Arab Conquest


Jul 30, 2013
Hello! While I don't have alot of time on my hands, I am itching to write a civ-story, so I thought I would. For my newest game I decided I'd do something different. I'm going to be playing as Arabia on an Earth TSL map, on Emperor. For those of you who don't know, it just means I'm going to be playing on a carefully constructed map of Earth that's incredibly accurate made by a modder, not the game type.
My primary goal for this game is to have fun, while writing a story. As far as in-game goals go I'd like to conquer everything the Islamic Empire conquered. Including the Sinai Peninsula, North Africa, Iberia, Asian Turkey, and perhaps India, but that's debatable, I'd also like to create and spread Islam, everywhere, also my knowledge of Islam is somewhat limited, but I've already done much reading on the subject, but if I offend someone, I am terribly sorry and I'm an idiot.
Anyways, first post should be up soon, hopefully with pictures, so see everybody soon!
Good luck! I was thinking about doing something similar for a while but then Gedemon's Y(n)AEMP got bugged after the fall patch and I ditched the idea...what TSL map are you using?
Turns 1-65
For years a people had wandered aimlessly across the vast Sinai Peninsula, following the herds and living off the little food they could find or kill. This was a tradition as old as time itself, that no one in the tribe dared to stray away from. That is, until one brave man, by name of Harun, did declare that he would take any men who were willing to follow him and settle and make a settlement, in time this land would be come to known as Mecca.

Over the years an elite class of people developed. These people were trained in the art of reconnaissance, these people scoured the earth and periodically sent back messenger birds carrying maps. More often than not, the birds also carried bags filled with gold bars that were found from ancient ruins.
More notable discoveries includes the meeting of a city-state, Jerusalem. In later years the Arabs often took tribute from the city-state, which led to a loathing among the members of the 2 cities. There was also the meeting of 2 great civilizations, by name of Egypt and Ottoman.

Mt. Sinai and Abraham
The scouting groups gazed at the massive mountain, north of Mecca, and felt truly humbled. This mountain soared to unprecedented heights, and there was an unspoken truth of it, that all knew, but no one dared to speak of. By the times the scout returned to Mecca, a settling party had already been founded and organized, by the phenomena of Collective Rule, and a few years later the Mountain, and its surrounding area, had been settled and they named their city Medina, and the Mountain Sinai, after the peninsula they lived on.
In 1680 BC, a historic moment occurred. A man by name of Abrah, later renamed Abraham, climbed the great Mt. Sinai. It was here that he made the Covenant with Allah, and became known in the world as the greatest prophet of Islam. He preached the holiness of the desert, the Pilgrimage to Mt. Sinai, and Monasteries, where people could worship Allah, the one true God.
To commemorate this, a grand monument to Abraham was constructed, and it was dubbed Stonehenge.

OOC Notes:
First Religion! I took Desert Folklore, Pilgrimage, and Monasteries, I plan to also take Mosques/Asceticism and Religious Texts. I'm making 19 fpt. I went liberty-piety. The Egyptians aren't happy with me because of my settling Medina. Also thank god for ruins and bullying, because i had so much money I could instantly work Mt. Sinai because I bought a granary. That's pretty much it, good start.

Anyway guys have a good one!


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Minor note: Mecca, as you have settled it, is on the Arabian Peninsula. Unless your settler walked all that way to get there!

I think you meant Arabian peninsula, not Sinai. But, anyway it looks cool

@Pydgie Thanks, these are the stupid things I knew I would do...

@Tiny Hands Thanks, and same thing as above :)

Also I should have an update in tomorrow
Can't wait! You don't need to rush, though.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk

Wow, thank you so much, you have no idea how much that made my day!
Turns 65-145

The Medieval Age
Nothing characterized the Arabian Medieval Era like exploration, and faith. It was in this time that Arabia met the nations of Greece, Rome, Morocco, India, Spain, and the Zulu. Of these, immediately missionaries were sent to Greece, Morocco, Rome, and India, aswell as the Ottomans, and Egypt. Though most took kindly to these missions, Greece must have been angered, even though their citizens worshiped no God, for they denounced the Arabian peoples.

The 2 Great Prophets

The Prophet Moses
In 925 BC, a white, near lifeless body washed upon the shores of the Nile, near the palace in Cairo, Egypt. The daughter of the famous Pharaoh Ramses the Second, walked to shore, and ordered the local guards to bring the body to bed. It looked like the white, lifeless body would never wake up, but when the guards and the girl were prepared to throw the body in the river, the man woke up. Proclaim, did he: "My name is Moses, and I come here with a message, a message from God! I am here to lead my children from Egypt and into our promise land, the land that is rightfully ours!"
After he was properly fed, and back on his feet, he personally convinced the Pharaoh to accept the Arabs and all Muslims, who had earlier been put into slavery because they did not follow the local pantheon, and later rallied Muslims, and led them all to the holy city of Mecca, and, like all good Muslims, they climbed Mt. Sinai. Along their way he preached the importance of prayer in Pagodas, and the importance of religious texts, and it was on the top of Mt. Sinai, were he and his followers, in the midst of God, wrote the Quran, what is now the most sacred of books.
Eventually, Moses died, but in sight of the promise land, the holy city of Mecca. His followers, however spread his word and popularized his ideas, until throughout the world, all of his ideas were accepted, and Moses was among the Prophets of Islam.

The Prophet Muhammad
700 in the year of our Lord, a man by name of Muhammad was recognized as an official Prophet of Allah. He prayed for years isolated on Mt. Sinai, until one day, the Archangel Gabriel came and told Muhammad it was his duty to reform the Quran, and bring truth back to the Holy Book.
Among the time he was preaching, a new city had just been founded: Damascus, and after he taught his reforms to the peoples of Mecca and Medina, he traveled to Damascus. In the land where the 2 rivers meet, on the outskirts of Damascus and Jerusalem, the Prophet Muhammad ascended, establishing both Jerusalem and Damascus as Holy Sites of Islam.

The 2 Failed Monuments
It was in this time to great Monuments to the Arab peoples were almost constructed, though both ultimately failed.
The first of these 2 was Petra, it was to be a beautiful, man-made oasis and market that would stand as a monument to the wealth, and faith the desert brings. But as it was nearing completion, a great sandstorm swept into the city, and the project was postponed, but the local clergy decreed it was a sign, and so the project was abandoned.
The second of those 2 was the Great Mosque of Djenne. But in the final stages of its construction, the Great Prophet Muhammad called for a public meeting with the Caliph. He claimed it was an "absolutely un-holy creation that defied Allah's word. Also what is Djenne? Is that a city? Is it even a place? I mean seriously?!" With those immortalized word, the project was abandoned.

A Grand Temple in Mecca
To make up for the lost project, Harun decreed that a Grand Temple shall be constructed in Mecca, with no expense spared. The project is still under-going to this day.

OOC Notes
Man! I missed Petra by 2 turns, and Great Mosque of Djenne by 1. That is seriously upsetting, and I'm willing to bet that someone used a great engineer, and isn't dedicated to their religion. Grr. In other news, I'm making 88 fpt, that a missionary every 2 turns. I'm a bit behind in tech, but I'll work on that, I'm soon going on my conquest with Camel Archers, so now isn't the best time to tech up.

Anyway guys, hope you enjoyed, and have a good one!

EDIT: oops! Forgot the pictures! :wallbash: stupid, stupid, stupid...


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Nice work. I think you have to go full piety for roleplay purposes. Too bad you missed those two wonders. Good luck with the upcoming camel archer conquests! I've never really done massive conquest sprees with OP UUs before. That sounds pretty fun.
Turn 145-Something That I Don't Recall :mischief:

The Age of War
Upon the creation of an elite group of Crossbowmen, the Camel Archers, Arabia began a large military buildup. This proved to be worthwhile, when many nations declared war on Arabia, including China, the Zulu, Rome, Egypt, India, and must disturbingly of all, the Ottomans, a long-time friend of the Arabs.
Most of these wars were cold wars, the Arabs never even saw any Zulu, Chinese, or Roman soldiers. The Ottomans sent minimum troops, including a trireme and a trebuchet, both of which were obliterated.
The Egyptian Front
When Egypt declared war, Harun knew he had the upper hand. For one his archers tore apart any troops that dare step near them, and second he knew Allah would favor His loyal Arabs, the most Holy of Caliphates. The war was an easy one. After heavy losses of war machines, Memphis was captured, and after countless months of bombardment by Camel Archers, Thebes was taken. When the Caliph of Egypt still refused peace, famously proclaiming "Come here to beg for mercy?", Harun started moving forces near his final city. But by the time his armies reached the Border, all Harun saw was swarms of Impi and catapults storming the city, with tactics like ones the Caliph had never seen. With that, the war was over, ending with a Genocide of Egyptian People.
(In other words: :egypt: = :run:)

The Indian Front
Despite all odds, the Indians actually decided to show up for their "war". The had an assortment of Longswordsmen and Composite Bowman. The force was untrained, but put up a small fight. A lone swordsmen from Jerusalem held off the forces until 2 Camel Archer detachments showed up, who then cleaned up the army.

Government Policies
Throughout the Medieval Era, the general Arab Administration implemented Pious and Libertarian policies, more notable of these including Citizenship, a Merit System, Theocracy, and a Reformation of the government, to make the State more of a Caliphate.

In this age, the Arabs noticed mass expansion, particularly by the Spanish and Romans, who expanded massively into Africa. The Romans showed interest in the Northern Coast, while the Spanish settled about 5 cities on the West Coast, and the Canaries.
Since the Arabs are building a fleet and are at war with Rome, the situation lends itself to possible African expansion.

OOC Notes:
Russia is stepping on my toes with Eastern Orthodoxy, she sent like 3 GP at me! I rush bought like 5 inquisitors. Also everybody hates me, and I'm still technically at war with 3ish people so yeah. Including barbs, cause I have barbs for days! It's ridiculous. I'm really behind in tech, which could be an issue, but I'll figure it out. Also 177 FPT, most I've ever had.

Anyway, cya in the next update!


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cpm4001 said:
Good luck! I was thinking about doing something similar for a while but then Gedemon's Y(n)AEMP got bugged after the fall patch and I ditched the idea...what TSL map are you using?

Ronza149 said:
There are many tsl maps,which one are you using&recommend?

I don't know anything about recommending...but I'm using Play The World Extended (Brave New World Edition) by Hormigas. I'm enjoying it very much! :D
Man, that happiness looked a little concerning for a bit. Nothing puts the brakes on my plans like friggin' happiness. You think people would be pumped about the Egyptians going the way of the dinosaur, but nooooooooo.
I like this story.
I like this story.

Thanks! Me too.

Don't slow the series down, you're turning into heerlo/countaccountant!

I'll take that as a compliment because they are both amazing writers, but I find that when I am motivated to play and write, that my best content is produced. Don't worry i'll get in an update soon enough.
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