End of Empires - N3S III

The Six Arts. Or Popular Means for Meeting with Her.

First there is prophesying [1] that we might know Her will.

Second there are songs [2] of praise that we might exalt Her name.

Third there is art that we might capture Her wonders.

Fourth there is remembrances [3] that we might recall Her words.

Fifth there are graces [4] that we might experience Her life.

Sixth there are prodigies [5] that we might know her return.

[1] This refers to the practice, then common, to attempt via various means to commune with the Goddess. Popular methods included: full immersion in water for prolonged periods; staring at lit candles; staring at hands; dancing until exhausted; etc.
[2] At the time this would have included what we now know as poetry.
[3] This refers to the memorization and rote recall of passages of of Her works. Learned adepts were known to be able to recall all of Her extensive works.
[4] Graces in this case refer to the profusion of hand-to-hand combat styles that were developed around this time that would see adepts fight each other to attain a state of grace, or communion with Her.
[5] Prodigies thought to indicate Her return include: unseasonable storms, rains, and winds; crocodiles consuming vegetable matter; horses talking as men; men talking as horses; children born ahead of their time; etc.
ooc: Is horse in note five a euphemism for Satar :p
Wouldn't that imply that every time any non-Satar speaks in the Satar language, or any Satar speaks in a non-Satar language, the Aitah is returning? That's a hell of a lot of Aitahs... :p
It's not the best prodigy.
The Satar Lexicon [v3]

one - ava
two - kal
three - mat
four - nat
five - akh
six - nis
seven - ved
eight - zhd
nine - pha
ten - avaha
hundred - xiva
thousand - xivaha

sword - shaim
shield - exal
wheel - lath
scroll - atam
arrow - itas
spear - ithras
star - vana

snake - athex
horse - ele
dog - kul
wolf - shav
lion - taleph

black - xul
red - vesa
silver - trax
blue - hen
gold - vhaias
white - ath

man - eta
woman - esha
humanity - etai
hand - tehm
leg - phet
bone - xevh

hello - aklam
stop - iva
yes - e
no - de
what - zai
why - zaias
where - zatev
who - zahet
when - zahi

[personal possession] the - ta
[object] the - nal
to/from - ven
here - sin
in/at - ev
[plural suffix] - -ai
place of [suffix] - -ion
[having the quality of, suffix] - -as, -es, -is
thing/substance - eph

above/high - nah
below/low - devh
next to - zet

movement/to move - lam

high - ha
new - shim
bright - tes
strong - vala
noble - sarta
evil - xek
love - atis
broken - zakra
beautiful - lia
pure - zal
great - tal

light [beam] - vha
sun - vhai
moon - Aresha
wind - teph
sky - era
sea - vesh
earth - keph
water - tavh
fire - shal
tree - alin
ice - ivi
valley - devas
mountain - haias
river - tavlam
shadow - xidevh

army - xanai
city - aliot
fortress - sarion
market - hekel
court - rath
seat [of power] - lex
university - sephashim

journey - kaphai
vision - avai
law - ephexas
life - atan
death - vex
wisdom - sephas
spirit - avas

god - vata
Redeemer - Vaxalai
Praetorian - Argashim
prince - sartas
captain - vatakasa
warrior - xan
lord - tarkan
oracle - ras
servant - kasa
slave - kes
shaman - kapha
warrior - talik
abbot/chief priest - kephali

??? - exatas
aspect - arga
lay - tela
mystic knowledge - xeph

Etymological Notes:

Spoiler :
1. Vatakasa 'captain' literally means 'god-servant,' more appropriate on the surface to a religious position than a military one. In the context of Satar culture however, it makes perfect sense.
2. Tarkan 'lord' was originally the Satar word for 'friend,' and it still carries that connotation, but it applies more closely to a trusted lieutenant given serious responsibilities. Tarkan are considered prime candidates for any princely succession. Note similarities to Latin comes.
3. Kapha 'shaman,' literally means 'journeyman' or perhaps 'wanderer'. Note similarities to the word 'kaphai,' and the monastic position 'kaphet-ha,' an attempt to institutionalize the shamanic practices in a more warlike form. Compare to ras/rasha 'oracle'.
4. On the two forms of 'the,' in Satar language. "Aphas the Sword." Aphas-ta-Shaim. "Aphas, [the] Prince of the Sword." Aphas, Sartas-ta-Shaim. Or, "Xephaion, [the] High Oracle of Magha." Xephaion, Rasha-ta-Magha. Compare to "The city of Magha." Nal Magha-aliot. "Magha, the city of Prince Atraxes." Nal Magha-ta-Atraxes, Sartas-ta-aliot. Literal trans. "The Magha of Atraxes, Prince of [this, his] City."
5. Rath 'court' not in the sense of 'courthouse,' more in the sense of 'space,' or 'field,' has connotations of rulership like 'the king's court,' but are more centers of mythic power rather than concrete political power.
6. Ven 'to/from', dependent on placement. "From the city of Magha," Ven nal Magha-aliot. "To the city of Magha," Nal Magha-aliot ven.
7. Sin 'here', describes a specific object of which there are many. Compare "The horse," Nal ele, to "This black horse," Sin ele-ta-xul, or simply "The black horse," Nal ele-ta-xul.
8. In describing objects with proper syntax, the name of the object comes first, then any adjectival qualities, then its positioning. "The strong black horse in Magha," Nal ele ta-vala xul-av-Magha. Literal trans. "The horse of strength and blackness at Magha."
9. Ev, a temporary locational qualifier, comparable to ta, a permanent locational/possessive qualifier. Elikas-ev-Magha means that Elikas is staying in Magha for a time. Elikas-ta-Magha means that Magha is Elikas' home and an essential part of his being.
10. Kephali 'landholder,' likely a corruption of kephai "people of the land". Denotes the head of a monastery, the one responsible for its territory and sustenance.

Grammatical Notes:

Spoiler :
1. There is no specific Satar word for 'is', this likely comes from the epistemological view reflected in Satar philosophy that nothing has intrinsic qualities; instead there are many words for how a thing has a quality. As an example, "This is a gold rock" would be said something like Sin keph vhaias, "This rock has the quality of sun." Another example, Ev sephas ven ev tephas, roughly translates, "[Being in] the quality of wisdom goes to/from [being in] the quality of heaven".
2. Ven can mean going to and coming from, dependent on context, or both if no context is given. (See Etymological Notes.) As such it can also mean 'equals' or 'means'. It is used to set up mutually-dependent statements. Eta ven esha, "Man comes from woman," also means "Woman comes from man." Compare to Ven sin eta-ta-esha, "This man comes from his woman," and Sin eta-ta-esha ven, "This man goes to his woman."
Ghamal i'Lahar, Naesre, Maehoui Roshate, Faraghir i'Karghae
910 SR (Other chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7)

Pahalar yo Szaebalata
The Jabralah's Son

“Our training for today is concluded. Let the Light guide you all home in safety.”

Pahalar always enjoyed going to the School of Graces, or Ghamal i’Lahar. The Ghamal, originally a project started by Aitahist Seshweay expatriates, was co-opted by the Aelonists, who built it as an annex to the Temple of Aelome Tagharisa. This was perhaps the reason it held such appeal to Pahal, who, though he would never admit it, enjoyed the closeness he felt to Aelome and the Light when practicing sagharisey, a Siran adaptation of Seshweay martial arts. What Pahal, for his rough and uncaring exterior, truly desired was to feel the warmth of the Light, and so he strove constantly to become closer to Aelome the way he knew best: fighting.

Indeed, combat seemed to be the only way in which Pahal could achieve some kind of connection to the Aitah, for he had not the patience for prayer, nor did he care much for singing. And as for love, the greatest bridge between humanity and the Light, the strongest connection one could feel to Aelome…love had perpetually eluded Pahal. To be sure, he had been with women before; his social status and natural, if somewhat rough, attractiveness had made it fairly easy for him to pick and choose his partners, and yet he had never felt the ecstasy of loving which others had spoken of, the oneness with the Light which the priests of Aelome preached would come from love. It all seemed to Pahal to be one big act, going through the motions as he was expected, without emotion, without love.

Pahal must have been lost in his thoughts for some time; for when he realized that he was staring at one of the walls of the Ghamal he noticed that he was alone in the room. Or so he thought he was, until he heard a familiar voice.


Pahal turned to see who had called his name, and saw that it was Aeragh ieo Ghohaeraena, one of his classmates at the Ghamal. Taller and leaner than Pahal, Aeragh was a member of the oldest Seshweay family in Naesre, the Paeyohenas, and his Sesh blood showed in his skin, which was a few tones lighter than Pahal’s. One of the few in the Ghamal whom Pahal considered to be somewhat close to an equal, Aeragh’s lineage forced Pahal to consider him with more respect than he would the average Seshie. Pahal had grown to admire Aeragh’s sagharisey form as well, which was more graceful, if somewhat less forceful, than those of his Siran classmates. Must be something in his Seshie blood. While Pahal’s family had its fair share of dealings with the Paeyohenas, who were one of the wealthiest families the city, Pahal had never spoken much to Aeragh. What could he want from me?

“What do you want, ieo?” Pahal responded using Aeragh’s Connecting Name, not wishing to convey a sense of familiarity and allow the Seshie to feel comfortable.

“I heard you gave Jaer a hard time the other night.”

“Jaer? Oh, that little Seshie pig? Maybe I told him to back off my sister. What of it?”

“He’s my family, Pahal. So maybe you should consider backing off from him.”

“Him? Little Porky is your family? I thought he was just one of those low-class new Seshies.”

“Well his family’s become pretty successful, and his sister married my brother a few months ago, so yeah, he’s family now.”

“So what? Why the hell should I care who his family is? And what’re you gonna go about it?”

Aeragh walked up to Pahal and grabbed him by the collar of his sagharisey tunic. “Just back off.”

Pahal pushed Aeragh back. “You wanna fight? Looks like you’re asking for one.”

Aeragh smirked. “Seems like that’s the best way to get to you, huh?”

Taken aback for an instant, Pahal realized that he did feel drawn to test himself against Aeragh. It must have been that Aer seemed to think himself Pahal’s equal. Well, I’ll show him where he stands. “Fine. I’ll take you on. Winner…well the winner will get his way.”

A fire seemed to light in Aer’s eyes. “Very well. I challenge you, so that I may seek the Light.”

“And I accept your challenge, so that we may seek the Light.”

Pahal reached in for a grapple, a hallmark of Siran sagharisey, hoping to get Aer on the ground before he could move. But the Seshie’s movements were fluid, he seemed to effortlessly evade Pahal’s reach. In an instant, Aer had Pahal’s arm, and threw him on the ground. Didn’t expect a Seshie to have this kind of strength. Pahal licked his lips as Aer went in for a choke, and threw the Seshie off of him. This’ll be a good one, I can feel it. The Siran leapt back up, and as Aer was just regaining his balance Pahal barreled into him, tackling the Seshie to the ground. Straddling his opponent, Pahal wound up to deliver the knockout blow when suddenly something gave him pause. His heartbeat had begun to pound rapidly, and a sensation rose up in his stomach. Looking down, he saw that Aer was looking at him, and Pahal could sense that the Seshie was experiencing the same feelings. They locked eyes for another moment, and then Pahal realized what he felt. He had found it.

The floor of the Ghamal became a maelstrom of clothes.


As Pahal finished tying the belt of his tunic, he saw Aer lying on the floor, looking up and wearing an expression that conveyed the greatest satisfaction. He smiled as he met Pahal’s eyes.

Almost inaudibly, Pahal heard himself mumble “Tell Porky that if he really wants to he can see my sister.” Why did I just say that? Did I really just let Aer win because…?

“I’ll let him know that. I’m sure he’ll be grateful, Pahal.”

“Yeah, yeah, whatever. My sister was complaining about not being able to see him anyways.”

“Well, I guess I’ll see you later then. Next class here is next week, right?”

“Yeah, sure…see you then I guess.”


Walking home, Pahal was still not quite sure what had happened. The fight had been one of the best he had ever experienced, to be sure, and he had felt closer to Aelona than he might ever have before. But as for what had happened after… Is that what it’s supposed to feel like? In that moment, I didn’t just feel closer to the Light; I felt like I was bathing in it. He pondered what had just happened as he walked along Naesre harbor. Does this happen to other people? None of my brothers or my cousins have ever talked about anything like this before.

As Pahalar yo Raghamata approached his father’s residence he felt a hot wind coming in from the Jadhai. Damn desert wind’s blowing sand in my eyes. Yeah, that must be it.
Love. Or the means to win a heart.

First, there is the work of ensuring that the match is propitious and in accordance with Her will.

The means by which this can be achieved vary. But I have had the best luck in this matter with the casting of the telling dice. These dice properly reveal specific passages of Her text which a skilled adept can interpret.

Second, there must be consideration as to the breeding and station of the parties.

This is often a complicated matter given the differences between the states of the federation. It should therefore be referred as a general rule to those with knowledge of such things.

Third, there must be consideration as to the affections of the lady. While this might not be the sole consideration, She spoke thus: It is often said that love flows from marriage but love should also flow into marriage.

As to the matters of wooing. That is a complicated art. And these rules, should not be taken as binding.

First, this is the smile that the lady might know your heart. A smile should be done this: a turning up of the edges of both lips in a slight manner. No teeth should be shown for that is the look of a predator and not a man. Lips that are turned too high must also be avoided because that is not a means to win a heart but to gain a bed for the night.

Second, there is the gift that a lady might know how you value her affections. It is often said that this should be as expensive as possible. This must be avoided at all costs. Contrary to what the Parthecans might think a lady is not a whore.

For this reason, I advise a gift from the heart. There are there approaches to this: first, a gift form one's own hands shows that time has been spent on the matter; second, jewelry in the colors of one's house offer a public profession of affection and the allure of marriage; third, and this gift should be given where possible in conjunction with the other, a gift of song or poetry composed solely for the lady. A poet or songstress might be contracted if the the sender is not capable of writing song or poem. It must be said though that a bad poem or song well-felt is often thought to be more alluring than a well written one.

Third, the ladies friends and companions must be courted because it is them that approve these matches and provide guidance on such things. A man who cannot win the affection of these ladies, who are as keen as any to see their friend married, cannot hope to win the affection of his chosen lady.

Fourth, a man must know how to dance and hold an intelligent conversation. Without dancing, a man cannot hope to talk to a lady on intimate terms while no amount of dancing will make for a boring conversation. Few give attention to these and it is these men who are single.

Fifth, a man must show that his affection for the lady. It is not inappropriate to hire a musical troupe and stand beneath the ladies window while singing along to the music. It is inappropriate if the ladies family are not fond of you. Problems have been known to occur.

Properly done these mores should help to win a heart; improperly done, they should leave you as but friends. This latter must not be said to be a bad thing because there are sure to be more suitable matches among the ladies friends.
Spoiler Love. Or the means to win a heart. :
The Seshweay said:

First, there is the work of ensuring that the match is propitious and in accordance with Her will.

The means by which this can be achieved vary. But I have had the best luck in this matter with the casting of the telling dice. These dice properly reveal specific passages of Her text which a skilled adept can interpret.

Second, there must be consideration as to the breeding and station of the parties.

This is often a complicated matter given the differences between the states of the federation. It should therefore be referred as a general rule to those with knowledge of such things.

Third, there must be consideration as to the affections of the lady. While this might not be the sole consideration, She spoke thus: It is often said that love flows from marriage but love should also flow into marriage.

As to the matters of wooing. That is a complicated art. And these rules, should not be taken as binding.

First, this is the smile that the lady might know your heart. A smile should be done this: a turning up of the edges of both lips in a slight manner. No teeth should be shown for that is the look of a predator and not a man. Lips that are turned too high must also be avoided because that is not a means to win a heart but to gain a bed for the night.

Second, there is the gift that a lady might know how you value her affections. It is often said that this should be as expensive as possible. This must be avoided at all costs. Contrary to what the Parthecans might think a lady is not a whore.

For this reason, I advise a gift from the heart. There are there approaches to this: first, a gift form one's own hands shows that time has been spent on the matter; second, jewelry in the colors of one's house offer a public profession of affection and the allure of marriage; third, and this gift should be given where possible in conjunction with the other, a gift of song or poetry composed solely for the lady. A poet or songstress might be contracted if the the sender is not capable of writing song or poem. It must be said though that a bad poem or song well-felt is often thought to be more alluring than a well written one.

Third, the ladies friends and companions must be courted because it is them that approve these matches and provide guidance on such things. A man who cannot win the affection of these ladies, who are as keen as any to see their friend married, cannot hope to win the affection of his chosen lady.

Fourth, a man must know how to dance and hold an intelligent conversation. Without dancing, a man cannot hope to talk to a lady on intimate terms while no amount of dancing will make for a boring conversation. Few give attention to these and it is these men who are single.

Fifth, a man must show that his affection for the lady. It is not inappropriate to hire a musical troupe and stand beneath the ladies window while singing along to the music. It is inappropriate if the ladies family are not fond of you. Problems have been known to occur.

Properly done these mores should help to win a heart; improperly done, they should leave you as but friends. This latter must not be said to be a bad thing because there are sure to be more suitable matches among the ladies friends.
Pahal snapped the book shut, his face bearing a most bewildered expression. How is this supposed to help me?

He returned inside from the balcony overlooking Naesre Harbor, hoping to return the book to his brother's room before its absence was noticed.
Spoiler :
Love. Or the means to win a heart.

First, there is the work of ensuring that the match is propitious and in accordance with Her will.

The means by which this can be achieved vary. But I have had the best luck in this matter with the casting of the telling dice. These dice properly reveal specific passages of Her text which a skilled adept can interpret.

Second, there must be consideration as to the breeding and station of the parties.

This is often a complicated matter given the differences between the states of the federation. It should therefore be referred as a general rule to those with knowledge of such things.

Third, there must be consideration as to the affections of the lady. While this might not be the sole consideration, She spoke thus: It is often said that love flows from marriage but love should also flow into marriage.

As to the matters of wooing. That is a complicated art. And these rules, should not be taken as binding.

First, this is the smile that the lady might know your heart. A smile should be done this: a turning up of the edges of both lips in a slight manner. No teeth should be shown for that is the look of a predator and not a man. Lips that are turned too high must also be avoided because that is not a means to win a heart but to gain a bed for the night.

Second, there is the gift that a lady might know how you value her affections. It is often said that this should be as expensive as possible. This must be avoided at all costs. Contrary to what the Parthecans might think a lady is not a whore.

For this reason, I advise a gift from the heart. There are there approaches to this: first, a gift form one's own hands shows that time has been spent on the matter; second, jewelry in the colors of one's house offer a public profession of affection and the allure of marriage; third, and this gift should be given where possible in conjunction with the other, a gift of song or poetry composed solely for the lady. A poet or songstress might be contracted if the the sender is not capable of writing song or poem. It must be said though that a bad poem or song well-felt is often thought to be more alluring than a well written one.

Third, the ladies friends and companions must be courted because it is them that approve these matches and provide guidance on such things. A man who cannot win the affection of these ladies, who are as keen as any to see their friend married, cannot hope to win the affection of his chosen lady.

Fourth, a man must know how to dance and hold an intelligent conversation. Without dancing, a man cannot hope to talk to a lady on intimate terms while no amount of dancing will make for a boring conversation. Few give attention to these and it is these men who are single.

Fifth, a man must show that his affection for the lady. It is not inappropriate to hire a musical troupe and stand beneath the ladies window while singing along to the music. It is inappropriate if the ladies family are not fond of you. Problems have been known to occur.

Properly done these mores should help to win a heart; improperly done, they should leave you as but friends. This latter must not be said to be a bad thing because there are sure to be more suitable matches among the ladies friends.

Translation Notes:

As always when translating works from the vowely Sehsci scholars there are several terms which continuously find no correlation in our language and are left untranslated. I suggest seeking the "Parca's Sehsci Word Book", "Jacca's Sehsci Word Book" or even "The Comprehensive Deliberation of All Sehsci Words" for remedy. With the intent of being a complete translation, significant words and conceptsare discussed below.

Love: We have determined this word to be 1/3 "Dark Attraction" and 2/3 "Light Attraction," (such a mind boggling mixture) with a heavy focus on the compatibility of the two souls while using the Dark Attraction to lure "Heart".

Heart: We have determined this word to mean "Dark Attraction," or "Lust." Clearly the Demi-Humans seek to trick the girl into giving into her Darker instincts.

Her Will: In cultural context this is Aytah. In another it might be Aylon. Aytah, Avatar of Pyromancer, surely represents the raging passion of the Lust the feigned Love is meant to incite.

Her Text: The complete translated, untranslated, abridged, annotated, and other versions of the works dedicated to Aytah could be found in the Seeking Light wing of the Archives.

Federation: A complicated word meaning more or less: "A Republic of Kingdoms" or "A Republic of Republics"

Wooing: The showing of Love in order to win the Heart.

smile that the lady might know your heart: The smile is the natural accompaniment to life. In this case, the particular smile is designed to incite Physical Affection, whilst the denigrated smile merely showcases one's own Physical Affection.

No teeth: Clearly the Sehsca take bad care of their dentures.

bad care: Remember to chew after every meal to keep your pearls ivory, not teal!

teal: A horrible rhyme. I regret nothing.

regret: Itself a demihumanistic concept of feeling shame for in proper actions. In retrospect I meant "I feel no shame."

retrospect: Looking back... I do feel shame at improperly using regret.

gift: Apparently women are bought in demi-humanistic societies.

value her affections: Placing a monetary value on an intangible state achievable through either or both light and darkness. Very Leun.

Parthecan: Apparently a mis-appellation of "Acajuren" or "Leunca"

lady: A noblewoman

whore: Someone who sells their body into service. Specifically, for Physical Affection. Only demi humans are such depraved. All Parthecan women complete the necessary Marital rites first!

There are there: A Sehsite idiom meaning "Look at these vowels, SUCKERS!!!"

allure of Marriage: Pre-marital affection is approved in demi-human cultures.

composed solely: strictly and selfishly between two individuals. For more, see "We Think Therefore We Are" in the Deliberating Light wing of the Archives.

must be courted: one must lay with all the ladies' acquaintances before laying with one's lady. Such is the depravity of demi-humanistic societies.

to see their friend married: In demi-humanistic societies, an individual is controlled by a "clique" of other individuals. In a proper Human society such as ours, all are controlled by all. In our case, all is represented by the fittest determined via Comden's Contests. In a perfect society, there is no control, for all are perfect.

win the affection: The state of affection being treated as a physical item able to be gained. Very Leun.

how to dance and how to hold an intelligent conversation: When do they have time to plant crops again if many are practicing to become scholars in hopes of "wooing" women to reproduce? And only one woman, after many years of "wooing?" Thus famine and underpopulation strikes Demi-human lands far more often than ours.

intimate terms: what one does with one's mouth when in close proximity to another's genitals

these men are single: Which of course also answers why there are so much war and strife in Demi-human lands.

Properly done: demi-humanistic traditions are but way stations towards humanistic ones. Reactionary comments such as this one prevent further development. Perfection isn't required for humanism. Development towards perfection, is.

friends: better known as "Brother not of my house" or "Sister not of my house," or in close cases, small guilds with loose charters. Relations between individuals are delicate and prized.

Attraction vs Affection: Attraction is between two unknowing beings. Affection is between two knowing beings.
Platonic Affection= Light
Marital Affection= Half and Half
Physical Affection= Dark

also, done with amusement, not seriousness. :3

edit: note the acceptance of the word "individual" as a concept.
must be courted: one must lay with all the ladies' acquaintances before laying with one's lady. Such is the depravity of demi-humanistic societies.


also, "Acajuren" is the plural, not adjective form, as in "The Republic of the Acayans." The adjective form is still, for now, "Acayan."
Do you mean the Anglicization of the adjectival form, or does Acaya coincidentally use similar demonyms?

Like, "Accans" is what we use to refer to them in English, but they refer to themselves as Accana.

Well, I'm not entirely certain what you mean. "Acayans" was originally the plural form, but NK encouraged me to find some kind of more appropriate (less obviously derived from English) transliteration, thus the birth of Acajuren. Unfortunately this has awkward implications for the pluralization of nouns in the Acayan language, "juren" is a really unwieldy, long transliteration of pluralization, though I guess it would stand to reason that in Acayan writing "juren" could be represented by one letter, stroke, whatever. I have no clue if we have an alphabet or not, actually.

"Acayan" is still the adjective form. I kind of regret the transition from "Acayans" to "Acajuren" purely because of practical, simplistic purposes, but I do like "Acajuren" on paper better.
I bit off a little more than I could chew this weekend. These are the stats I currently have. They should be fully finished this week; mostly I'm missing the Dulama cradle and the minors in the far east. Apologies for the delays here; there's a lot of back end work that isn't obvious in the stats themselves.

There will be a rules explanation fairly soon, as well. There are major ruleset changes. Keep your eyes peeled.

In addition, some countries will have additional "mandatory expenses" not listed here. Some powers will have a bureaucratic apparatus. Some institutions, such as the Sephashim, Archives, etc., will cost a small stipend per year. That'll be noted down in the final release of the stats later this week.

But for now, a "preview" with all but I believe 4 or 5 PCs included:

Anhalter - NPC
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Kingdom
[tab] Aelonists Religious faction in power. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Maninists Religious faction out of power. (Leader: (Age: ))
Culture Description: Stettin state, strongly split along religious lines. Most cultural cues taken from Ereithaler.
[tab] State Religion: Aelonism
Annual Income: 3830
Annual Expenses: 2000
[tab] Expenses:
[tab] Treasury:
[tab] Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 )
[tab] Army: 5000 Infantry, 1000 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab] Navy: 0 Ships
[tab] Maintenance: 2000
[tab] Description: Small but well-trained and motivated.
Wiki Entry

Ashelai Exatai - Shadowbound
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Exatai (Rotational)
[tab] Vedai Satar: Influential Satar elite in Satara. Quite cosmopolitan. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Merchant Elite: Diverse merchants running long distance network. Influential. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Godlikes: Somewhat influential old Uggor elite. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Vithana: Steppe nomads in west, declining influence. (Leader: (Age: ))
Culture Description: Crossroads of Satar and Uggor cultures. Religiously, adhere to a strongly spiritual bent of Ardavan. Most other aspects a fusion of both cultures. Some influence from the Dulama, especially in cuisine.
[tab] State Religion: Ardavan
Annual Income: 32482
Annual Expenses: 20000
[tab] Expenses:
[tab] Treasury:
[tab] Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 )
[tab] Army: 50000 Infantry, 10000 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab] Navy: 0 Ships
[tab] Maintenance: 20000
[tab] Description: Multicultural martial tradition; skilled in combined arms tactics. Infantry and cavalry both heavy and light.
Wiki Entry

Ayase of Gaci - NPC
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Monarchy with Council of Chiefs
[tab] Godlikes Old Uggor landed aristocracy. Quite influential. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Aitahist Merchants: Mostly transplants, have strong economic ties with Caroha. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Iralliamite Priests: Uninfluential, working to reverse Aitahist gains. (Leader: (Age: ))
Culture Description: An old civilization; traditional Uggor clan structure with "Godlike" nobility claiming descent from the Ancestors. Recent Satar and Seshweay influences, especially religiously.Austere times have led to simpler garb and architecture.
[tab] State Religion: Aitahism
Annual Income: 9125
Annual Expenses: 7500
[tab] Expenses:
[tab] Treasury:
[tab] Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 )
[tab] Army: 20000 Infantry, 3500 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab] Navy: 0 Ships
[tab] Maintenance: 7500
[tab] Description: Rely on large, diverse infantry force. Cavalry in the Satar style, with bow, lance, and sword.
Wiki Entry

Aya'se ta Caroha - Masada & m.t.cicero
Leader: N/A (Age: N/A )
Government: Pentapartite Republic
[tab] Carohan Aitahists: Conservative, orthodox hierarchy in Caroha and Seis. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Aelonists: Influential in Maehoui. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Oscadian Sehorsehockyes: Uninfluential except in the Middle Sesh. Virulently anti-Satar. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Carohan Faronun: Few and uninfluential. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Pearl Chamber: Influential Maehoui council. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Jabaralahs: Highly influential Maehoui lords. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Satar of the Sesh: Oppressed, rebellious, disorganized. (Leader: N/A (Age: N/A ))
Culture Description: Once the center of the world, Caroha is still a vital crossroads. The influence of Faronun theater and thought is heavy throughout the country, including the Maehoui Roshate. Seshweay orthodoxy prevails in the center; Aelonist branch of Aitahism flourishes in Sira. Literature is a growing art in the desert northeast; tapestries and tilework in the southwest.
[tab] State Religion: Aitahism
Annual Income: 53915
Annual Expenses: 42000
[tab] Expenses:
[tab] Treasury:
[tab] Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 )
[tab] Army: 60000 Infantry, 15000 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab] Navy: 300 Ships
[tab] Maintenance: 42000
[tab] Description: Infantry disciplined, drawn from southwestern part of the country, as is the fleet. Cavalry almost entirely mustered among the Sirans.
Wiki Entry

Beratca - NPC
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Monarchy
[tab] Beratcawen Nobility: Former nomads; equestrian elite. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Parthecan Merchants: Influential foreign merchant group. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Eskarites: Influential religious order based primarily in Gallat, with major base in Beratca. (Leader: (Age: ))
Culture Description: Recently transitioned from steppe economy; poorly defined land use and ownership. Growing urban component in the south, with strong ties to Savirai and Maninists across the border. Powerful Parthecan influence, especially in the north. Iolhan presence in the east.
[tab] State Religion: Maninism
Annual Income: 6340
Annual Expenses: 4200
[tab] Expenses:
[tab] Treasury:
[tab] Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 )
[tab] Army: 6000 Infantry, 3000 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab] Navy: 0 Ships
[tab] Maintenance: 4200
[tab] Description: Well trained and elite noble medium cavalry. Spear infantry, typically used to anchor battle lines or garrison.
Wiki Entry

Bo-tui-van - NPC
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Monarchy
[tab] Mountain Lords: Aristocrats; favor conquest of west. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Steppe Urbanites: Merchants; favor trade links with east. (Leader: (Age: ))
Culture Description: Unique cultural isolate; traditions of horse racing, mountain mystics, and low temperature steam baths (owing to the low atmospheric pressure).
[tab] State Religion: Chaiuran Machaianism
Annual Income: 4115
Annual Expenses: 3000
[tab] Expenses:
[tab] Treasury: 30000
[tab] Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 )
[tab] Army: 5000 Infantry, 2000 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab] Navy: 0 Ships
[tab] Maintenance: 3000
[tab] Description: Highly disciplined infantry armed with bows and short spears. Cavalry recruited from the steppe; skilled light horse.
Wiki Entry

Chamshi Eshai - NPC
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Eshai
Factions: None yet
Culture Description: Cultural sponge, importing Tin Tan Tar and Reokhar traditions without much regard for coherence. Dead culture walking.
[tab] State Religion: Steppe Polytheism
Annual Income: 300
Annual Expenses: 300
[tab] Expenses:
[tab] Treasury: 0
[tab] Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 )
[tab] Army: 0 Infantry, 600 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab] Navy: 0 Ships
[tab] Maintenance: 300
[tab] Description: Steppe cavalry army; various vassal tribes could come to aid of the main chieftain.
Wiki Entry

Cyve - Luckymoose
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Theocracy
[tab] Aelonist Wards Dominant power in Cyve; favor spread of Aelonism. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Merchants Highly influential; favor increase of commercial influence. (Leader: (Age: ))
Culture Description: Cyve is Aelonism's center, and as such, also music (songs and hymns), poetry (epic and lyric), and literature relating to the religion. Elaborate and sometimes sensual decorations are commonplace, as the sensuality of Cyvekt culture is rarely downplayed. Otherwise, cosmopolitan and diverse, with merchants and influence from Caroha, Acca, Gallat, and Parthe.
[tab] State Religion: Aelonism
Annual Income: 14845
Annual Expenses: 8250
[tab] Expenses:
[tab] Treasury:
[tab] Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 )
[tab] Army: 10000 Infantry, 2000 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab] Navy: 85 Ships
[tab] Maintenance: 8250
[tab] Description: Fairly well-trained and highly motivated army. Extremely skilled navy with strong projection capabilities.
Wiki Entry

Republic of the Daharai - TheMeanestGuest
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Oligarchic Republic
[tab] The Spicers: Powerful Daharai order; obvious focus. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Epicharitan Axis: Influential alliance of semi-autonomous cities, especially around Spitos. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Reds: Powerful Daharai order; strong landholding faction. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Blues: Powerful Daharai order; primarily traders and strong in Treha. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Anthon-Soliens: Highly influential merchant family, almost equal to most Daharai orders. (Leader: (Age: ))
Culture Description: The Opulansai are old and proud. Traditionally pride wealth and maritime trade, but have a strong spiritual component coupled with the Indagahori faith, which is now more or less restricted to the Opulansai. Traditions of organized sport (oene). Deep urban/rural divide, as the main urban centers have gained relative autonomy, where rural areas fall primarily under the Daharai orders.
[tab] State Religion: Indagahor
Annual Income: 56550
Annual Expenses: 42250
[tab] Expenses:
[tab] Treasury:
[tab] Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 )
[tab] Army: 80000 Infantry, 10000 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab] Navy: 325 Ships
[tab] Maintenance: 42250
[tab] Description: Extremely well trained and disciplined infantry, through some segments of the Daharai have begun to grow somewhat lax of late. Mediocre cavalry component. Highly skilled naval forces.
Wiki Entry

Ereithaler - Angst
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Monarchy
[tab] Lobardian School Extremely influential; intellectuals. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Nobility Influential landed aristocracy. Expansionist. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Peasantry Disorganized, but not discontented. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Aelonist Wards Influential religious leaders. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Maninist Wards Influential religious leaders. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Ereithaler Merchants Influential, cosmopolitan, international connections. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Parthecan Merchants Localized to Kurchen. Affiliated with their homeland. (Leader: (Age: ))
Culture Description: Populist monarchy with high levels of social mobility. Religious music and poetry take cues from Cyve. Most other cultural elements taken from Gallat.
[tab] State Religion: Aelonism
Annual Income: 15310
Annual Expenses: 12500
[tab] Expenses:
[tab] Treasury:
[tab] Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 )
[tab] Army: 35000 Infantry, 4000 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab] Navy: 30 Ships
[tab] Maintenance: 12500
[tab] Description: Well trained infantry, somewhat neglected cavalry component with a focus on ranged weapons. Decent ships, mostly used in coastal defense.
Wiki Entry

Exalai Sartashai - NPC
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Sartashai (Princedom)
[tab] Vedai Satar Conservative and influential. Fear the Zalkephai. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Avaimi Nobles Unorganized, but very loyal. (Leader: N/A (Age: N/A ))
Culture Description: A cultural center of the Exatai of the Satar; secondary to the Vellari and Tephrans. Traditionalist by default, especially in Allusille.
[tab] State Religion: Ardavan
Annual Income: 13760
Annual Expenses: 9000
[tab] Expenses:
[tab] Treasury:
[tab] Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 )
[tab] Army: 20000 Infantry, 5000 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab] Navy: 0 Ships
[tab] Maintenance: 9000
[tab] Description: Disciplined infantry, typically sword and bow. Highly trained, but small cavalry contingent, primarily heavy.
Wiki Entry

Gaarim - ork75
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Theocratic Monarchy
Culture Description: Most notable for the last major sacrificial religion in the world, Azuurim.
[tab] State Religion: Azuurim
Annual Income: 10035
Annual Expenses: 9000
[tab] Expenses:
[tab] Treasury:
[tab] Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 )
[tab] Army: 30000 Infantry, 3000 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab] Navy: 0 Ships
[tab] Maintenance: 9000
[tab] Description: Highly motivated, mildly disciplined infantry. Highland cavalry, useful as scouts and as light troops. Minimal navy.
Wiki Entry

Grandpatriarchy - NPC
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Church Hierarchy
Culture Description: Center of the Iralliamite faith, with its attendant trappings: large churches, elaborate mosaics and stained glass windows, sculpture, etc. Strong monastic and militant tradition in the northern and western regions. Growing influence, especially musically and artistically, from the Kothari, and indirectly from Hailsia.
[tab] State Religion: Orthodox Iralliam
Annual Income: 9600
Annual Expenses: 3750
[tab] Expenses:
[tab] Treasury:
[tab] Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 )
[tab] Army: 5000 Infantry, 2000 Cavalry, Levies, Siege Train(s)
[tab] Navy: 15 Ships
[tab] Maintenance: 3750
[tab] Description: Well motivated and organized army. Navy composed primarily of river and coastal craft.
Wiki Entry

Haifaio Hailsia - Lord_Iggy
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Gerontological Oligarchy
[tab] Aramsayafa Faeoria: Ruling Faeoria. Large, somewhat chaotic. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Faerouhaiaouans: Culturally influential but recently politically marginalized; disorganized. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Dremaiites: Rich, influential, but somewhat disenchanted. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Ieraitans: Extremely influential intellectual/philosophical movement based in Sakhelakheia. (Leader: (Age: ))
Culture Description: Hailsia is, quite possibly, the center of the world. Faronun theater is performed the world over, and its art and architecture has imitators as far away as Parthe or the Trahana. The counterpoint of Kothari music has begun to have a significant impact on what was once a fairly conservative style. Doru o Ierai, or the Hunt for Truth, is the focus of many in the country, who seek to spread the "perfect knowledge" through the world, especially to the south.
[tab] State Religion: Conclave Iralliam (Doru o Ierai)
Annual Income: 43075
Annual Expenses: 30000
[tab] Expenses:
[tab] Treasury:
[tab] Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 )
[tab] Army: 50000 Infantry, 10000 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab] Navy: 200 Ships
[tab] Maintenance: 30000
[tab] Description:
Wiki Entry

The Halyrate - Perfectionist
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Theocratic Mess
[tab] High Ward Head of the Maninist faith and most powerful single person in Gallat. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Sadorishi Militaristic religious order, highly influential. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Eskarites Evangelist religious order, highly influential. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Lesser Synothal Orders Diverse, influential religious orders. (Leader: N/A (Age: N/A ))
[tab] Temporal Elites Powerless non-religious nobility. Divergent opinions on the current church state. (Leader: N/A (Age: N/A ))
[tab] Merchants Somewhat influential; cosmopolitan. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Accan Quarters Influential, cosmopolitan, strong ties to the Vellari. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Peasantry Disorganized. but with some traction among minor religious orders. (Leader: N/A (Age: N/A ))
Culture Description:
[tab] State Religion: Maninism
Annual Income: 47920
Annual Expenses: 25000
[tab] Expenses:
[tab] Treasury:
[tab] Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 )
[tab] Army: 50000 Infantry, 7000 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab] Navy: 160 Ships
[tab] Maintenance: 25000
[tab] Description: Primarily well trained infantry and cavalry among the Sadorishi; others maintain smaller armies. Several private merchant fleets.
Wiki Entry

Hariha - NPC
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Republic
[tab] Merchant Elite: Extremely wealthy; main power. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Reokhar Elites: Increasingly marginalized landed nobles. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Hill Tribes: Disorganized; poor; resentful. (Leader: N/A (Age: N/A ))
Culture Description: Principal Noaunnahan successor. Cosmopolitan, flowering culture, major patron of the arts. High Noaunnahan architecture (highly ornamented) and music (following Tuft's rules of harmony). Imported open-air gardens of the Reokhar.
[tab] State Religion: Chaiuran Machaianism
Annual Income: 6525
Annual Expenses: 5000
[tab] Expenses:
[tab] Treasury: 0
[tab] Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 )
[tab] Army: 10000 Infantry, 500 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab] Navy: 50 Ships
[tab] Maintenance: 5000
[tab] Description: Highly disciplined infantry, trained by Nivarberrie instructors in pike and bow. Mercenary cavalry. Skilled sailors, typically using incendiaries and marines to destroy opposing fleets.
Wiki Entry

Havur - NPC
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Monarchy
Factions: None yet
Culture Description: Follow Tavasi trends. Interlocking wooden beamed buildings, heavy use of maize, chilis, and wines in cuisine, and luxurious furs preferred for clothing. Open-air gardens popular. Recent converts to Chaiuranism.
[tab] State Religion: Chaiuran Machaianism
Annual Income: 1340
Annual Expenses: 1100
[tab] Expenses:
[tab] Treasury: 0
[tab] Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 )
[tab] Army: 3000 Infantry, 500 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab] Navy: 0 Ships
[tab] Maintenance: 1100
[tab] Description: Disorganized infantry component. Strong noble cavalry tradition inherited from the Reokhar.
Wiki Entry

Khalas - NPC
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Monarchy
Factions: None yet.
Culture Description: Follows Reokhar styles to the south. Interlocking wooden beamed buildings, heavy use of maize, chilis, and wines in cuisine, and luxurious furs preferred for clothing.
[tab] State Religion: Polytheism
Annual Income: 2630
Annual Expenses: 2250
[tab] Expenses:
[tab] Treasury: 0
[tab] Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 )
[tab] Army: 7000 Infantry, 600 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab] Navy: 5 Ships
[tab] Maintenance: 2250
[tab] Description: Disorganized infantry component. Strong noble cavalry tradition inherited from the Reokhar. Noaunnaha style ships; emphasize projectiles.
Wiki Entry

Kothari Exatai - spryllino
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Exatai
[tab] Star Tribe: Ruling Satar clan; extensive holdings; quite conservative. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Other Princes: Numerous, squabbling, disunited, resentful. (Leader: N/A (Age: N/A ))
[tab] Bureaucrats: Vast, impenetrable, highly influential, especially in the north. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Hiut: Slightly downtrodden ethnicity, large slave segment, disunited. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Zyeshu: Reclusive but merchantile and culturally distinct group; strive for autonomy. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Hanakar: Cosmopolitan group with feudal aristocrats and merchant elite. Quite influential across the south. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Jiphans: Fond of mysticism, strong Indagahori influence, merchantile, dislike northern rule. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Independent Conclaves: Current dominant religious faction. Reformist, favor science. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Orthodox Iralliamites: Influential and extremely hostile to current religious policy. (Leader: (Age: ))
Culture Description: The southern Satar; highly influenced by those they conquered long ago. Altered mask culture, a long tradition of stargazing, and imported Faronun traditions of theater, with a growing musical community at the cutting edge of theory in the world. Large semi-free, semi-slave underclass. Devotion to Iralliam, though split along partisan lines. Multiple conquered peoples across the Kothai, with the Hanakar the most Satarized.
[tab] State Religion: Conclave Iralliam
Annual Income: 57690
Annual Expenses: 41000
[tab] Expenses:
[tab] Treasury: 0
[tab] Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 )
[tab] Army: 80000 Infantry, 20000 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab] Navy: 100 Ships
[tab] Maintenance: 41000
[tab] Description: Large infantry force drawn from the underclass, with a powerful cavalry force drawn from the "Star" overlords. Medium quality naval force.
Wiki Entry

Navuy - NPC
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Monarchy
Factions: None yet.
Culture Description: Follows Reokhar styles to the south. Interlocking wooden beamed buildings, heavy use of maize, chilis, and wines in cuisine, and luxurious furs preferred for clothing.
[tab] State Religion: Polytheism
Annual Income: 1075
Annual Expenses: 900
[tab] Expenses:
[tab] Treasury: 0
[tab] Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 )
[tab] Army: 2000 Infantry, 500 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab] Navy: 0 Ships
[tab] Maintenance: 900
[tab] Description: Disorganized infantry component. Strong noble cavalry tradition inherited from the Reokhar.
Wiki Entry

Republic of Parthe - Terrance888
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Republic
[tab] Taludites Pseudo-Ardavani military order, influential in Parthecan armed forces. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Aitahists Aelonists and Eastern Cultists, influential among the peasantry. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Taparsunnuen Trading guilds, extremely influential, most prominent in Tarwa and Nacitsa. Strong foreign connections. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Republican Guard Nonpartisan military force, loyal. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Southern Nobility Somewhat influential planatation owning nobles. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Archives Mildly influential gatherers of knowledge. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Farland Natives Uninfluential, disorganized. (Leader: N/A (Age: N/A ))
Culture Description: Opaque and distinctive culture. Strong communal family structure, with cash crop plantation culture entrenched on the south of the main island. Northern, colonial, and urban areas much more cosmopolitan and syncretic, with foreign religions growing in popularity. The Archives the most important knowledge base in the world east of Helsia.
[tab] State Religion: None
Annual Income: 26770
Annual Expenses: 18500
[tab] Expenses:
[tab] Treasury: 0
[tab] Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 )
[tab] Army: 15000 Infantry, 3000 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab] Navy: 250 Ships
[tab] Maintenance: 18500
[tab] Description: Well-trained and armed military split between Taludites and the Republican Guard. Extremely high quality naval forces, vessels patterned after western and Kitaluk models. Potent long-range power projection capabilities.
Wiki Entry

Prish - NPC
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Monarchy
Factions: None yet.
Culture Description: Essentially a rural backwater; follows Reokhar styles to the south. Interlocking wooden beamed buildings, heavy use of maize, chilis, and wines in cuisine, and luxurious furs preferred for clothing.
[tab] State Religion: Polytheism
Annual Income: 950
Annual Expenses: 850
[tab] Expenses:
[tab] Treasury: 0
[tab] Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 )
[tab] Army: 3000 Infantry, 250 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab] Navy: 0 Ships
[tab] Maintenance: 850
[tab] Description: Disorganized infantry component. Strong noble cavalry tradition inherited from the Reokhar.
Wiki Entry
Satabo - Bair_the_Normal
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Monarchy
Factions: None yet.
Culture Description: Strongly influenced by the Reokhar and Noaunnaha states to the south. Architecture tends to use interlocking wooden beams. Cuisine uses maize, fish, and chilis heavily.
[tab] State Religion: Polytheism
Annual Income: 3770
Annual Expenses: 3250
[tab] Expenses:
[tab] Treasury: 0
[tab] Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 )
[tab] Army: 10000 Infantry, 500 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab] Navy: 15 Ships
[tab] Maintenance: 3250
[tab] Description: Independent military tradition; long use of atlatls and short spears. Boats typically small, fast, and reliant on projectiles
Wiki Entry

Shuhar Empire - NPC
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Monarchy
[tab] Aristocrats (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Noaunnaha Traders (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Peasantry (Leader: N/A (Age: N/A ))
Culture Description: Somewhat disjointed culture with a few unifying strands, clear regional differences between north, middle, and south. Religiously fervent. United in dislike of the Kothari Exatai. Jungle cities linked by raised causeways; several crops.
[tab] State Religion: Orthodox Iralliam
Annual Income: 16620
Annual Expenses: 13000
[tab] Expenses:
[tab] Treasury: 0
[tab] Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 )
[tab] Army: 50000 Infantry, 2000 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab] Navy: 20 Ships
[tab] Maintenance: 13000
[tab] Description: Large, well-trained infantry force, skilled in city defense. Small cavalry force, mostly used for reconnaisance. Small, but reasonably well equipped navy suited for coastal defense.
Wiki Entry

Tavasi - NPC
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Monarchy
[tab] Aristocrats Former steppe nobility; clamor for reunification of the Eshai. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Noaunnaha Traders Ties to Hariha and Noaunnaha. Some courtly influence. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Peasantry Disorganized; poor. Depressing/ed. (Leader: N/A (Age: N/A ))
Culture Description: Central Reokhar state. Interlocking wooden beamed buildings, heavy use of maize, chilis, and wines in cuisine, and luxurious furs preferred for clothing. Open-air gardens popular. Recent converts to Chaiuranism.
[tab] State Religion: Chaiuran Machaianism
Annual Income: 5440
Annual Expenses: 3650
[tab] Expenses:
[tab] Treasury: 0
[tab] Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 )
[tab] Army: 7000 Infantry, 2000 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab] Navy: 5 Ships
[tab] Maintenance: 3650
[tab] Description: Disorganized infantry component. Strong noble cavalry tradition inherited from the Reokhar. Noaunnaha style ships; emphasize projectiles.
Wiki Entry

Tephran Exatai - NPC
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Exatai
[tab] Vedai Satar Few. Highly influential. Conservative. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Vithana Fairly few. Less influential. Jealously independent under the Moon Princedom. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Xieni Numerous. Influential. Tolerant. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Ming Disorganized, disenfranchised. Some Zalkephic sympathies. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Traders Influential long-distance caravans. (Leader: (Age: ))
Culture Description: Classic Satar state with cosmopolitan and conservative halves. Marevi and Henan the cultural center, pulling threads from Vellari, Ashelai, and Vischa. Traditions of wandering Oracles, horse sports, and performed lays.
[tab] State Religion: Ardavan
Annual Income: 40090
Annual Expenses: 31250
[tab] Expenses:
[tab] Treasury: 0
[tab] Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 )
[tab] Army: 50000 Infantry, 25000 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab] Navy: 50 Ships
[tab] Maintenance: 31250
[tab] Description: Mixed infantry, moderately disciplined. Cataphracts and light cavalry, extremely well trained and disciplined. Small watercraft to travel and defend the Einan.
Wiki Entry

Tin Tan Tar - ChiefDesigner
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Oligarchy
[tab] Capital Aristocrats Merchants; wield most influence in the ruling council. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Khatri Nobility Landed and merchants; resent second class status. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Steppe Tribes Disorganized; indistinguishable from Kyumai. (Leader: N/A (Age: N/A ))
[tab] Peasantry Disorganized; poor. (Leader: N/A (Age: N/A ))
Culture Description: Most cities imitate the architecture (tiered woodon buildings with steep roofs and hanging cloths) and fashion (brightly colored silken robes) of the capital. The heartland follows Ishiltileth, a derivative of Enguntith, cementing claims to the legacy of the "Ming". The central region has a cosmopolitan character, while the periphery is regarded as a backwater.
[tab] State Religion: Ishiltileth
Annual Income: 30688
Annual Expenses: 22250
[tab] Expenses:
[tab] Treasury: 0
[tab] Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 )
[tab] Army: 60000 Infantry, 7000 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab] Navy: 65 Ships
[tab] Maintenance: 22250
[tab] Description: Disciplined infantry with healthy ranged and pike components. Cavalry recruited from the steppe periphery. Sailing ships built to stress maneuverability and seaworthiness over firepower.
Wiki Entry

Empire of Trahana - Hightower
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Monarchy
[tab] Nobility: Landed aristocracy, conservative, more influential in interior regions. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Merchant Elite: Highly influential non-corporate merchants. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Machai Monastics: Religious leaders. Waning influence; primarily in far west. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Golden Ships: Highly influential pseudo-corporations funded by aristocrats for merchant ventures. Suspected tax fraud. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Northern Peninsulars: Somewhat separatist. Disorganized. Multi-ethnic. (Leader: (Age: ))
Culture Description: Well into a period called by detractors the "Trahana Decadence", characterized by elaborate decorations, particularly nature-inspired, on architecture, painting. Mirrored by a similar complexity in music. Exported to various neighboring countries, particularly to the southeast and northwest. Enormous monastic component, especially in the west, focused on mysticism and spiritual fulfillment. Numerous urban areas centered around maritime trade. Northern regions barely incorporated, mostly connected through religious identification.
[tab] State Religion: Machaianism
Annual Income: 69255
Annual Expenses: 46500
[tab] Expenses:
[tab] Treasury:
[tab] Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 )
[tab] Army: 120000 Infantry, 15000 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab] Navy: 300 Ships
[tab] Maintenance: 46500
[tab] Description: Strong pike component, with a powerful archery contingent as well. Less of an equestrian tradition. Numerous and powerful fleet, though it is equaled in many ways by private fleets.
Wiki Entry

Tsutongmerang - azale
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Tripartite Oligarchy
[tab] Truths: Central bank, strong religious ties, very influential. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Talents: Landed nobility, mildly influential. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Propserity: Merchants and sailors, very influential, current dominant party of the Triad. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Conclavists: Supporters of the reforged church, strong ties to Doru o Ierai groups in Hailsia. (Leader: (Age: ))
Culture Description: Maritime state with a powerful merchantile culture, recently absorbing numerous elements from main trade partners, principally Hailsia and Trahana, as manifested in Doru o Ierai and religion, and Trahana Decadence architecture. Sharply contrasting island interiors, which are far more traditional, noted for terrace agriculture, rice and maize farming, and hospitality. Wandering Ieraitan mystics and Iralliamite priests have contributed to a knowledge exchange even with the remotest religions, however.
[tab] State Religion: Conclave Iralliam
Annual Income: 12763
Annual Expenses: 8000
[tab] Expenses:
[tab] Treasury:
[tab] Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 )
[tab] Army: 15000 Infantry, 0 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab] Navy: 100 Ships
[tab] Maintenance: 8000
[tab] Description: Fairly unsophisticated cthonic force, with bow and spear wielders in abudance. Sophisticated and powerful naval force with decent power projection.
Wiki Entry

Vellari Exatai - Thlayli
Leader: Alxas-ta-Vantyris (Age: 43 )
Government: Exatai
[tab] Teppecci Family Old Accan banking clan. High influence. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Atteri Family Old Accan banking clan. High influence. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Minor Nuccia Accan banking clans. Moderate influence. (Leader: N/A (Age: N/A ))
[tab] Vedai Satar Influential, conservative. Jealous of Accan economic power. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Oracles Less influential. Supicious of Zalkephai. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Sephashim Uninfluential scholarly enterprise. (Leader: Alactephion (Age: 74 ))
[tab] Slaves Disorganized, variegated. Some Zalkephic sympathies. (Leader: N/A (Age: N/A ))
Culture Description: Thalassocratic Satar and Accan hybrid state. Center of innovation and technology, particularly at the Sephashim. Accan nuccia fond of extravagance, and more tolerant than Vedai Satar. Satar are more cosmopolitan than their inland brethren. Unparalleled architectural sophistication, with emphasis on sweeping lines and domes. Diverse cuisine. Musical influences from t he Kothari.
[tab] State Religion: Ardavan
Annual Income: 47515
Annual Expenses: 38000
[tab] Expenses:
[tab] Treasury:
[tab] Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 )
[tab] Army: 85000 Infantry, 12000 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab] Navy: 300 Ships
[tab] Maintenance: 38000
[tab] Description: Accan pikes are legendary, though their quality has slipped of late. Their navy, on the other hand, is unsurpassed.
Wiki Entry

Vischa Exatai - Golden1Knight
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Exatai
[tab] Imperial comitatus: High Princes' most trusted soldiers; influential; desire loot. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Urban elites: Merchants; moderately influential; desire peace and trade. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Steppe nomads: Pastoralists; extract taxes from passing merchants and local cities. Uninfluential at court. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Nevathi Elites: Aristocrats; unfluential and annoyed about it. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Chairuan Monks Religious figures; influential in the west. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Peasants: Disorganized; located mostly in the Eskana Valley. (Leader: N/A (Age: N/A ))
Culture Description: Borrows heavily from the Satar cultural tradition, but has a major native cultural piece. Fond of monumental architecture in powerfully carved stone. Cosmopolitan cities with influences from the Narannue and Dulama
[tab] State Religion: Ardavan (Chaiuran Machaianist patronage)
Annual Income: 13431
Annual Expenses: 10500
[tab] Expenses:
[tab] Treasury:
[tab] Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 )
[tab] Army: 15000 Infantry, 15000 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab] Navy: 0 Ships
[tab] Maintenance: 10500
[tab] Description: City militias and a powerful steppe cavalry component. Can call upon vassals for some additional cavalry.
Wiki Entry

Xidevi Sartashai - NPC
Leader: Moril Vaban (Age: 51 )
Government: Sartashai (Princedom)
[tab] Sadorishi Maninist religious order; based in Gallat. (Leader: (Age: ))
Culture Description: Divergent from Satar heartland. Retain symbolism of shadow from traditional beliefs. Heavy influence from Gallat owing to their religious affiliation.
[tab] State Religion: Maninism
Annual Income: 5065
Annual Expenses: 4500
[tab] Expenses:
[tab] Treasury:
[tab] Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 )
[tab] Army: 15000 Infantry, 1500 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab] Navy: 15 Ships
[tab] Maintenance: 4500
[tab] Description: Infantry highly skilled at forest combat. Cavalry mostly light, often dismount for combat. Light and fast watercraft.
Wiki Entry

Zalkephai Rashai - Crezth
Leader: (Age: )
Government: Rashai
[tab] Imperial comitatus: High Princes' most trusted soldiers; influential; desire loot. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Urban elites: Merchants; moderately influential; desire peace and trade. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Steppe nomads: Pastoralists; extract taxes from passing merchants and local cities. Uninfluential at court. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Nevathi Elites: Aristocrats; unfluential and annoyed about it. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Chairuan Monks Religious figures; influential in the west. (Leader: (Age: ))
[tab] Peasants: Disorganized; located mostly in the Eskana Valley. (Leader: N/A (Age: N/A ))
Culture Description: Somewhat in line with Satar traditions, but generally more austere, Religious traditions of reincarnation and fanaticism. Populist. Heavy friction with other Satar states.
[tab] State Religion: Zalkephic Ardavan
Annual Income: 22690
Annual Expenses: 17750
[tab] Expenses:
[tab] Treasury:
[tab] Debt: 0 (Interest: 0 )
[tab] Army: 50000 Infantry, 7500 Cavalry, 0 Levies, 0 Siege Train(s)
[tab] Navy: 100 Ships
[tab] Maintenance: 17750
[tab] Description: Fanatical infantry. Skilled cavalry, but less so than other Satar. Numerous riverboats and ocean-going vessels.
Wiki Entry
Awesome stats. A few minor things:

It looks like you accidentally copied the wrong factions into the Zalkephai.

For the Vellari, Teppecci should be Tepecci. Their leader is Deverro Tepecci, 21.
The leader of the Atteri is Veracci Atteri, who is 45. (Debating making the Prince of the Sea the head of the Atteri though.)

The leader of the Oracles is named Etadevas-ta-Eshvai. He is 34.
The leader of the Vedai Satar is Valik-ta-Shaim, who is 54.

I need to work out how the Princes of the Sea (who rule Acca) fit into all this; actually I really need to refine my ideas on Vellari governance overall and then suggest alterations to the factions.
Looking good as usual.

On other matters, I thought Merciary was taking over the Grandpatriarchy. I suppose he must have decided to refrain in the end. I've also edited the page on Tiagho if North King wishes to reference things for his stats (refraining from making a separate page for the political authority for now, seeing as it constitutes basically the city and its subsidiary regions, if the Kingdom endures to develop more of a history I'll create a separate page for the Tiaghama realm)

Minor note on matters religious, Iralliam does have animal (limited to new year) and various other forms (incense, sweet smelling herbs into the fire and things like that) of sacrifice. So if by sacrificial (with regards to the Gaarim religion Azuurim) you mean that (as compared to human sacrifice), then the Iralliam is a sacrificial religion, albeit one in which the animal sacrifice component is not a day to day thing. If by "only major sacrificial religion" you refer solely to human sacrifice, than that of course is true :p
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