Dawn of Russians

OOC: Thanks for the clarification Noob

Borys II: I'm really sorry that the Tsar has to break ties this way, we could have better ways to solve this.

Let's see how this odd alliance between the Progressive Party and the Democratic Party do in this term.

OOC: BTW, W. Borys died from a heartstroke by hearing the news of the broken tie by the Tsar. At leats that's what his son, W. Borys II (I couldn't come with anything better) claims. W. Borys II was already part of the Populist Party (but for gameplay effects I couldn't vote twice so...) and takes his father's position on the party.

OOC: I imagine we have some sort of replacement for a politician if he dies right? I would really not like to lose my position in Duma, but my character has to die because well, he was here since the republican revolution


Governing party:
The party with most votes in elections will be announced the governing party. In case of tie Tsar choses the governing party among the most voted.

It should be expected. There are worse things also. There were cases, where the king chosed any party president to become the prime minister. Even if the party recieved the least seats in the parliament.
OOC: I know, and I actually don't find this terrible, but my character, which seemingly only lost because of that, thinks like that. That's how real politicians behave. Once Dom Pedro II was so infuriated that politicians loved to say that the working plans of the government were their responsibility and the non-working ones were the fault of the emperor, that he sent a message to all ministers telling them that the minister which apologized blaming the emperor for something would be fired (not gunned, he would lose his job).

But Parliament can also deny the Monarch's decision and this forces a new election for the Parliament. This happened in England in 1974 if I'm not mistaken.

IMO this whole system is indeed better. Wilhelm Borys would support this prerogative if his party had been chosen instead of the other. The Tsar is also in the politics game, if he displeases many, revolution may brew, so he has to think who he will support and when.
I'm not going to bother killing Orlov, it's too much work to keep up with new names :lol:
Article 1 - Abolish all state guilds in favor of a more modern economic system.

Article 2 - Adopt a free market economy based in a market without a state influence.

Article 3 - Create the ministry of economy, to inform the most drastics changes in economy and to inform if there is a more moder economic system. The minister of economy will be appointed by the Speaker of Duma and the Prime-Minister.

*Feodor Suvorov, president of Duma
*Gridor Rusan, prime-minister of Russia
*Grigoryevich Orlov, member of Duma
*Leo Dostoyevsky, member of Duma
*Mishka Noobelev, member of Duma
*Wilhelm Borys II, member of Duma
*Tsar Nikolas II, emperor of Russia
Article 1:
Our form of government is constitutional monarchy. The form of government can't change.

Article 2:
Our tsar is Nikolas II and his legitimate succesors. Tsar guarantees stability, peace and tranquillity of the empire.

Article 3:
People elect their representatives to Duma. Duma can vote on bills and sends them to the tsar to sign them. Tsar is obliged to respect Duma's decisions and sign the voted bills. However, he can send the bill back to Duma for corrections.

Article 4:
Citizents of Russia are free to make their own fortune. People are free to buy and sell goods. People who work must be paid for their work by their employers, and cannot be forced to work unpaid.

Article 5:
Russia's economy is a free market economy based in a market without a state influence.

Article 6:
All Russian citizents are free to exercise and practise their religious believes. There is no official religion.

Article 7:
Russia's army leans on volunteers who attend war academies. Soldiers are obligated to protect Russia and the form of government from external threats.

Article 8:
This constitution lays in the nationalism of Russian people. Long live the Tsar!

*Feodor Suvorov, president of Duma
*Gridor Rusan, prime-minister of Russia
*Grigoryevich Orlov, member of Duma
*Leo Dostoyevsky, member of Duma
*Mishka Noobelev, member of Duma
*Wilhelm Borys II, member of Duma
*Tsar Nikolas II, emperor of Russia

Russian Golden Age:

Olympic games are scheduled to be revived. However, it needs a lot of years.


A great imperial museum is built in Moscow. The "Hermitage".


The period 1860 to 1872 is known as "Russian Golden Age". It is characterised by new tech achievements, beutiful buildings and reforms.


Guilds were abolished and new big corporations started to spread in the state.


Russian scientists discovered thermodynamics. It fuelled russian economy with engines and some automation increasing production of goods.


Coal was abundant in Russia.


Congo decided to join our marvelous empire.


Soon russians discovered how to produce steel.


According to modern historians the Russian Golden Age marks the transition to industrial era.


Industrial Revolution is about to breakthrough.


And a great prophet was born.


The forbidden palace was built in Xian. Chinese officials found new ways to help bureaucratic machine increasing its efficiency and cutting public spents tremendously.


Russians managed to develop a complete way to transfer people and goods quickly. Railroad was the state of art of industrial era technology.

Contact with new world:




During this period Russia opened its arms to the new world. Russia recognised Mexico, Brazil, Argentina and Canada. Russians liked latin music and many latin bars opened among Russia.

Espionage missions on Germany:

Russian support helped a coup in Germany restoring monarchy.


Russians destroyed german mines. It would hit german economy.


Next target was german farms.


German pastures were well guarded. Our spies were arrested after the sabotage.

Collapse of Axis:
The lost wars gave hope to occupied peoples. They started to question Germany destroying the enemy.


Dutch were the first to announce their freedom from German rule. Germany accepted them, because they considered them brothers.




In 1868 Axis collapsed. French and Turks declared their indepedence from german occupation. And Egypt broke off.

However, German army was still too large and advanced. Germany remains a great danger.

Iranian conquests:

The Arabian peninsula was divided between Iran and Egypt.


Iranis conquered Mesopotamia.

Other events:

USA claimed Alaska.


Germans of Frankfurt revolted.


USA decided to ally with Germany.
So, will the industrial civic be different from capitalism in the government?
I wouldn't think so.

Germany begun an offencive against France. Vichy, a french general surrenders. Entente decided to declare war on Germany to finish them once and for all.


USA entered the war in the side of former Axis. The reason was Alaska, Russians denied to give Alaska away, so they decided to get it by force.

Second battle of Berlin:

Russians decided an offencive against German cities. German warmy was too strong, so we should capture their headquarters soon. Battle of Berlin was harse but Russians won.

Second battle of Frankfurt:

Germans decided to go for Frankfurt. The city was very well defended to have any result.

Battle of Hamburg:

Russian spies spread chaos in German defence lines.


After some losses Russians captured Hamburg and Bismark. Germany was over and its army desolved. However, Vichy France, Spain and USA continued the war.

French front:

Russian lines marched to Paris.


And then to Bordeaux.



Vichy decided to surrender again. Russians gave back Paris. The only they wanted was to end the war.

Spanish front:

Portuguese begun an offencive and went very well.


Mediterranean fleet moved to Spain. Russian army couldn't pass through France, so they should make a naval assault.


Russian army invaded successfully in Valencia.


Russian spies created chaos in Madrid and the offencive begun.





Capture of Madrid persuaded Spain to aggree to peace treaty. Russians gave Madrid back, but Spain couldn't keep it anymore.

Alaskan front:

USA invaded russian Alaska. The small cossack battalion of Alaska defended.


The Alaskan army was too small. Thus Russians needed to pay tribute to USA to end the war.

Middle eastern front:

Iranians conquered Syria, the last philogerman government at war with Russia.

Transiberian railway:

Transiberian railway was a project begun from both edges. Both fronts met near Khmerovo.


That's it transiberian railway finished. A wonder of modern engineering.

Other events:

Pahlev Nakhimov was the hero of this war. He served both World War I and II. He built a military academy in Caricyn.


Canada joined Spain and indirectly USA. It seems the new world is hostile towards Entente. Entente is an alliance of colonial powers to the eyes of Asia and the New World.


Muslim refugees from middle east came to Russia.


Vitus was born. Russian economy did well.



Russian and Mughal scientists cooperated in the fields of physics and social sciences.


Asource of Uranium was found near Kiev.
Kill all communists before something like RT story happens to us. :p
Inspired by the work of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, Vladimir Lenin a russian politician leads a new party aiming to change the socioeconomic structure of Russia. According to communist ideology, the Tsar and the capitalists exploit the proletariat. Workers must unite to overthrow their regime and forge a society without poverty, war and classes.

Revolutionary factions:


Link to video.

Reds support a period of "dictatorship of the proletariat", supporting extended industrialisation and central planning. Adopt:
*Autocracy: +50% Great general emerence, +2:) from barracks, can draft 3 units, +25%:espionage:
*Industrialism: +10%:hammers:, double slots for engineers, +1:hammers: from workshop
*Central Planning: +1:hammers: per specialist, +1:food: from workshop, double production speed of factory, coal plant


Link to video.

Whites stay loyal to the Tsar. They believe that industrialisation of the country is an irrelevant matter that can be discussed in the Duma.
*Remain status quo:
Dynasticism: +1:) per unit per city up to 4
Capitalism: +10%:commerce: per city, +2:commerce: per town, can buy buildings
Free Market: +1:traderoute:, +25% corporation commerce
*Discuss about industrialisation in Duma
NOTE: RPing as my character
This communists are an outrage. NAY to communism. Capitalism brings prosperity to the nation while the communists just bring more debt and useless welfare to the nation. Plus, we won't have elections.
Reds come my comrades! Follow me to victory! Note that Spirictum isn't here but he said he would support the revolution too.

Rusan, do you not see that it will be a dictatorship of the proletariats? Loyal followers will be a part of the democracy, but the bourgeoisie will pay for their destruction of the Russian economy and her pride!
Oh i forgot:Whites

Come the rich and the educated! Vote for capitalism,prosperity and democracy. We won't be a democracy at all.

And stop thinking what spictrum would also do. Citis won't count him till he shows up himself. If we stay a capitalist, then we will thrive. The communist will put so much useless welfare that the economy will be worst, there won't be any competition thus will result into FAR more bad products, the inflation will rise and everything will be worst.

PS: Why do you ALWAYS role play as communist when you get the chance?
I've only had two chances.... Also, I actually play tested, and a totalitarian communist government is good because it reduces inflation and increases revenues. Also stability. The statement that it would increase inflation makes absolutely no sense because inflation was caused by a bad monarchy. IRL communism was actually good for a little while.

Spirictum is Red because he TOLD me he would support a communist revolution. He won't be here for another week.
Communism wrecks the economy. I think you forgoten what happened in AMerica write your own history. And do you have ANY proof that he said that? I could say that "X,F,G,H,S and Y said that they would support the whites. Does that mean that citis will add 6 more supporters to the communist?
Communism didn't wreck the economy. The civil war did. Communism did nothing in the game so that's an invalid point. Also, Spirictum is my friend and we know who he is. When he comes back and you ask if he would have supported the communist revolution he will say yes. I do have proof but first of all, my laptop has no Internet so I'm using my iPod, second of all, of ALL the people in this forum why would I lie?? If you do that you're a liar, but Spirictum is, again, my friend so I would not lie about him.
Don't worry about Spiriticum. The revolution will be open until at least Saturday midnight (Moskva time), so I suppose Spiriticum will find time to post his vote.

Moreover: REDS
But he said he's in a place with no Internet. Once I get my laptop back with Internet I will post the proof.
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