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[RoM-AND] The Commune of the Czar


Dank Memes
Aug 15, 2013
Alpena, Michigan

Link to video.

The Czar awakens one day to find himself with a small band of his former political leaders and warriors in the middle of a strange land. What has happened to the USSR that he had grown to love?

After spending some time searching, he decides to rebuild what was once the greatest empire on Earth! Stand with him as he spreads his knowledge to the world.

Spoiler :
Giant, Noble, Epic

Spoiler :
Before you say anything, yes I do know that communist Russia did not have Czars.

The USSR shall rise again and take over the world! We will spread our communist doctrine to all the edges of the earth! Stand with me comrades, as we will own the world...





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The Czar found himself on a hill, looking outwards at the beach with his family. He had not seen clothes that he had on ever since he was in history classes! Obviously, something had gone wrong at home, so it was best that he settle down and settle the city of Moscow and recreate his glorious nation. However, something was terribly wrong: we could not form a communist state.

The Czar, who remembered his name was Peter, told his old political advisers to become scouts, and explore the land that they are on now. For the most part, these officials traveled to the northwest.


The officials found a village of old tribal men who were sitting down on rocks, smoking pipes full of some plant, tobacco or perhaps not. They were conversing and laughing when they eventually saw the Russians. It must have been odd for the old men, as they stopped talking and smoking and stared at them.

"Hello, are you old Russians?" Ivan Grovonovich, one of the officials, asked them in his Russian tongue.

The old men did not understand, and talked among themselves in a language foreign to the Russians. They must have assumed we were friendly, as they taught us how to strap the cows nearby to carts, and how to make them larger and give off more meat. This was known as Animal Husbandry.


As the officials explored, they ran across some other men at the other end of a river with fertile plains. These rivers looked suitable for eventually settling in, and the other men waded across the river to speak to us. They spoke a foreign tongue, but eventually cleared their throats and talked in Russian.

"Greetings, we are the Koreans. We are led by Sejong, and are trying to make our way in this strange land," one spoke in slow Russian.

Ivan and the other two officials talked amongst themselves. These Koreans must have come from our time as well. Eventually, Ivan spoke up.

"We are Russians, and we hail from the future. We assume you do as well, and we shall keep it known that you are on this planet, but beware. We are coming for you."

After these words, we left the Koreans.


We then stumbled across the same old men, who must have somehow stayed alive and wandered nomadically to the hills northwest of where we had found them before. Then again, how have the officials not perish at this point either?

There is no time for that now. The old men rejoiced at seeing us again, and hastily grabbed a sheet of tanned leather that appeared to be a map of the surroundings. As the men pointed out various structures, vegetation, and landscape to the officials, they mentioned a foreign tribe to the west.

These men had marked the single city of this tribe as "Delhi," therefore, these must be the Indians from the future. Ivan talked in quick Russian to his comrades. What happened in the future to have made all these civilizations resort back to the past, and to a land other than Earth at that?
Why are you making another story? :lol:
Great choice of intro music :D

What mapscript did you use? Hope you have a good enough pc to handle the Giant size!
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Link to video.


The officials had finally reached the land of the Indians that was foretold by the strange old villager men. Ivan rapidly spoke with his comrades outside of the gate to the city of Delhi until eventually a man that appeared to be from southern India approached them. He wore brilliant bright armor, and carried an ivory spear taller than him. The man had an exceptionally dark mustache upon his lip, and he nodded at the men.

"You have come to meet Ashok, I assume," the man said. The Russians looked at each other, surprised the man could speak such fluent Russian. His voice echoed off the city walls like hitting a glass in a cave with a spoon. Ivan looked at the man and nodded.

"Then come with me. I am Hala. That is all you need to know now," Hala told the Russians. He guided them down the streets of Delhi, and eventually to a palace. Hala opened the mighty doors of the palace with a heavy push. Quite extravagant for such a small city, but it will grow larger with time. Hala left the men there and stood guard next to the entrance.

There inside sat Ashok upon a golden throne. He stared at the men.

"So the Soviets have been sent to the past as well," Ashok started, "this is bad news."

Ivan stepped forward.

"What could have happened to bring us to the past in this strange land?" Ivan asked.

Ashok shook his head.

"There is much that I do not know. All I remember is something going horribly wrong, and it is only you who can fix it, but with you here, we may be stuck," Ashok replied, "go now. There is nothing more I know. We shall stay at peace."


Meanwhile at home, the Czar, whom the people are now calling Peter, has started to take control of the city. The food from the forests and coast near the city of Moscow has sustained some population growth, but not nearly the amount of people the old Moscow had had. Moscow has appeared to have grown stagnant, and the population has remained relatively the same for these years. Peter stood up and walked to the window of his palace.

Outside of the palace, there were people fishing for their families out in the sea. Peter thought the formations of this planet should be named soon, but he could not come up with anything at the moment. It is odd, seeing people who have never been exposed to the World of Olde living so happily in naivete. These people have not gotten the chance to listen to radio broadcasts on Saturday evenings, or gone to church on Sundays, or farmed with their grandparents as children.

Peter could not do much now, but at this point he wanted to make a start. He walked out the front entrance of his palace, which is called the New Kremlin. The New Kremlin has bulbous structures on top of tall towers just like the old one, and the balcony overlooked most of the city of Moscow, as humble as it is.

Peter called for the citizens to come to the balcony, and most if not all did.

"People, I have come to enact a new way of life!" Peter started, "we shall create rituals and customs that we shall pass down to our children, which they will pass down to their children, and then to their children. These rituals will be as simple as simple festivals and celebrations, as well as familial traditions. When you get old, take your children to farm with you, and let them take ownership of it once you pass on, and let it pass down from them onward."

The citizens of Moscow talked amongst each other after Peter's speech. This was something new to them, but it seemed like something obvious. It was amazing that they hadn't thought of doing something like this already.

"And as our first celebration, I shall enact this day, the 12th of June, as the official Russia Day! Go home and celebrate!"


The officials had then left the city of Delhi to keep exploring to the north of the city. The days seemed slow, and the men grew tired and less and less motivated as time went on. They said that they were not making any progress, and this exploration was useless. After days of complaint, Ivan was convinced to stop for a day and take a rest on the riverside near a hill to the northeast.

The men made food with the natural plants and small game native to the area. A simple boar roast is something that will always keep the mood up. After eating one fat boar, the men told stories about their old lives in Olde Russia, told jokes, and went to fall asleep. They had also cut down some wood to make a shelter for the night, however, they heard some noises.

The three stopped in their tracks as they heard rustling in the vegetation close to their camp. They all stopped, formed a circle facing out, and equipped their hatchets. The only sound that could be heard in this absolute silence was the crackling of the fire and the men's individual thoughts. They stood like this for six minutes until three load squeals, accompanied with the bodies of three large and muscular boars, attacked them.

These must be the children of the boar that they killed for the roast today. This was the first true battle that these officials had ever seen, so they were inexperienced. Ivan and the other officials, Igor and Aleksandr, worked together to take one boar down at a time. The first boar that attacked the three got a hatchet to the head, and the second was split in half with the immense might of Igor.

However, the third boar was unusually strong. The Russians thought this boar strange, and neither the boar nor the Russians harm each other. After a while they stood at a stand off with each other. They stared at each other in anger, and eventually the boar made one final rush at them. Ivan, Igor, and Aleksandr looked at one another, and decided to all work together to attack it at once, and once the boar leaped to sink its tusks into the skin of Aleksandr, the three slashed, sending the boar split into thirds into the river.


The men continued north through humid and bug-infested marsh land in between two ranges of mountains. Ivan, Igor, and Aleksandr all agreed to avoid the mountains if they could. As they walked to the northwest, they found a passable valley between some mountains of the western range, but before they could pass, they found the same strange villagers huddled near the mountainside.

The three approached the three villagers, whose hair was getting shorter, and whose skin was getting less wrinkly. This was very strange.

"Hello, do you understand us?" Ivan asked them. Igor elbowed Ivan in the ribs.

"Obviously not, you dolt. They're not from the World of Olde, how can you expect them to know Russian?" Igor asked.

However, the most senior looking of the three stood up the tallest, with the other two shorter men standing at his side.

"However, we do," stated the villager.

The Russians looked at the villagers in amazement. How do they know Olde Russian?

"We will speak of this later. You will see us again. Take this money back to your people at your return. Farewell for now," the tall one said as he handed Aleksandr a small leather sack enclosed with thread. If you shook the bag, you could roughly count 50 gold coins inside.

However, as the three were about to look up at the villagers to thank them, they were gone, along with all traces of their village, except for some paint left on the boulder that the tribal men sat on that wasn't there before. Ivan walked up to it with Igor and Aleksandr in his wake. They looked at it. There was a symbol on it that was strange and foreign to them. It must have a hidden meaning.


This is getting interesting already.
I'm going to make something for you Noob. When I get home at around 8-ish, I'll have a surprise for you.
I'm going to make something for you Noob. When I get home at around 8-ish, I'll have a surprise for you.

oh my god he's going to announce that he has actually been a caterpillar this whole time
Don't spoil it!!
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Ivan, Igor, and Aleksandr continued trekking on north through the grasslands, hills, and forests for countless years. Their years had grown long, but they had not aged. Their skin was the same, but their hair all had grown, but they had traded for some sharpened obsidian from some tribal peoples to cut their hair.

While the three had stopped in a field of grass, sitting on boulders, a man spotted the three from inside of a forest. Igor, who was cutting Aleksandr's hair with some obsidian, stopped and looked at where he saw the man. The man had quickly retreated back into the forest, out of sight. Igor still stared into the woods, however. Aleksandr had noticed Igor not cutting his hair and looked out of the corner of his eyes at the man.

"What is the matter, Igor?" Aleksandr asked, "why have you stopped?"

"I thought I saw something in the woods," Igor answered. Ivan, who was sitting silently on a nearby rock, thinking, looked up at Igor.

"So it wasn't just me, then," Ivan stated.

After the three talked about the man in the woods, he had returned with a small party of men in yellow clothing. They walked over to the Russians, with some food in tow. Igor hastily finished cutting Aleksandr's hair, and put the obsidian in his pocket.

"Igor, what are you doing? They could be dangerous!" Ivan whispered to Igor.

"I doubt it, seeing as every group of strange men we find in the woods appears to be friendly lately," said Igor. Ivan grumbled.

"Grüß dich!" greeted one of the men, "wer seid ihr?"

"I have no idea what you are saying," responded Aleksandr.

The men grumbled, disappointed these men didn't know German.

"We are from the Holy Roman Empire of Olde, and who are you?" spoke up one of the men.

"I am Ivan," answered Ivan. He gestured at Igor and Aleksandr and spoke of them respectively, "and this is Igor and Aleksandr. Igor has the short and neat blond hair. Don't ask me how he keeps it like this in these conditions, and Aleksandr is the one with the grizzly black hair."

"We're from the USSR of Olde," Aleksandr added in. This immediately sent the Holy Romans into a tizzy. This was something of a shock to those that are neither Holy, nor Roman, nor of an actual empire. After minutes of talking, one of them stepped up.

"We will send an ambassador to Moscow shortly. No need to tell us where the city is; we already know," said the man.

Igor was about to speak up, but the men were already walking back into the forest, and did not seem the least bit interested.


Ivan, Igor, and Aleksandr continued north, until they decided to head west, and eventually southwest. Their journey so far had taken them across vast expanses of grasslands, forests, and hills, and even across rivers that the three had a heck of a time crossing without boats. Over time, the land seemed to be getting a bit warmer, and eventually while they were in a forested hill, they spotted desert with some immensely fertile land next to a nearby river.

Now this was not an ordinary land; there were huts similar to the huts that they had found the tribal men in their last two encounters in this strange land. It appeared to be the same, so they decided to walk down to the huts to find more about the symbol that they had found on the boulder during their last meeting.

As they got closer, they saw the men talking with each other with the tallest one turned away from them. He must have not noticed the Russians walking up on them, as he stood up tall and turned around with a wooden staff in his right hand, with a small grunt of battle-readiness. The staff the tallest was crowned by what appeared to be the symbol painted on the boulder the last time they met.

The man sighed, calmed himself and eased his tension, and the staff had appeared to disappear into thin air. The crown was left behind, though, and appeared to glide onto the necklace of the man, wrapped onto a thread chain that had some sharp teeth around it. These men seemed to have killed lots of things lately. What happened to them being pacifist and raising animals?

"Greetings, friends, I did not see or hear you coming up behind me," said the tallest one, "it has been quite some time."

"It sure has," Aleksandr responded.

Ivan wanted to get straight to the point.

"The last time we met, after you gave us the gold, we found a symbol painted on the boulder that you had sat on, what was that?" Ivan asked the man.

At Ivan's question, the other tribal men, who appeared to be becoming less tribal, with leather pants and shoes adorned, walked into nearby huts. This is either going to be bad or a story they've heard countless times. The man summoned his staff with the symbol, dug it into the ground, leaned onto it, stared at the men and pondered.

"Well, you seem to have found us more than once. I was surprised when you found us the second time. That is quite rare, and now that you have found us a third time, you must be different. I feel safe telling you the story," the man started. He gestured to the boulder that the other men had sat on before. "Sit."

Ivan, Igor, and Aleksandr all sat on the boulder without protest. The man walked over to a firepit, lit a fire, and sat on the rock. It must have been becoming night quite quickly, as the sky was getting dark and stars were appearing. The fire quickly grew large, and the fire reached a slight bit into the vision of the four men. The man stared into the faces of the Russians, as if inspecting their spirits.

"First of all, I feel now that I may tell you my name. I am Libra. I used to be a constellation in outer space that you would look up to during the nights. Many were born under my protection, but that has all changed. You may think there are only two other men that stay with me, but there are more. There are more of us. Twelve, to be exact," Libra explained.

"Is that how you've lived this long? You're not mortal?" Igor asked.

Libra nodded.

"Yes, that is true. I am the eldest of the zodiacs here. I am seen as the leader as I am the symbol of justice and righteousness. I often take two of the other zodiacs with me, as I am vulnerable on my own. I have my staff with the Sign on it, but that is not enough to stay safe in this strange... place," Libra continued.

"So you're telling me that an immortal constellation, who is here in the shape of a tanned and tall tribal man, can't protect himself with some voodoo?" asked Aleksandr.

Ivan elbowed Aleksandr, but Libra sighed in agreement.

"Yes, I know. I used to be stronger, and I am still just as strong. I am the strongest when all of the other zodiacs are with me. The others are the same way; they are weaker with only a few with them. When we stand together, we stand strong. Right now I have Aries and Sagittarius with me. I have different zodiacs along with me depending on the mission we are on. Aries's weapon is a tall spear with spines all across the shaft except for wherever he grabs. Excellent bit of magic, that is. Sagittarius, of course, uses a bow. His bow can work as not only a weapon, but a grappling hook, a communicator, and for climbing. It's quite sturdy," Libra went on, "however, my time runs short. I am getting a message from Cancer. She wants me to come home quickly, and Aries and Sagittarius are waiting for me. I must go."

"But Libra, wait! You haven't told us about the crown!" said Igor as he got up to chase after Libra, who was walking away already. Libra turned around, and looked at Igor.

"It must wait. I have important matters to attend to. Take these warriors back home to protect your city."

Libra's eyes turned into a bright purple, and he waved his hand in the air in the form of a scale. In front of him formed three bits of stars and space that appeared to be in the form of human warriors. They looked a deep purple, with bright stars as eyes, and smaller stars and purple space as the rest of their body.

"Farewell," Libra said, and he was gone.


However, at home in Moscow, things were going differently. It was the annual meeting between the Korean and Russian kingdoms. The Korean ambassador to Russia, Jung Hae-Sang, was sitting across from a large table in the palace in Moscow from the Russian ambassador to Korea, Pyotr Grovnosky. Between them sat six men from the two nations on opposite sides of the table. The three on the left were from Russia, and the other three on the right were from Korea.

"Is this how you see us!? A pawn in the future that you will just knock over?" Jung asked. Pyotr nodded and smiled.

"Yes, you shall be a pawn that will fall with the rise of Russia," responded Pyotr, grinning. After this, Jung was outraged. He had stood up and slammed his fists onto the table, staring Pyotr in the eyes.

"I'll have you know that Korea is stronger than that. We will not just fall to Russia. Mark my words, you will pay for these words," Jung stated. However, his anger from his extreme nationalism had caught up with him, and his heart had stopped. No doctors were nearby, and on that day, Jung Hae-Sang had died of a heart attack.

The next day, Pyotr was strapped onto a wooden floor that was made so he wouldn't be uncomfortable in his last few moments before he was executed. Peter stood in front of Pyotr, looking down on the man.

"You have disgraced as a nation in front of Korea. This will not be tolerated. It is too early in time to make these mistakes. For this you will pay your life," Peter stated. He spat into Pyotr's face. Pyotr screeched in disgust, but he could do nothing.

Peter turned on his heel and walked about two meters back into where the crowd was waiting.

"Drop the guillotine."


It took much more time for more advancements to take place in Russia. These advancements were nothing compared to what was being learned in the USSR of Olde. For example, they were working on making nuclear power plants in Vladivostok and Leningrad.

As long as Russia had been on this strange new planet, with the same crops and animals as the World of Olde, the people had finally remembered how to plant crops in a more efficient manner. With the system of irrigation, crops could now grow larger harvests, and for better planned parts of the year.

A growing season, harvest, and other agricultural strategies had been devised, and people now started growing food for profit to sold at local markets. This was the first time in the history of Russia that a system of trade for money has been used. No longer were the entirety of Russian farms subsistence farmers, but there was now a food surplus, and population could now grow.

Advancements were now being made in commercial farming, which was one way of getting food, but now people turned their eyes to the sea. People were starting to wonder if we could do the same for fish.

Spoiler :
This took so long to write
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