Red Dwarf Mafia: The Smeggening [Game Thread - Concluded]

And this is the 501st reply! Does that make me mafia?

Incidentally, I was right about Luizeu. Sort of. I'm on a roll.
Aren't you a little short for a Stormtrooper?
Not where it matters, dear. Still on a roll.
You really can't see it?
There was a four-way tie broken in the last two hours of the day by not one, but two people. Mighty curious, that. Furthermore, there was a four-way tie in the first place. Luizeu was a total scumazoid. The rival team voting for him would get townie cred. The other wagons are all on somewhat scummy people (or at least people 3+ people view as scummy). It's easy to hide in them, and with only three people, it's easy to stop them at the last minute by jumping off onto another (in case you're bussing your teammate).

Did that go Just As Planned enough for you or should I continue?
I will just say that me breaking tie is... not unexpected.
Why I chosen Luizeu? Because he seemed most scummy to me. Why next person voted for him?
I dont know. I find this scummy - like wanting to seal the deal. Maybe trying to save scum-buddy hiding among other tied persons?
Night Three - I spoke too soon

Link to video.


Xym has died. He was
Spoiler :
Arnold Rimmer!


Backwards Logic has died. He was
Spoiler :
Ace Rimmer!


Alive: 19/30
1. KingMorgan
5. Zack
7. Winston Hughes
8. Autolyucs
9. Jarrema
10. Sprig
11. Choxorn
12. Spaceman98
13. BSmith
15. Takhisis
17. Murska
18. Double A
19. Internet Flea
21. Pouter Pigeon
22. Cuthillius
26. remake20
27. Al sipsclar
28. Newyn
30. Landlubber

Dead 11/30:
29. Legato Endless, Talkie Toaster, town, lynched D1.
2. johnhughthom, Reketrebn, town, killed N1.
6. Robbiecon, Nirvanah Crane, town, killed N1.
16. Arakhor, Skutter, town, killed N1.
3. Snerk, Legion, town, daykilled D2.
24. Kennigit, Ech-ech-ech-ech-ech-ech-ech-ech, town, lynched D2.
4. MartinLuther, Wax Elvis Presley, town, killed N2.
20. Bladescape, Able, town, killed N2.
25. Luzieu, The Unspeakable One, revenge seeker, lynched D3.
23. Xym, Arnold Rimmer, town, killed N3.
14. Backwards Logic, Ace Rimmer, town, killed N3.

Timer: [timer=9/10/2015 08:00 PM +10:00; Day Phase Over][/timer]
Well, so much for that line of thought on Xym...

I'm still pretty that either Jarrema or Cuthilius is mafia, much more Cut than Jarrema.

Vote: Cuthilius
Well that clears Xym from a very dodgy looking bus yesterday.

Spoiler :
Distancing and/or random vote. Who knows! Day 1 is a massive WIFOM.

Knew this post was weird. I guess there are two scum teams and a vig or sk, then.

Okay I really should've picked up on short, brief lists of suspicions being incredibly scummy by now.
Fingers Flea and Ken. I feel like Flea's innocent so that's cool. Vouches for Jarrema and Pigeon. Votes for Sam, who is probably innocent.

Also super scummy post.
Vote for Flea probably means he's innocent. Don't think mafia typically accuse and then later vote for their partners.
Wishy washy on the impossible-to-spell Cuthillius. Today for some reason I've felt less sure about this guy, and now I'm even less so. I'm in favor of giving him another day now, if convenient.
Now "suspicious" of Pidgeon. It's entirely possible he really was suspicious of some of these folks (ie earlier ones) because two scum teams is a possibility.



Swan song.
Tak is obviously 100% townie. RIP in pepperonies mr kitteh, I fear you shan't survive the night. :(
or at least two nights

What's really curious is he voted for Tak instead of one of the other candidates. Leads me to think he wasn't the best strategist (and also yknow he got lynched D3).

riggedy wrecked

I actually have no idea what he's saying here.
I also have no idea why "I have no idea [question verb]" is correct grammar because, upon analysis, it looks and sounds broken. There's a missing word or two, I'm sure of it. This has always bothered me.

But yeah to sum it up he was buddy towards Jarrema. Mafia don't like stopping bandwagons on townies, so this gives two possibilities: trying to help a buddy, or trying to get townie cred. Jarrema jumped on and made a wagon when there were three others with three votes, though, so I'd say not to lynch him. I mean, it could be bussing, but that seems pretty extreme and ballsy. I want to see his analysis before making any sort of decision. If he doesn't post one then I'm definitely leaning towards lynching him.

That whole post just seems so fishy to me. Why did you not vote yesterday, DoubleA?

If we look at the voting it tells a tale. I think that the wolves would not risk swaying the vote to Jarrema as it is too obvious, if Luiz was revealed later then his saviour is #1 suspect. The best way is to increase the pool of ppl who face the lynch and hope RNG saves your team. In this case the 2 late votes from Townie Xym and Jarrema who understandably wanted to save himself put the result beyond doubt. Newlyn(mason claim with dead guy!!) voted Sprig and Al Sipscar voted in Cuth, at this point there were 4 ppl tied at 3 apiece for the lynch.

is undoubtedly the partner of Luiz along with Al Sips.
So tell me KM, if I'm scum, why would I claim mason so early while under 0 pressure?
Why would you do that if you were not scum?

It'd be insane for me to claim mason if I wasn't in a blind game especially when there is obviously multiple scum sides. In a single scum side game, I might do it since the reward if I succeed could potentially be huge but in a multi scum game, it does nothing but draw needless attention.
I already explained why I claimed yesterday.
That whole post just seems so fishy to me. Why did you not vote yesterday, DoubleA?
I think I went to bed that night like three hours early because my body felt like it.

Newlyn is undoubtedly the partner of Luiz along with Al Sips.
Why Al? I like Al.
It'd be insane for me to claim mason if I wasn't in a blind game especially when there is obviously multiple scum sides. In a single scum side game, I might do it since the reward if I succeed could potentially be huge but in a multi scum game, it does nothing but draw needless attention.
I already explained why I claimed yesterday.

So you think it is a mutli-scum game, why did you needlessly draw attention to yourself by making the claim? The scum will most likely have a good handle on the numbers so perhaps your part of a big wolf team and that was your get out of jail free card.

You still do not explain why you put Sprig into the mix, seems to me it is a little anti town to put another person in the chaos of RNG lynch, also seems to allow the wolves to manipulate the voting more easily.
About last night: that was ... amazing. Will you call again? PM me.

Vote: Cuthillius

Cuthillius' posts puzzle me the most so far. They seem to be saying multiple different things and even outright contradict each other.

Kennigit's posts seem a bit odd and vague to me.
It seems really odd to me that Jarrema claims to have not much despite all of the stuff D2 to look at.

Why is it not a good play from town?

The rest of the paragraph is a jumble and I don't understand what exactly the overall message here is.

And now you're doing the same thing I think you're saying is scummy; voting with no reasoning. :confused:

Our late leader suspected Cuthillius on D2.
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