
  • Bonus:
  • Negatives:
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Tierra del Fuego
Spoiler :

Nation Name: The Malevolence
Player: Nukeknockout
Government: Robocracy
Capital: “The Tower of Evil"
Light: Protectron
  • Cost: 2 caps
  • Strength: 1
  • Bonus: Robot: +1 strength vs medium units
  • Negatives:
Medium: Robo-Scorpion
  • Cost: 4
  • Strength: 3
  • Bonus: Robot: +1 strength vs Medium units
  • Negatives:
Heavy: Giant Robo-Scorpion
  • Cost: 12
  • Strength: 9
  • Bonus: Robot: +1 strength vs medium units
  • Negatives:
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Not sure where they are

Spoiler :

Nation Name: MilSim
Player: bonefang
Government: Dictatorship
Capital: CasaGrande
Light: Spotterz
  • Cost: 1 cap
  • Strength: 1
  • Bonus: Scout: supports Goffs, gives them +1 initiative
  • Negatives:
Medium: Goffs
  • Cost: 3 caps
  • Strength: 4
  • Bonus:
  • Negatives: Mindless killer: -1 Initiative
Heavy: Jarl
  • Cost: 7 caps
  • Strength: 6
  • Bonus: Blood lust: +1 strength when fighting with an ally
  • Negatives: 50% chance to kill an allied unit when fighting with them
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Spoiler :

Nation Name:
  • Cost:
  • Strength:
  • Bonus:
  • Negatives:
  • Cost:
  • Strength:
  • Bonus:
  • Negatives:
  • Cost:
  • Strength:
  • Bonus:
  • Negatives:
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Update: 0
Year: 2277

Enclave Radio

Link to video.

Hello America this is your president John Henry Eden. The Enclave has regained control of the Capitol Wasteland and is broadcasting this through the two American Continents. The Year is 2277 exactly two hundred years ago the incompetent halfwits that were leading the most powerful country on Earth allowed it to die in a Nuclear holocaust.

People of America I promise I will not stop until the United States is once again a united nation. However in these two hundred years new "nations" have rose across the two continents trying to establish their dominance over the United States. Including the ghouls, zombies, mutants, and even animals.

These "nations" are nothing more than pretenders to the former glory of the true United States, and I will continue to work to rebuild the shattered union and restore order to America.

Long live America, Long live the Enclave.

Current map:

Spoiler :

Make sure everything is correct, Sone it says that you accidentally added an extra point to your SPECIAL, Farsight you have 2 more points you can use for your SPECIAL

Orders due in one week (Next Sunday) I still need a map from Celticfury and bonefang, along with units from multiple people

The Indiana Clans

Government: Feudalism. There are usually ten major clans and a slew of minor clans that are absorbed in war or through marriage or split off from larger clans. Based on this system, there is a ruling clan. The current ruling clan is the Jamison Clan, headed by Andre "Sunshine" Jamison. Power is maintained through strategic marriages and the occasional war or assassination.

Economy: The clans all engage in economic activity and trade with one another and with outsiders. The goods and services sold by the clans, and what the clans import, vary. Northern clans tend to make their wealth from manufacturing, especially of steel. Interesting, one clan in the northwest is especially renowned for growing peppermints. Southern Indiana clans focus on exporting limestone and coal. Central Indiana is known for corn and livestock.

A few cities near surviving electrical dams have electricity, which aids in manufacturing. Other sectors include shipbuilding for ships that sail on rivers and on the Great Lakes and horse raising.

Military: Indiana society has resulted in very diverse military organizations. For the most part, the Jamison Clan focuses Powered Armor Infantry with squads of light infantry built around them. PAI's usually sport heavy weapons leftover from the war, but as supplies dwindle, there is increasing reliance on weapons manufactured from weapon plants in the north and near the Electric Cities. Since Central Indiana sports the largest population, the Jamison and other Central Indiana Clans can raise the largest armies.

Northern Indiana focuses on light infantry armed with assault rifles and their river ships fixed with cannons either recovered or made domestically.

The Southern Indiana Clans are strange. Light cavalry is the main unit of Southern Indiana Clans, as there use to be insurrections at the quarries. Light cavalry, armed with recovered war weapons or either weapons manufactured domestically or from the north, operate in large numbers due to clan members being raised from childhood for war. In combat, the SICs flank enemy lines or, if the enemy are a bunch of poorly-armed soldiers or a line manned by poorly-armed soldiers, charge to break morale.

Science - 2
Politics - 8
Economics - 8
Combat - 8
Intelligence - 8
Arts - 2
Luck - 5

Edit: Lack of blitzing and only three territories means the map will never be filled ever. If players are spread out all over the place, there won't be a lot of interaction. I would just add blitzing. Assuming each update is a year interval, is is extremely likely a blitz would work.

Edit: It takes ten turns for a factory to break even. Most IOTs don't even last five.
Edit: Lack of blitzing and only three territories means the map will never be filled ever. If players are spread out all over the place, there won't be a lot of interaction. I would just add blitzing. Assuming each update is a year interval, is is extremely likely a blitz would work.

Edit: It takes ten turns for a factory to break even. Most IOTs don't even last five.

hmm, ok thinking about it i changed those two parts on the rules.
I will join!

Claiming Panama, will do more stuff like details and map in zee bit.
How many total points can we put in the SPECIALS System?

A total of 40 points, but i suggest putting everything at least at five first then allocating the last five in the places you would like them to be. rember for luck 5=6
The Mercenary States of Arizona

Spoiler :

Government Republic but each person is their own.
Military Lightly armored heavily armed highly effective guerrilla fighters

I updated the rules for how I would like the military RP to be, if you wouldn't mind reading it I would be very grateful
A total of 10 points, but i suggest putting everything at least at five first ten allocating the last five in the places you would like them to be. rember for luck 5=6

But some of these don't even add up to 10.
But some of these don't even add up to 10.

oops sorry what i meant was that you get 5 in each, so 35, and an additional 5 to put where ever you you want, so you have a total of 40 points my bad
Order of the Ka'an

Prophet (Supreme Voice of the Faith): Ahkin (born Marco Solo)

Padresob (Head of the Order): Guadalupe III (born Diana Alves)

H.Q.: The Temple to the Kuna (located in the remains of Panama City)



Government: Theocracy

Religion: Dzonoçian

System Management:

Spoiler :
In presence of a proper or prophets then the prophet processes supreme authority over the realm, as the word of the prophet is regarded as backed by visions enhanced by the Ethos. Second to the prophet and supreme in absence of prophets is the Padresob. Padresobs have religious sovereign authority as heads of the Order of Ka’an, although the supreme authoritarian power has been limited thanks to Guadalupe II’s reforms which has meant the Padresob has to consult the consent of the Council of Truth which is made up of representatives of the functions that makes up the Order but even then the Padresob does have the final say… baring times of the prophets of course. The Councillors of Truth do however have the power to deny resources to the Padresob, including the ability to conduct an emergency draft and set war tithes. Prophets of course are immune to this less the Councillors of Truth be accused of heresy.

The Padresob is appointed through what Ka’an wrote as “the Collective Committee of the Visionary Fellowship.” This is basically a grand meeting of all senior priests of the Order and/or, if they are unable to attend the meeting but only if the reason is most vital, their representatives. Of course the prophet(s) can override this by one of their “Degrees of the Visions” to directly appoint a Padresob of their choosing, including themselves if they wish to place the day to day ruling burden the caretaker like Padresob has to go through as head of the Order of Ka’an.

The appointment of a prophet is a difficult thing, laid out by Aylan Xiha herself in the “Direction of the Prophets” as “a practice of walking through the fires of the trails of sceptical reaction and the testing of one’s vision.” A prophet requires formost a combination of visions, worldly wisdom, a inner calmness beyond the chaos of the moment, the ability of miracles and a sense of otherness that can only be the most direct of connections to the Ethos. This vague reasoning is unfortunely what the massive Driection of the Prophets states, as the trails layed out are many to the point of claiments are of uncertainty. Random figures have been known to claim to be phrohets for personal gain. Under the existence of the first three the pratice was simple judgement by themselves but Ka’an decided to give the burden also to the Padresob, giving a ultimate power. That said the Padresob does have the limitation: Ka’an wrote in the “Jury of Visions” of 8 holy studiers that the Padresob would chair but not have direct control over. Should the Jury overwhelmingly approve a figure as a prophet then the Padresob must comply or be accused of heresy. It should be noted hence that the accusing of heresy has help lead to Padresob Itzel being thrown into jail. The word and teaching of the prophets go beyond all other considerations.

Economics: merchants in the Order are expected follow strict religious laws on honest trading and not gambling currency on the most reckless of schemes but merchant are granted regulative rights in doing their business within the Order’s lands, so long they respect the laws.

History: as written by Olivia Vela.

Spoiler :
Know then that the Dzonoçian religion was founded in Chile by the Mapuche activist Aylan Xiha in what she saw as a vision. The records of the primal holy book of the Dzonoçian faith, the Chronicles of the Kuna, records that she had a vision while gazing at the deforested lands of her people, deforested by the hands of colonial settler capitalism. She had a vision of times that where, even before the times of written records in land around the world. The Chronicles speak of her having vision of time before humanity, time before life, time, before existence. It is said that she came to the realising of the Kuna, the idea that life is set in a universal conduction of physical and metaphysical matter. She concluded of gods or God but a faith which had no gods but a spiritual plane set in connection to what is known as the Ethos. The Ethos the Chronicles of the Kuna tells us is an energy force that binds existence and that which does not exist. This force is what surrounds all. The strength of the spirit is hence connected in how the Way of the Ethos is set in the figures.

Having gained a vision in 2031 Aylan then began the process of setting the religion. For five years she gained little luck but she did began the process of creating the Chronicles of the Kuna by setting the first three chapters, known as the Physic, Knowledge and Soul of the Vision. Aylan then went with her small band of the faithful to preach around Latin America the vision she had, a process that got her in trouble with governments and other agencies around South America, particle her stance against “the Fallen paths” as she described the life of many societies, no matter the ideology or religious context. She especially gained infamy with her essay entitled “Critique of the Abrahamic Idol” she wrote which got her kicked out of Bolivia. This also however leaded her to meet two to be prophets of her faith: fellow Mapuche activist Quidel Gizda and a spiritual scholar from Cameroon by the name of Katlego Ibori. Both these figures began as simple helpers more followers, even persuading a Marxist rebel group that had emerged in Panama to swap Marx for Xiha, resulting later on the 2067 rebellion to be of a Dzonoçian proto-theocracy instead of a communist government.

Know then than 2045 saw Aylan Xiha title both Quidel Gizda and Katlego Ibori as “her voices,” leading them to be the second and third prophets of Xiha’s faith. Gizda and Ibori medially got tasked with the construction for more chapters of the Chronicles of the Kuna. Xiha also added an additional chapter: “Direction of the Prophets” where she spoke that history saw many figures emerge as prophets that were agencies of the Ethos and spoke of conditions of the coming of prophets that would speak directly of the Ethos, laying down the foundation of the future prophets of the Dzonoçian faith. Know then that she finished this large chapter (to the point it could be a book in itself) in her last year: 2049 saw her assassination by a conspiracy of many agencies that saw her as a agent of chaos, bringing the seeds of a “cult of destruction.” Known then that Quidel Gizda, who wrote the first chants of the “Chants of the Kuna” to help religious meditation, would also die by the hand of assassin: in 2059 well arriving in the United States this phrohet would face a crowd of dagger wielders. Gizda has almost finished a chapter entitled “On Accounts of the Cleansing” where he wrote of a vision of “inferno” that he saw coming. This chapter has remained unfinished in respect to Gizda, especilly after 2077.

Katlego Ibori faced a luckier fortune. Know then that he travelled the entire world to gather followers but especially in 2067 coming to help the rebel forces of Gracia Vives in setting the new government of Panama. Ibori continued writing for the Chronicles of the Kuna, as well as writing a short book on missionary tactics known as the “Guidance for Spreading the Word of the Ethos.” Know then that among the pilgrims heading to Panama would be a Shikoba Roper, a child bought with parents in 2073 to embrace the new faith.

With atomic tensions rising greatly the Rightuse Republic of Panama, under its president Gracia Vives, set out preparations of the Vault programme the previous Panamas government adopted in case of the possible inferno of an atomic war hitting Panama City. Preparations were set as Ibori commenced his additional writings in the completed Vault. 2075 saw as the Vault was being layed out as many of the “chosen” as possible… Shikoba earned her title as a phrohet, with claims of a healing miracle of a sick old woman and having what appeared to a vision of “the inferno and the blossoms that would come after” leaded to many to partake Shikoba as having followed the directives Xiha laid out. Hence in 2077, as the great inferno that Gizda was said of possible spoke of occurred, Ibori enjoyed mentoring the young Roper, deep in the safety of the Vault. As Ibori fell ill Roper became ever a leading figure among the Vault dwellers in the Vault. It was in 2082, around a few weeks after Ibori’s passing in Febuary, that Shikobe Roper not only changer her name to Ka'an but also layed down the foundations of what government would rule Panama after the Vault opened up. Ka’an spoke of a system of a “government of the Ethos” which would in times of no phrophet be ruled by a Padresob, a title adopted from the language of the Mayan to establish the rule of the Kuna. This Padresob would be a caretaker, a figure who would bow before a phrophet but it times of no prohets will be the one that the followers of the faith of Xiha, which Ka’an adopted the name Dzonoçian for (in the chapter of the Chronicles of the Kuna entitled “Power and Government of Ethos”), bowed to. Ka’an hence laid the foundations of the Order that would be set in her name. She naturally adopted herself as the first Padresob, becoming the currently only Dzonoçian prophet to hold the title. Till her death from radiation poisoning that occurred when the Vault gentle opened to allow a small party to scout outside Ka’an continued to write on political matters in a separate book from the Chronicles of the Kuna entitled “The Order,” which she finally ensured the final linings of the society that is to be.

Know then that Saqui I was the successor to the title of Padresob. In times without prophets the Order of Ka’an as it became started to venture gently outside the Vault to witness that indeed a missile had hit Panama City and that the land surrounding had been scarred in radioactive poisoning. On scored earth the Order laid the Vault to be a foundation part of what would be the Temple to the Kuna, a structure that would pose as the centre of not only religious debate for the Dzonoçian fellowship but also of the government that would run Panama. The channel found itself closed as casualties the wars with rival factions that emerged (such as the Legion of New Panama and The Lord’s Fellowship of Panama) fell into the polluted channel waters. It took till Guadalupe I took the title of Padresob that rule was echoed to be enforced in the name of the Order of Ka’an over Panama.

Know then a year later Millary Obmin, a travling hermit from afar, came to Panama city to preach a vision she claimed to have of Dzonoçian. This Mapuche hermit from the remains of Chile was blessed as a phrohet by many figures but Guadalupe I was sceptical. As Millary adopted the name Balam so did Guadalupe adopted service instead of sceptical outlook. The Chronicles of Kuna had added chapters by Balam on the ways of living in a post nuclear war world. Xochhitil’s rise however layed questioning on the power relationship set forth, as well Xochhitil followed well she took an inward focus on the Order in believe that attempts to expand would “delude the teachings of Xiha and make heresy of the Order of Ka’an.” This did not go well with Balam and it appeared that Xochhitil managed to keep Balam at bay despite Ka’an’s intention. However Xochhitil came to ill health and retired her position, which was handled to the Balam loyal Antiman I.

After Balam’s death tention within the Order rise and Antiman got assassinated, his replacement Itzel was considered the schemer. Itzel would in turn be couped, forced to retire her position and spend the last of her days in a cell, dying from food poisioning. Antiman II took on a civil war as many within the Order decided not to follow Antiman as leader, with several Anti-Padresobs appearing. Although the likes of the Order of Balam and the True Circle for Ka’an were destroyed successfully by Antiman II, he failed to stop the rise of the current lasting force of dissent in the territories of the Order of Ka’an: the True Agency of Xiha, which condemned Ka’an for “tainting the way of Xiha with a cultic heresy set on purpose of a world vision of power as oppose to the Ethos.” Antiman II hence died from a assassination by the hand of this new agency, founded and leaded by Gracia Vives’s decedent Esti Vives till her death in 2207, that the Order of Ka’an would label “the Vives Agency of Heresy.” Padresob Isi succeed in not only limiting the dissent organisation but also managed to claim lands in Columbia for the Order. Notably was the rise of the Battle Priests to public attention, an order founded by Fito Acosta back in 2156 and in the rein of Padresob Isi was ruled by Albert Toset to his death in 2231. Using the “Chants of Battle” written by Acosta the Battle Priests were claimed to have “power over the moral of the fighters for the Order and Ka’an and its enemies.” The whole province of current day Ka’an Columbia was fully set a few days in the office Saqui II, whose family was said to be came all the way from Alaska to seek to serve the teachings of Xiha. Then Guadalupe II came who set focus on industry and on developing fully the agencies of the Order to the perfection, creating the Council of the Truths as a means of ensuring the power of the Padresob had some check; Guadalupe II was known as a critic of Ka’an but was also a pragmatic liker of power who did not want to make enemies with the government he ruled over.

Know then that Guadalupe III came after the passing of Guadalupe II. Guadalupe III was a keen ruler who spends the first rule of her rein defending against a attempted rebellion by the True Agencyof Xiha, managing to execute its then leader Francesa Sanchez, earning the vendetta fraud from Francesa’s sister and replacement Priscila Sanchez. Recently however Guadalupe III faced another challenge to her power: her status as a Padresob came in light of a figure born Marco Solo who was now known as the Prophet Ahkin. This new springe prophet has proclaimed vision that the Order should seek to expand itself and to spread the word of the Ethos… for Ahkin predicts a time of “great chaos” that the Order must prepare for so that the “Way of the Ethos will live on in the will of the peoples.”

Know then that the Order of Ka’an, now directly by the word of Prophet Ahkin with mentoring and consideration of Padresob Guadalupe III, seeks to enhance itself to prepare for this vision Ahkin has made. Is this genuine? Whatever the case the Order, made up of human and mutant, eyes the word for the quest its divine leader seeks to spread. Even with the dissenting plots of the True Agency of Xiha it appears the Order of Ka’an may pose a great consideration to the matters of a world scared by fallout.

Know then that war never changes and so the Order prepares.


Spoiler :
Zealot: in purple jump suits with light body armour and face concealing (plus eye hindering) gas mask helmets the zealot serves as the basic infantry of the Order of Ka’an. They are armed with cheaply made and prone to malfunction) rifles, as well as pistols and crudely forged ritual daggers. Although poorly trained and their equipment makes more prone to being targeted (since purple is not a colour to not notice), they are high in moral due to indoctrination and tend to work well in high numbers.

Paladin: in more military traditional cameo battle dress, deviant from the soldiers of old however in their pompous purple trench coats (they tend to not go into battle wearing these: they are mainly just for showing off outside battle) and the tendency to wear gas masks. There weapons tend to include assault rifles, ritualistic daggers, grenades and emergency hand cannons. Ironically for their name the paladins tend to be including many who do not follow the Dzonoçian faith, such members of the Roman Catholic populations of the Order’s territories and the shamanist communities of Panama. Even known members of the True Agency of Xihi, the primal dissenting group in the Order’s lands, have been known to serve in the paladins, if at least because of the Order of Ka’an’s “Combat Redemption Programme.” Whatever the case expect these troops to serve as the first and last line of defence.

Battle Priest: robed in violet cotton and armoured to the boot these ritual masters come into battle with a most awesome of weapons and a gun. The weapon that is awesome is a simple book entitled “Chants of Battle.” Basically the idea is that a battle priests among the battle priests will get out the book and start chanting from it to raise the moral of the Order forces while at the same time demoralising the enemy. As for guns the priests are given first say on experimental technology, including plasma and laser technology, although many love a good old fashion shotgun, especially those set with chanting duty. The priests are also equipped with the standard ritual dagger and are often trusted with chemical agent based explosives like nerve gas grenade.



Lists of leaders from then to now:

Phrophet Born as Lived Served
Aylen Aylan Xiha 2013-2049 2031-2049
Quidel Quidel Gizda 2024-2059 2045-2059
Katlego Katlego Ibori 2019-2082 2045-2082
Ka'an Shikoba Roper 2065-2089 2075-2089
Balam Millary Obmin 2125-2178 2144-2178
Ahkin Marco Solo 2256-???? 2277-????

Padresob Born as Lived Served
Ka'an Shikoba Roper 2065-2089 2083-2089
Saqui I Saqui Racher 2065-2094 2089-2094
Ion Ion Ramos 2071-2116 2094-2116
Jorge Jorge Ubina 2066-2143 2116-2143
Guadalupe I Guadalupe Caro 2098-2162 2143-2162
Xochhitil Xochhitil Rojo 2072-2179 2162-2176
Antiman I Abel Palomos 2121-2179 2176-2179
Itzel Jone Rios 2133-2182 2179-2181
Antiman II Wayna Mas 2151-2202 2181-2202
Isi Isi Mullan 2179-2223 2202-2223
Saqui II Zhou Yin 2201-2258 2223-2258
Guadalupe II Vito D'Cruz 2231-2276 2258-2276
Guadalupe III Diana Alves 2239-???? 2276-????
The Alasijia People's Republic
During the War, The Chinese invaded Alaska. What people tend to forget is a large contingent of Chinese Spies. Anchorage was left alone during the two hours* of nuclear war due to friendly fire issues. As a result, the Chinese... well... "forgot" that the war was over and founded a new People's Republic of China based in Anchorage.
* I assume the nuclear part of the war lasted the same time as the Fallout canon one did.
Pretty much the same as Pre-War China. Is mainly based around extremely scarce remnants of why the War happened. There is really no other option but conquest, exploition and trade (which may or may not be difficult considering the circumstances the nation works under.)
Oh, and they don't use the water standard** like most of the Americas. They use the Mineral Standard, based on a combination of prices for the remaining oil and uranium.
** Little Fallout lore here: Most of the West Coast runs on a Water Standard, and when the NCR attempted to go for the gold standard it... didn't go so well.
(Mainly based off of Operation Anchorage. Yes, I'm aware of the fact that that could have been a big pack of lies. My response is Chimera Tanks goddammit.)
Mainly, the Alaskan People's Forces are made up of old Chimera Tanks (provided they work) and flamethrowers. Because of the cold (Polar winters are colder nowadays), most guns would jam, and thus these have been discontinued by the military.
Map of claims:
Spoiler :

Science - 7 - Has to rely on new technology to keep the nation running.
Politics - 5
Economics - 4 - based on really scarce resources.
Combat - 7 - Chimera and flamethrowers are a fairly deadly combination.
Intelligence - 8 - founded by Chinese spies after all.
Arts - 4 - can't really impress people.
Luck - 5
* I assume the nuclear part of the war lasted the same time as the Fallout canon one did.

Yes the canon up until the first Fallout Game is the same, since that is when the NCR was founded

i also made a slight change to the rules, instead of getting one of each of your units you get either 3 light, 1 light and 1 medium, or 1 Heavy forces, you also get the factories to support them for free, but remember these factories won't do anything because they are supporting your military
The Merchant Republic of Texas
Spoiler :

Government: Created from the ashes of the old state of Texas the Merchant Republic started at first as a treaty signed by various merchant led towns to establish free trade and better protect the merchants that were traveling on the roads. As time progressed and new amendments were added to better protect the economic interests of the the merchants the treaty began to take the form of a government with a judicial branch to deal with disputes between merchants, a legislative branch to pass amendments, and an executive branch to make sure that the laws are implemented.

Military: The military plays a large role in the nation as it is responsible for keeping the roads and towns safe for merchant caravans to travel on.

Light Infantry: The Rangers are the eyes and ears of the army, very mobile and traveling light they work in small groups to scout out any threats and gain information on them. They have little in the way of armor and are equipped with sniper rifles, pistols, and scouting equipment such as binoculars.

Regular Infantry: The main army of the Republic is largely composed of disciplined Lone Star soldiers. Most are well armored and trained with assault rifles and are supported by machine gun teams and Ranger for sniper support.

Heavy Troops: Wasteland Riders are the heavy hitters of the military. Driving armored pickup trucks with mounted turrets they are only called into the largest of battles due to how expensive they are. However as many a raider stronghold has seen their effectiveness is well worth the price.

Updated Map:
Spoiler :

(Note: Ailedhoo is using another map and should choose an additional province.)

Science - 5
Politics - 6
Economics - 9
Combat - 7
Intelligence - 4
Arts - 5
Luck - 4
The Nortonian Empire

Leader: Emperor Joshua II
Capital: Lazarus (formerly known as San Fransisco)
Motto: Insaniam ingenii aequales
Government: Absolute Monarchy


Science - 8
Politics - 5
Economics - 6
Combat - 8
Intelligence - 3
Arts - 5
Luck - 5

Background Story: When the US Government started building the Vaults in the late 21st century, they didn't make vaults for mental patients. Relatives of these mental patients were infuriated by this decision, so they rallied for vaults to be built for mental patients and their families. The government eventually gave into pressure and built Asylum-Vaults, vaults made for mental patients, their families, and insane asylum workers; the government only made 5. The unfortunate thing is that when you stick a bunch of sane people into a confined space with a bunch of insane people, everyone becomes insane (just like American colleges.)

Unlike most Asylum-Vaults, Asylum-Vault 2 (which was near San Fransisco), the vault didn't become isolationist (due to mass paranoia) or completely empty (due to one maniac killing everyone). The members of Asylum-Vault 2 left their Asylum-Vault, thanks to Emperor Joshua I, a mental patient who thought him self to be Joshua Norton due to having the same first name.


Spoiler :
Nortonian Imperial Militia:

Spoiler :
The Nortonian Empire's Light Infantry. They wear coonskin caps wrapped in tinfoil, blue jackets with brushes on the shoulders, white T-shirts with ropes glued on, blue jeans, and moccasins. They are trained to use rifles, shotguns, pistols, revolvers, and sniper rifles, all of which have a bayonet (steak knife) attached to them (tied on.) They also are armed with the traditional Nortonian military sword which they keep in a sheath on their right hip.

Nortonian Mobile Firing Squad:

Spoiler :
The Nortonian Empire's Normal Infantry. The old Nortonian Army custom was to fight an enemy's army by taking their men one by one and giving them execution by firing. As you can tell, this was very inefficient way of fighting. It wasn't until the reign of Emperor Abraham I that this silly tradition stopped; Abraham I came up with a revolutionary idea by making a firing squad that could fire at people without capturing people. Thus the Mobile Firing Squad was born.

The Nortonian Mobile Firing Squad wears executioner's hoods (potato sacks painted black with little eye-holes), black trench-coats with ropes glued on the front (with some metal sheets underneath the trench-coats), black jeans, and black boots. They are trained at Survival even in the harshest conditions. They are skilled with every weapon the Nortonian Imperial Militia uses and Sub Machine Guns, laser weaponry, and RPGs. Like the Militia, they have bayonets (Pizza Cutters) attached (glued on) to the ends of their guns. Also like the Militia, they are armed with the traditional Nortonian military sword which they keep in a sheath on their left hip.

Nortonian Imperial Guard:

Spoiler :
The Nortonian Empire's Heavy Infantry. Never mess with the Nortonian Imperial Guard, they're fanatics when it comes to defending their beloved Empire. They wear shakos (pots with feathers glued on) on their heads, the have those Hannibal Lecter Masks (don't know what they're called) strapped on to their faces, they wear white coats with rope glued on the front, metal shoulder pads, black T-shirts, black jeans, and pink bunny slippers. They are skilled with Miniguns, Flamethrwoers, Sub Machine Guns, Laser Weaponry, RPGs, Shotguns, Assualt Rifles, and Revolvers. They also carry around a traditional Nortonian military sword which they keep in a sheath strapped to their back.

The Norton Imperial Army March Song:

Spoiler :
Republic of Dixieland

Biography: The underground bunker in South Carolina was occupied by diehard neo-confederates and southern literature of all types. The group stood together and waited. "The South shall rise again" was their mantra.

After the violence came to an end, the new dixielanders began flooding out of the bunker, ready to try to recreate the Old Confederacy they had read about in history books, but bigger and better. This small group of people elected David Thomas to be their leader, a confident man who believes that the power of free trade and the pride of the Old Confederacy will cause the Republic of Dixieland to become a propserous, successful power.

Governmental System: Semi-Republican, Semi-monarchial. Presidents are elected for life, but there is no hereditary rule, upon the death of the President a new President is elected by the Senate. The Senate is elected by the Assembly, and the Assembly is elected by the people directly. Laws can be passed by the majority of the Assembly plus the President's signature, without senate approval. The President can veto laws, but a majority of the Assembly and a Supermajority in the Senate (60%) can override the President's will. The President can sometimes pass certain laws by himself in certain emergency circumstances.

Sphere of Influence: In addition to the glorious land of South Carolina, the territories of North Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and Florida are non-negotiable territories of Dixieland. Anyone who sets foot in any of these areas shall immediately be attacked for setting foot on core southern soil. Our eventual goal is to control all of the Old Confederacy, plus the territories of Maryland, Delaware, Missouri, West Virginia, and Kentucky, which the Old Confederacy should have had for its own were it not for the evils of the anti-southern Abraham Lincoln who imposed martial law in these areas to prevent them from joining the Old Confederacy. However, we do not have a stated policy as to whether we will declare war if someone sets foot in these areas, all options are on the table depending on situation. We are not particularly interested in fighting the Texans at the moment unless they cross into Mississippi.

Style of Government: A crossbread of Paleo-conservatism and free-market libertarianism. The Republic of Dixieland, like the Old Confederacy before her, simply wants to be left alone to govern itself peacefully. We are willing to trade with our neighbors, but do not want entangling alliances with anyone unless absolutely necessary. Free-market capitalism is the rule, and our economy is booming due to a lack of government infringements on trade and wealth production. Social policy is typically conservative, but up to the individual states.

Science - Modifies technology advancement 5
Politics - Modifies your ability to keep your nation together and diplomacy with all NPCs 10
Economics - Modifies your ability to make money 10
Combat - Modifies your ability to win in combat situations 6
Intelligence - Modifies your ability when spying 1
Arts - Modifies your ability to impress others 5
Luck - How lucky your nation is (note when ever luck is used in calculations it is always divided in half, and rounded up so a 5 is pretty much a 6) 5
The Nortonian Empire

I approve of this 100% Hazza for Emperor Joshua Abraham Norton I

Also, while it doesn't matter if you don't make a flag, I would very much like to see your nations flags if you would be willing :D

@Ghost, you have add 2 extra points to your stats you can only have 40 pts total you have 42
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